Imágenes de páginas

Agricultural literature, bibliography and classification.


Agriculture and rural economy (Bibliography); (Classification).



1815-18. Mongez, A. Mémoires sur les instrumens d'agriculture des anciens. [Excerpt.] Paris. 4°. 50 pp. (8,026)

(General treatises.)

1782. Bailey, W. One hundred and six copper-plates of mechanical machines and implements of husbandry, approved, etc., by the Society


Arts, etc. Revised by A. M. Bailey. [Vol. i., Books 1-3. Vol. ii., Book 1. Agriculture.] London. 2 vols. in one. fol. (4,337)

1786. Winlaw, W. A description of some engines and implements used in husbandry, etc. London. obl. 4°. 10 pp. 6 pl. (19,260)

1802. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'art aratoire et du jardinage. [Par J. Lacombe.] Recueil des planches (only). Paris. 40. 54 pl. (12,228)

1808. Gray, A. The plough-wright's assistant; or, a practical treatise on various implements employed in agriculture. Edinburgh.

220 pp. 16 pl. (648)

1809. Somerville, John, 15th Baron. Facts


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ploughs, windmills, hoe and implements, drag-cart, etc. 3rd ed. London. 8°. 262 pp. 11 pl. (16,614)

1810. Amos, W. Minutes on agriculture and planting [on machinery for destroying weeds, harrows, rollers, etc.] Boston. 4°. 100 pp. 9' pl., etc. (3,790)

Williamson, T. Agricultural mechanism; or, a display of the properties and powers of the vehicles, implements, and machinery connected with husbandry. London. 8°. 324 pp. 20 pl. (656)

1811. Lester, W. A history of British implements and machinery applicable to agriculture. With observations on their improvement. London. 40. 235 pp. portr. 7 pl. (661)


(General treatises)-continued.

1814. Gray, A. Explanation of the engravings of the most important implements of husbandry used in Scotland. Edinburgh. 4°. 79 pp. 16 pl.


1823-24. Lasteyrie-Dusaillant, C. P. dr. Collection de machines, appareils, etc., employés dans l'économie rurale, domestique et industrielle. 2e éd.


Constructions rurales; Haies et clôtures; machines de transport; Bêche, houes et pics; Charrues; herses et râteaux; Faux et fourches; machines; irrigations; cultures diverses; Récoltes; fabrication du vin; animaux; laitage; Volaille; abeilles ; poissons, insectes; jardinage; économie domestique; origine des instruments d'agriculture.

Paris, 2 vols. in one. 4°. 198 pp. 198 pl. (84) 1843. Ransome, J. A. The implements of agriculture. London. 8. 288 pp. (180)

Contains classified lists of English patents.

1849. Ritchie, R. The farm engineer. A treatise on barn machinery, particularly on the application of steam, etc., to the thrashing machine, Glasgow, etc. 8°. 288 pp. 23 pl. (19,081)

1851, Lebrun,-. Manuel du charron et du carrossier. Nouv. éd. par L. A. Leroy et F. Malpeyre. [Tome i. pp. 203-237. Des instruments d'agriculture, etc.] Paris. 2 vols. 18°. (4,566)

1852-53. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary treatise on agricultural engineering. [Vol. 2. Motive powers and machinery of the steading. Vol. 3. Field machines and implements.] London. 3 vols. in one. 120. 454 pp. (2,770)

1857. Day, W. Mechanical science and the prize system in relation to agriculture. London. 8°. 54 pp. (15,554)

1858. Slight, J., and Burn, R. S. The book of farm implements and machines. Ed. H. Stephens. Edinburgh. 8°. 670 pp. 40 pl. (5,986)

1861. Schneitler, C., and Andrée, J. Die neueren, etc., landwirthschaftlichen Maschinen und Geräthe. Leipzig. 8°. 532 pp. 1 pl. (12 426)

1867. Aureliano, -. Principaux instruments et travaux divers de l'agriculture. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 74. Sect. iii. pp. 106-171. 1868. 8°. (13,828)


(General treatises)-continued.

1867. Boitel, A. Matériel et procédés des exploitations rurales. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 48. Sect. i. 175-191. 1868. 8°. (13,828)



Fuchs, A. Geräthe, Werkzeuge und Maschinen für die Landwirthschaft. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1867: Austrian Comm. Berichte. Heft 10. pp. 109-147. 1869. 8°. (13,249)

Études sur

Grandvoinnet, J. A. Le génie rural à l'Exposition
universelle de 1867. Lacroix, E.
l'Expos. de 1867. Vols. 1, 3, 4, 7.
12 pl. (13,101)

8°. 124 pp.

Charrues, semoirs, distributeurs d'engrais, etc. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 74. Sect. ii. pp. 58-105. 1868. 8°. (13,828)

Perels, E. Die landw. Maschinen und Geräthe auf der Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris 1867. Salviati, C. von. Berichte über den landw. Theil der Pariser Welt-Ausstellung, etc. Theil ii. 4°. 168 pp. 15 pl. (14,611)

Buenos Aires, Provincial Gov't. Informe


el ensayo de las máquinas é instrumentos de agricultura, etc. Buenos Aires. 8°. 141 pp. 19 pl. (17,463)

1873. Wüst, A. Die landwirthschaftlichen Maschinen. Vienna Univ. Exhibition, 1873: German Comm. Amtlicher Bericht. Band ii. pp. 771-811. 1874. 8°. (17,109)

1875. Mangon, H. Traité de génie rural. Tome iii. Travaux, instruments et machines agricoles. Paris. 8° and fol. atlas. (17,716)

1876. Wrightson, J. Agricultural machinery. Bevan, G. P. British Manufacturing Industries. [X.] pp. 122167. sm. 8°. (17,584)

1878. Grandvoinnet, J. A. Machinerie agricole. Lacroix, E. Études sur l'Exposition de 1878.

pp. 201-254. 8°. (1,177)

Vol. vii.

