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Inability to sleep for a long time, eyes wide open; at length went to sleep lying on the back with the knees drawn up.

No sleep till after midnight, then frequent waking.

Waking in the morning tremulous and weak, as from a severe fit of sickness, after having had an attack of severe, cutting pain in the bowels in the evening, beginning at eight o'clock; the pain in the bowels was promptly relieved by nux vom. (Mrs. Dr. B.)

Sleep unrefreshing, broken by disagreeable dreams, with great irritability in the evening; full feeling in the forehead over the eyes; outward pressure in the whole forehead; reels and staggers when walking, with inclination to fall forward, and chills in the face. After having been called out at night was miserable and restless; could not sleep, everything seemed too hot; next morning steady pain in the small of the back, spreading both ways to the kidneys, continuing all day; occasional stitches in the right hip joint; stag gering gait could only walk straight by very great exertion. Drowsy, with burning, pressing headache, mostly in the left side of the forehead, gradually increasing with the advance of evening. Unrefreshing sleep, with fullness and heaviness of the head, especially the left side in the morning. (Dr. L.)

Restless sleep, full of unremembered dreams, with seminal emissions toward morning, waking with dull headache, palpitation of the heart, beating of the arteries, felt only when lying in bed, or during a siesta. (Dr. L.)

Dreams.-Dreams all night. (Mrs. Dr N.W.)

Frightful and laborious dreams, with restless sleep, and sharp, cutting pains in the mammary glands. (F.)

Unpleasant dreams. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.)

Queer, half waking dreams, for instance: occurrences which followed each other in rapid succession, seemed to be separated by long intervals, as when the child got up to pass urine. The intervals between getting up, passing urine, and going to bed again, seemed very long. (Dr. L.)

Lascivious dreams toward morning, and seminal emissions, followed next morning by irritability and great weakness of the legs; dull pressure under the sternum toward the middle portion of the right lung [which pressure was somewhat relieved by sighing and pressure with the hand]; difficulty of keeping the thoughts fixed upon the subject under consideration, making mistakes when speaking, choosing wrong words to express the ideas, loss of appetite.

Afternoon: Congestion of the chest, taste of blood in the mouth, weak beating of the heart, severe left-sided headache, dizziness, blur before the eyes, faint feeling, with fear of falling, aggravation in a close room, amelioration when walking the streets, and when fresh, cool air strikes the uncovered head and face, though the cool air produces a chilliness. These symptoms gradually increased, continued severe for two hours, then gradually decreased. (Dr. L.)

General Symptoms.

Restlessness at night. (F)

Languor, lassitude. (F)

Prostration with severe hot pain in the forehead, coming on between six and eight o'clock, P. M., attended by heat of the extremities, and pulsation over the whole body. (F.)

Great irritability of the nervous system. (F.)

Some of the pains are ameliorated by change of position, while others are aggravated. (F.)

Sensation of outward pressure as if the blood would burst through the veins. (F.

Pulsation of all the arteries, perceptible to the prover. (F.)

Symptoms return every day from five to six o'clock, P.M., gradually increase through the night, and abate at about eight o'clock, P. M. [Constant throughout the proving.] (F.)

Symptoms all better from morning, till late in the afternoon. Symptoms continued to recur regularly every afternoon throughout the proving. (F.)

Great weakness and trembling, attending morning diarrhea. Yawning and stretching, with cramps in the legs and feet, attending morning diarrhoea. (F)

Pains generally worse after riding. (F.)

In some cases the uterine symptoms are better after riding, and exercise in the open air. (Y.)

With some of the provers, the symptoms of the reproductive organs were more clearly defined on the left side, while with others more on the right, but generally more on the left.

Pain aggravated by walking, but so much worse after having ceased to walk, that the prover was impelled to walk again, though knowing the pain would be aggravated thereby. (Mrs. Dr. N.W.)

The pains occupy small spots, or if produced by hard pressure with the ends of the fingers. [Compare oxalic acid.] (Dr. S.)

