Imágenes de páginas


(General treatises)-continued.

1885. Schlesing, J. J. T. Contribution à l'étude de la chimie

agricole. 269 pp. Fremy, E. Encyclopédic

Chimique. Tome x. [fasc. 1.] 79. 8°. (11,342) 1885-95. Grandeau, L. Études agronomiques. Série 1-7. Paris [1886] 1892-96. 7 vols. sm. 8°. (24,959)

Vol. i. is of the 6th ed.

1886. Favier, A. L'azote et le phosphore: Essai de statique agricole. [Extrait, etc.] Paris. 8°. 127 pp.


Mayer, A. Lehrbuch der Agriculturchemie. 3te Aufl.
[Band i, Ernährung der grünen
ii, Bodenkunde, etc.] Mit Anhang.
3 vols. 8°. (5,346)


Wiley, H. W. The economical aspects of agricultural



37 pp. (21,084)

Cambridge, Mass. 8°.

1886-94. Petermann, A. Recherches de chimie et de physique appliquées à l'agriculture. Tome i. 2e éd. Tome ii (1886-94). Bruxelles. 2 vols. 8°. (19,747)

1887. Storer, F. H. Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry. London. 2 vols. 8°. (21,360) 1888. Sachsse, G. R. Lehrbuch der Agriculturchemie. Leipzig. 8°. 634 pp. (21,265)

1894. Johnston, J. F. W. Johnston's elements of agricultural chemistry. From the edition by Sir C. A. Cameron. Revised etc. by C. M. Aikman. 17th ed. Edinburgh. sm. 8°. 502 pp. (23,674)

[1897.] Schlæsing, T. fils. Principes de chimie agricole. 2e éd. Paris. sm.8°. 200 pp. (6,936)

Class Bibliography. pp. 185-193.

1897. Storer, F. H. Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry. 7th ed. New York. 3 vols. 8°. (7,546)

1899. Snyder, H.

The chemistry of soils and fertilizers.

Easton, Pa. sq. 120. 286 pp. (26,944)

Wiley, H. W. The relation of chemistry to the progress of agriculture. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Year book. 1899. pp. 201-258. J29:

1901-02. Mayer, A. Lehrbuch der Agrikulturchemie. i. Die Ernährung der grünen Gewächse.

ii. Abt. 1-2;

Die Boden- und Düngerlehre. iii. Die Gährungschemie. 5te Aufl. Heidelberg. 3 vols. in four. 8°. (28,614)


(General treatises)-continued.

1902. Deherain, P. P. Traité de chimie agricole. Développement des végétaux, terre arable, amendements, etc. 2e éd. Paris. 8°. 981 pp. (29,064)

Ingle, H. Manual of agricultural chemistry. London. 80. 418 pp. (28,948)

Warington, R. The chemistry of the farm.

16th ed. (4th revision.) London. sm. 8°. 258 pp. (29,479)

1904. Howell, F. J. The position of chemistry as a factor

in agricultural advancement. 16 pp. Victoria

Dept. of Agriculture.

No. 16. J21 AV: 902


Bulletin. [New Series.]

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

General Indexes 1858-77; 1878-97 (Part I. only publ.).

1903, etc. Centralblatt für Agrikultur-Chemie und rationellen Wirthschafts Betrieb. Hrsg. R. Biedermann. Jahrg. 32, etc. Leipzig. 8°. J 11: 903

Register; Band 1-25, 1872-96. (1901.)

Agricultural drainage. See Land drainage.


1889. Agronomie. Statistique agricole. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1889. Rapports du Jury. Classe 73 bis. pp. 1-314. 1892. 8°. (26,673)

1889-90. Dünkelberg, F. W. Die landwirthschaftliche Betriebslehre. i. Allgemeine Betriebslehre; ii. Das Landgut. Braunschweig. 2 vols. in one. 8°. (17,377)

Agricultural economics, Local. See Agriculture and rural economy. (By Countries.)




(General treatises.)

1887. Scuole superiori agrarie all'estero. 133 pp. Annali di Agricoltura. 2a Serie. [No. 124.] J 36: 882

1889. Organisation, méthodes et matériel de l'enseignement agricole. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1889. Rapports du Jury. Classe 73. 1892. pp. 319-348. 8°. (26 673)


1900. Pearson, A. N. The scientific directing of a country's agriculture. Victoria: Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports, etc. 1895-1901. J 29 A V: 891


[1865] Gossin, L. Guide pratique des conférences agricoles. (Village dialogues.) Paris. 120. 124 pp. (19,789)

1900. Smith, C. B. Agricultural education in France. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

pp. 115-130. J 29: 862

(Germany and Austria.)

Year-book, 1900.

