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I always said that we should have a Bourbon GENDARMERIE; and now I about it, however; it cannot last long, suppose we shall have it. I care nothing and while it does last, it will be a curious spectacle for political philosophy to exercise itself upon.

Powers and the King of the Belgians, which police of the kingdom, in the more effectual I have directed to be laid before you as soon protection of the public peace against the reas the ratifications shall have been exchanged. currence of similar commotions. A similar treaty has not yet been agreed to by the King of the Netherlands; but I trust the period is not distant when that Sovereign will see the necessity of acceding to an arrange ment in which the plenipotentiaries of the five Powers have unanimously concurred, and which have been framed with the most careful and impartial attention to all the interests concerned. I have the satisfaction to inform you that I have concluded with the King of the French a convention, which I have directed to be laid before you, the object of which is the effectual suppression of the African slave trade; this convention, having for its basis the concession of reciprocal rights to be mutually exercised in specified latitudes and places, will, I trust, enable the naval forces of the two countries to accomplish, by their combined efforts, an object which is felt by both to be so important to the interests of humanity.

Regarding the state of Europe generally, the friendly assurances which I receive from Foreign Powers, and the union which subsists between me and my Allies, inspire me with a

confident hope that peace will not be inter


These are matters of no importance to us, except the slave-trade affair, which will only make the merchants and planters of France hate LouisPhilippe and his Ministers, and that is a good thing.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

Sincerely attached to our free constitution, I never can sanction any interference with the legitimate exercise of those rights which secure to my people the privilege of discussing and making known their grievances; but in respecting these rights, it is also my duty to prevent combinations, under whatever pretext, which in their form and character are incompatible with all regular government, and are equally opposed to the spirit and to the provisions of the law; and I know that I shall not appeal in vain to my faithful subjects to second my determined resolution to repress a ll ülegal proceedings by which the peace and security of my dominions may be endangered.

This is what the French call a bonne bouche; that is to say, a sweet little morsel kept for the last. However, I must say, that if the Ministers only mean to prevent or avert organization for arming, I think, too, that that is inconsistent with any-thing worthy of the name of Government; but, then, I include all volunteer armings; for, to suffer the rich to make a display of arms against the working people, is not only a villanous thing in itself, not only odious and detestable in its very nature, but is SURE to produce a total shifting of property from hand to hand; a total breaking up of the community, preceded by bloodshed, and foilowed by sufferings which no tongue can describe: but this My Lords and Gentlemen, is a large subject, which I shall treat of The scenes of violence and outrage which hereafter. In the meantime, I express have occurred in the city of Bristol, and in my decided dissent from what is consome other places, have caused me the deepest tained in General Cockburn's letter to affliction. The authority of the laws must be Lord Grey, and from all those who talk vindicated by the punishment of offences about NATIONAL GUARD, and who ap which have produced so extensive a destruc-parently forget what that National tion of property, and so melancholy a loss of Guard was which drove the Prussians life. I think it right to direct your attention out of France, and brought so many to the best means of improving the municipal haughty despots upon their knees. The

I have directed the estimates for the ensuing year to be prepared, and they will in due time be laid before you. I will take care that they shall be framed with the strictest regard to economy, and I trust to your wisdom and patriotism to make such provisions as may be required for the public service.

James May is a more athletic man, of wiry make, and firm determined countenance. He handkerchief, and appeared to his arraignment was dressed in a fustian jacket with a yellow

present National Guard in France is unworthy of the name; it ought to be called the Fundholder Guard; and we shall see, by-and-by, how these pot-with a rather compressed lip and stern counbellied fellows will run to corners when tenance. once the real National Guard shall make its appearance.

[blocks in formation]

At an early hour on Friday morning the courts of the Old Bailey were almost in a state of siege. Every approach to it was so crowded as to render the effecting an entrance by those who had business a matter of considerable difficulty at half-past seven o'clock. The galleries, it was stated by the officers of the Court, had been completely taken over night by members of the nobility, and a guinea for a seat was said to have been repeatedly refused. Mr. C. Phillips was expected to have conducted the defence, but having cases in the other Court, we understand that he declined, in consequence of this trial being likely to occupy the Court till ten o'clock at night. Thirty-one witnesses were subpoenaed for the prosecution, and twenty-two for the defence. The whole of these parties were in attendance at eight o'clock, and conducted to a private room. One person, named Mortimer, who was to be a witness for the prosecution, cut his throat, and now lies in a very dangerous state. At ten o'clock Lord Chief Justice Tindal (who came expressly to try this case), Mr. Baron Vaughan, and Mr. Justice Littledale, entered the Court, with the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs. The bench was instantly crowded with nobility and gentry, among whom we perceived his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. The prisoners theu being again placed at the bar, the Jury were charged with them. John Bishop was dressed in a smock-frock, and presented nearly the same appearance as an agricultural labourer, except that his expression of countenance, if we may so express it, was more tinged with metropolitan cunDing.

