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As if for the express purpose of showing the stupidity of Brodie's malignant stuff, on which I have commented in the preceding pages, and the inutility of his swaggering corps of unstrapping attorneys and tax-eaters, as applicable in the case of a population like that of Manchester, comes this affair of LYONS! I shall give an account of this affair in the words of the Paris papers; and when I have inserted these accounts, I shall have to add some remarks. This is a very important affair. It may, before it be over, upset the government and dynasty of Louis PHILIPPE. It is hardly in nature that that government should last long; but this grand affair may lead to something that will settle it at once. The last intelligence is, that the working people, whom the insolent wretches in this country, who live upon the fruit of their toil, call the "lower orders," the "peasantry," and the "mob," were masters of the city, and had demanded a million of francs; or fifty thousand pounds sterling, as a ransom! Oh, the Devil, that Brodie's battalion was not there! There were six thousand regulars, it appears, and God knows how many regiments of national guards; the "lower orders" beat all these; but what would they have done against Brodie's Salisbury-corps? However, let us now hear the details.

[From the Moniteur of Friday, Nov. 25.]

"Ordinances of the King Louis Philip, King of the French.

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from a telegraphic dispatch from Lyons, dated the 22d in the morning, that serious troubles had taken place on the 21st in that city. The Government has to-day received two reports the evening-one from the Prefect of the by au ordinary courier, both dated the 21st in Rhone, the other from Lieutenant-General Count Rouquet, commanding that division. The following are the facts that result from these reports:-" On Monday, the 21st, at seven o'clock in the morning, the silkweavers, who inhabit the commune of the Croix Rousse, rose in a rebellious manner, and barricaded the quarters which they occupied. they disarmed some National Guards, and They first assaulted several manufacturers; prepared to march against Lyons. This movement was announced only by loud menaces against persous and property. The authorities, and sent troops against the rioters. All eubeing warned, immediately took measures, deavours to disperse them by persuasion having failed, it was necessary to have recourse to force. The troops of the line and the National Guards prepared to repel these criminal aggressions; the Prefect repaired to the spot; the workmen then desired to parley.

PARIS, NOV. 24.-We announced yesterday,

"The Prefect and General Ordonneau, desiring to stop the effusion of blood, in fact advanced towards them, but they had scarcely approached these madmen, when they were seized and made prioners.

"At the same time General Roquet, who being sick had caused himself to be conveyed to the Town-ball, directed troops to attack and surround the Croix Rousse: and, in fact, all the rioters were driven back into that commune. The armed force remained masters at all points, and occupied all the advances.

"Fresh overtures having been made by the rebels, General Roquet declared that the Pre"To all present and to come greeting. fect and General Ordonneau must be imme"We have ordained and ordain as follows: diately set at liberty. The Prefect, in fact, "Art. I. Our beloved son, the Duke of Or- immediately returned to Lyons, but the Geneleans, and the Marshal Duke of Dalmatia, ral was detained. Affairs were in this situation our Minister of War, shall immediately re- on the 21st. In the evening, troops, which pair to Lyons. The Marshal Duke of Dal-had been sent for from Bourgoin and Trevoux, matia is authorised to give all the orders that circumstances shall require.

"During the absence of our said Minister, the functions of Minister of War shall be performed ad interim by Lieutenant-General Count Sebastiani, our Minister for Foreign


"II. Our President of the Council, Minister of the Interior, and our Minister of War,

were expected in the night of the 21st. Amidst these serious troubles there are several misfortunes to be deplored. National Guards, officers, and soldiers of the line, and several manufacturers have fallen victims to their courage. Among the latter M. Schirmer is


"As for the 22d, the state of the atmosphere has not ceased to hinder the communi

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cation, the Government having received only that which was published yesterday in the Moniteur. The director of the telegraphs writes to-day to the President of the Council, The telegraphic correspondence with Lyons is stopped by the state of the atmosphere at the post of Semur. The fogs are very tenacious at this season of the year, especially when there is no wind. The fog exists at this mo. ment at the post of Saffres, which is six leagues beyond Semur.'"

This news has been affirmed to-day on 'Change, by a bulletin which the Government caused to be posted up. Letters of the 22d in the evening were spoken of. Nobody could have received any, for no extraordinary courier bad arrived. The Government itself only received by the ordinary courier this news of

the 21st.

