Imágenes de páginas

Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall cause the said land Fort Reynolds to be offered in tracts of not more than eighty acres each, and sold sep- reservation, how to arately at public outcry, to the highest bidder, after giving not less than be sold. three months' public notice of the time and place of sale, in not less than three public newspapers printed and published in said Territory. [June 19, 1874.]



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Be it enacted, &c.


[blocks in formation]

[Par. 1.] Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper, [of Senate]

Provided, That hereafter he shall receive, directly or indirectly, no fees or other compensation or emolument whatever for performing the duties of the office, or in connection therewith. (1)

[Par. 2.] Provided, That whenever a member of the Capitol police or watch force is suspended from duty for cause, said policeman or watchman shall receive no compensation for the time of such suspension if he shall not be reinstated. (2)

June 20, 1874.

18 Stat. L., 85.

Sergeant-atArms of Senate to

receive no fees.

R. S., § 52.

Members of Capitol police or watch not to receive pay while under suspension, &c. R. S., § 1823. Sergeant-at

[Par. 3.] Sergeant-at-Arms, [of House]. Provided, That hereafter he shall receive, directly or indirectly, no Arms of House to fees or other compensation or emolument whatever for performing the receive no fees. duties of the office, or in connection therewith. (1)

NOTES. (1) These provisions are the same in Revised Statutes, §§ 52, 53, and are repeated here and in subsequent appropriation acts (18 Stat. L., 346).

(2) This provision, although it appears to be continuing, is repeated in subsequent appropriation acts (18 Stat. L., 345).

R. S., § 53.

[ocr errors]

Public Printer to [Par. 4.] Provided, That so much of the act entitled "An act providbe appointed by ing for the election of a Congressional Printer," approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, (3) as provides for 1876, July 31, ch. the election of such officer by the Senate, and provides that such officer 246, par. 1. shall be deemed an officer of the Senate, shall cease and determine and 1876, Aug. 15, ch. become of no effect from and after the date of the first vacancy occur287, par. 3.

the President.

R. S., § 3758.

Third Assistant

Secretary of State


R. S., § 200.

Laws not to be

ring in said office; that the title of said officer shall thereafter be Public Printer, and he shall be deemed an officer of the United States, and said office shall be filled by appointment by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

[Par. 5.] For compensation of

two Assistant Secretaries of State, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; and one additional Assistant Secretary of State, with like compersation, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to be known as the Third Assistant Secretary of State:

[blocks in formation]

[Par. 6.] Provided, That after the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred published in news- and seventy-five, the publication of the laws in newspapers shall cease.


ch. 74.

[blocks in formation]

R. S., § 79. Passport fee of $5 [Par. 7.] That from and after the first day of July next a fee of five dolto be collected, &c. lars shall be collected for each citizen's passport issued from the DepartR.S., §§ 212,4075. ment. An account of these fees shall be kept, and the amount collected 1878, April 30, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States at least quarterly. Secretary of [Par. 8.] Provided, That the Secretary of State may prescribe duties for State may pre- the Assistant Secretaries, the Solicitor, not interfering with his duties as scribe duties of an officer of the Department of Justice, and the clerks of Bureaus, as certain officers and well as for all the other employees in the Department, and may make employés, nake changes, &c. changes and transfers therein when, in his judgment, it becomes necesR. S., §§ 200, 202. sary.

Compensation of internal revenue gaugers.

R. S., § 3157. § 1, par. 4.

Compensation of certain designated depositaries limited.

R. S., § 3655.
R. S., § 3656.

ch. 287, par. 7,
1876, Aug. 15,
8 C. Cl. R., 235.
10 C. Cl. R., 229.

-further limited.

Detailed state

ment of contingent

[Par. 9.] (Sup.) [Hereafter no gauger [internal revenue] shall receive a greater compensation than six dollars per day.]

1875, March 3, ch. 129, § 1. Superseded by 1878, June 19, ch. 329,

[Par. 10.] For compensation to designated depositaries at Buffalo, New York; Louisville, Kentucky; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for receiving, safely keeping, and paying out public money,



Provided (4), That no compensation shall be allowed for the above services when the emoluments of the office of which said designated depositary is in commission amounts to the maximum compensation fixed by law; nor shall the amount allowed to any of said designated depositaries for such services, when added to the emoluments of the office of which he is in commission, be more than sufficient to make the maximum compensation fixed by law:

And provided further, That the whole allowance to any designated depositary for such service shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. (4)

[blocks in formation]

[Par. 11.] Hereafter a detailed statement of the expenditure for the expenditures to be preceding fiscal year of all sums appropriated for contingent expenses presented to Con- in any Department or Bureau of the Government shall be presented to gress at each ses- Congress at the beginning of each regular session. (5)


[blocks in formation]

NOTES.-(3) The provision here referred to of the act of 1867, ch. 59 (14 Stat. L., 398), is incorporated into the second edition of the Revised Statutes, in section 3758, noted in the margin.

(4) This limitation is repeated in 1875, ch. 129 (18 Stat. L., 355).

(5) This provision is repeated in subsequent appropriation acts-1875, ch. 129 (18 Stat. L., 355); 1876, ch. 287 (19 Stat. L., 156); 1877, ch. 102 (19 Stat. L., 306).

