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"On the following morning, between eleven and twelve o'clock, I left my inn, and with intense anxiety watched the preparations which were making for leaving this celebrated port. The hour at length arrived for the packet to start, and with all convenient speed I hasted on board. Two short hours brought me to the place where the coach receives its passengers, and at about ten o'clock that night I found myself comfortably seated with my invalid friend in his warm and well-stocked study.

"To me there has ever been, since I first knew the import of the endearing name of 'friend,' inexpressible charms, a mystic influence in friendship, which I can fully feel, but cannot describe: my whole soul is led in pleasing captivity by it, and, like a soporific draught, the cares and turmoils of life are annihilated by it. Whatever some may conceive of the assertion, yet I hesitate not to make it, that I am a disciple of Spencer in this particular, preferring friendship to love. The heart that beats not high with friendship is not capable of love: some rude passion it may indeed possess, misnamed love; but love it is not, cannot be. The celebrated Tully has well observed, that 'friendship improves and abates misery, by doubling our joys and dividing our griefs.' The son of Sirach has beautifully expressed the influence of friendship: A faithful friend is the medicine of life.'-Eccl. vi. 15. What, in the admired writings of Horace and Epictetus, can compare to this? Nothing! Steele too has said with great force, 'The mere wellwishes of a friend give a man constancy and courage against the prevailing force of enemies.' The well-known and interesting historic fact of Damon and Pythias immediately rushes to the mind, and with Dr. Young we exclaim

'Poor is the friendless master of a world.'

"The time which I was capable of spending with my friend was brief, not comparatively, but in reality. My visit, however, had its influence upon him, for at my departure he was able to accompany me to the coach; while I, with an elasticity of feeling I had not recently experienced, journeyed back towards my place of residence. On entering the inn at which travellers stop until the vessel is ready to cross the Humber, I ordered some refreshment; and scarcely had I tasted it, before an inquiry was made for me by name, and a packet put into my hand bearing my address. I opened it with haste, at a loss to conceive whence, or from whom, a parcel could be directed for me to a place where I was


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"With hearts almost bleeding with grief for the irreparable injury the cause of Christ will hereby sustain, we subscribe ourselves hastily yours.'

"I merely glanced over a part of this epistle, the whole I had not power to read. My first feeling, if feeling it may be called, was of an overwhelming order. I was stupified, neither knowing what I said or what I did. Had the earth yawned beneath my feet, my astonishment could scarcely have been exceeded. The readily received evil report, and the coldness with which the communication closed, unmanned me. I directed the person who delivered the packet to take the refreshment which I had ordered for myself, and hasted on board, although in direct opposition to the advice of my friends. Bold in my innocency, determined to hasten to the spot of accusation, and meet it as circumstances might enable me.

"On no occasion, perhaps, was the poet's meaning better understood in his application of the epithet leaden winged' to time, than by myself during the painful hours which intervened betwixt my leaving the place where the packet was received, and my arrival at home. Unexpectedly, and perhaps rather abruptly, I entered the apartment in which the gentlemen by whom I had been addressed were assembled. Never shall I forget my feeling, as I looked on them; the deep workings of mental anxiety were portrayed in each countenance, although in different degrees, and in various ways. "Gentlemen," I exclaimed, as soon as I obtained utterance, "I feel hurt that so unworthy an opinion should have been formed of my character by you, as to receive so degrading a report: however, to set your minds at ease, as far as possible, upon

question, before I enter into particulars-I deny the charge, without any exception. Whether," I continued, "the report be the product of erring mistake, or designing mischief, or by whom it has been circulated, to me is alike unknown; nor is it necessary I should at present direct my inquiries to those points. As my character and your peace are both concerned, I will first furnish you with a detailed account of the manner in which my time has been spent from my leaving this place until my return." I then particularly and carefully stated the manner in which my time had been divided and employed as far as I could


