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whom I know) of their ruin. I have wanted them to keep cows and pigs, in order to have something that would always sell. Potatoes are now to be bought for sixpence a bushel, close to London, which is 20s. a ton of 2240lb. I have raised, this year, a piece of very fine Savoy-cabbages, with which I am feeding my Somerset ewes; but they have cost me more than they would have cost from a green-stall in the heart of the city of London.

be your sincere opinion, delivered now in the face of sixteen years of proof to the contrary, there are Do thirteen of the noisy brats, male and female, whom fellow gets together daily in a house in this court, and who sing the Apostles' Creed, God save the King, and the Pence-Table, alternately, and to stop whose squalling we must finally resort to a Bill of Indictment; if you be sincere in this opinion, there are no thirteen of these little parrot-like creatures But, now, as to the cause; for that is who are not as fit to govern the nation what a statesman (if we had one) would as you. Your illustrious colleague, look at, when he saw whole classes of Baron Brougham and VAUX (“His industrious men sink, in a few years, eye in a fine fit of frenzy rolling"), has from competence and gradually-increas-lately told us, that the "Schoolmaster ing ease, to absolute beggary. The was abroad." I wish he, or some of cause is precisely the same as that you, would send this one literally which has reduced the prices at Bir-abroad; unless, indeed, you were to mingham in so surprising and almost take him in amongst you, to teach you incredible a degree. A gardener of FUL-to sing your schemes to us; which HAM wrote, some months ago, to PEEL'S- would certainly be an improvement, esBILL PEEL, giving a very exact account pecially if you were to assemble for the of the sales of his years' produce from purpose on Dartmoor. I should like to 1818 to this last year, showing how it see PEEL'S BILL set to music! kept an exact pace with the effects of the currency-acts; and showing him, that the same land, which, in 1818, produced 800 and odd pounds a year, now IN speaking, in the last Register, upon produced only 300 pounds and odd in this vital matter, I, in expressing my the year, while the rent, tithes, taxes, hearty approbation of the salutary advice, were still the same, and while, in the given to us of this happy city, by proportion that the price of labour had "Charley" Pearson, and especially of diminished the poor-rates had risen. that part of his Rescript which related to And what was the answer of this fine keeping our persons in a state of cleanyoung statesman approaching fifty years liness, might, besides showing the beof age? Why, that he was very sorry nevolent and paternal character of that to hear that the writer had been so un-advice, have shown also the piety of it, fortunate this year, and hoped that he by referring to a French author, who would have better crops next year! As wrote so far back as the time of St. it is better to be stupid than unfeeling, Louis and the Crusades to the Holy I attribute this answer to the stupidity of the "Right Honourable" minor of the industrious part of the nation; but who is to wonder at the miseries that afflict the country, when this man is the leader of those who are your rivals for the reins of power!

And, if I be to judge from that passage in the King's speech, which holds out the continuance of peace as an effectual remedy for our distresses and troubles, I must say, that you are real rivals; that you are a death-match; and that, if this


Land, and who in order to inculcate the
importance of personalcleanliness, repre-
sents SAINT PETER as sharply reproving
SAINT CRISPIN on this score; and in-
deed, we are, from the words of the
poet (which I give here), almost given
to understand that the angry Prince of
the Apostles actually refused admission
to the patron saint of the cordwainers.
"Saint Pierre dit à Saint Crespiu,

Tu es une villaine bête:
Tu ne te laves pas les maius,
Ni ne te peigues la tête."

Which may be (but not with the beauty | And what will the City House of Lords and force of the original) turned into English thus:

"You are an ugly dirty beast


do now? It is truly curious to see how these two bodies, that down at Westminster, and this in the City, keep pace (Saint Peter to Saint Crispin said), with one another! No drummer-boy, You never wash your hands the least, marching at the heels of a grenadier, And never comb your lousy head." ever stretched out his spindle shanks, in order to keep pace with his leader, with Our Charley," whose life and ge-more ambition than this Court of Alderneral language show that he is deeply men are following the example of the read in sacred lore, might probably House of Lords; and the City House of have this awful reproof in his eye, when | Commons, 100, are just as true in the he sent forth his Rescript. He remem-imitation of t'other place down at West-bered, doubtless, that St. Paul says, that minster. Verily, the City concern and "it is not that which goeth into the man, "but that which cometh out of him, "that defileth the man;" but, at the same time, he could not overlook the maxim of Saint Ambrose, that "cleanliness is second to godliness;" and therefore, our Charley" presenting, in his own person and conduct, to his fellow citizens (and especially to the sensible and decent ones of Bishopsgate Ward) an ample exemplification of both sorts of purity, was for that reason, of course, chosen by our most upright and discriminating Lord Mayor, as "a fit and proper person" to watch over the health of our bodies, and to issue precepts to us respecting our domestic habits and

our morals.


I mentioned, in my last Register, the triumphant re-election of this gentleman as Alderman for Portsoken Ward, by a majority nearly four times as great as that by which he was elected the time before. The reader remembers that the Court of Aldermen refused to admit him as an Alderman, asserting that they had an imprescriptible right to reject any one chosen by the freemen of any Ward. This question is to come before a jury. In the meanwhile, the Lord Mayor was advised, it seems, to declare the opponent of Mr. Scales, one Hughes Hughes (lately the well-known Attorney Hewit, of Clapham), duly elected, though Mr. Scales had pretty nearly, or quite, three votes to his one This advice, however, the Lord Mayor rejected, and according ly proclaimed Mr. Scales duly elected.

that yonder appear to be of exactly the same breed: to compare great things with small, I should say that they were like pigs of the same farrow, only that the City Parliament is like what the people in Hampshire call the darling or doll-pig; that is to say, a thing having all organs the same as a big one, but those organs not being of the same dimensions; having the same taste, and the same propensities and manners; having snout to grub with, chopper to bite and grind with, and the same sort of swallow, and a similar capacity of digestion. The two bodies, in their present improved form, principles, and motives of action, are of precisely the same age: it will be said of them-our weeping children will have to say of them, if we ourselves should not, as the royal Psalmist said of Saul and Jonathan, that, "lovely and comely in their life,


even in their death they were not di"vided;" for the Devil take me if our conceru, in its present guise, outlives the other for one single hour. The moment the people shall choose only a part of the Parliament-the working people I mean, that moment the guttiers and guzzlers will begin to feel the turtle and champagne stick in their throats; and then we shall see whether the Court of Aldermen are to have a right of nullifying the voice of the freemen.


THE recent shuffling and cutting of this once-noisy "patriot," whom CANNING, (in whose back the once-noisy

blade stuck his knees in 1827,) aided by and herein they will see, too, how WestGILLRAY and WRIGHT, once exhibited minster has been, by this SHOYHOY, aided as "Sixteen-String Jack"; this obsolete by a villanous RUMP COMMITTEE, de"patriot's" recent miserable shuffling, graded below any rotten- borough in the with the POLITICAL UNION, to put him- kingdom; for, what rotten-borough self at the head of which he was, it is ever yet was so base as to call "its renow very clear, sent by the Ministers, presentatives" two fellows whom the for the purpose of making it, like him- people, promiscuously assembled, had self useless; this shuffling, which has, at pelted off the hustings with cabbages last, shaken off from him even the base and turnips! Reader, look at the conwealth-worshipping tribe, has, it seems, duct of this putrid Rump! They tell reminded a gentleman in the country, the SHOYHOY, that "nobody but the Major of the shuffler's vile treatment of MAJOR is thought of," as his colleague; and, CARTWRIGHT; and the gentleman has when they find that he will not have written to me to know in what part of him, they tack instantly about, and supthe Register it was that I exposed that port a creature of the Shoy hoys' nomivile treatment. It was not I, but the nation against the Major! Major himself, who did it in a most complete manner; and this exposure I republish below. YOUNG MEN ought to know the whole history of this fellow's



shufflings, that they may despise the ELECTORS OF WESTMINSTER,

wealth-worshipping wretches that still fawn upon him. A reformed Parliament puts an end to him: his shuffling upon



minster election.)

February 4, 1819.