Thomas Williams was dressed in a fustian jacket, with a brown haudkerchief. He is rather a simple-looking man, under the middle size, and of extremely inoffensive appearance. He seemed to be as litle affected as any of the spectators.

The appearance of the prisoners as they were called up amongst a batch of other prisoners, showed no emotion which could indicate that they were charged with a more heinous offence than the pickpockets and housebreakers around them.

The Court was by this time nearly filled with fashionably-dressed persons, particularly females.

The counsel engaged for the prosecution were, Messrs. Adolphus, Clarkson, and Bodkin; for the prisoners, Messrs. Curwood and Barry.

The indictment charged that they, John Bishop, Thomas Williams, and James May, not having the fear of God before their eyes, being malicious and evil-disposed persons, and but being under the instigation of the devil, did, on the 4th of November last, in and upon the body of Charles Ferrari, otherwise called Carlo Ferrari, in the parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal-green, feloniously and maliciously, and of malice aforethought, commit an assault; and that they with a certain wooden staff of no value, there the said Charles Ferrari, otherwise Carlo Ferrari, did strike and beat on the back of the neck, and that they did by such striking and beating, feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously, give to the said Carlo Ferrari divers wounds and contusions, of which wounds and contusions the said Carlo Ferrari then and there did die. They were also indicted for another murder of a male person, whose name was unknown.

The clerk of the arraigns then asked, "John Bishop, are you guilty or not guilty?" Bishop answered, without any emotion, "Not guilty," as did also the others.

The prisoners were then told, that if they objected to any of the jurymen, they must do so before they were sworn. The names of the jurymen were then called over, and none of them objected to.

At a few minutes after ten the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas entered the Court with Mr. Baron Vaughan and Mr. Justice Littledale. The Jury were then charged, and Mr. Bodkin opened the pleadings for the prosecution.

Mr. Adolphus, in detailing the circumstances, said the jury could not but be aware that this was a case of great importance, from what had taken place for many days past; be was aware that no person could be unacquainted with the foul crime with which the prisoners were charged, but he implored the jury to remove from their minds all that they had previously heard respecting it, and to deliver the prisoners as they would deliver their consciences; and he hoped they would not allow their minds to be biassed by what they had heard or read out of doors. He ob

served that in this case no revenge, none of the declined that and left them. He returned in usual incentives to commit crime, had influ about a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes. enced the unhappy prisoners in committing The men remained. Mr. Mayhew had in the the murder, if it should appear they did com-interim got a body of police and apprehended mit that offence. It was solely a desire to them. When witness was leaving the room possess themselves of a dead body, in order to | Bishop said to him privately, “Pay me in dispose of it to the surgeons.