"After having so done, it was judged necessary that the person by whom the report had been circulated should be seen this was immediately attended to; when I found that the same distinguished personage who had been so markedly garrulous during my voyage to Hull, had again been putting her astonishing powers into exercise. With a pertinacity which deserved a better cause, she insisted upon the correctness of her statement-that on entering the pit of the theatre, on the evening in question, she not only saw me, but, on her looking me in the face, I bowed to her. This, in her mind, was evidence amounting to demonstration; besides which, her companions (two gentlemen) who were with her, likewise saw me: one of them, she admitted, was in a state of inebriety; but the other, although the contrary had been stated, was sober. Every argument which could be employed to convince her of the possibility of being mistaken was unavailing. I gave her credit, and still do, for stating no more than she was convinced in her mind was a fact; but as nothing could be done to convince her of her mistake, we left her to consult upon the steps which it now appeared necessary should be taken. After a variety of suggestions, it was determined that one of the gentlemen whose high character in the town would, it was certain, secure full credence for all he should report, and whose ample knowledge of human affairs, and undissembled piety, rendered him eminently qualified for the business, should (having kindly consented to do so) visit Hull on the following morning, and, if possible, obtain from the inn-keeper, where I had stayed, such information as might prove to the public the incorrectness of the tale.

"The strong excitement of my feelings produced effects upon my system, such as I have not to the present moment overcome, nor do I expect I ever shall, until my spirit shall enter a happier region. The following

day was the eve of the sabbath: calls and messages from Christian friends, whose kind sympathy I shall never forget, were frequent. A feverish anxiety possessed me, to know the result of my kind friend's journey: fearing, as I did, that the required information might not be obtained. In that case, I was aware that I had nothing to depend on for my justification, but my own asseveration that I was not in the theatre; and this, I felt assured, would not be sufficient to remove the impression which had taken hold on the minds of some. During the day, various observations were floating about, and not a few of them truly ludi



Among numbers in the place which Kirk White has immortalized, as the "little litigious town," some observed, 'Poor man, perhaps he was mistaken in the building, and took it for a place of worship;' but then, pay here,' issuing from the mouth of the door-keeper, cut up the supposition. Other some thought, in the abundance of their compromising good nature, that there was little harm' in it, even admitting the statement to be a fact, and therefore conceived too much ado was made about it, as if the gentleman had committed murder; while there were not wanting those who offered the apology, that 'I had taken my place in the pit,' for the purpose of assisting me more correctly to describe from the press and the pulpit the 'BOTTOMLESS PIT!' A kindly feeling towards me, I believe, prompted this variety of opinion, and, although I desired them not, I felt grateful to their authors.

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"The hour at length arrived when I was aware the gentleman referred to would return. Never did a condemned criminal, who looked for a reprieve, count with more anxiety the lagging periods of time. I laid my watch on the table before me, and gazed with a nervous sickness upon its face. The hour had passed, and he returned not. I bowed my knees, and prostrated my soul before God, and sought his aid. Presently a report reached me that all was right.' Yet he came not. What the import of the word might be, I feared to allow myself to think. It might be believed that all was correct which had been stated; if so, my character, my all, was blasted, and by what base means. At length the quick foot of my friend caught my ear-he entered-I fixed my eye upon his countenance—I saw, or fancied I saw, that the deep tinge of sorrow, which rested on it on the preceding evening, was gone, and that a pleasing satisfaction was playing in its stead. "What information, sir?" I inquired,

have you received?


All that could be desired, sir,' he replied, and most satisfactory. At that expression, accompanied with a warm pressure of the hand, a load fell from my spirit; I could scarcely sustain my feelings, and I breathed my silent but fervent thanks to God.

"He proceeded to inform me, that, after after having described my person to the keeper of the inn, he asked if he remembered such a gentleman having been at his house on such an evening? He replied to him in the affirmative, adding, "The gentleman came in, sir, while we were at tea, the usual time of which is six o'clock, it might have been a few minutes after, though many it could not have been; he remained in my house the whole of the evening, and at about ten retired.' Having stated this much,' said my friend, he turned, and called his wife, who, when she appeared, corroborated in every particular the statements of her husband."