WHILE lately at Tunbridge Wells, I addressed to the Duke of BEDFORD, and to the public, a series of seven letters, as a sort of winding-up, if possible, of the long controversy of more than forty years' continuance, in support of such a constitutional reform in the representation of our country, as, it hath been abundantly demonstrated, is alone in strict accordance with that liberty which God bestowed universally on man; but which it has ever been the endeavour of the corrupt and tyrannical to monopolize to themselves, and otherwise to violate, for the oppression of their fellows.

a motion made by some one, to sweep (First published on the eve of the late Westthe pension and sinecure lists clean off the paper; his shuffling upon a motion to "TEAR THE LEAVES OUT OF GENTLEMEN, THE ACCURSED RED BOOK;" either of these will finish him, Oh! my God! how he dreads reform! Never did lazy, shirking, straight-backed Scotch bailiff so dread a spade, as this crafty, shuffling "patriot" dreads reform. The reader will see, that the Major exposed the shuffler in an Address to the Electors of Westminster, which he published in a pamphlet while I was in Long Island, which address was re-published in the Register, in order to send the shuffler down to posterity in his true character and colours. The Major had been so fearful, lest an open breach with the SHOYHOY Should injure that cause, in which he had so long laboured, that It will readily be seen, that a principal he had clung to him long after his false-desire in these discussions has been, to ness became evident to us all. Upon attract the attention of the Whig aristhis I had remonstrated with the Major, tocracy and their followers, among that his hopes of reclaiming the SHOY- whom are chiefly to be found that class HOY were vain; that he must come to an of persons, who, by a whimsical misapopen breach with him at last; or, aban-plication of language, call themselves don the cause of reform himself. My moderate reformers; but whose errors, prediction was pretty soon verified, as in fact, in the present advanced state of the YOUNG MEN are now going to see; knowledge, are among the greatest ob

stacles to a recovery of our country's liberty, as well as to bear as much as freedom and prosperity.

possible of injurious treatment to the same end; yet, forbearance in an extreme must ever do more harm than good; and even division may benefit that cause, if by the parties divided it be made a right and honest use of.


While so occupied, as aforesaid, I learned the loss we had sustained by the decease of the able and virtuous Sir Samuel Romilly, and that a few of my friends thought that, all circumstances now considered, I might be ouce more In the Political Registers abovenominated to fill the vacancy in your mentioned, my conduct, relative to the representation so unhappily made, free great question of parliamentary reform, from the difficulties which had unex-is touched on, as liable in some degree pectedly started up at the general elec- to doubt as to its propriety, in consetion. I was also informed how, in con-quence of a supposed partiality, and imsequence of what occurred on the 17th proper clinging" on my part to Sir of November, at the Crown-and-Anchor Francis Burdett. Where thus some are meeting, they were discouraged from ready to blame, because a man does not naming me. speak all he thinks, while others may be I am not aware that, after this, I offended at his speaking freely; the task, should so soon again have taken up my in a case like mine, at the present time, pen, had it not been for a singular con-is of some difficulty. But whatever currence of circumstances. On the 17th opinion may be formed of my endeavour of December, at the same instant, came to keep the line of rectitude in a situato my hands, a Birmingham Argus, tion thus delicate, should but the public, of the 12th, containing "Observations and your representative, the baronet "on the propriety of a public meeting, himself, receive from my observations a "for the purpose of petitioning Partia- useful warning, I shall be so far content. "ment to adopt Major Cartwright's In the first place, anxious that the en"BILL;" and a Statesman, containing lightened and sincere friends of public a" speech of Sir Francis Burdett, de-freedom, whose good opinion, beyond livered at Liverpool." At the same time all things on earth, I most value, should there lay on my table the three preced-not be induced, by Mr. Cobbett's doubts, ing Registers of Mr. Cobbett, all of to entertain unfavourable notions of the which had been addressed to me person-correctness of my conduct, I must preally, relative to what he termed Sir sume that, had he not been so distant as Francis Burdett's" backing out;" to the baronet's conduct towards me in the matter of the last Westminster election; and to his apparent courtship of the moderate-reforming Whigs.

he is, those doubts would never have been entertained; and, from what I now conceive that I am bound to say, will undoubtedly vanish.