Mr. Prunelle, Mayor of Lyons, has set out to-day for that city.

(From the Messager des Chambres, dated Saturday, Nov. 26.)

not arrived at eleven o'clock this morning; we PARIS, NOV. 25.-The post from Lyons had have, therefore, not received either the journals or our private correspondence from Lyons, Grenoble, Nismes, Montpellier, Marseilles, and the whole line.

(From the Gazette de France, dated Saturday.)

PARIS, Nov. 25.-After quoting letters from Lyons, in the Quotidienne and the Constitutionnel, the Gazette adds:

"All the letters from the banking houses at Lyons agree in the following details:

For these three days we have been in a state of siege, the whole quarter of the Terreau, the Capucins, and the environs, are closed.

Armand is dangerously wounded.

"Five P.M.-The cannon have been firing for these three hours on the people; and the people return the fire with advantage, because Paris, Nov. 25, four o'clock in the morning. they are masters of the heights. M. Schirmer, P. S. The President of the Council has re- partner in the house of Dessouilly, was one of ceived, at midnight, an estafette, which aihe first killed; also several artillerymen. M. person high in office at Lyons has succeeded in dispatching to the Government. His letter, written on the 23d, at one o'clock in the morning, announces that the revolt of the workmen has recommenced-that they have made themselves masters of the bridges, and intercepted the communications. troops were defending the town-hall, the arsenal, and the powder magazine. General Ordonneau had been given up by the rebels.


"The weather has been very gloomy, and it has rained almost the whole day, so that the telegraph will hardly have been able to work. If the same weather continues to-morrow, these particulars will reach very opportunely. "Seven P.M.-Forty of our National Guards are killed; above 150 wounded. Despondency has filled every heart. When will this frightful carnage cease? The insurgents cry, 'Long live Napoleon, Chief of the Republic!' "The General and the Prefect have been eight hours prisoners in the hands of the insurgents. They we.e not released till three cannon belonging to the National Guards were employed.

The writer opened his letter again at five o'clock in the morning of the same day, to say that the Town Hall had been evacuated, after an obstinate resistance, and that it seemed that the authorities and the troops, as well to avoid a further effusion of blood as to combine their union with forces which they expected from several points, had retired by the Faux-hands of the insurgents. bourg of St. Clair.

Such are the only accounts that have reached the Government up to this hour. There is every reason to hope that the reports of the Prefect and the General will arrive to-day.

The National Guards and the troops of the line have done their duty with equal courage and devotedness. This revolt, accompanied by threats of burning and pillage, is directed caly against property and industry. In such a case the issue cannot be doubtful, for it is a matter which concerns all citizens as well as the Government. The Government has immediately taken further measures. The Council met this morning at three o'clock, at the hotel of the President.

Orders have been dispatched to send troops to the department of the Rhone. The Prefects who were at Paris on leave of absence have been ordered to return immediately to their posts. His Royal Highness the Duke of Orleans sets out for Lyons this morning, accompanied by the Marshal, Minister of War.

Two of these cannon have fallen into the

"At the departure of the post they were masters of all the heights that surround Lyons."

(From the Constitutionnel.)

PARIS, Nov. 25.-Private letters arrived today from Lyons, dated the 21st, are not so consolatory as the two official publications. Most of them agree with the dispatches received by the Government, in saying, that the insurrection of the workmen has no political object. We read, however, in one of these letters, that the cries of "Vive Napoleon II." were heard; and in another, that the working classes are excited and directed by a faction of the Congregation, which is very powerful in the city. The presence of a persou in the city who rendered himself notorious in the sanguinary re-actions of 1815 has been looked upon as an inauspicious sign. It is said that the Magistrates had previously received information of attempts to bribe the working classes, and this information was imprudently neglected. The narration of the events on

and even ammunition was not forthcoming till late, and then only in small quantities." It may be seen from this that the business was not over on the night of the 21st, and reports are in circulation, that letters dated the 224 have reached Paris, announcing the recommencement of the contest.