Salaries of offi

Director of Mint es-
R. S., § 344.

[Par. 12.] Office of the Director of the Mint.-For director, four thou sand five hundred dollars; examiner, two thousand two hundred dol- cers, &c., under lars; one computor of bullion, two thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one translator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one copyist, nine hundred dollars; one messenger; and one laborer; making, in all, the sum of seventeen thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.

Salaries to be ac

And hereafter all salaries under the Director of the Mint at Washington and at the various mints shall be at the rates appropriated for in cording to this act. this act. (6)

Mint at Philadelphia.-For salaries of the superintendent, four thou- at Philadelphia. sand five hundred dollars; for the assayer, melter and refiner, coiner R. S., §§ 3498, 3499. and engraver, at three thousand dollars each; the assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, and assistant coiner, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; cashier two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk two thousand four hundred dollars; bookkeeper, deposit-clerk, and weigh-clerk, at two thousand dollars each; and two clerks at one thousand dollars each.

R. S., §§ 3498,

Mint at San Francisco, California:-For salaries of superintendent, at San Franfour thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, melter and refiner, and cisco. coiner at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; four clerks at one thousand eight hundred dollars each.

[blocks in formation]

Mint at Carson, Nevada.-For salaries of superintendent, three thou sand dollars; assayer, melter and refiner, and coiner at two thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; cashier and bookkeeper, two thousand dollars each; weigh-clerk and voucher-clerk, at two thousand dollars each; computing clerk, two thousand dollars; assayer's clerk one thousand six hundred dollars;



at Carson.
R. S., § 3498,


R. S., § 3498, 3499.

Mint at Denver, Colorado.-For salaries of assayer in charge, two thou--at Denver. sand five hundred dollars; melter two thousand five hundred dollars; three clerks at one thousand eight hundred dollars each.



To reopen the branch mint at New Orleans to be conducted hereafter Mint at New Oras a mint, subject to the provisions and restrictions of the coinage act leans to be of eighteen hundred seventy-three (7) the following appropriations are salaries of offiopened. made: For salaries of superintendent, three thousand five hundred dol- cers of. lars; assayer, who shall perform the duties of melter two thousand five hundred dollars;

[blocks in formation]

R. S., § 3495, 3498, 3499.

Territorial secre

annual estimates

[Par. 13.] And hereafter it shall be the duty of the secretary of each Territory to furnish estimates in detail for the lawful expenses thereof, taries to furnish to be presented to the Secretary of the Treasury on or before the first to Secretary of day of October of every year.


R. S., § 1844.

Clerks in War their salaries. R. S., § 215. 1877, Feb. 27, ch.

[Par. 14.] For compensation one chief clerk at an annual compensation of two thousand five hundred dollars; one disbursing Department and clerk at two thousand dollars; two chief clerks of divisions at two thousand dollars; seven clerks of class four; six clerks of class three; six clerks of class two; fifteen clerks of class one; two messengers, at eight 69, par. 2. hundred and forty dollars each; nine laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; seven watchmen for northwest building, (executive) at seven hundred and twenty dollars each.


NOTES.-(6) But for this provision the appropriations herein for officers of mints would apply to salaries for one year only. This clause fixes continuing salarics.

(7) the provisions of the act of 1873, ch. 131 (17 Stat. L., 435), are incorporated into Revised Statutes, §§ 3495-3570.

Clerks in office


[Par. 15.] In the Office of the Adjutant-General.-One chief clerk, at of Adjutant-Gen- two thousand dollars; nine clerks of class four; fifteen clerks of class three; twenty-five clerks of class two; one hundred clerks of class one; three temporary clerks of class four; six temporary clerks of class three; twenty temporary clerks of class two; sixty temporary clerks of class one; ten messengers, at eight hundred and forty dollars;

R. S., § 215.

-in office of Inspector-General. R. S., § 215. -in office of Quar[Par. 17.] In the Office of the Quartermaster-General.-One chief clerk, termaster-General. at two thousand dollars; eight clerks of class four; ten clerks of class R. S., § 215. three; twenty-four clerks of class two; forty clerks of class one; eighteen copyists, at nine hundred dollars; one female messenger at thirty dollars per month; one messenger at eight hundred and forty dollars; eight laborers at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one engineer, at twelve hundred dollars; one fireman at seven hundred and twenty dollars; and five watchmen at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; six temporary clerks of class two; ten temporary clerks of class, one; ten temporary copyists, at nine hundred dollars; *

[Par. 16.] In the Office of the Inspector General.-Öne clerk of class four; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars;

-in office of Pay-
R. S., § 215.

in office of Commissary-General. R. S., § 215.

-in office of Surgeon-General.

R. S., § 215.

ch. 38.

