Imágenes de páginas

pledges to grant statehood to the Territories of Arizona, New-Mexico and Okla and we promise the people of those Territories immediate statehood, and hom during their condition as Territories; and we favor home rule and a territoria of government for Alaska and Porto Rico. We favor an intelligent system of in ing the arid lands of the West, storing the wa.ers for the purposes of irrigatio the holding of such lands for actual settlers. We favor the continuance and enforcement of the Chinese Exclusion law and its application to the same clas all Asiatic races.

Jefferson said: "Peace, gling alliances with none.' Alliance with England.

commerce and honest friendship with all nations, We approve this wholesome doctrine and earnestly against the Republican departure which has involved so-called world politics, including the diplomacy of and the intrigue and land grabbing in Asia, and we cially condemn the ill concealed Republican alliance England, which must mean discrimination against other friendly nations, and has already stifled the Nation's voice while liberty is being strangled in Africa. Believing in the principles of self-government and rejecting, as did our foref the claims of monarchy, we view with indignation the purpose of England to whelm with force the South African Republics. Spe as we believe, for the entire American Nation, exc Republicar officeholders, and for all free men every we extend our sympathy to the heroic burghers in

South African

unequal struggle to maintain their liberty and independence. We denounce the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses, whic kept taxes high and which threaten the perpetuation of the oppressive war levie oppose the accumulation of a surplus to be squande such barefaced frauds upon the taxpayers as the Sh Subsidy bill, which, under the false pretence of fo American shipbuilding, would put unearned million the pockets of favorite contributors to the Republican campaign fund. We fav reduction and speedy repeal of the war taxes, and a return to the time honored cratic policy of strict economy in governmental expenditures.

Republican Appropriations.

Believing that our mrst cherished institutions are in great peril, that th existence of our constitutional Republic is at stake, and that the decision now rendered wil. determine whether or not our children enjoy those blessed privileges of free government have made the United States great, prosperous and h we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of pri the hearty support of the liberty loving American people, regardless of previous affiliations.

Appeal to the


The present Social Democratic party is the result of the amalgamation original Social Democratic party, founded on June 13, 1898, at Chicago, Ill., a Socialist Labor Party, formed some years ago in New-York City. This amalga was brought about by the Socialist Labor party, in convention at Rochester, N. January, 1900, appointing a committee to meet with the convention of the Democratic party at Indianapolis, Ind., in March, 1900. This convention appoi committee, and the two committees met in New-York City on March 25, and mitted to the referendum of both parties a plan of union, which was adopted J and a Provisional Executive Committee chosen. At Chicago, on September 2 nomination of Eugene V. Debs, of Illinois, for the Presidency, and Job Harrim California, for the Vice-Presidency, was ratified. The following platform was ad

The Platform.

September 29.-The Social Democratic party of the United States, in conv assembled, reaffirms its allegiance to the revolutionary principles of Internation cialism and declares the supreme political issue in America to-day to be the cont tween the working class and the capitalist class for the possession of the powers o ernment. The party affirms its steadfast purpose to use those powers, once achie destroy wage slavery, abolish the institution of private property in the means of p tion, and establish the co-operative Commonwealth. In the United States, as other civilized countries, the natural order of economic development has separate ety into two antagonistic classes-the capitalists, a comparatively small class, th sessors of all the modern means of production and distribution (land, mines, mac and means of transportation and communication), and the large and ever incr class of wage workers, possessing no means of production. This economic suprema secured to the dominant clas: the full control of the government, the pulpit, the s and the public press; it has thus made the capitalist class the arbiter of th of the workers, whom it is reducing to a condition of dependence, economically e ed and oppressed, intellectually and physically crippled and degraded, and their p equality rendered a bitter mockery. The contest between these two classes grow sharper. Hand in hand with the growth of monopolics goes the annihilation of sm