Wm. Hill examined by Mr. Clarkson-He stated that he was a porter at the dissectingroom of King's College; on the 5th of November last the bell of the gate rang at about a quarter-past twelve o'clock; found Bishop and May at the gate. Had known them before. When witness opened the door, May asked him if he wanted any thing; witness said, Not particularly. Asked him what he had got. He said a male subject. Witness asked of what size, and what price. He said it was a boy of 14, and that he wanted 12 guineas for it. Witness said he did not want it much, but he would see Mr. Partridge, the demonstrator, who came down to see the body. Witness took them to the room appropriated to them, and Mr. Partridge joined them. They did not then produce any body. There was a difference at first about the price, but witness afterwards agreed with them. May said they should have it for ten guineas. Mr. Partridge then left witness alone with them. Wituess went to Mr. Partridge to know whether he would decide upon having it. When witness returned, he told then that Mr. Partridge would give them nine guineas for it. May said he would be d-d if it should come in for less than ten; he was tipsy at the time. May went outside the door. Bishop then said to witness, "Never mind May, he is drunk; it shall come in for nine, in half an hour." May was near enough to hear him. They then went away, and returned in the afternoon, all three together, with the porter Shields, who has been discharged. When witness saw them the hamper was on the head of the porter. They were received in a room, and May and Bishop took the hamper into another room, where they opened it; the body was in a sack; May and Bishop said that it was a very fresh one; May was tipsy, and turned the body carelessly from the sack; saw that the body was fresh; but saw something else about it which induced him to go to Mr. Partridge; he asked them what the body had died of; May said that that was no business of theirs or of witness's; it was not in such a form as bodies usually are when taken from a coffin; the left arm was bent, and the fingers were clenched; witness told Mr. Partridge what he had seen, and what he thought; Mr. P. returned and saw the body, without seeing them; he examined the body, and went to the secretary. He returned to May and Bishop, and showed them a 501. note, telling them that he must get that changed and he would pay them. Bishop, seeing that Mr. Partridge had some gold in his purse, said, "Give me what money you have in your purse, and I will call for the rest on Monday.' May also offered to get change for it, but Mr. Partridge

presence of Williams only eight guineas, and give me privately the other guinea, and I will give you half-a-crown." The body was taken to the police-office by Mr. Thomas; it bad not been laid out, as there was no saw-dust on the back of the head.

Cross-examined by Mr. Curwood-Williams did not appear, and these conversations were in the presence of May and Bishop alone.

By Mr. Clarkson-The conversation about the 501. note was before Williams. Mr. Richard Partridge, demonstrator of anatomy at the King's College, was there on Saturday, the 5th of Nov. His attention was first called to the body by Hill. Examined the external appearance of the body, aud found some marks and circumstances of suspicion. These were the swollen state of the jaw-the blood-shot eyes-the freshness of the bodyrigidity of the limbs. There was likewise a cut over the left temple. Looked at the lips, which were swollen. Noticed nothing else in the appearance of the body. Witness went to the police before the 507. note was produced. On his return witness showed May and Bishop a note, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the anatomical part of the college. Proposed that change should be got of the 50%. note, with a view to detain them till the police came. Saw the body afterwards, when in the custody of Mr. Thomas, in company with Mr. Beaman and other gentlemen. The muscles were then rigid. The wound on the temple was superficial, and did not injure the bone. That was the only appearance of external injury; at least there was no other external mark. Between the scalp and the bone there was some blood congealed. On opening the body the whole of the contents of the chest and abdomen were in a healthy condition. Did not know what were the contents of the stomach, which was filled. The spinal part of the brain at the back of the head and the whole brain were also examined; the brain was perfectly healthy as far back as the spine; in cutting through the skin and muscles of the neck there was discovered a great deal of coagulated blood, and upon removing the back part of the bony canal which concludes the spine of the back, a quantity of congealed blood was also found in that; that was opposite the place where the blood had been found in the muscles of the neck; uncongealed blood was also found in the rest of the spine; the spinal marrow or cord appeared perfectly healthy; thought that those marks of violence were sufficient to have caused death. That violence had been exerted which had affected the spinal cord. Believed that those appearances had been caused by some violence on the back of the neck. Believed that a blow from a stick would have produced similar effects. Could not say whe

Re-examined by Mr. Bodkin-The heart was empty and the face flush.

By the Court-These appearances indicated that a person had died rather suddenly, and in many cases, of a natural death.

Cross-examined by Mr. Barry-Did not think the body was dirty; did not cleanse any other part than the back of the neck; if a stick or heavy staff had been used on the back of the neck, it would have left some mark or external contusion, unless the boy had lived some time; believed that the emptiness of the heart and the flush state of the face might

