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The Epistle. St. James i. 22.

believe that thou camest forth from ye doers of the word, and not God. Jesus answered them, Do



own selves. For if any be a hearer cometh, yea, is now come, that ye of the word, and not a doer, he is shall be scattered every man to his like unto a man beholding his natu- own, and shall leave me alone: and ral face in a glass. For he behold-yet I am not alone, because the eth himself, and goeth his way, and Father is with me. These things straight way forgetteth what man-I have spoken unto you, that in me ner of man he was. But whoso ye might have peace. In the world looketh into the perfect law of lib-ye shall have tribulation: but be erty, and continueth therein; he of good cheer; I have overcome being not a forgetful hearer, but a the world.

The Ascension-Day.
The Collect.

doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but GRANT, we beseech thee, Aldeceiveth his own heart, this man's mighty God, that like as we religion is vain. Pure religion and do believe thy only begotten Son undefiled before God and the Fa-our Lord Jesus Christ to have asther, is this, To visit the fatherless cended into the heavens; so we and widows in their affliction, and may also in heart and mind thither to keep himself unspotted from the ascend, and with him continually


The Gospel. St. John xvi. 23. VERILY, verily, I say unto you,

dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God,

world without end. Amen.

For the Epistle. Acts i. 1.

Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it former treatise have I you. Hitherto have ye asked no- made, O Theophilus, of all thing in my name: Ask, and ye that Jesus began both to do anu shall receive, that your joy may be teach, until the day in which he was full. These things have I spoken taken up, after that he, through unto you in proverbs: the time the Holy Ghost, had given comcometh, when I shall no more speak mandments unto the apostles whom unto you in proverbs; but I shall he had chosen: To whom also he show you plainly of the Father. At showed himself alive after his pasthat day ye shall ask in my name:sion, by many infallible proofs, be and I say not unto you, that I will ing seen of them forty days, and pray the Father for you; for the speaking of the things pertaining Father himself loveth you, because to the kingdom of God: and being ye have loved me, and have believ-assembled together with them, ed that I came out from God. I commanded them that they should came forth from the Father, and not depart from Jerusalem, but am come into the world: Again, wait for the promise of the Father, I leave the world, and go to the which, saith he, ye have heard of Father. His disciples said unto me. For John truly baptized with him, Lo, now speakest thou plain-water; but ye shall be baptized ly, and speakest no proverb. Now with the Holy Ghost, not many are we sure that thou knowest all days hence. When they therefore things, and needest not that any were come together, they asked of man should ask thee: by this welhim, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this

Sunday after Ascension-Day.
The Collect.

time restore agan the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or God, the king of glory, who the seasons, which the Father hath hast exalted thine only Son put in his own power. But ye shall Jesus Christ with great triumph receive power, after that the Holy unto thy kingdom in heaven; we Ghost is come upon you: and ye beseech thee leave us not comfortshall be witnesses unto me both in less; but send to us thine Holy Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Ghost to comfort us, and exalt us Samaria, and unto the uttermost unto the same place whither our part of the earth. And when he Saviour Christ is gone before; who had spoken these things, while they iiveth and reigneth with thee and beheld, he was taken up, and a the Holy Ghost, one God, world cloud received him out of their without end. Amen. sight. And while they looked The Epistle. 1 St. Peter iv. 7. steadfastly toward heaven, as he THE end of all things is at hand: went up, behold, two men stood by be ye therefore sober, and them in white apparel; which also watch unto prayer. And above all said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand things have fervent charity among ye gazing up into heaven? This yourselves: for charity shall cover Barne Jesus, which is taken up from the multitude of sins. Use hospiyou into heaven, shall so come in tality one to another without grudg like manner as ye have seen himling. As every man hath received go into heaven. the gift, even so minister the same The Gospel. St. Mark xvi. 14. one to another, as good stewards of JESUS appeared unto the eleven, the manifold grace of God. If any

as they sat at meat, and upbraid-man speak, let rim speak as the ed them with their unbelief and oracles of God: If any man minishardness of heart, because they be-ter, let him do it as of the ability lieved not them which had seen which God giveth: that God in all him after he was risen. And he things may be glorified through Jesaid unto them, Go ye into all the sus Christ: to whom be praise and world, and preach the Gospel to dominion for ever and ever. Am 'n. every creature. He that believeth, The Gospel. St. John xv. 26, and and is baptized, shall be saved; but part of the 16th Chapter. he that believeth not, shall be damn-WHEN the Comforter is come, ed. And these signs shall follow whom I will send unto you