"An ALIBI was thus satisfactorily proved, as the time stated, that I was discovered in the theatre, was from seven until about ten minutes after. This pleasing information was the same night laid before a meeting convened for the purpose, and received by every one with unfeigned delight. The next day I pursued my usual labours, although but little fit for my engagements, thankful that I had promptly met the allegation, and that deliverance had been experienced from Him who is a very present help in time of trouble,' and who has promised, if we call upon him, he will deliver us.'

Here my friend ceased. A bright tear stood in his eye, he was evidently affected. My own vision was obscured by some drops I could not restrain, which gave evidence that I had not been an inattentive or unaffected listener to his interesting relation. A variety of reflections passed through my mind, which I forbear to state, leaving it with yourself to furnish such as the importance of the circumstances immediately suggest. Brigg.


FEW, after writing so voluminously, and so much to the purpose, as this learned, pious, and judicious author, have had so little written of them. I do not find him even mentioned in any biographical work, though his grandson, Dr. Joseph Trapp, made some figure in the literary annals of queen Anne. Chalmers says the doctor's father was rector


of Whitchurch, who, it appears, was our author's eldest son. The title-pages of his commentary inform us, he was some time of Christ Church College, Oxford, and preacher of the word of God at Weston upon Avon, Gloucestershire. This parish, in 1808, is said in Capper's Topographical Dictionary, to contain 20 houses, and 118 inhabitants.

It appears, from an incidental allusion to the gunpowder plot, which he remembered, and which he informs us took place when he was four years old, that Mr. Trapp was born in 1601, two years before the death of queen Elizabeth.

Of his early years and education, little is known, beyond an occasional reference in his great work. On Revelation v. 9, we read: "Oh! I could find in my heart to fall afresh upon the study of the Revelation, had I strength to do it," said my reverend old master unto me, a little afore his death; Mr. John Ballam, I mean, minister of the word for many years at Evesham, where I heard him (in my childhood) preaching many a sweet sermon upon the second and third chapters of this book." Likewise, in his "Common Place of Alms," at the end of his Notes on the New Testament, after commending a great many worthies distinguished for their liberality, he observes: "Neither may I here forget that late reverend man of God, Mr. John Ballam, pastour of the church at Evesham, (my spiritual father, and bountiful benefactor,) nor yet Mr. Simon Trappe, late minister of God's word at Stratfordupon-Avon, my dear and near kinsman both in the flesh and in the faith.'

Some account of the author is furnished in an Epistle to the Reader by Samuel Clarke. It states that he preached constantly, even when he had the care of a public school; that in the bloody times he suffered much, and shrouded himself in the army of the parliament, where he laboured daily among the soldiers. It says, the author is well known in the church of Christ by some former labours of his. I find references accordingly to his "Love Tokens," and "The Afflicted Man's Lessons," in his Note on Eccles. vii. 14. Other articles of his, with quaint titles are, I think, glanced at elsewhere, but none of them have I

ever seen.

It appears from Dugard's poetical address to the "Learned Reverend Author," in Vol. V. that he published first, his Notes on John, and afterwards those on the whole New Testament. Home (who seems to have seen his Notes on the New Testament only) says, "Trapp on the New Testament, first edition, is dated, London, 1647, 2 vols. quarto." It must then have been at press when

the author was forty-six years years of age, and two years before the death of Charles I. The copy of the Notes on the New Testament in my possession, is dated 1656, second edition. The first part, consisting of Notes on the Evangelists and Acts, is dedicated to Colonel John Brydges, governor of Warwick castle, and one of the committee of safety. The Notes on the New Testament were written, it appears, when the author was under the protection of the colonel. Though attached to the constitution, I should think his politics were not sufficiently violent to serve the interests of the royalists, who appear to have forced him to put himself under the wing of the parliament.