(From the Journal des Debats.)

the 21st is sufficiently afflicting. It is unfortunately too true that the blood of Frenchmen has been profusely shed by their countrymen; and, what is more to be deplored, all the murders committed on this terrible day were not done with arms in the haud. Three assassinations are spoken of, committed at the houses of three citizens.-According to a letter which we have not ourselves seen, disturbances have broken out at Grenoble. Persons corresponding with Lycus did not yesterday PARIS, NOV. 25.-It is with the deepest pain receive their letters. The following is an ex- that we yesterday received the confirmation of tract from a letter written by a young artillery- the unpleasant reports that were in circulation man, the truth of which is guaranteed to us :— concerning Lyons. The movement has no "We are in an important crisis-since 8 political features. For some time agitation o'clock this morning, Nov. 21, the drum has prevailed among the workmen, but the is beating to arms throughout the town. The tarif for the wages of the silk-manufacturers workmen of the Croix Rousse have displayed was the only cause. On Sunday, the 20th, the intention of coming down into the quarter numerous mobs assembled at the Croix of the Capuchins and the Terraux, to require Rousse, but they dispersed without force being the execution of the new tarif. In fact, since necessary; but in the evening the Magistrates eight o'clock this morning, masses of work- were informed that great preparations were men have desceuded armed with pikes, mus- making for the following day. In fact, on kets, and stones, on the side of St. Sebastian. Monday, from 10,000 to 12,000 workmen, They encountered there a detachment of the mostly armed with muskets, and a great national guard, who prevented their proceed- number dressed in the uniform of the Naing further. Threats were used on both sides, tional Guard, assembled at the Croix Rousse, and the workmen very soon began to fire, and and came down into the town. The drums hit several national guards. It is said that immediately beat to arms, and the National the number of wounded is 150, and of the Guard, headed by its chiefs, went to meet the killed twenty. Probably the latter number is insurgents. The Prefect of the Rhone and the too much by half. Several attempts have been Commandant ordered the garrison under arms, made to force the barricades which the rebels which, unfortunately, was at this moment not have formed in their quarter, but without very numerous; the detachments of the troops success. A shower of stoues compelled the of the line were distributed among the Nanational guards and the troops of the line to tional Guard. retreat. We left our quarters with our guns It seems certain that the first shots were and lighted matches. It was quite necessary fired by the workmen at a company of the to establish a regular siege, but the impossi. National Guard, posted at the end of the Rue bility of using guns was soon acknowledged. des Capuchins. Two National Guards were For those who knew the paths which lead to mortally wounded. All the efforts used to perthe Croix Rousse, it is demonstrated, that it suade the rioters to disperse were fruitless is impossible to force them. On yesterday After the legal summonses, several charges (Sunday) there was a review by General Or- were made, and they succeeded in driving back donueau, appointed General of the national the insurgents into the old suburb, now the guard at Lyons. He wished this morning to town of Croix Rousse. That is their central satisfy himself of the disposition of the work-point of union, and that is situated on one of ing classes; he was accompanied, it is said, by the hills which command Lyons. The workthe prefect, but they were surrounded by se- men carried on the contest there with more veral hundred workinen, and made prisoners. boldness, and the firing was twice resumed. It is now seven o'clock, and the place of con- A detachment of National Guards, commanded test is tranquil-each party has kept his by Gen. Ordonneau, supported by a company ground. The workmen are still masters of of the 66th, mounted the hill by a street their entrenchments and of all the Croix that is very steep, and is almost wholly Rousse. To surround such a place we require occupied by the houses of workmen. They two or three regiments, and we have only had hardly reached a certain height beone. The whole of the national guards fore a thundering discharge was made from did not comply with the call, only three almost all the windows. Taken between two or four thousand men repaired to the ap- fires, and not having much ammunition, the pointed spot. The artillery is placed at the ar- troops were obliged to retreat, but not without senal. We have just heard that M. Schirmer, leaving some dead and some wounded. At the associate of M. Depouilly, is killed. Capt. this moment some of the workmen having B. is dangerously wounded. We expect a demanded a pariey, the Prefect and General tranquil night, but anticipate a terrible moru- Ordonneau, willing to stop the effusion of ing. The Magistrates have wanted prudence. blood, went in the midst of them, unaccomFor several days it was known that the work-panied. They began to speak to them and men were aging, and yet the authorities were persuade them to return to their duty, when in a manner surprised. Nothing was prepared, they were surrouuded, made prisoners, and