ther that would produce instant death, but to examine the spinal marrow, a quantity of it certainly would have produced a rapid one. coagulated blood was lying in the canal, Cross-examined-Saw nothing in the ex- which, by pressure in the spinal marrow, must ternal appearance that indicated a violent have caused death. There was no injury to death. Spoke from belief, which was more the bone of the spine. All these appearance s, than suspicion. Did not think that any other and the death, would have followed the blow of applications of force than a blow would have an obtuse instrument of any kind. The chest produced those appearances. A fall would have and the cavity were minutely examined. There been a blow. Thought that it could not have was about an ounce of blood in the spinal been caused by a violent pressure of the knee canal. The heart was empty, which is very or hand. unusual, and denoted sudden death; meant nearly instantaneous death, in two or three minutes, and not longer. The stomach contained a tolerably full meal, which smelt slightly of rum, and digestion was going on at the time of death. Should think that death Mr. G. Beaman (by Mr. Adolphus), Sur- occurred about three hours after the meal, geon, of James-street, Covent-garden-First from the appearances. Removed the stomach. saw the body on the 5th of November, at 12 The centre of the stomach appeared perfectly o'clock at night. Examined it carefully. It healthy. Ascribed the death of the boy to a appeared to bave died very recently. The wea-blow on the back of the neck, from the whole ther was then favourable to the preservation of of his examination, and verified by precisely bodies. By his judgment the body had not the same appearances as witness had seen on been dead more that 36 hours. The face ap animals. peared swollen; the eyes full, prominent, and blood-shot; the tongue swollen, and protruded between the lips; the teeth had all been extracted; the gums bruised and bloody, and portions of the jaws had been broken out with the teeth. There were also appearances of blood having issued from the gums. Thought that the teeth must have been taken out within two or three hours after death. Exa-have appeared after a natural death; had mined the throat, neck, and chest, very particularly; no marks of violence externally apparent there. Saw a cut on the forehead; it was a wound over the left eyebrow, abont three quarters of an inch long, through the skin to the bone. Pressed the part, and a small quantity of blood oozed from the wound. Blood might have issued from the wound if the latter had been caused by throwing the body out of a sack after death. It was serum, tinged with blood. Saw the body again at two o'clock on the Sunday afternoon. The limbs were decidedly still on the Saturday night, but not so stiff on the Sunday; should think that it had not been laid out. It was lying on a board irregularly placed when witness first saw it in Covent-garden church-yard, near the station house. Soon after eight on that evening, witness with Mr. Partridge and other gentlemen further examined it. He cleansed with a sponge the neck and chest; found no scratch or any other mark of violence there. He then removed the scalp, with the top of the skull. They detected a patch of blood, of the size of a erown-piece. This appearance must have been caused by a blow given during life. The brain was next examined, and its appearance was perfectly healthy; the body was then turned, for the purpose of examining the spinal marrow, and on removing the skin from the back part of the neck a considerable quantity of coagulated blood (witness thought at least four ounces) was found among the muscles: that blood must have been effused while the subject was alive. Ou removing a portion of the spine

never before seen the heart empty after death. No blow on the top of the head could have from any accident, such as from the fall of timber or a stone, produced those appearances. If a person had fallen in apoplexy by accident on the ground, he thought it was hardly possible to have caused such appearances, except the person fell on some projecting substance. Could not swear to two or three hours, in speaking of the time the teeth had been removed. Could not positively swear that they had been removed within 12 hours.

Re-examined by Mr. Adolphus-According to the best of his judgment they must have heen taken out within three or four hours. Had seen no marks on the brain that would indicate apoplexy. There was nothing to indicate a predisposition to apoplexy. Persons have died of apoplexy without marks on the brain. If the subject had died within a few minutes there would have been no external mark, and there was no mark in this case.

The foregoing testimony was corroborated by F. Tyrrel, Esq., one of the surgeons to St. Thomas's Hospital, John Earl Rogers, an inspector of police, spoke to the identity of the body; and John Wilson, a policeman, described the apprehension of the prisoners.

Joseph Sadler Thomas, the superintendent of police-On the 5th of November received information at the station-house which induced him to dispatch a party of police to the King's College. They brought back with them Bishop and Shields, and a:terwards May and Williams. Shields has been ci charged. When the body

