But that two villains, whose false oaths prevail'd The fore end of my time.-But, up to the mountains; And we will fear no poison, which attends In place of greater state. I'll meet you in the vallies. They think, they are mine; and, though train'd up thus meanly I' the cave, wherein they bow, their thoughts do hit Strikes life into my speech, and shows much more Hark! the game is roused! Oh, Cymbeline! Heaven, and my conscience, knows, Thou didst unjustly banish me: whereon, E At three, and two years old, I stole these babes : Thou 'reftst me of my land. Euriphile, Thou wast their nurse; they took thee for their mother, And every day do honour to thy grave: The game is up. [The Horn sounds again. [Exit. SCENE V. The Palace of CYMBELINE. Flourish of Trumpets. Enter CYMBELINE, QUEEN, CLOTEN, LOCRINE, MADAN, LUCIUS VARUS, and ATTENDANTS. Cym. Thus far; and so farewell. Luc. Thanks, royal sir. I am right sorry, that I must report ye My master's enemy. I desire of you A conduct over land, to Milford Haven. Cym. My lords, you are appointed for that office; The due of honour in no point omit: So farewell, noble Lucius. Luc. Your hand, my lord. Cloten. Receive it friendly: but, from this time forth, I wear it as your enemy. Luc. Sir, the event Is yet to name the winner: Fare you well. [Exeunt LUCIUS, LOCRINE, and VARUS, &c. Queen. He goes hence frowning: but it honours us, That we have given him cause. Cloten. 'Tis all the better; Your valiant Britons have their wishes in it. But must be look'd to speedily, and strongly. Queen. Royal sir, [Exit MADAN, Since the exile of Posthumus, most retired Enter MADAN, Cym. Where is she, sir? How Her chambers are all lock'd; and there's no answer She should that duty leave unpaid to you, Which daily she was bound to proffer: this She wish'd me to make known; but our great court Made me to blame in memory. Cym. Her doors lock'd? Not seen of late? Grant, Heavens, that, which I fear, Prove false ! [Exeunt CYMBELINE and MADAN, Queen. Son, I say, follow the king. Cloten. That man of hers, Pisanio, her old servant, I have not seen these two days. Queen. Go, look after. [Exit CLOTEN. Pisanio, thou that stand'st so for Posthumus! He hath a drug of mine: I pray, his absence Where is she gone? Haply, despair hath seized her; Can make good use of either: She being down, [Exit, SCENE VI. A Wood near Milford Haven. Enter PISANIO and IMOGEN. Imog. Thou told'st me, when we came from horse, the place Was near at hand. Pisanio! Man! Where is Posthumus? What is in thy mind, That makes thee stare thus ? One, but painted thus, Would be interpreted a thing perplex'd Beyond self-explication. What's the matter? Why tender'st thou that paper to me? If it be summer news, Smile to't before: if winterly, thou need'st But keep that countenance still. My husband's hand! That drug-damn'd Italy hath out-craftied him, May take off some extremity, which, to read, Pisanio. Please you, read; And you shall find me, wretched man, a thing Imog. [Reads.] Thy mistress, Pisanio, hath played the strumpet in my bed; the testimonies whereof lie bleeding in me. I speak not out of weak surmises; but from proof as strong as my grief, and as certain as I expect my revenge. That part, thou, Pisanio, must act for me, if thy faith be not tainted with the breach of hers. Let thine own hands take away her life: I shall give thee opportunities at Milford Haven: she hath my letter for the purpose; where, if thou fear to strike, and to make me certain it is done, thou art the pander to her dishonour, and equally to me disloyal. Pisanio. What shall I need to draw my sword? the paper Hath cut her throat already.—No, 'tis slander; What cheer, madam? Imog. False to his bed! What is it, to be false? To lie in watch there, and to think on him? To weep 'twixt clock and clock? If sleep charge na ture, To break it with a fearful dream of him, |