confined in a house. The Prefect was threat- an inevitable chaange in the condition of thi ened to be hanged if he did not, before teu manufacture." o'clock, deliver powder to the insurgents. PARIS, Nov. 25, ELEVEN AT NIGHT.-We Lieutenant-General Roquet caused the men are happy to be able to give more satisfactory who came to demand a parley to be instantly accounts from Lyons. The city was tranquil arrested, and sent a demand that General Or- on the 23d in the afternoon, at the departure donneau and the Prefect should be immediately of the mail, which the insurgents suffered to set at liberty, otherwise he should shoot his leave the city, not to prolong the alarm which prisoners and set fire to Croix Rousse. The it was justly presumed must be felt in the caGeneral and Prefect were speedily set at li-pital. berty; the former is said to have received a blow with a sword on the head. Among the victims are M. Schirmer, a partner in the house of Depouilly, and an artist of great talent. Some other manufacturers have perished, and persons of great mildness have been wounded by paving stones, when they went among the workmen. It is hoped, however, that they will recover. On the side of the insurgents it is supposed that the loss has been greater. The grenadiers of the 66th, on seeing the officer fall who commanded them, made a terrible discharge. A great number of arrests have taken place.

(From the Journal du Commerce of
Saturday, Nov. 26.)

PARIS, Nov. 25.-No letters from Lyons baving been received to-day, as appears by the official notice posted up on 'Change, we have no details of what passed on the 22d, and even the events of the 20th are not perfectly


We have received the Courier de St. Ain, which gives an interesting but evidently softened account of the transactions of that day. This article concludes as follows:

The mail arrived this evening a little before nine; beyond Melun it met the Duke of Orleans and the Minister of War. The Duke alighted from his carriage to make some inquiries respecting the situation of Lyons, from a merchant in the mail, with his wife. He was able to learn, as we have done, that on the 23d, about three in the afternoon, the insurrection had not taken any political character, the workmen were formed into regiments, and their chiefs had announced the penalty of death against any individual guilty of burning or pillage. It is said they even wanted to have this proclamation sanctioned by the Prefect, who remained in the city; that magistrate had answered that his authority had ceased, but that he recommended them to content themselves with incarcerating the malefactors.

Deplorable excesses had taken place before this resolution was agreed on. Several magazines had been cleared, and the goods carried into the streets and burnt. At the house of Mrs. Gueren, widow, all the household furniture was thrown out of the windows. A coffee house, on the Quai de la Saone, had been plundered and demolished. Serious acts of violence had been committed on several persous. The number of killed on both sides is estimated at 600. At first it was said that workmen from the neighbouring towns had come to join those of Lyons. This does not seem to be the case.

"The dispersion of these workmen by force will, doubtless, cause numbers of them to retreat into those parts of the Department of the Ain which are near Lyons. The gendarmerie is going to send all the men that can be spared to reinforce the brigades at that point; but The troops sent for from other places had not the national guard especially is interested in yet arrived. All the authorities had in fact left the maintenance of order and respect to pro-the city, except the Prefect, who remained as perty, which the appearance of these bands may endanger.

"Orders have been given to all the mayors of the Cantons of Monituel, Trevoux, Meximieux, immediately to take such measures as are required for the public safety. We learn that the mayors of most of those communes bad anticipated these orders at the first news of the troubles, and have stationed posts on all the roads; their zeal and foresight are very commendable.

"The manufacture of silks, drawn from Lucca by civil wars from Vienna by heavy taxes; had been fixed for many years at Lyons, and seemed to be for ever attached to that great city. Such events are the signal for its ruin. It is a branch of commerce that is leaving us, and by which Switzerland, Prussia,land England, are acquiring riches. Their competition already crushes us, and what is passing at Lyons is, properly speaking, a revolt against the necessity of exportation, and against

a private individual, aud whom the workmen respected, doubtless because he was favourable to them on the establishing of the Tariff.

These are the facts we have collected at the post-office, and from a merchant who arrived this evening.

We may add, that on the road from Lyons to Paris, all was tranquil, but uneasy. It is hoped that the mail, which was to leave Lyons on the 23d, will arrive to-night at the usual


That which arrived this evening has brought the bags from all the roads that led to Lyons, and those of that city. They are all untouched. The letters will be delivered tomorrow morning at seven o'clock. It is said that there are only about 50 letters written from Lyons itself, and that none of them are addressed to the ministers.