Grant, J. B. Agricultural implements and machinery.
Society of Arts. Artisan reports on the Paris
Univ. Exhibition, 1878. pp. 293-308. 1879. 8°.


(General treatises)-continued.

1880-82. Brusotti, F. Meccanica agraria. Cantoni, G. Enciclopedia Agraria. Vol. 1. Pt. 2. Sect. vii. pp. 193400. 8°. (23,059)

Same. [Reprinted.] Torino. 8°. (23,116)

1880. Fritz, H. Handbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Maschinen. Berlin. 8°. 574 pp. (22,317)

Hill, J. W. Illustrated guide to mo Jern agricultural implements, tools, machinery, etc. London. 4°. 571 pp. (1,731)

Handbuch des landwirthschaftlichen


Perels, E.


2te Aufl. Jena. 2 vols. 8°.

1882. Wüst, A. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen-kunde. Berlin. 8°. 464 pp. (11,534)

1883. Saidapet Experimental Farm, Madras. Catalogue of
implements and machines tried and found
useful. [By C. Benson.] Madras, 1884. 8°. 23 pp.

1884. Fritz, H. Landwirthschaftliche Geräthe und Mas-
chinen. 42 pp.
Schweizerische Landesausstellung.

Berichte. Gruppe 26. Abt. 2. 8°. (23,052)

1885. Lázár, L. P. Geräthe und Maschinen zur Boden-
und Pflanzen- Kultur. Leipzig. 8°.
16 folding pl. (8,904)

256 pp.

1888-93. Ringelmann, M. Les machines agricoles. Série i.-iii. Paris. 3 vols. 16°. (23,758)

Série i. is of the 2nd ed. (1893).

1889. Cencelli-Perti, A. Macchine agricole. Milano. 16o. 223 pp. 2 pl. (21,668)

Machines et instruments d'agriculture. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1889. Rapports du Jury. Classe 49. pp. 319-356. 1891. 8°. (26,673)

Moore, H. F. Mechanical aids to agriculture. A story of fifty years' progress. [Reprint.] Introduction by H. F. Moore London. 4°. 26 pp. (9,873) Chiefly annotations of English patents.

Spécimens d'exploitations rurales et d'usines agricoles. Paris Univ. Exhibition, 1889. Rapports du Jury. Classe 74. pp. 355-630, 1892. 8°. (26,673)

1891. Buchard, J. Le matériel agricole, machines, instruments, outils. Paris. 120. 384 pp. (22,833)


(General treatises)-continued.

1893. Grille, C. J. A., and Lelarge, G. L'agriculture et les machines agricoles aux États-Unis. Grille, C. J. A., and Falconnet, H. Revue technique de l'Exposition de Chicago en 1893. Pt. 6. 1896. 8° and fol. atlas. (23,823)

1893-95. Debains, A. Instructions pratiques sur l'utilité et l'emploi des machines agricoles sur le terrain.

i. Labours; ii. Semailles; iii. Récoltes. Paris.
3 vols. 8°. (24,653)

Tresca, A. Le matériel agricole moderne.
2 vols. 8°. (24,675)


Nouveau traité de mécanique agricole. Fasc. i. Mécanique générale, manèges, etc.

1895-1901. Fontaine, L.

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vi. L'électricité en agriculture.

Montpellier. 6 vols. 8°. (24,857)

1897. Perels, E. Ratgeber bei Wahl und Gebrauch landwirthschaftlicher Geräte und Maschinen. 7te Aufl. von W. Strecker. Berlin. sm. 8°. 276 pp. (17,743)

1898. Hignette,-. Matériel agricole. Soc. des Ingénieurs Civils de France. Cinquantenaire.

pp. 480-492. 8°. (25,483)


Ringelmann, M. Les machines agricoles. 3e éd.
1re Série. Culture- ensemencement- récolte.
Paris. 16. 198 pp. (26,151)

Schotte, F. Neuere Erfahrungen a. d. G. des Acker-
baues. (iv.) Neuheiten in landwirtschaftlichen
Geräten, etc. Deutsche Landw. Gesellschaft.
Arbeiten. Heft 36. pp. 110-126. J 51: 894

Strecker, W. Neue beachtenswerthe Maschinen und
Geräthe auf der Dresdner Ausstellung, 1898.
Dresden. 8°. 54 pp. (27,163)

1900. Das landwirthschaftliche Maschinenwesen: Sensen,
Sichelen und Strohmesser. Paris Univ. Exhibition,
1900: K. K. Österr. Comm. Berichte. Band iv.
pp. 31-44. 1901. fol. (27,729)

Albert, -, and Schiller,-. Die landwirtschaftlichen
Maschinen auf der Pariser Weltausstellung 1900.
59 pp. Deutsche Landw. Gesellschaft.
Heft 65. J 51: 894


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