nd of the middle class depending upon them; ever larger grows the multitude te wage workers and of the unemployed, and ever fiercer the struggle between of the exploiter and the exploited, the capitalists and the wage workers. The s of capitalist production are intensified by the recurring industrial crises der the existence of the greater part of the population still more precarious rtain. These facts amply prove that the modern means of production have the existing social order based on production for profit. Human energy -al resources are wasted for individual gain. Ignorance is fostered that wage ay be perpetuated. Science and invention are perverted to the exploitation women, and children. The lives and liberties of the working class are reckcrificed for profit. Wars are fomented between nations; indiscriminate is encouraged; the destruction of whole races is sanctioned, in order that alist class may extend its commercial dominion abroad and enhance its suat home. The introduction of a new and higher order of society is the hission of the working class. Ali other classes, despite their apparent or actual are interested in upholding the system of private ownership in the means of 3. The Democratic, Republican, and all other parties which do not stand omplete overthrow of the capitalist system of production are alike the tools -pitalist class. Their policies are injurious to the interest of the working ch can be served only by the abolition of the profit system. The workers can ctively act as a class in their struggle against the collective power of the class only by constituting themselves into a political party, distinct and o all parties formed by the propertied classes. We, therefore, call upon the kers of the United States, without distinction of color, race, sex, or creed, all citizens in sympathy with the historic mission of the working class, to under the banner of the Social Democratic party, as a party truly representterests of the toiling masses and uncompromisingly waging war upon the class, until the system of wage slavery shall be abolished and the co-operamonwealth shall be set up. Pending the accomplishment of this our ultipose, we pledge every effort of the Social Democratic party for the immprovement of the condition of labor and for the securing of its progressive As steps in that direction, we make the foliowing demands: First-Reour Federal Constitution, in order to remove the obstacles to complete convernment by the people, irrespective of sex Second-The public ownership ustries controlled by monopolies, trusts and combines. Third-The public of all railroads, telegraphs and telephones; all means of transportation; all ks, gas and electric plants, and other puolic utilities. Fourth-The public of all gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, coal and other mines, and all oil and Fifth-The reduction of the hours of labor in proportion to the increasing of production. Sixth-The inauguration of a system of public works and ents for the employment of the unemployed, the public credit to be utilized purpose. Seventh-Useful inventions to be free. the inventors to be reby the public. Eighth-Labor legislation to be National, instead of local, national when possible. Ninth-National insurance of working people against lack of employment, and want in old age. Tenth-Equal civil and political men and women, and the abolition of all laws discriminating against women. -The adoption of the initiative and referendum, proportional representation, ght of recall of representatives by the voters. Twelfth-Abolition of war and uction of international arbitration.

POPULIST (Middle of the Road).

cinnati, Ohio, on May 10, 1900, the Middle of the Road Populists nominated Barker for President and Ignatius Donnelly for Vice-President, and adopted à in substance as follows: (1) We demand the initiative and referendum and ative mandate or such changes of existing fundamental and statute law as e the people in their sovereign capacity to propose and compel the enactment ws as they desire; to reject such as they deem injurious to their interests, call unfaithful public servants. (2) We demand the public. ownership and of those means of communication, transportation and production which the y elect, such as railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, coal mines, etc. nd, including all natural sources of weith, is a heritage of the people, and be monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should zed. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their ds and all lands now owned by aliens should be reclaimed by the Governheld for actual settlers only. (4) A scientific and absolute paper money, n the entire wealth and population of the Nation, not redeemable in any mmodity, but made a full legal tender for all debts and receivable for all public dues and issued by the Government only without the intervention of in sufficient quantity to meet the demands of commerce, is the best curcan be devised; bu until such a financial system is secured, which we s for adoption, we favor the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and he legal ratio of 16 to 1. (5) We demand the levy and collection of a tax on incomes and inheritances, and a constitutional amendment to secure if necessary. (6) We demand the election of President, Vice-President, dges and United States Senators by direct vote of the people. (7) We are trusts, and declare the contention between the old parties on the monopoly a sham battle, and that no solution of this mighty problem is possible withoption of the principles of public ownership of public utilities.

Rico it was set forth that the Declaration of Independence, the Constit the American flag are one and inseparable. It was also declared that the Porto Rico is a part of the territory of the United States, made so by our and the consent of the Porto Ricans themselves. There was a strong res sympathy for the Boers, a declaration against the monopolizing of public speculative purposes, a demand for a return to the original homestead declaration for the placing of all goods controlled by the trusts upon the list, a condemnation for the Governor of Idaho and the Federal Governmen nection with the Coeur d'Alene troubles, and the usual deriand for the initi referendum. Trusts were denounced, and the Populistic method for the public utilities, such as the railroads and the telegraphic systems, and of th of money, was recommended as the proper remedy to cope with the trust gold standard act of the present Congress was denounced in strong terms, a asserted that, "while barring out the money of the Constitution, this law printing mints of the Treasury to the free coinage of paper money to enric and impoverish the many." The party was pledged anew "never to cease until the financial conspiracy is blotted from the statute books, the Lincoln restored and the bonds all paid and all corporation money forever retired." tem of issuing injunctions in cases of dispute between employers and emp under certain circumstances denounced as an evil. The election of Presid President and United States Senators by direct vote of the people was urge were Government ownership of railroads and telegraph lines, home rule in tories, the employment of idle labor on public works in time of depression, ment of just pensions to disabled soldiers and the establishment of posta banks. On August 8 Mr. Towne withdrew, and on August 28 the National Committee named Adlai E. Stevenson in his place.


The Prohibition party held its National Convention at Chicago on June 1900, and nominated John G. Woolley. of Chicago, for President, over Swallow, of Harrisburg, Penn.

