CHAPTER 14. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR SUN- January 22, 1874. DRY CIVIL EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 18 Stat. L., 5. Debates of Congress to be printed under direction of Joint Committee on Printing. Be it enacted, &c., That the act entitled "An an act making appropri- Debates of Conations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year gress to be printed under direction of ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and for other Joint Committee purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, on Printing. be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding to the proviso (1) in the 1873, Mar. 3, ch. clause of said act relating to the public printing and binding the follow- 227. ing words: "and of the House of Representatives." [January 22, 1874.] NOTE.-(1) The provision here referred to in act of 1873, ch. 227 (17 Stat. L., 510), is incorporated into the Revised Statutes, § 78. R. S., § 78. CHAPTER 15. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE PRINTING OF THE BIENNIAL REGISTER COMMONLY January 23, 1874. CALLED THE BLUE BOOK. Biennial Register; 1,500 copies to be printed. Be it enacted, &c., (Sup.) [That in lieu of the number of copies of the Biennial Register now authorized by law to be printed, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be printed fifteen hundred copies of the said work.] [January 23, 1874.] CHAPTER 16. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO 、Y FOR REPORTING THE DEBATES AND PRO- January 28, 1874. Provided, (Sup.) [That from and after the passage of this act a sum Pay for reportnot exceeding forty-two thousand dollars shall be paid for reporting the ing proceedings of proceedings of each House of Congress for any one Congress, under Congress fixed. the direction of the respective Houses; and all laws inconsistent here- Superseded 1874, with are hereby repealed.] [January 28, 1874.] R. S., 54. June 22, ch. 388, par. 5. CHAPTER 18. AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. January 29, 1874. 18 Stat. L., 6. Two deputy commissioners of Interone to be designal Revenue only: nated First Depu Be it enacted, &c., That the office of Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, made vacant by the death of General B. J. Sweet, be, and the same is hereby, abolished; and that the Secretary of the Treasury may, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, designate one of the two remaining deputy commissioners as First Dep- ty. uty Commissioner, who shall perform the duties and be paid only the R. S., §§ 235,322. salary prescribed for the office of deputy commissioner hereby abolished. [January 29, 1874.] CHAPTER 19. AN ACT AUTHORIZING COINAGE TO BE EXECUTED AT THE MINTS OF THE UNITED Coinage for foreign countries may be executed at United States mints. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be lawful for coinage to be executed at the mints of the United States for any foreign country applying for the same, according to the legally prescribed standards and devices of such country, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and the charge for the same shall be equal to the expenses thereof, including labor, materials, and use of machinery, to be fixed by the director of the mint, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That the manufacture of such coin shall not interfere with the required coinage of the United States. [January 29, 1874.] CHAPTER 22. February 4, 1874. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE LINES OF TELEGRAPH CONNECTING THE CAPITOL WITH 18 Stat. L., 14. be THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. Telegraph lines between Capitol and Departments - Operation of, how conducted. Telegraph Be it enacted, &c., That the lines of telegraph, connecting the Capitol tween Capitol and Departments to be with the various Departments in Washington, constructed under and under supervision by virtue of the act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hunof officer in charge dred and seventy-three, entitled "An act making appropriations for of public build- sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June ings, &c. 1873, ch. 227 (17 thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and for other purposes," be, and the same are hereby, placed under the supervision of the officer in charge of the public buildings and grounds; and that the said officer be authorized and empowered to make rules and regulations for the working of said lines. Stat. L., 519). 50; June 23, ch. - operation how conducted. And the Secretary or Head of each Executive Department, and the Congressional Printer, are hereby authorized to detail one person from of, their present force of employees to operate the instruments in said Departments and printing office, and each House of Congress may provide for the employment of an operator in their respective wings of the Capitol, at a compensation not exceeding one hundred dollars per month, during the sessions of Congress. [February 4, 1874.] CHAPTER 24. February 9, 1874. AN ACT CHANGING THE TIMES FOR HOLDING CERTAIN DISTRICT COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE STATE OF IOWA. 18 Stat. L., 15. SECTION 1. District courts in Iowa, terms of. SECTION 2. Processes to be entered at said terms. District courts in Processes to be entered at terms. Be it enacted, &c. [SECTION 1], That instead of the times now fixed by law, the terms of the district courts of the United States for the district of Iowa, to be held in the city of Keokuk and the city of Council Bluffs, shall commence At Keokuk on the third Tuesday of January and the third Tuesday of June, and At Council Bluffs on the fourth Monday of March and the fourth Monday of September, in each year. SEC. 2. That all causes, processes, suits, and proceedings now pendsaid ing or commenced for said terms of court, or hereafter to be commenced, shall be continued or returned in and to said courts at the several times herein specified. [February 9, 1874.] CHAPTER 25. