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Ny fbch,

Oilley-niartal as Yee dy bragh bio, ta fhin dy feer chrecoil cur Booise dhyt, fon dy gooidfave lhiat dy veaghey fhinyn, ta dy cooie er n'ghoaill ny Folliaghtyn cafherick fhohi, lesh y Beaghey spyrrydoil fhen jeh Corp as Fuill fmoo ooafle dty nyn Saualtagh Yeefey Creeft; as liorish fhen dy vel oo cur fhickyrys dooin jeh dty Oayr as dty Vieys hooin; as dy vel fhin Oltyn firrinagh goit ftiagh ayns Corp follit dty Vac, ta'n Cheshaght vannit jeufyn ooilley ta Credjal; as dy vel fhin myrgeddin Eiraghyn trooid Treifhteil jeh dty Reeriaght dy bragh farraghtyn, liorish Toilchinys Baafe as Surranfe fmoo ooafle dty Vac deyr. As dy feer imlee ta fhin guee ort, O Ayr Flaunyffagh, myr fhen dy niartaghey thin leth dty Ghrayfe, dy vod mayd tannaghtyn ayns y Chefhaght chafherick fhen, as ooilley lheid ny Ŏbbraghyn mie then y yannoo as t'ou ufs er hoiaghey roin dy immeeaght ayndoo, trooid Yeefey Creeft nyn Jiarn; huggeyfyn, mayrt's as y Spyrryd Noo, dy row dy chooilley Ooathley as Gloyr, Seihll gyn Jerrey. Amen.

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Loyr dy row gys Jee er yn yrjid, as er y thalloo Shee, Aigney-mje gys Deiney. Ta fhin dy dty Voylley, ta fhin dy dty Vannaghey, ta fhin cur Ooafhley dhyt, ta fhin dy dty Ghloyraghey, ta fhin


1 nfagbey.

er n'oar

Lurg Sampleyr nyn Jiarn bannit, quoi, tra v'eh er harey as drail y Sacrament fhoh, ren Arrane fpyrrydol y ghoaill; myr fhen ta fhinyn cur Moyliey da Jee yn Ayr, y Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo, fon nyn Livrey-ys veih Kerraghey Peccah, ayns yn Arrane fpyrrydoil imoo ooasle hoh.

Booife dhyt fon dty Ghloyr vooar, O Hiarn Yee, Ree Flaunyffagh, Jee yn Ayr Ooilley


O Hiarn, yn ynrycan Vac er-ny-gheddyn Yeefey Creeft; O Hiarn Yee, Eayn Yee, Mac yn Ayrey, ta goaill erfooyl Peccaghyn y Theihll, jean Myghin orrin. Uis ta goaill erfooyl Peccaghyn y Theihll, jean Myghin orrin: Ufs ta goaill erfooyl



our Prayer, Thou that fitteft at the Right Hand of God the Father, have Mercy upon us,

For thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord; Thou only, O Chrift, with the Holy Ghoft, art moft High in the Glory of God the Father,



Then the Priest (or Bish



Receive this Bleffing as coming

nable Devotion. The Reafon and

op, if he be prefent) fhall from God himfelf, with all imagi let them depart with this Bieffing:


Manner of receiving this Bleffing,

fee below. *

HE Peace of God, which paffeth all Understanding, keep your Hearts and Minds in the Knowledge and Love of God, and of his Son Jefus Christ our Lord: And the Bleffing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.


SSIST us mercifully, O Lord, in thefe our Supplica tions and Prayers, and difpofe the Way of thy Ser wants towards the Attainment of everlafting Salvation;

* The folemn Bleffing with which the Prieft difmiffeth the People after the daily Sacrifice, by God's efpecial Order, (Numb. vi. 24.) was this: The LORD bless thee, and keep thee; the LORD make his Face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee -The LORD lift up the Light of his Countenance upon thee and give thee Peace.

And with what Devotion they received this Bleffing, we are told Exclus. 1. 21 The Prief lifted up his Hands over the Congregation, to give the Biefing of the LORD with his Lips; and they bowed themselves down, that they might receive a Blessing from the Moft High

And left any one should think too lightly of this Bleiling, because pronounced by a poor Mortal like himself, it is added, (Numb. vi. 27.) I the Lord will blefs bim Shewing, that the Effect of the Bleffing does not depend upon Man, but upon the Ordinance of God, from the Mouth of his own Minifter, whom GOD bath chofen to bless in the Name of the LORD, Deut. xxi. 5.



Peccaghyn y Theihll, gow nyn Badjer. Ufs ta dty hoie er Laue Yesh Yee yn Ayr, jean Myghin orrin.

