connect with the opposite shore of the said river, in either of the States of Wisconsin or Illinois; said bridge to be built subject, except as herein modified, to all the terms, requirements, and limitations contained in the act entitled "An act to legalize and establish a ponton railway bridge across the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien, and to authorize the construction of a similar bridge at or near Clinton, Iowa,” approved June sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, so far as they may be applicable thereto. SEC. 2. That the bridge shall be constructed with a suitable pontondraw of not less than five hundred feet in width, located over the main channel of the river: Provided, That said bridge shall not be built or commenced until the plan and specifications for its construction have been submitted to the Secretary of War for his approval, nor until he shall approve the plan and location of said bridge; and if any change be made in the plan of construction of said bridge at any time, such change shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War; And any change in the construction, or any alteration of said bridge that may be directed at any time by Congress or the Secretary of War, shall be made at the cost and expense of the owners thereof. SEC. 3. That Congress may at any time alter, amend or repeal this act. [March 3, 1875.] RESOLUTION. March 3, 1875. 18 Stat. L., 524. 1875, NUMBER 7. JOINT RESOLUTION EXPLANATORY OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT FIXING THE NUM- Paymasters in Army with rank of major to be only fifty. Number of payBe it resolved, &c., That the intent and meaning of an act entitled masters in Army "An act fixing the number of Paymasters in the Army of the United with rank of major States", approved March two, eighteen hundred and seventy-five was to be fifty only. R. S., 1182, to authorize the appointment of such additional number of paymasters with the rank of major as will make the total number of Paymasters 1875, March 2, with the rank of major, fifty, and no more. 1194. ch. 118. And so much of section eleven hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutes as applies to the Paymasters of the rank of major be, and the same is hereby, repealed. [March 3, 1875.] GENERAL LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES ENACTED BY THE FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION IN THE YEAR 1876. [NOTE. The omitted chapters and parts of chapters are private, special, local, or temporary acts not In the margin and in the notes, the letters R. S. refer to the Revised Statutes, and STAT. L. to the Bep., followed by text in brackets, indicates that the part so inclosed is repealed, and Sup., that the part following in brackets is superseded by acts noted in margin or referred to in the notes.] CHAPTER 4. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN PUBLIC PRINTING. (1) Standards and proposals for Government printing-paper. Jan. 25, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 2. Standards and proposals for Government printingpaper. 1876, July 31, ch. Be it enacted, &c., That section three thousand seven hundred and sixtyseven of the Revised Statutes of the United States be and the same is hereby amended, so that it will read: "The Joint Committee on Public Printing shall fix upon standards of paper for the different descriptions R. S., § 3767. of public printing, and the Congressional Printer shall, under their direction, advertise in two newspapers, published in each of the cities 246, § 1, par. 1. of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Cincinnati, for sealed proposals to furnish the Government with paper, as specified in the schedule to be furnished to applicants by the Congressional Printer, setting forth in detail the quality and quantities required for the Public Printing." (1) And all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby Repeal. repealed. [January 25, 1876.] NOTE.-(1) The amendment made by this act is incorporated into the second edition of the Revised Statutes in section 3767. (199) CHAPTER 5. Feb. 1, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 2. AN ACT TO AMEND THE REVISED STATUTES RELATING TO NATURALIZATION. Declaration of intention, &c., for naturalization may be made before clerks of certain courts. Declaration of Be it enacted, &c., That the declaration of intention to become a citiintention, &c., for zen of the United States, required by section two thousand one hundred naturalization and sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States, may be may be made be- made by an alien before the clerk of any of the courts named in said section two thousand one hundred and sixty-five; and all such declarations heretofore made before any such clerk are hereby declared as legal and valid as if made before one of the courts named in said section. [February 1, 1876.] fore clerks of certain courts. R. S., § 2165. NOTE. This act is in the second edition of R. S., § 2165. Feb. 1, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 2. Meaning in laws CHAPTER 6. AN ACT TO AMEND THE REVISED STATUTES TOUCHING VICE CONSUL GENERALS. Meaning of the words "minister" and "consul," in laws respecting foreign relations. Be it enacted, &c., That section forty-one hundred and thirty (1) of the respecting foreign Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is, amended by inserting, after the words "consul-general", the words "vice consulgeneral", so that the section shall read as follows, namely: relations words Minister. Consul. R. S., § 4130. of (1) SEC. 4130. The word "minister", when used in this title shall be understood to mean the person invested with, and exercising, the principal diplomatic functions. The word "consul" shall be understood to mean any person invested by the United States with, and exercising, the functions of consul-general, vice consul-general, consul or vice-consul. [February 1, 1876.] NOTE. (1) The amendments made by this act are incorporated into the second edition of the Revised CHAPTER 11. AN ACT FIXING THE TIME OF HOLDING THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Feb. 18, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 4. Circuit court; [SECTION 1], That a term of the circuit court of the United States for when to be held the districts of California, Oregon and Nevada shall be held as follows, in California. Oregon. Nevada. R. S., §§ 658, 664. 1874, June 16, ch. 287. When act takes effect, &c. namely: For the district of California, on the first Monday of February, second Monday of July, and fourth Monday of November in each year; For the district of Oregon, on the second Monday of April and the first Monday of October in each year; And for the district of Nevada, on the third Monday of March and the first Monday of November in each year. And the said terms respectively shall be in the place and stead of those now provided by law. Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect on the first day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-six; and all provisions of law inconsistent therewith are hereby repealed: Provided, That when a term shall have commenced in any of said districts before this act takes effect, it shall be lawful to continue such term until the time for the commencement of the first term in said district to be held under the provisions of this act. [February 18, 1876.] CHAPTER 12. AN ACT TO CHANGE THE LOCATION OF THE CONSULATES AT AIX-LA-CHAPELLE AND Consulates removed to Cologne and Utila, in Bay Islands. Feb. 18, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 4. Be it enacted, &c., That the consulate now established at Aix-la-Cha- Consulates repelle, in class five, in schedule B of consulates, be removed to Cologne, mnd Utila, in Bay moved to Cologne, within the same consular district; and the consulate now established at Islands. Omoa and Truxillo, in class seven, in schedule C of consulates, be re- R. S., § 1690. moved to Utila in the Bay Islands; and that such removals shall in no 1874, June 11, ch. manner affect the appropriations for such consulates, or the existing 275, 1, pp. 34, 35. 1878, Feb. 11, ch. provisions of law applicable thereto, except as modified hereby. [Feb 14. ruary 18, 1876.] CHAPTER 13. AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR STAMPING UNSTAMPED INSTRUMENTS. Feb. 25, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 5. Stamps may be affixed prior to January, 1877, to unstamped instruments heretofore made. Be it enacted, &c., That the provisions of the act entitled "An act to Stamps may be provide for the stamping of unstamped instruments, documents, or affixed prior to papers," approved the twenty-third day of June, in the year eighteen January, 1877, to unstamped instruhundred and seventy-four, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the ments heretofore first day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven. made. [February 25, 1876.] R. S., § 3422. 1874, June 23, ch. 462. 105 Mass., 49. CHAPTER 17. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO ENABLE THE PEOPLE OF COL- SECTION 1. In Colorado: who may vote at first election. Be it enacted, &c. SECTION In Colorado: first election. [SECTION 1], That so much of section three of the act entitled "An act to enable the people of Colorado to form a constitution and State who may vote at government, and for the admission of the said State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States" approved March third, eight- ch. 139, § 3. een hundred and seventy-five, as reads "and also to vote upon the acceptance or rejection of such constitution as may be formed by said convention" be amended so as to read as follows: "And all who are qualified voters of said Territory under the laws thereof at such time as the constitution to be framed shall be submitted to the people for ratification or rejection shall be entitled to vote upon the question of such ratification or rejection." Appropriation. 1875, March 3, SEC. 2. That section thirteen of said act be amended by adding at the end of said section thirteen the following: "And if the balance of said legislative appropriations does not amount ch. 139, § 13. to the sum of twenty thousand dollars, then there shall be, and there hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, with the said unexpended appropriations, to make the sum of twenty thousand dollars, which shall be used for the purposes aforesaid: Provided, That any money hereby appropriated rot necessary for such purposes shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. [March 3, 1876.] CHAPTER 23. March 14, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 7. Imports for AN ACT TO EXTEND TO THE PORT OF GENESSEE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE Imports for transportation in bond may be entered at or transported to Genessee, N. Y. Be it enacted, &c., That the privileges of sections twenty-nine hundred transportation in and ninety to twenty-nine hundred and ninety-seven of the Revised bond may be en- Statutes inclusive be, and they are hereby extended to the port of Gentered at or trans- essee, in the State of New York. (1) [March 14, 1876.] ported to Genessee, N. Y. NOTE.-(1) See act of 1880, June 10, ch. 190, §§ 7, 8, by which R. S. §§ 2990–2997 are repealed, and other R. S., § 2990- provisions made on the same subject. 2997. 16 Opin. Att'y Gen., 548. April 10, 1876. 19 Stat. L., 28. Pawnee reserva tion in Nebraska to be sold. Treaty (11 Stat. L., 729). Purchasers committing waste; penalty. Patents, when to issue. [SECTION 1], That with the consent and concurrence of the Pawnee tribe of Indians, (1) expressed in open council in the usual manner, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be appraised and sold the entire reservation set apart for said Indians, in the State of Nebraska, by the provisions of the first article of a treaty with them, concluded September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, in the following manner: The said Secretary shall appoint three disinterested and competent persons, who, after being duly sworn to perform said service faithfully and impartially, shall personally examine and appraise said lands at their actual cash value, by legal subdivisions of one hundred and sixty acres, separately from the value of any improvements on the same, and shall also examine and appraise the value of said improvements, and make return thereof to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. After the appraisement of said lands as herein provided, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to offer the same for sale on the following terms and conditions, to wit: After advertising the time of sale for three months in one newspaper published in each of the cities of New York, Washington, Chicago, Saint Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Nebraska, and Omaha, he shall offer the lands at public sale to the highest bidder for one-third cash in hand, the balance in two equal annual payments, drawing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the day of sale. Said land shall be sold in separate tracts of one hundred and sixty acres, and none of it shall be sold for less than its appraised value, or for less than two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Said sale to take place at some point in Nebraska as near as may be to said land, to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior. If any person shall commit waste or damage upon said lands before full payment therefor, his rights to the lands purchased by him shall cease, and the same, together with all of said lands not sold at said public sale, shall be sold under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, at private sale, on the same terms and subject to the same conditions as those sold at said public sale: Provided, That said lands shall not be sold for less than their appraised value, or for less than two dollars and fifty cents per acre. And patents in fee-simple shall be issued to the purchasers of lands under the seals herein provided for upon the payment to the Secretary of the Interior in full of the purchase price of the same: NOTE. (1) This consent was given June, 1876. |