them that believe: In my name from the Father, even the Spirit shall they cast out devils; they shall of truth, which proceedeth from speak with new tongues; they shall the Father, he shall testify of me. take up serpents; and if they drink And ye also shall bear witness; any deadly thing, it shall not hurt because ye have been with me from them; they shall lay hands on the the beginning. These things have sick, and they shall recover. So I spoken unto you, that ye should then, after the Lord had spoken not be offended. They shall put unto them, he was received up into you out of the synagogues: yea, heaven, and sat on the right hand the time cometh, that whosoever of God. And they went forth, and killeth you, will think that he doeth preached every where, the Lord God service. And these things working with them, and confirming will they do unto you, because they the word with signs following. have not known the Father, nor

me: but these things have I told parts of Lybia about Cyrene, and you, that when the time shall come, strangers of Rome, Jews and Pro ve may remember that I told you selytes, Cretes and Arabians, we of them. do hear them speak in our tongues

The Collect.

the wonderful works of God.

The Gospel. St. John xiv. 15.
[ESUS said unto his disciples, If


God, who as at this time didst ye love me, keep my commandteach the hearts of thy faith-ments. And I will pray the Fa ful people, by sending to them the ther, and he shall give you another light of thy Holy Spirit; grant us Comforter, that he may abide with by the same Spirit to have a right you for ever; even the Spirit of judgment in all things, and ever-truth, whom the world cannot remore to rejoice in his holy comfort, ceive, because it seeth him not, through the merits of Christ Jesus neither knoweth him: but ye know our Saviour, who liveth and reign-him; for he dwelleth with you, and eth with thee, in the unity of the shall be in you. I will not leave sarne Spirit, one God, world with- you comfortless; 1 will come to out end. Amen. you. Yet a little while, and the

For the Epistle. Acts ii. 1. world seeth me no more; but ye WHEN the day of Pentecost see me: because I live, ye shall

was fully come, they were five also. At that day ye shall all with one accord in one place:know that I am in my Father, and And suddenly there came a sound ye in me, and I in you. He that from heaven, as of a rushing mighty hath my commandments, and keepwind, and it filled all the house eth them, he it is that loveth me; where they were sitting. And and he that loveth me, shall be there appeared unto them cloven loved of my Father; and I will love tongues, like as of fire, and it sat him, and will manifest myself to upon each of them: And they were him. Judas saith unto him, (not all filled with the Holy Ghost; and Iscariot) Lord, how is it that thou began to speak with other tongues, wilt manifest thyself unto us, and as the Spirit gave them utterance. not unto the world? Jesus answer And there were dwelling at Jeru-ed and said unto him, If a man love salem Jews, devout men, out of me, he will keep my words; and every nation under heaven. Now my Father will love him, and we when this was noised abroad, the will come unto him, and make our multitude came together, and were abode with him. He that loveth confounded, because that every man me not, keepeth not my sayings: heard them speak in his own lan-and the word which ye hear is not guage. And they were all amazed, mine, but the Father's which sent and marvelled, saying one to ano-me. These things have I spoken ther, Behold, are not all these unto you, being yet present with which speak Galileans? and how you. But the Comforter, which is hear we every man in our own the Holy Ghost, whom the Father tongue wherein we were born? will send in my name, he shall Parthians, and Medes, and Elam-teach you all things, and bring all ites, and the dwellers in Mesopota-things to your remembrance, whatmia, and in Judea, and Cappadocia, soever I have said unto you. Peace in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and I leave with you, my peace I give Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the unto you: not as the world giveth,

give I unto you. Let not your And we are witnesses of all things heart be troubled, neither let it be which he did, both in the land of the afraid. Ye have heard how I said Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom unto you, go away, and come they slew, and hanged on a tree. again unto you. If ye loved me, Him God raised up the third day, ye would rejoice, because I said, I and showed him openly; not to all go unto the Father: for my Father the people, but unto witnesses chos is greater than I. And now I have sen before of God; even to us, who told you before it come to pass, that did eat and drink with him after he when it is come to pass, ye might rose from the dead. And he com. believe. Hereafter I will not talk manded us to preach unto the peo much with you: for the prince of ple, and to testify that it is he which this world cometh, and hath no- was ordained of God to be the judge thing in me. But that the world of quick and dead. To him give all may know that I love the Father; the prophets witness, that through and as the Father gave me com- his name, whosoever believeth in mandment, even so I do.