For the tenderness shown by me to the baronet, in my address to you on the 11th of July, the aforesaid Registers themselves furnish abundance of apology, in attributing it to an anxiety not to injure the cause of freedom by speaking more plainly.

The reflections which all these circumstances have generated in my mind, including the newspaper report of the proceedings at the Crown-and-Anchor Tavern, on the 13th of July, and again on the 17th of November, make the topics of the present address; in which In the baronet's own words at Liverwill be ultimately found, a COMPARI-pool, I may even plead that "the saSON between the Birmingham observa-crifice of a long-entertained opinion is tions with Sir Francis Burdett's, on the" difficult;" but the baronet, by his contwo days aforesaid in Westminster, in a duct on the whole, for some time past, third speech on the 4th of December, at Liverpool.

Although it is a principle with me, to refrain as much as possible from aught that is calculated to divide the friends of

has, I acknowledge, in a considerable degree, weaned me from an opinion with respect to himself, which I had very fondly entertained; and that conduct has in particular been such, of late, as to

may be secure against the attempts of false guides to lead him astray; provided only he have strength of mind, for preferring sound argument to hollow sophistry; solid demonstration to empty declamation.

have placed me in a situation, in which to refrain from plain speaking, with regard to certain facts, as weli as to suppress apprehensions for the public, which from those facts receive no small light, would savour too much of torpor where a great national interest is at stake, and I have already noticed the coincidence, a public duty is concerned. At the same respecting the Birmingham observations time, I trust, it cannot be doubted, that and the Liverpool speech, which coming no one will be more gratified than my-on me at the same moment, excited a self, should events prove me in error; train of serious reflections. These opand, indeed, that I may be an instrument posite documents, when the speech at towards that very proof, is not the least Liverpool was viewed in connexion with of the motives under which I now write. the two speeches at the Crown-and-AnIn the second place, when I contem-chor, presented to my mind's eye a conplate the juncture of a new Parliament trast as strong as that of frost to fire, under very new circumstances, as well darkness to light; prompting me to a as the present political aspect of all the COMPARISON, which may be of use civilized states in the old world and new, and ruminate on the signs of the times: -and when, in particular, I reflect on the critical state of that vital questionparliamentary reform-on which hangs the fate of my country; and believe I see danger in the conduct and language of one looked up to as a leader; can it be more than will be expected of me, to state the grounds of that belief, although that leader should be Sir Francis Burdett?

to the friends of constitutional reform, by putting them on their guard against being misled. Should my remarks prove no incentive, they cannot become impediments, to performances truly patriotic; reflection which reconciles me to an unpleasant task.

As an additional motive for exhibiting the drift of the documents, in a COMPARISON of one with the other, it was on a moment's reflection obvious, that it was of far more importance to guard And thirdly, considering the cause of against any evil to be apprehended from personal dissatisfaction given me by the errors in the author of the speeches, party of whom I am to speak, it behooves than from errors in the author of the me to keep a guard on myself, that I may review, on whom, in the foregoing neither injure the cause of reform, nor letters to the Duke of Bedford, it will my own reputation, by language which be found much attention had been becould be interpreted as disregarding the stowed. public interest while gratifying a private feeling.

Still hoping, after all I had observed, and the treatment I had experienced, that to support the baronet's election was to serve the cause of reform, it accorded with my notions of duty to give him, at the general election, my vote. And, I presume, that the whole series of my letters to the Duke of Bedford, as yet only in part made public, will evince that personal considerations do not warp me either to the right hand or to the left, from my right onward course, and that those letters will serve as beacons and finger-posts for directing on his way the political traveller in search of the principles of representation; so as that he

That reviewer had no constitutional name that could give any false weight to his errors; the baronet has a great one for giving weight and currency to his. The author of the review had no reputation for knowledge in the science of representation: the baronet had much. The author of the review had no character for a lofty exemption from faction, or for integrity as a patriot: the baronet had long stood high in these respects. Although of late his mysterious conduct had staggered the faith of observant persons; yet his having at length acceded to, and actually professed the doctrines of, universal freedom and the ballo, still enables him to keep possession-whatever may be the solidity of

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