The second part of the volume, beginning with the Epistles, is dedicated to his much honoured father, Mr. John Ley, preacher at Budworth in Cheshire, and one of the venerable Assembly; author, he says, of Notes on the Pentateuch. He alludes to his "adoption," but in what sense does not appear. His" Marrow of many Good Authors," at the close of the volume, is dated 1655. The advertisement is without date, but he speaks of being in trouble from "irrational and irreligious men,"

The first volume of his Notes on the Old Testament, second edition, is dated 1662. Dugard's address to the book is dated August 8, 1649, which perhaps points out nearly the date of the first edition. This volume is dedicated to Sir Charles Lee, deputy lieutenant of Warwick, and to Lady Mary Lee, of Bilseley. These dedications have a singular but pleasing appearance, one in Italics, the other in Roman, and arranged in parallel columns, with "Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied," placed across the page, so as to suit both personages-and between their titles and the addresses themselves. The author acknowledges the kindness of the knight's father towards him forty years before. At the time of the publication of the entire work, his son was beneficed, as appears from the signature to an address to his "Honoured Father, on his Commentaries upon the whole Bible." These lines do equal credit to the work they are designed to honour, and to the good feelings and poetical talents of the writer :

"Thus from the scattered cloud does lightning fly'

And dazzles with wing'd flames the daring eye;
Thus, when the picture's veil is drawn, the sight
Is fill'd with equal wonder and delight.
How do we owe our better part to you
Who mysteries present to common view!
Now Moses is all light, as when he came
Crown'd with reflections of an heavenly beame.
Time was when truth eclips'd in darkness lay,
As if all scripture were Apocrypha :

When knowledge with the priest alone did rest,
Kept buried in his close and envious breast;
When that the Bible did keep home, and dwell
Imprison'd with his reader in one cell;
When flames did punish light; when but to try
And seek for truth was down-right heresie;
When unknown language did amuse the throng,
And Latine was alone the holy tongue.

But since your blest endeavours now have made
The night to fly, and have dispell'd the shade,
A fire's our conduct now, from heaven sent;
Our guide and comfort, not our punishment,"


JOHN TRAPP, M.A. Rector of Whitchurch.

appears from the concluding note on Genesis, which is dated July 11, 1643, that the author was liberated four months before, and wrote his observations on that book, consisting of 236 small folio pages, during that period, "amid manifold fears and distractions, at spare hours ;" and purposely to testify his thankfulness to God, his Almighty deliverer, and to those whom he was pleased to use as instruments of his much-endeared liberty.

The second volume, consisting of annotations, beginning with Ezra, and ending with the Psalms, is dedicated to Sir Edward Leigh, author of the Critica Sacra, and dated 1656, at Welford. The author returns his patron thanks for freely beneficing and fairly encouraging his eldest son. The third is dedicated to the Stephenses of Sadbury, and bears date, Welford, Oct. 24, 1659.

The fourth volume, dated 1654, is арраrently of the first edition. It has, prefixed, a short Latin dedication to Dr. John Owen, vice-chancellor of Christ church. The preface, written by John Bryan and Obadiah Grew, is dated Coventry, August 29, 1654. They quote this aphorism from a piece by Dr. Fealty, entitled, the Tree of Saving Knowledge: "Scripture is of itself abundantly sufficient for us, but we are not sufficient for it, without the help of arts and liberal sciences;" and excellently observe-" We cannot sufficiently conceive or declare the works of God without natural philosophy, nor law of God without moral, nor his attributes without metaphysicks, nor the dimensions of the ark without the mathematicks, nor the songs of Sion without musick and poetry: we cannot interpret the text without grammar, analyze it without logic, presse and apply it without rhetorick. These it hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost to use in the penning of scripture, to shew their usefulnesse in their opening; and who can understand or expound prophesies already fulfilled, and to be accomplish't, without insight into profane history? As for knowledge in the tongues, he deserves to have his tongue cut out that dares but mutter a word against it. Dulcius ex ipso fonte."

This volume is likewise introduced by an


address from the pen of Samuel Clarke, and dated from "his study in Threadneedle street, July 27, 1654. He thinks fit to tell the christian reader that "besides the golden eloquence, sweet similitudes and fitly applied histories, which thou shalt find interwoven through all this work, thou shalt meet with more, for exposition and opening of the difficult texts, in this, than in most of his former commentaries...... Besides, the author is now grown aged, and so better experienced in this kind of writing than formerly."