Monday in Whitsun-Week.
The Collect.

him, shall receive remission of sins. While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them who heard the word. And they of God, who as at this time didst the circumcision who believed, were teach the hearts of thy faithful astonished, as many as came with people, by sending to them the Peter, because that on the Gentiles light of thy Holy Spirit; grant us also was poured out the gift of the by the same Spirit to have a right Holy Ghost. For they heard them Judgment in all things, and ever-speak with tongues, and magnify more to rejoice in his holy com-God. Then answered Peter, Can fort, through the merits of Christ any man forbid water, that these Jesus our Saviour, who liveth and should not be baptized, who have reigneth with thee, in the unity of received the Holy Ghost as well as the same Spirit, one God, world we? And he commanded them to without end. Amen. be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

For the Epistle. Acts x. 34.

THEN Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive The Gospel. St. John iii. 16. that God is no respecter of persons; GOD so loved the world, that he but in every nation, he that feareth gave his only begotten Son, bim, and worketh righteousness, is that whosoever believeth in him accepted with him. The word should not perish, but have everlastwhich God sent unto the children of ing life. For God sent not his Son Israel, preaching peace by Jesus into the world to condemn the Christ, (he is Lord of all;) that world, but that the world through word, I say, ye know, which was him might be saved. He that bepublished throughout all Judea, and lieveth on him is not condemned: began from Galilee, after the bap-but he that believeth not is courtism which John preached: How demned already, because he hath God anointed Jesus of Nazareth not believed in the name of the only with the Holy Ghost, and with begotten Son of God. And this is power; who went about doing good, the condemnation,that light is come and healing all that were oppressed into the world, and men loved darkof the devil; for God was with him. Iness rather than light, because their

deeds were evil. For every one parable spake Jesus unto them; that doeth evil hateth the light, nei-but they understood not what things ther cometh to the light, lest his they were which he spake unto deeds should be reproved. But he them. Then said Jesus unto them that doeth truth cometh to the light, again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that his deeds may be made mani-I am the door of the sheep: AN fest, that they are wrought in God. that ever came before me are Tuesday in Whitsun-Week. thieves and robbers; but the sheep

The Collect.

did not hear them. I am the door:

God, who at this time didst by me if any man enter in, he shall teach the hearts of thy faithful be saved, and shall go in and out, people, by sending to them the light and find pasture. The thief cometh of thy Holy Spirit; grant us by the not but for to steal, and to kill, and same Spirit to have a right judg- to destroy: I am come that they ment in all things, and evermore to might have life, and that they might rejoice in his holy comfort, through have it more abundantly. the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. For the Epistle. Acts viii. 14.

The Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting
God, who hast given unto us

WHEN the Apostles, who were thy servants grace, by the confesat Jerusalem, heard that Sa- sion of a true faith, to acknowledge maria had received the word of God, the glory of the eternal Trinity, they sent unto them Peter and and in the power of the divine MaJohn; who, when they were come jesty to worship the Unity; we bedown, prayed for them, that they seech thee that thou wouldest keep might receive the Holy Ghost: us steadfast in this faith, and ever(For as yet he was fallen upor none more defend us from all adversities, of them; only they were baptized who livest and reignest, one God, in the name of the Lord Jesus :) world without end. Amen. Then laid they their hands on them,| For the Epistle. Rev. iv. 1. and they received the Holy Ghost. AFTER this I looked, and behold, The Gospel. St. John x. 1. a door was opened in heaven: VERILY, verily, I say unto you, and the first voice which I heard, He that entereth not by the was as it were of a trumpet, talking door into the sheep-fold, but climb-with me; which said, Come up hieth up some other way, the same ther, and I will show thee things is a thief and a robber. But he that which must be hereafter. And imentereth in by the door, is the shep-mediately I was in the Spirit; and herd of the sheep. To him the behold, a throne was set in heaven. porter openeth; and the sheep and one sat on the throne: and he hear his voice; and he calleth his that sat was to look upon like a jasown sheep by name, and leadeth per and a sardine-stone: and there them out. And when he putteth was a rain-bow round about the forth his own sheep, he goeth be-throne, in sight like unto an einefore them, and the sheep followrald. And round about the throne him; for they know his voice: and were four and twenty seats; and a stranger will they not follow, but upon the seats I saw four and twenty will flee from him; for they know elders sitting, clothed in white rainot the voice of strangers. This ment; and they had on their heads


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