Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, Volumen107,Tema 1U.S. Government Printing Office, 2001 |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1962 |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1964 |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1953 |
Términos y frases comunes
added as cosponsors agreeing to amendment Akaka amend the Internal amend title authorized to meet BAUCUS Bayh benefits Biden bill to amend BINGAMAN Boxer Breaux Brownback Cleland Committee on Commerce Committee on Finance communication concurrent resolution Corzine Crapo DASCHLE Dayton Department of Transportation DEWINE DODD DOMENICI Dorgan DURBIN Enzi February 12 Federal Aviation Admin Federal Communications Commission FEINGOLD FEINSTEIN Frist gram Analyst GRASSLEY Hagel Harkin HATCH Hutchinson Inouye Internal Revenue Code istration JEFFORDS KERRY Landrieu LEAHY Lieberman LOTT March 19 McCain medicare ment Mikulski modified motion to reconsider Murkowski Office order of today order of yesterday pending amendment Pending debate PRESIDENT pro tempore pursuant to law received on February received on March recurring on agreeing REID request rule entitled Airworthiness Santorum Sarbanes SCHUMER Service session Social Security Act Stabenow suant Thurmond tion Torricelli transmitting unanimous consent United States Code Voinovich WELLSTONE words being amendment