Symptoms worse when giving up active control of herself, for example, when trying to sleep. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.)

All the symptoms better when busy at work or thinking.

On the twenty-seventh day of the proving, the symptoms first developed returned. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.)

After the symptoms have entirely disappeared, they return again very suddenly in the same order, without any apparent provocation.

The severe symptoms are always preceded by thirst, and a dull, stupid feeling. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.)

Muscles of the whole body respond very sluggishly to her will. The muscles of the whole body feel sore and bruised, rendering stepping, the motion of a carriage, and even the pressure of the clothes very painful. (Mrs. Dr. B.)

Aching of the flesh and bones throughout the body, fullness of the head and pressing from within outward, as though the contents would be forced through every aperture of the head, eyes, ears, etc.

Convulsive contractions of almost all the muscles of the body, and a feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself.

Nervous symptoms coming on at three o'clock, P. M., and growing worse and worse each successive day for six days.

The hands become cold on every occasion of excitement.
Great nervous prostration, lassitude, enervation.

Nervous tremulousness and inability to think clearly and recall facts perfectly familiar, or to apply the mind to any subject steadily. Aimless hurry and motion, walking to and fro, up and down; cannot be amused by thinking or reading.

Symptoms worse after interrupted sleep.

Great disinclination to work and lassitude in the lower limbs.
Depression of spirits, not relieved by work.

Burning sensation, both externally and internally, with chills from face downward, and constriction of the chest.

Some of the chest symptoms relieved by sighing and by pressure on the chest with the hands.

Some of the head symptoms increase after going to bed.

Most of the symptoms better when walking out of doors in the open air, when the cool air strikes the uncovered head and face, and worse in a close, hot room.

Faint feeling when in a warm room and standing on the feet.

Aggravation of the symptoms every evening, though the day had been passed comfortably.

The headaches are frontal and temporal, chiefly pressing from within outward; a congested feeling as if the contents would burst through the apertures; worse in the afternoon and evening, and aggravated by pressure.


All the symptoms return again and again, after having disappeared, but diminished in degree at each successive return.

The social and moral conditions are profoundly affected, generally changed to their opposites, though in some instances they seem very contradictory.

The symptoms come on in the afternoon, increase till midnight, then improve. This applies to all except the diarrhoea, which occurs in the morning and forenoon, being peremptory in its calls, resembling in this respect sulphur and podophyllum. The afternoon and night symptoms seem to culminate in morning diarrhoea.

The symptoms are aggravated during repose and thinking about them, and relieved when busy and in the open air.

The mind becomes distraught, memory enfeebled, attention not susceptible of concentration upon any subject. Mistakes are made in conversation, both in words and expressions.

The heart symptoms are prominent; pains dull, pressive, and heavy, as if the heart were grasped and released alternately.

Great depression and anxiety; fearful that the symptoms indicate an internal organic disease; very marked in both male and female.

The symptoms connected with the female reproductive organs, and the consecutive moral conditions, are very pronounced and peculiar ; the ovaries are the seat and origin of peculiar sharp and burning pains; backache; dragging, bearing-down sensation in the uterine region, seeming to drag even from the thorax and shoulders, and, at the same time, pressure on the rectum and bladder producing a constant desire to evacuate these viscera, as in cases of prolapsus uteri, were very marked and persistent, and physical exploration showed that the uterus was actually prolapsed and anteverted.

For the consecutive moral conditions, see "Moral Symptoms."


Verified Symptoms of Lilium Tigrinum,

By T. F. ALLEN, M. D.

February 1st, 1871.-Miss B., aged twenty-four, after every evacuation of the bowels, suffers from dyspnoea, is very weak; experiences a sensation of sinking in the epigastrium, as if everything dropped downward; cannot stand. Usually feels weak, faint, and her clothes are oppressive by their weight. and down each groin, to the pubic region. Lilium tigrinum removed the pains in remarkable improvement in all other respects.;

Has pains across the back
Appetite very good.
the groin and produced

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