Son ufs dty lomarcan ta casherick, Ufs dry lomarcan y Chiarn, Ufs dty lomarcan, O Chreeft, marish y Spyrryd Noo, fmoo Ard ta ayns Gloyr Yee yn Ayr. Amen.



Eight nee yn Saggyrt (er-nonney yn Afpick, my t'eh kionfenifh) lhiggey daue goll roue le y Bannaght Shoh.



Gow yn Bannaght shoh myr cheet veih Jee hene, leth y Chraueeaght s'jeeaney.-Yo Oyr as yn Aght dy ghoaill y Bannaght fhoh, hee vo Kione heefe y Duillag. *

HEE Yee ta erfkyn dy chooilley Hufhtey, dy vreill eh ny Creeaghyn as ny Aignaghyn euifh ayns Fyflyree as Graih Yee, as jeh e Vac Yeefey Creeft nyn Jiarn: as Bannaght Yee Ooilley niartal, yn Ayr, y Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo, dy row ny maft' eu, as dy hannaghtyn meriu er fon dy bragh. Amen.


Nartee lhien dy myghinagh, O Hiarn, ayndoo fhoh nyn Aghinyn as nyn Badjeryn, as jean aarloo Raad dty Harvaantyn dy heet gys y Taualtys dy bragh farraghtyn; maftey

* Yn Bannaght arrymagh hug y Saggyrt da'n Pobble ec goll roue lurg ya Oural gagh Laa, liorish Oardaghey Yee hene, (Earrco vi. 24) va shoh :Dy jean y CHIARN dty vannaghey as dty reayll; dy jean y CHIARN er e Eddin dy boilbean ort, as dy bee eh grayfoil dhyt.-Dy drogy CHIARN feofe Soilfhey e Eddin ort, as dy der eh dhyt Shee.

As lesh cre'n Chraueeaght ghow ad y Bannaght fhoh, t'er ny infh dooin Ecclus. 1. 21.-Hrog y Saggyrt fefe e Laucyn barrijh y Cheshaght, dy chur Banraghty CHIARN iefh e Veillyn; as chroym ad fheefe ad hene, dy gheddyn yn Bannaght veih'n Er fmoo fyrjey.

As er-aggle dy jinnagh Perfoon erbee fmooinaghtyn ro eddrym jeh'n Bannaght fhoh, fon dy vel eh focklit magh liorish Dooinney boght baalcil goll. rifh hene, te ny fodjey er ny ghra, (Earroo vi. 27 ) Mish y Chiarn nee eh y vannaghey-Soilfhaghey, nagh vel Bree yn Vannaght thie er Dooinney, agh er Ordagh y Yee, veih Beeal e Hirveishagh hene, eh ta JEE er reih dy vannaghey ayns Ennym y CHIARN, Deut. xxi. 5.




Prayers and Supplications unto Thee; and grant that those Things which we have faithfully asked according to thy Will, may effectually be obtained, to the Relief of our Neceffity, and to the fetting forth of thy Glory, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.


And note, that every Parishiner fhall communicate at the leaft three Times in the Year, of which Eafter to be one, &c.

Obfervations, &c.


forbid that any good Chriftian fhould make this an Excufe for receiving no oftener, if he has an opportunity! And Woe be to that Paftor, who will not give the well-difpofed Part of his Flock more frequent Opportunities of teftifying their Love to Jefus Chrift-Of increafing their Graces, and fecuring their Pardon and Salvation !



Badjerýn as nyn Aghinyn hood: as giall dy vod ny Reddyn shen, ta fhin liorish Credjue er yeearree cordail rish dty Aigney, ve dy brecoil er ny gheddyn, gys eddrymaghey nyn Ymmyrch, as gys foiaghey magh dty Ghloyr, trooid Yeefey Creeft nyn Jiarn. Amen.


As lhig Taftey ve goït, dy nhegin da dy chooilley unnane Jy Skeerey yn Chreeftiaght y ghoaill three Keayrtyn fy Vlein ec y Chooid floo, yn Chaifht dy ve unnane jeu, &c.


Ynfaghey, &c.

THREE KEAYRTYN 'SY VLEIN. Ny Inig eh Jee dy jinnagh Creeftee mie erbee Lefhtal y yannoo jeh hoh fon gyn goaill ny s'menkey yn Chreeftiaght, my ta Caa echey! As Smerg da'n Bochilley-anmey fhen, nagh

der da'n Vooiujer chrauee ayns e Hioltane Caa ny s'menkey dy hoilfhaghey nyn Ghraih da Yeefey Creeft:-Dy vifhaghey ny Grayfeyn oc, as dy yannoo fhickyr jeh nyn Bardoon as nyn Saualtys!



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