Never surely was an author more happy in availing himself of historical facts and passing events in illustrating scripture. Thus, on Ezek. xvii. 3. "A great eagle with great wings.". Monarchs, as eagles, have quick eyes, long talons, fly high pitches, aim at great matters, strive to get above all others, chuse themselves high and firm seats...... The Spaniard was well laughed at by captain Drake and his forces, when they took Sancto Domingo, 1585, and found in the town-hall the king of Spain's arms, and under them a globe of the world, out of which issued (not a wellplumed eagle, but) a flying horse, with the inscription, Non sufficit orbis. We could not so well bridle his pegasus at Sancto Domingo, (yet we put a stop to him at Jamaica,) but we have lately pulled his plumes in Flanders to some purpose, by gaining from him Dunkirk, (now held by the English) and likewise Berghen, another place of great strength, now held by the French, the good news whereof came to us yesterday, being June 27, 1658. Praised be the holy name of God for ever."

So on Nehemiah xiii. 12.-" Then brought all Judah. Then, when there was no other remedy. There must be compulsory means, or ministers shall be poorly maintained...... If once they be brought to live upon the people's benevolence, they shall have a poor life of it. Once (in times of popery) there was need of a statute of Mortmain, providing that they should give no more to the church. But now 'tis other wise these last and worst times have seene the springs of bounty, like Jordan, turned back; which heretofore did run so fresh and fast into the church. Our statesmen have ministers' maintenance now under debate; and much lifting there is by a levelling party, (not without a Jesuite to help them) at tythes and college-lands. The Lord direct our rulers, and preserve us out of the hands of these hateful harpyes." A note in the margin says, "this was written July 30, A.D. 1653."

In his note on Romans xiii. 6. he com2D. SERIES, NO. 5.—VOL. I.


mends the diligence of "the present parlia
ment." In the margin are these words, "this.
was written an. 1646." He remarks: "The
parliament in the 25th of EdwardIII. is known
to posterity by the name of benedictum par-
liamentum; so shall the present parliament,
for the continual attendance upon the Lord's
work, bending themselves to the business,
(as the word signifies) and holding out
therein with unparalleled patience." But
what can be more uncertain than political
speculations? Mr. Trapp alludes here to the
long parliament, for his note was written
three years before the death of Charles I.
The word "parliament" in my copy is under-
scored, and, after the note, I find this entry
in quaint-looking writing:
"If he means
the parliament then of England, he is
deceived, for they were most of them de-
servedly hanged." On the transactions of
that period there will perhaps ever be a di-
versity of opinion.

No character is more familiar to the
readers of our immortal dramatist, than that
of Justice Shallow, who is allowed to have
been founded on that of Sir Thomas Lucy.
The vanity, pedantry, and garrulity of the
county magistrate certainly render him in
Shakspeare's hands an object of" continual
laughter." The cause of the poet's resent-
ment need not be related; but whatever
might have been Sir Thomas's defects, the
following note of Mr. Trapp, on Matt. viii. 6.
portrays such of his excellencies as his
greatest enemies might be happy to have
ascribed to them. "Lord, my servant
lieth at home," &c. Not thrown out of
doors, nor cast sick into a corner, to sink or
swim, for any care his master would take of
him: No, nor left to be cured at his own
charges. The good centurion was not a
better man than a master. So was that
renowned Sir Thomas Lucy, late of Charle
cot in Warwickshire, to whose singular
commendation it was
in mine hearing
preached at his funeral, and is now since
published by my much honoured friend,
Mr. Robert Harris, that (among many
others that would dearly miss him) a house-
ful of servants had lost, not a master, but a
physician, who made their sickness his, and
his cost and physic theirs. Or, as (mine
alter ego) mine entirely beloved kinsman,
Mr. Thomas Dugard, expresseth it in his
elegant epitaph, "His servants' sickness
was his sympathy, and their recovery his

But what I most of all admire in Mr. Trapp, is his skilful diligence in ascertaining, illustrating, and establishing the literal and connected sense of scripture. His prodigious scholarship and diversified reading,

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