Henry B. Metcalf, of Rhode Island, was nominated for Vice-President Convention adopted a platform denouncing the liquor traffic, insisting on s prohibition as a National issue and attacking the Administration on th question. The Platform.

Among other things the platform said:

We propose as a first step in the financial problems of the Nation to than a billion of dollars every year, now annually expended to support the lic and to demoralize our people. When that is accomplished, conditions will ha proved that with a clearer atmosphere the country can address itself to the as to the kind and quantity of currency needed.

The Issue Presented.

We reaffirm as true indisputably the declaration of William Windom wh tary of the Treasury in the Cabinet of President Arthur, that "Considere financially, politically or morally, the licensed lic is or ought to be the overwhelming issue in Ame tics," and that "the destruction of this iniqu next on the calendar of the world's progress." that the existence of our party presents this issue squarely to the Americ and lays upon them the responsibility of choice between liquor parties, don distillers and brewers, with their policy of saloon perpetuation, breeding wast ness, woe, pauperism, taxation, corruption and crime, and our one party o and moral principle, with a policy which defends it from domination by corr and which insures it forever against the blighting control of saloon politics. with sorrow, shame and fear the awful fact that this liquor traffic has a g government. municipal, State and National, through the revenue system sovereignty, which no other party dares to dispute; a grip which dominates now in power, from caucus to Congress, from policeman to President, from shop to the White House; a grip which compels the Chief Executive to co law shall be nullified in behalf of the brewer, that the canteen shall curse and spread intemperance across the seas, ard that our flag shall wave as of partnership at home and abroad between this Government and the men and defile it for their unholy gain.

We charge upon President McKinley, who was elected to his high office to Christian sentiment and patriotism almost unprecedented and by a com

The President


moral influences never before seen in this countr his conspicuous example as a winedrinker at p quets and as a wine serving host in the White nas done more to encourage the liquor busine moralize the temperance habits of young men, and to bring Christian pra requirements into disrepute, than any other President this Republic has

charge upon President McKinley responsibility for the Army canteen, with brood of disease, immorality, sin and death, in this country, in Cuba, in and the Philippines; and we insist that by his attitude concerning the id his apparent contempt for the vast number of petitions and petitioners gainst it, he has outraged and insulted the moral sentiment of this couna manner and to such a degree as calls for its righteous uprising and nt and effective rebuke. We challenge denial of the fact that our Chief as commander in chief of the military forces of the United States, at any to or since March 2, 1899, could have closed every Army saloon, called a executive order, as President Hayes in effect did before him, and should them, for the same reason that actuated President Hayes; we assert that Congress passed March 2, 1899, forbidding the sale of liquor, "in any post canteen,' by any officer or private solder" or by "any other person on es used for military purposes in the United States," was and is as explicit prohibition as the English language can frame; we declare our solemn the Attorney-General of the United States in his interpretation of that law, cretary of War in his acceptance of that interpretation and his refusal to law, were and are guilty of treasonable nullification thereof, and that cKinley, through his assent to and indorsement of such interpretation and he part of officials appointed by and responsible to him, shares responsibility ilt; and we record our conviction that a new and serious peril confronts in the fact that its President, at the behest of the beer power, dare and te a law of Congress, through subordinates removable at will by him and become his, and thus virtually confesses that laws are to be administered lified in the interest of a law defying business, by an Administration under such business for support.


lore the fact that an Administration of this Republic claiming the right to carry our flag across seas, and to conquer and annex new territory, should admit its lack of power to prohibit the American Liquor saloon on subjugated soil, or should openly confess itself ndemned. subject to liquor sovereignty under that flag. We humiliated, exasperated and grieved by the evidence, painant, that this Administration's policy of expansion is bearing so rapidly its of drunkenness, insanity and crime under the hothouse sun of the tropics; he president of the first Philippine Commission says "It was unfortunate troduced and established the saloon there, to corrupt the natives and to vices of our race," we charge the inhumanity and un-Christianity of this e Administration of William McKinley and upon the party which elected perpetuate the same. We declare that the only policy which the Govern• United States can of right uphold as to the liquor traffic, under the Natitution, upon any territory under the military or civil control of that , is the policy of prohibition; that "to establish justice, insure domestic provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure s of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," as the Constitution provides, raffic must neither be sanctioned nor tolerated, and that the revenue policy s our Government a partner with distillers and brewers and barkeepers is to our civilization, an outrage upon humanity and a crime against God. n the present Administration at Washington because it has repealed the laws in Alaska, and has given over the partly civilized tribes there to be the American grog shop; and because it has entered upon a license policy possessions by incorporating the same in the recent act of Congress in the s for the government of the Hawaiian Islands. We call general attention ul fact tha exportation of liquors from the United States to the Philippine eased in vue from $337 in 1898 to $467,198 in the first ten months of the ending June 30, 1900; and that while our exportation of liquors to Cuba ed $30,000 a year previous to American occupation of that island, our such liquors to Cuba during the fiscal year of 1899 reached the sum of

at religious body (the Baptist) having truly declared of the liquor traffic s no defensible right to exist, that it can never be reformed, and that it Oral and ip.