was in the hamper witness asked May what he all right then." They saw witness there in had to say, as he was charged on suspicion of the corner at the time. May sat down, and having improper possession of a subject. He had a handkerchief rubbing in his hand. Wilsaid that he had nothing at all to do with it. liams came in, and Bishop said, “There he It was the property of Bishop, whom he merely is; I knew he would come; I knew he was a accompanied to get the money. Bishop said game un'." Bishop seemed to have been that it was his, and that he was merely taking drinking, Bishop and Willians went out first. it from St. Thomas's Hospital to King's Col- Just after Bishop came in, he said to May, lege. Asked Bishop in the first instance what just before May went out for the handkerchief, he was; he replied that he was "a b" You stick to me, and I'll stick to you." body snatcher." Williams said he knew nothing of it, but merely went to see the King's College. Bishop and May appeared in liquor. May was brought in by all fours, struggling violently. The body was placed on the table. It appeared to have recently died; blood was trickling from the mouth, and the teeth were gone. Went to the house of Mr. Mills, Newington-causeway on the following Tuesday; received from him 12 teeth. (Witness here produced the teeth in a pasteboard box.) Went before that to Nova Scotia-gardens. Weut to No. 3 there. Found in the back room of the ground floor a trunk (produced). Went again on the 20th and made further examinations. Found in the front parlour a hairy cap covered with dirty linen, not apparently by design. Took possession of the cap, the hamper, and the sack. (All these articles were produced. The hamper appeared not more than three feet long by two broad and two deep.)

James Seagrave, the driver of a cabriolet, stated, that on the evening of the 4th he was on the stand in the Old Bailey; had put his horses' nose-bags on, and had gone to the watering-house to get his own tea. May and Bishop came in at the time. May asked if he wanted a job, and said that he wanted a cab. He led witness by the skirt of his coat to the side of a cart. May said he wanted witness to fetch a stiff un', which witness believes meaut a dead body. Witness asked him what he would stand. He replied, "A guinea." Told him that he had not finished his tea, and the horse had not eaten his corn. May then said, "We will take tea together." Bishop then joined them, and they went into the house to tea. A person in the room nudged witness's elbow, and told him that he must mind what he was at, as they were snatchers. Went out afterwards and drove to the bottom of the rank to get out of their way; looked round and saw May and Bishop going up the rank of coaches. Left them apparently bargaining with a coachman.

Cross-examined by Mr. Barry-Knew that it was on Friday, because he was summoned on that day to Essex-street.

conversation was

Re-examined-All the
when witness and May were alone.

Fetched out

Hen. Lock, waiter at the Fortune-of-War, knew the prisoners. Saw the prisoners there on the Friday, with a man who was a stranger to witness. They stayed till twelve o'clock, and then went away. The prisoners returned about three o'clock, without the strange man. They then stayed till about five o'clock, and went away again till about eight o'clock ou the same evening with another man, who ap- Thos. Taverner, waterman to the coachpeared to be a coachman. The latter had stand, saw on the above day May and Bishop, something to drink, and left them. They were who came to him on the stand and asked him until nine o'clock in the tap-room; before the where the cab-man was, meaning Seagrave. coachman left, one of the prisoners said he May asked the question, and witness told him had had a ride; at nine o'clock May went to that he was getting his tea. the bar, and had something in a silk hand-Seagrave from the watering-house. Both the kerchief, which witness afterwards saw to be prisoners had smock-frocks on. It was just the teeth; May poured water on the outside of dark in the evening. Seagrave came out and the handkerchief, and rubbed the handker-spoke to him, but witness did not know what chief together; they looked like young teeth, it was. Seagrave, however, said, "I'll have and witness said that they were worth a few nothing at all to do with you," and went in to shillings, when May said that they were worth get his tea. two pounds to him; they all left together a short time afterwards; on the next evening he saw Bishop, Williams, and Shields, at about eight o'clock; Bishop asked Williams what they should do for a hamper, and asked Shields to go aud fetch one; Shields refused, aud Bishop then went and got one himself.

Edward Chandler-Was on the 4th of November last waiter at the King-of-Denmark, in the Old Bailey, which is the watering-house. Served Bishop and May with tea at about five o'clock. Saw Seagrave there; May and Bishop had half a piut of gin. Saw May put some giu into Bishop's tea. He said, "Are you going to hocus (or burk) me?" Had known May and Bishop before.

Cross-examined by Mr. Barry-Could not say whether Seagrave had part of the gin or not.

Thomas Wigley-Was at the above house at about half-past seven o'clock on the 4th of November. Bishop and May came in and sat down opposite each other. They entered into conversation together. Bishop said to May, "What do you think of our new one? Did Heury Mann, a hackney-coachman-Was, he not go up to him well? Wasu't he a on the 4th, on the stand in Bridge-street, game un'?" May replied, "I don't know Blackfriars. Knew May before then. Saw what you mean." Bishop rejoined, "That's him that night with a stranger to witness.

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