Imágenes de páginas
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Chap. X.-Iodine. Extraction and properties of iodine. Tests for iodine.
Iodohydric acid. Iodic acid. Periodic acid. Iodide of nitrogen. Chlorides of
iodine. Bromides of iodine. The chlorine group of elements

Chap. XI.-Fluorine. Fluorhydric acid. Etching glass

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Chap. XIV.-Selenium and Tellurium. Properties of selenium. Iso-

morphism. Atomic volume. Tellurium. Compounds of tellurium. The sulphur

group of elements

Chap. XV.-Combination by volume. Synopsis of the gaseous compounds
previously studied. Condensation ratios. Combining-weight and volume-weight.
Double or product volume. Molecular condition of elementary gases. Mole-
cular formulæ

Chap. XVI.-Phosphorus. Allotropic modifications of phosphorus. Fric-
tion matches. Phosphorescence. Solutions of phosphorus. Poisonous pro-
perties of phosphorus. Manufacture of phosphorus. Red phosphorus. Amor-
phous and crystallized red phosphorus. Safety-matches. Phosphorus with
oxidizing agents. Phosphuretted hydrogen. Preparation and analysis of phos-





Chap. XIX.-Bismuth.



Chap. XX.-Carbon. Allotropic modifications of carbon. Diamond.

Graphite or plumbago. Graphitic acid. Gas-carbon. Coke. Anthracite.

Charcoal. Preparation of charcoal. Distillation of wood and of coal. Illumi-

nating gas. Lampblack. Properties of charcoal. Reducing-power of charcoal.

Deflagration. Stability of charcoal. Charcoal absorbs gases. Induces combi-

nations. Disinfects. Decolorizes. Compounds of carbon and hydrogen. Or-

ganic chemistry. Homologous series. Marsh-gas or light carburetted hydrogen.

Atomic weight of carbon. Typical hydrogen compounds. Composition of illu-

minating gas.
Carbonic acid. Preparation and properties of carbonic acid.

Ventilation of wells. Diffusion of gases. Solubility of carbonic acid. Carbonic

acid produced in the processes of fermentation, respiration, decay, and combus-

tion. Liquid and solid carbonic acid. Decomposition, analysis, and synthesis of

carbonic acid. Carbonates. Carbonic oxide. Preparation and properties of car-

bonic oxide. Carbonic oxide a deoxidizing agent. Heat evolved in the com-

bustion of carbonic oxide. Dissociation of carbonic oxide. Composition of car-

bonic oxide. Combustion. Luminosity of flames. The Bunsen burner. Quantity

and intensity flames. All flames gas-flames. Form of luminous flames. Blast-

lamps and blowpipes. Oxidizing and reducing flames. Chimneys. Indestructi-

bility of matter. Kindling-temperature. Flames and fires extinguished by wire

gauze and other good conductors. Safety-lamps. Flaming fires. Loss of heat

from incomplete combustion. Chlorides of carbon. Compounds of carbon and

nitrogen. Bisulphide of carbon

Chap. XXI.-Boron. Sources of boron compounds. Allotropism of boron.

Boracic acid. Chloride of boron. Fluoride of boron. Fluoboric acid. Sulphide

and nitride of boron

Chap. XXII.-Silicon. Abundance of silicon. Preparation of silicon.
Modifications of silicon. Silicon and hydrogen. Oxide of silicon. Silicic acid.
Soluble silicic acid. Varieties of silicic acid. Silica in natural waters. Silicates.
ormulæ of silicates. Decomposition of silicates. Composition and formula of
silicic acid. Chloride of silicon. Composition of chloride of silicon. Compound
of silicon, hydrogen, and chlorine. Fluoride of silicon. Fluosilicic acid. Fluo-
silicates. Sulphide of silicon. The carbon group

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Chap. XXV.-Ammonium-salts. The hypothetical metal ammonium.

Hydrate of ammonium. Chloride of ammonium. Sulphate of ammonium. Ni-
trate of ammonium. Carbonates of ammonium. Sulphides of ammonium.

Chap. XXVI.-Lithium. Spectrum analysis. Rubidium and Cesium.



Chap. XXVIII.-Calcium-Strontium-Barium-Lead. Calcium. Car-
bonate of calcium. Calcareous petrifactions. Calc-spar and arragonite. Oxide
of calcium. Hydrate of calcium. Milk of lime. Slaked lime. Mortar. Caustic
lime. Uses of lime. Sulphate of calcium. Plaster of Paris, or calcined gypsum.
Plaster casts. Incrustation of steam-boilers. Hard water. Testing water. Phos-
phates of calcium. Chloride of calcium. Hypochlorite of calcium. Bleaching-
powder. Preparation of chlorine and oxygen from bleaching-powder. Chlori-
metry. Nitrate of calcium. Sulphydrate of calcium. Sulphite of calcium. Me-
tallic calcium.-Strontium and barium. Peroxide of barium. Making oxygen
with peroxide of barium. Strontium salts. Barium salts. Uses of strontium






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