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL OF February 11, 1874. THE FLATHEAD AND OTHER INDIANS FROM THE BITTERROOT VALLEY, IN THE 1. Pre-emption lands in Bitterroot Valley; time 2. Settlers on, to have benefit of homestead of sale and payment extended. Be it enacted, &c. laws. 18 Stat. L., 15. and payment extended. ley; time of sale R. S., § 2267. [SECTION 1], That the time of sale and payment of pre-empted lands Pre-emption lands in the Bitterroot Valley, in the Territory of Montana, is hereby extended in Bitterroot Valfor the period of two years from the expiration of the time allotted in the act entitled (1) "An act to provide for the removal of the Flathead and other Indians from the Bitterroot Valley, in the Territory of Montana," approved June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. SEC. 2. That the benefit of the homestead act is hereby extended to all the settlers on said lands who may desire to take advantage of the same. [February 11, 1874.] Settlers on, to have benefit of homestead laws. R. S., §§ 2289, NOTE. (1) The time allotted by the act here referred to, 1872, ch. 308 (17 Stat. L., 226), was "within 2317. twenty-one months from the date of settlement, or of the passage of this act," which act was passed June 5, 1872. CHAPTER 30. AN ACT GRANTING CERTAIN SWAMP-LANDS IN HOLT COUNTY, MISSOURI, TO SAID HOLт February 19, 1874. SECTION COUNTY, FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Lands granted to Holt County, Missouri, for school purposes. 2. To be surveyed. Be it enacted, &c. Rights of homestead and pre-emption settlers Cost of surveying to be paid by county. 18 Stat. L., 16. Lands granted to [SECTION 1], That all the tract of land embraced in what is known as Tarkio Lake, in Congressional Township, numbered sixty, of range Holt County, Misthirty-nine, in the county of Holt, State of Missouri, and which was souri, for school left unsurveyed at the time the Government of the United States had purposes. made a survey of the other lands in said township and county, and which was described on the plat of the survey of said lands as a meandering lake, be, and the same is hereby, granted to the said county of Holt, in the State of Missouri, for school purposes. SEC. 2. That the Commissioner of the General Land-Office is hereby directed to have said lands surveyed, and to cause to be executed to the said county of Holt, a patent for the same: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to affect the rights of any person who may have in good faith gone upon said lands prior to January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, with the intent of pre-empting or homesteading the same; and the said county of Holt is hereby required to make a title to any such person to an amount of land not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres upon the payment to the county of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre: And be it further provided, That all cost of surveying said lands shall to be paid by counbe paid by said county of Holt. [February 19, 1874.] Cost of surveying ty. CHAPTER 35. AN ACT TO CHANGE THE TITLES OF CERTAIN NAVAL OFFICERS, AND FOR OTHER February 24, 1874. [SECTION 1], That from and after the passage of this act the title of first assistant engineer shall be changed to passed assistant engineer, gineers in Navy: and that the title of second assistant engineer shall be changed to their title, &c. assistant engineer: Provided, That the regulations of the Navy Department in relation to the examinations and amount of sea-service previous to each examinations be complied with. R. S., 1390, 1394, 1476, 1556. Cadet-engineers; course of instruction of, at Naval Academy. R. S., § 1524. SEC. 2. That from and after the thirtieth day of June eighteen hundred and seventy-four, the course of instruction at the Naval Academy for cadet engineers shall be four years, instead of two as now provided by law; and this provision shall first apply to the class of cadet-engineers entering the academy in the year eighteen hundred and seventyfour, and to all subsequent classes; and that all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and are hereby, repealed. [February 24, 1874.] CHAPTER 36. February 24, 1874. AN ACT TO WITHHOLD FROM SALE THE SITE OF THE OLD LIGHT-STATION AT NAYATT 18 Stat. L., 18. Site of old light POINT Site of old light-station at Nayatt Point reserved from sale. