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No attempt has been made to offer a complete bibliography on the rural school. Indeed a bibliography that would include all the titles now available on this subject would occupy well-nigh as much space as that required by the entire volume. The student entering on the study of this rich field will, however, find a valuable guide to fundamental material in the titles that follow. It can not be too strongly urged on teachers that they make abundant use of the various bulletins issued: (1) by the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.; (2) by the United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.; and (3) by the agricultural colleges, especially the ones of their home states. Nearly all of these bulletins are sent free on request, and the few that are sold usually cost not more than ten cents. These pamphlets are clearly written in untechnical language and put the knowledge of great specialists at the service of teachers. Every teacher should at least write to each of the three sources mentioned, asking for a list of publications for free or paid distribution.


BAILEY, L. H.-The Country Life Movement.


stands at the head of the movement he so well

describes in this excellent volume.

BAILEY, L. H.-The Farmer and the State. Especially valuable as a basis for discussion at farmers' meetings.

BAILEY, L. H.-The Training of Farmers. Treats of the public school and higher institutions in the training of farmers.

BUTTERFIELD, K. L.-Chapters in Rural Progress. Published in 1908, but probably still the best analysis of rural social conditions.

BUTTERFIELD, K. L.-The Country Church and the Rural Problem.

Carney, Mabel-Country Life and the Country School. A helpful book, abundantly illustrated.

CARVER, T. N.-Principles of Rural Economics. A strong presentation of the economic problems confronting the agriculturalist.

-Country Life, report of commission. The government printing office, Washington, D. C. (10c.) This is the most comprehensive and important publication available on rural life and the factors required for its improvement.

FISKE, W. G.-The Challenge of the Country. A help

ful work, dealing with rural social, educational and religious conditions.

MCKEEVER, W. A.-The Farm Boys and Girls.



ALLEN, W. H.-Civics and Health. An excellent treatment of the physical basis of citizenship and


AYRES, L. P.-Open Air Schools. Shows the effects of fresh air on physical and mental development in school children.

BAGLEY, W. C.-School and Class-Room Management. A good statement of the fundamental principles underlying the management of a school.

BANCROFT, J. H.-Games for the Playground, Home and School. The most valuable collection of games and plays now available for the teacher.

BETTS, G. H.-New Ideals in Rural Schools. A brief comprehensive statement of rural-school conditions and needs.

BETTS, G. H.-The Recitation. Probably the simplest and most helpful discussion of this subject yet published.

BLAIR, F. G.-One-Room and Village Schools in Illinois. Office of State Superintendent, Springfield, Ill. (Circ. No. 65. Free.) Contains much highly suggestive and useful information relative to improving schoolhouses and their equipment.

BURBANK, L.-The Training of the Human Plant. This excellent little book is an attempt to apply the scientific principles underlying his work with plants to the education of the child.

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