1874. Gohren, C. T. von. Landwirthschaftliche Lehre und Forschung. 51 pp. Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873. Officieller Ausstellungs-Bericht. Heft 61. 8°. (16,635)

1899. Deutsche Landw. Gesellschaft. Der erste Rundgang
der landwirtschaftlichen Wanderausstellungen in
Deutschland, 1887-1898. 231 pp. 1 foldg. pl.

Deutsche Landw. Gesellschaft. Arbeiten. Heft 42.
J 51: 894


1884[-9.] Le scuole pratiche [e speciali] di agricoltura in Italia. Part 1. Annali di Agricolture. 2a Serie. [No. 82; 83; 139; 151; 190.] J 36: 882

1887. Insegnamento agrario elementare. 396 pp. Ibid. [No. 137.] J 36: 882

1894. Considerazioni e proposte dei Consigli didattici e dei Comitati Amministrativi sull' ordinamento delle scuole pratiche, speciali e superiori di Agricoltura. 658 pp. lbid. [No. 203.] J 36: 882

AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION [Key, p. 421]-continued.


1862. Hidalgo Tablada, T. de. Contestacion al interrogatorio circulado por el Ministro de Fomento, etc. Sevilla. sm. 4°. 74 pp. (11,462)


1884. Schneebeli, H., and Kollbrunner, E. Förderung der Landwirthschaft. i. Unterrichts- und Versuchswesen, etc. Schweizerische Lundesausstellung. Berichte. Gruppe 26. Abth. 1. 8°. 46 pp. (23,052)

(United Kingdom.)

1809. Board of Agriculture. On the advantages which have resulted from the establishment of the Board of Agriculture. A lecture by the Secretary to the Board. [A. Young.] London. 70 pp. (11,828)



Murray, G. Agricultural education. London. 8°. 16 pp. (10,672)

Giglioli, I. Educazione agraria britannica. 403 pp. Annali di Agricoltura. 2e Serie. [No. 154.] J 36: 882

Privy Council: Agricultural Dept. Final Report

on Agricultural and Dairy Schools; with evidence, etc. London. fol. 244 pp. (21,506)

(United States.)

1894. True, A. C. Education and research in agriculture in the United States. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Year-book, 1894. pp. 81-116. J 29: 862


Some types of American agricultural colleges. Ibid. 1898. pp. 63-80. 7 pl. J 29:

1899. Greathouse, C. H. Development of agricultural libraries. Ibid. 1899. pp. 491-512. 4 pl. J 29: 862 True, A. C. Agricultural education in the United States. Ibid. 1899. pp. 157-190. J 29: 862

1901, etc. American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. Proceedings. Annual Meeting VI., 1901, etc. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin. No. 110, 120, 138, etc. 29: 889

1903. True, A. C,, and Crosby, D. J. Instruction in agronomy at some agricultural colleges. 85 pp. 17 pl. Ibid. No. 127. J 29: 889


B 2


1893. Reports on electricity in agriculture. [Mainly electro-culture.] U.S. Consular Reports. Vol. 41. pp. 321-361. C 62: 880

Same. [Excerpt.] 8°. 41 pp. (26,747)

1894. Pabst, C. Électricité agricole. [Partie i. Électricité atmosphérique. ii. Applications à l'économie rurale. iii. Electro-culture.] Paris. 8°. 384 pp. (24,412)


1867. Lesage,


Travaux divers de l'agriculture. Univ. Exhibition, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 74. Sect. v. pp. 182-187. 1868. 8°. (13,828) Manega, R. Culturpläne, Modelle und Zeichnungen landwirthschaftlicher Baulichkeiten, Drainagen, Trockenlegungen und Irrigationen. pp. 207-241. 1 pl. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1867: Austrian Comm. Berichte. Heft 10. 8°. (13,249)

1868. Duponchel, A. Traité d'hydraulique et de géologie agricoles. Paris. 8°. 738 pp. 5 pl. (14,136)

1883. Scott, J. Farm roads

tramways and waterways of the farm. London. 120. 129 pp. (11,998) 1885. Bagot, A. Principles of civil engineering as applied to agriculture and estate management. London. sm. 8°. 287 pp. (5,029)

Scott, J. The complete text-book of farm engineering Treatises on draining and embanking; irrigation and water supply; farm roads, fences, and gates; farm buildirgs, barn implements and machines; and agricultural surveying. London. 120. 1,135 pp. (16,288)

1887. Martin, G. A. Fences, gates, and bridges. A practical manual. New York. sm. 8°. 188 pp. (21,354)

1890-92. Durand-Claye, A. Hydraulique agricole et génie rural. Leçons rédigées par F. Launay. [. . Répartition des eaux. Cours d'eau. Machines agricoles. Engrais. Irrigations. Desséchements. Colmatages. Polders. Drainage. Fixation des dunes. Assainissement municipal et utilisation des eaux d'égout.] Paris. 8°. 2 vols. (22,238)

1894, Potter, I. B. Country roads. [pp. 56-64, Bridges.] New York. sm. 8°. 64 pp. (13,709)

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