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is station at Nayatt hereby, authorized and directed to withhold from sale the site of the old light-station at Nayatt Point. [February 24, 1874.] Point reserved from sale. R. S., § 4675. CHAPTER 43. AN ACT CREATING AN ADDITIONAL LAND DISTRICT IN THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. La Messilla land district in New of land-office. 1. La Messilla land district in New Mexico; lo- Be it enacted, &c. 2. Register and receiver of, and where to reside. [SECTION 1], That all that portion of the Territory of New Mexico lying south of the principal base line of said Territory shall constitute Mexico; location a separate land district, to be called the La Messilla land-district, the office of which shall be located at such place in said district as the President of the United States may direct, which may be changed from time to time as the public interest may require. R. S., § 2256, 2d Ed., p. 411. Register and receiver of, and where to reside. R. S., § 2234. SEC. 2. That the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a register and receiver of public moneys for said district, and said officers shall reside in the place where said land-office is located, and they shall have the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same emoluments as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to land offices of the United States in other Territories [March 3, 1874.] CHAPTER 44. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF CLERK OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT TO SIGN REQUI- Secretary of War may authorize chief clerk to sign requisitions, &c., in his absence. Secretary of War Be it enacted, &c., That when, from illness or other cause, the Secremay authorize tary of War is temporarily absent from the War Department, he may chief clerk to sign authorize the chief clerk of the Department to sign requisitions upon requisitions, &c., in his absence. the Treasury Department, and other papers requiring the signature of R. S., §§ 177, 215, said Secretary; the same, when signed by the chief clerk during such 179, 3673. 1877, Feb. 27, ch. temporary absence, to be of the same force and effect as if signed by the Secretary of War himself. [March 4, 1874.] 69, par. 2. CHAPTER 46. AN ACT TO AMEND THE FIFTEENTH SECTION OF AN ACT APPROVED JUNE EIGHTH, Oath to be taken by Postmaster-General and all persons in postal service. Before what officer may be taken. March 5, 1874. 18 Stat. L., 19. Oath to be taken Be it enacted, &c., (1) That section fifteen of the act "to revise, consolidate and amend the statutes relating to the Post Office Department," by Postmaster Genapproved June eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be amended eral and all per to read as follows: "SEC. 15. That before entering upon the duties, and before they shall receive any salary, the Postmaster General, and all persons employed in the postal service, shall respectively take and subscribe before some magistrate or other competent officer authorized to administer oaths by the laws of the United States, or of any State or Territory, the following oath or affirmation: "I, A. B. do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will faithfully perform all the duties required of me and abstain from everything forbidden by the laws in relation to the establishment of post-offices and post-roads within the United States; and that I will honestly and truly account for and pay over any money belonging to the said United States which may come into my possession or control; "And I also further swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States; so help me God.' sons in postal service. R. S., § 391. before what offi R. S., § 392. "And this oath or affirmation may be taken before any officer civil or military holding a commission under the United States, and such officer cer may be taken. is hereby authorized to administer and certify such oath or affirmation." [March 5, 1874.] NOTE.-(1) Section fifteen of the act of 1872, ch. 335 (17 Stat. L., 287), here referred to, is incorporated into the Revised Statutes in § 391. CHAPTER 47. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TO DISCONTINUE THE USE OF THE CUTTER "RELIEF" AS A REVENUE CUTTER, AND USE SAID VESSEL FOR A BOARDING STATION IN MOBILE BAY. Secretary of the Treasury may use revenue-cutter Relief as a boarding station in district of Mobile. March 5, 1874. 18 Stat. L., 20. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is here- Sec'y of Treasury by, authorized to discontinue the use of the "Relief" as a revenue cut- may use revenueter, and to station said vessel in Mobile Bay for use as a boarding sta- cutter "Relief" as tion for the customs officers of the district of Mobile, under such rules, in district of Moa boarding station regulations, and conditions as the Secretary of the Treasury may from bile. time to time prescribe. [March 5, 1874.] R. S., § 2758. CHAPTER 50. AN ACT MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO PAY THE OPERATORS OF THE GOVERNMENT Telegraph between Capitol and Departments; how used. Be it enacted, &c., * March 7, 1874. 18 Stat. L., 20. be That said lines of telegraph shall be for the use only of Senators, Members of Congress, Judges of the United States courts, and officers tween Capitol and of Congress and of the Executive Departments, and solely on public used. Departments; how business. [March 7, 1874.] 1874, Feb. 4, ch. 22; June 23, ch. 461. |