[Par. 18.] In the Office of the Paymaster-General.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; seven clerks of class four; eight clerks of class three; fifteen clerks of class two; thirteen clerks of class one; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; four watchmen at seven hundred and twenty dollars; five laborers at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two temporary clerks of class two; three temporary clerks of class one;

[Par. 19.] In the Office of the Commissary General.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; three laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; *

[Par. 20.] In the Office of the Surgeon-General.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; six clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; 1880, March 16, eight clerks of class two; one hundred and fifteen clerks of class one, (twenty of whom shall be temporary;) one anatomist at the Army Medical Museum, at sixteen hundred dollars; one engineer, in division of records and museum, at fourteen hundred dollars; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; twenty-two watchmen and laborers, (six temporary,) at seven hundred and twenty dollars each;

-in office of Chief Engineer.

R. S., § 215.

-in office of Chief of Ordnance.

R. S., § 215.

-in office of Military Justice.

R. S., § 215.

-in Signal-Office. R. S., § 215.

Enlisted men



[Par. 21.] In the Office of the Chief Engineer.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; five clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; three laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each;


[Par. 22.] In the Office of the Chief of Ordnance.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; one messenger at eight hundred and forty dollars; one laborer at seven hundred and twenty dollars; #

[Par. 23.] In the Office of Military Justice.-One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; one messenger at eight hundred and forty dollars; *

[Par. 24.] In the Signal-Office.-Two clerks of class four; one messenger at eight hundred and forty dollars; *

[Par. 25.] That it is further made the duty of the Secretary of War, discharged when the reduction of clerks now employed shall take effect under the soldiers to be re- provisions of this act, to retain, as far as possible, such of the enlisted men and discharged soldiers as are now employed in the several Bureaus of said Department where the same can be done with a due regard to the dispatch of public business;

And it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of War to place such Enlisted men to enlisted men so retained upon the civil list, so as to entitle them to pro- be so placed as to motion under the civil service regulations; be entitled to promotion.

Additional com

[Par. 26.] And hereafter it shall be unlawful to allow or pay to any of the persons designated in this act any additional compensation from any source whatever, or to retain, detail, or employ in any branch of the War pensation and employment prohibDepartment in the city of Washington any persons other than those herein ited, except, &c. authorized except in the Signal-Office and the Engineer Corps, and ex- R. S., § 1763, cept such commissioned officers as the Secretary of War may, from time 1765. to time, assign to special duties: [Par. 27.] Provided, That

no new enlistments shall No new enlist

be made into the general service, and nothing in this act shall be so ments in general construed as to increase the aggregate force now employed in any office service to be made. of the War Department;

[Par. 28.] And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to reduce Number of temthe number of temporary clerks and others authorized by this act as fast porary clerks to be as the wants of the public service will permit.


[Par. 29.] And the Attorney-General shall hereafter annually report to Congress, in detail, the items, amounts, and causes of expenditure of the contingent expenses of this Department.


Attorney-General to report contingent expenses annually to Congress.

R. S., §§ 193, 384. Heads of Departments, &c., to reg

[Par. 30.] That it shall be the duty of the heads of the several Executive Departments, and of the heads of the respective Bureaus therein, in the interests of the public service, to require of all clerks of class one bor of clerks, &c. and above, and of chiefs of divisions, such hours of labor as may be R. S., §§ 161, 162. deemed necessary for the proper dispatch of the public business, not exceeding, however, the time for which said Departments are by law required to be open for business, any usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

Clerks of courts,

SEC. 2. That every clerk of the circuit or district court of the United States, United States marshal, or United States district attorney, shall marshals, and district attorneys to reside permanently in the district where his official duties are to be per- reside in their disformed, and shall give his personal attention thereto; and in case any tricts, &c. such officer shall remove from his district, or shall fail to give personal R. S., §§ 619,767, attention to the duties of his office, except in case of sickness, such office 776. shall be deemed vacant:

Provided, That in the southern district of New York said officers may exception as to reside within twenty miles of their districts.

SEC. 3. That no civil officer of the Government shall hereafter receive any compensation or perquisites, directly or indirectly, from the treas ury or property of the United States beyond his salary or compensation allowed by law:

Provided, That this shall not be construed to prevent the employment and payment by the Department of Justice of district attorneys as now allowed by law for the performance of services not covered by their salaries or fees.

southern district of New York.

Civil officers to

receive no perqui-
sites or extra com-
pensation, except,
R. S., §§ 843,

15 C. Cl., 22.
See Warden's case,
16 C. Cls.,
Permanent ap-

SEC. 4. That the act entitled (8) "An act limiting the appropriation of certain moneys for the preparation, issue, and reissue of certain secu- propriation for exrities of the United States, and for other purposes," approved May penses of national twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and all other acts and securities, &c., reparts of acts making permanent appropriations for the expenses of the pealed. national loan, except the second section of the act approved July four- ed., p. 725. teenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act to authorize the refunding of the national debt," are hereby repealed, this repeal to take place on the first day of July next;

NOTE. (8) The provision of the act of 1872, ch. 197 (17 Stat. L., 156), here referred to and repealed, is incorporated into Revised Statutes, § 3689, 2d edition, page 725, under heading "Expenses of national loan." The provision of the second section of the act of 1870, ch. 256 (16 Stat. L., 272), here referred to as unrepealed, is incorporated into Revised Statutes, § 3689, 2d edition, page 725, under heading "Refunding the national debt."

R. S., § 3689, 2d

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