OF THE Evidences of Christianity. IN THREE PARTS. PART I. Of the direct Hiftorical Evidence of Chriftianity, and PART II. Of the Auxiliary Evidences of Christianity. PART III. A brief Confideration of fome popular Objections, BY WILLIAM PALEY, M. a.. ARCHDEACON OF CARLISLE. THREE VOLUMES IN ONE. PRINTED AT BOSTON, By I. THOMAS AND E. T. ANDREWS, ::: SEPT. 1803. TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND JAMES YORK, D. D. LORD BISHOP OF ELT. MY LORD, WHEN five years ago, an important station in the University of Cambridge awaited your Lordfhip's difpofal, you were pleased to offer it to me. The circumstances, under which this offer was made, demand a public acknowledgment. I had never feen your Lordship: I poffeffed no connexion which could poffibly recommend me to your favour: I was known to you, only by my endeavours, in common with many others, to discharge my duty as a tutor in the University; and by fome very imperfect, but certainly well intended, and, as you thought, ufeful publications fince. In an age by no means wanting in examples of honourable patronage, although this deferve not to be mentioned, in respect to the object of your Lordfhip's choice, it is inferior to none, in the purity and difinterestedness of the motives which fuggefted it. How the following work may be received, I pretend not to foretel. My firft prayer concerning it is, that it may do good to any: my fecond hope, |