stands condemned by its unrighteous fruits as a thing unChristian, un-American, and perilous utterly to every interest in life;" another great religious body (the Methodist) having as truly asserted and reiterated that "no political party has a right to expect, nor should it receive, the votes men so long as it stands committed to the license system, or refuses to record in an attitude of open hostility to the saloon;" other great res having made similar deliverances, in language plain and unequivocal, or traffic and the duty of Christian citizenship in opposition thereto; and g plain and undeniable that the Democratic party stands for license, the the canteen, while the Republican party, in policy and administration, he canteen, the saloon and the revenue therefrom, we declare ourselves expecting that Christian voters everywhere shall cease their complicity or curse by refusing to uphold a liquor party, and shall unite themselves y party which upholds the prohibition policy, and which for nearly thirty een the faithful defender of the Church, the State, the home and the st the saloon, its expanders and perpetuators, their actual and persistent eclare that there are but two real parties to-day, concerning the liquor

[blocks in formation]

The National Convention met in New-York City on June 2, 1900, and Joseph F. Malloney, of Massachusetts, for President, and Valentine Remmel, sylvania, for Vice-President on June 6.

The Platform.

It readopted the declaration of principles of 1896, as follows:

June 2.-The Socialist Labor, party of the United States, in conve sembled, reasserts the inalienable right of all men to life, liberty, and the happiness. With the founders of the American Republic we hold that the government is to secure every citizen in the enjoyment of this right; but in of our social conditions we hold, furthermore, that no such right can be under a system of economic inequality, essentially destructive of life, of li of happiness. With the founders of this Republic we hold that the true politics is that the machinery of government must be owned and controlle whole people; but in the light of our industrial development we hold, further the true theory of economics is that the machinery of production must likew to the people in common. To the obvious fact that our despotic system of is the direct opposite of qur'democratic system of politics can plainly be t existence of a privileged class, the corruption of government by that class, th tion of public property, public franchises and public functions to that class abject dependence of the mightiest of nations upon that class. Again, th perversion of democracy to the ends of plutocracy, labor is robbed of th which it alone produces, is denied he means of self-employment, and, by c idleness in wage slavery, is even deprived of the necessaries of life. Hum and natural forces are thus wasted, that the plutocracy may rule. Igno misery, with all their concomitant evils, are perpetuated, that the people ma in bondage. Science and invention are diverted from their humane purpo enslavement of women and children. Against such a system the Socialist La once more enters its protest. Once more it reiterates its fundamental declar private property in the natural sources of production and in the instrument is the obvious cause of all economic servitude and political dependence. fast coming when, in the natural course of social evolution, this system the destructive action of its failures and crises on the one hand, and the co tendencies of its trusts and other capitalistic combinations on the other ha have worked out its own downfall. We therefore call upon the wage w the United States, and upon all other honest citizens, to organize under t of the Socialist Labor party into a class-conscious body, aware of its right; termined to conquer them by taking possession of the public powers; so together by an indomitable spirit of solidarity under the most trying conditio present class struggle, we may put a summary end to that barbarous strugg abolition of classes, the restoration of the land and of all the means of p transportation and distribution to the people as a collective body, and the su of the co-operative Commonwealth for the present state of planless produ dustrial war and social disorder; a Commonwealth in which every worker s the free exercise and full benefit of his faculties, multiplied by all the mode of civilization.



The Liberty Congress of the American League of Anti-Imperialists m dianapolis, Ind., on August 16, 1900, and after vigorous opposition by members o tional or "Third Ticket" Convention, who were also admitted as delegates to Imperialist Congress, indorsed the candidacy of William J. Bryan for Presid platform and resolutions were adopted by a viva voce vote, and the exact probably never be known. The platform, as adopted, was as follows:

This Liberty Congress of Anti-Imperialists recognizes a great Nation which menaces the Republic, upon whose future depends in such large me

A Great National

hope of freedom throughout the world. For the in our country's history the President has unde subjugate a foreign people and to rule them by power. He has thrown the protection of the slavery and polygamy in the Sulu islands. He has abrogated to himself the impose upon the inhabitants of the Philippines government without their co taxation without representation. He is waging war upon them for asserting principles for the maintenance of which our forefathers pledged their li fortunes and their sacred honor. He claims for himself and Congress au govern the territories of the United States without constitutional restraint. in the Declaration of Independence. Its truths, not less self-evident towhen first announced by our fathers, are of universal application and abandoned while government by the people endures. We believe in the Co of the United States. It gives the President and Congress certain limited p secures to every man within the jurisdiction of our Government certain


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