(From the Messager des Chambres, dated Sunday.)

released unless they signed bonds for the far-
nishing of a certain quantity of arms and am-
munition. Every condition was refused.
On Tuesday, the 22d, the fusillade com-
menced in the streets which bordered on Crois-

There is no description of alarming accounts that has not been circulated to-day at Paris, in the Bourse and elsewhere. One account was that Toulouse, another that Grenoble-Rousse, and coutinued during the day. The now that Strasburg, then Montpellier, were in a state of insurrection. At the hour that we are going to press, no dispatch has arrived to confirm these reports. We affirm that they are invented by malevolence.^

On Sunday, the 20th instant, the report became pretty general that the silk weavers were about to make a violent attempt for the establishment of a scale of wages. Nothing was very distinctly stated as to the precise or special motive for this attempt, but sinister expressions were frequently uttered, and were calculated to excite the serious attention of the authorities, who were, from other sources, it is said, informed on the subject for several days.

Orders were, in fact, given to the National Guards, who were to assemble on Monday morning, to preserve public order under all circumstances. We are uninformed why it was that the Guards had not appeared under arms to an imposing extent until towards eleven o'clock-a period when the weavers had already completed the organization of the insurrection, and had made themselves absolute masters of the Croix-Rousse, where the labouring classes principally reside.

working population of Britteaux, of the Guill tiene, and Saint-Just, put themselves in m tion in the morning, and towards ten o'clock General Roquet, who had planted a battery a the Gate Saint Clair to prevent the passage o the bridge Moraud and the bridge Lafayette gave orders to fire on Britteaux, from whic place the workmen kept up a constant fr along the quays of the Rhone. In the cours of the day barricades of boards and this! planks were erected on the quays of the Saon and the Rhone, on the bridges of the Saone in the streets, &c.

The shops of three armourers were broke open and plundered. In the evening, th military, and what remained under armis c the National Guard, were shut up in the Plac des Terreaux, aud in the Hotel de Ville where the authorities of the city and of the department were assembled. The powde magazine of Serin, and the arsenal establishe at Anai, were carried towards the night.

To-day, Wednesday the 23d, at two o'clock in the morning, the earnest requests of the civil authorities induced General Roquett quit the city with the troops which he comauded, consisting of the 66th Regiment, a several battalions of the 40th and 13th Reg ments of the line. The workmen had a post at the barrier St. Clair, and it attempted intercept the retreating columns. A gener discharge, and which it is said left only a fe living among the workmen, opened a passag

From the first discharges, there were, on both sides, several persons killed, and a great number wounded. Even women and infants were shot, and nothing was wanting that could strengthen the horror of this catastrophe. The workmen who descended into the city when the contest took place returned to Croix-for the troops. We understand that Genera Rousse, the National Guard of which district they had on this morning disarmed. The workmen had also seized on the two cannons belonging to the National Guard, pointed them towards the city, erected barricades, and, in fine, fortified that faubourg as a military position.

Roquet is encamped at Moutessier, an elevates position, which commands Croix Rousse, an is about a league from Lyons.-Precurseur.

We have received the Lyons journals, froa which we make the following extracts:—

The dykes have been broken, and the pora

in the midst of general disorder, and an unea
siness which is momentarily increasing.
impressions which we receive are terrible.
and we cannot yet foresee the issue of the
sanguinary drama which is being performe
before our eyes.

This position is naturally very strong, and they have continued, up to the present even-lar torrent has inundated every part. We writ ing, the fusillade of the respective out-posts. Towards two o'clock, a detachment succeeded in turning the position, and in commanding it, by taking possession of the height. We are informed, but we can scarcely credit the statement, that an order extorted from Gen. Ordonneau, and signed by him, forced the Commandant of this detachment to abandon the position which he had taken.

It is also said, that at four o'clock the deputies from the workmen presented themselves armed to the Municipal Authorities, and that they laid aside their arms at the Council-room, but upon the express condition of their being restored to them on their departure. We are not aware what propositions these deputies were the bearers of, but it is said that they declared, in the name of those who sent them, that the General and the Prefect should not be

It had been for several days announced th the silk-weavers, exasperated at not seei their condition ameliorated, as was expected had formed, for the purpose of obtaining enforcement of a scale of wages, an offensiv | coalition, which was to burst forth last Sundas Nothing, however, occurred, and the passed in the most perfect tranquillity. The National Guard, which was reviewed in th morning, on the occasion of the installat of General Ordonneau as its Commander L Chief, had not the least excess to repress. Notwithstanding, however, siuister rumour

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