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MASONIC TEMPLE, Boston, & pril, 1850.

Dear Sir, and Brother:- Having examined the new edition of the "MASONIC TRESTLE-BOARD," allow me to state, that, assisted by memory and comparison, I believe the work to be better adapted to the purposes for which it is intended than any other work of the kind.

Should my opinion, or approval, be thought beneficial, in recommending said work to the favorable notice of the Masonic Fraternity, I will, in addition, say, that I purpose to use the same, in connection with the work recently adopted by the "MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS.'

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This recommendation is given under the conscious belief that it will have a tendency, in some degree, to consummate the purposes of the Grand Lodge, under whose authority I am commissioned, as a Grand Lecturer to aid and assist in accomplishing those purposes.

Yours, fraternally,


CHARLESTOWN, April, 1850.

R. W. Brother C. W. Moore:- Having carefully examined the "NEW MASONIC TRESTLE-BOARD," by you, I take pleasure in recommending it to the Fraternity, as a text-book better adapted to Lodge purposes than any other similar work with which I am acquainted.

It contains all that is proper to be written on the subject it is designed to illustrate, and all that intelligent Brethren will regard as desirable or essential, in the acquisition of a correct knowledge of the Work and Lectures, and Public Ceremonies of the Institution. The arrangement is practical and comprehensive, carefully adapted to the work of the Lodges, and well calculated to guide and facilitate the learner in the acquisition of the ritual. Fraternally yours,


One of the Grand Lecturers of the "Grand Lodge of Mass"

From Gov. DUNLAP, Gen. G. H. P. of the Gen. Grand Chapter of the United States.

BRUNSWICK, ME., July 1, 1850. Dear Sir:-I have perused with much satisfaction the "NEW MASONIC TRESTLE-BOARD" which you had the politeness to send me. I regard the work as a well arranged MASONIC TEXT BOOK, replete with valuable information upon the subjects on which it treats; and I trust it will have a wide circulation among the members of our Fraternity. With high regard, Fraternally yours,

CHARLES W. MOORE, Esq., Boston, Mass.


From M. E. Rev. PAUL DEAN.

WESTMINSTER, Aug. 27, 1850. R. W. Br. Charles W. Moore:-) -It affords me pleasure to assure you that a careful perusal of your "NEW MASONIC TRESTLE-BOARD" has given me great satisfaction. In view of the intelligence, research, and care exhibited in its revision, the beautiful Plates, and the explanation of the various Masonic Symbols and Emblems, of the arrangement of the Prayers, Charges, Illustrations, and Ceremonies, from the Entered Apprentice to the Templar Degrees, together with the quotations of Scripture, chain of history, traditions, principles, usages of the Order, and of the duties of the Brethren, in all the stations and relations of life, in view of all this, I feel that the author is entitled to the respectful gratitude of the Fraternity; and that the work itself justly claims to be the best and most comprehensive embodiment of Freemasonry yet given to the Masonic Brotherhood; and, as such, is hereby most respectfully recommended to the favorable notice and use of the Lodges, Chapters, Councils, and Encampments of the United States. Yours truly and Fraternally, PAUL DEAN, Past Gen. G. H. P. Gen. G. Chapter of the U. States.


R. W. C. W. MOORE:


Sir Kt. Comp. and Brother:-I have carefully examined the new edition of your "MASONIC TRESTLE-BOARD," containing all that is proper to be written of the work, from Entered Apprentice to Knight Templar, and do not hesitate to give it my full approval.

We have, for years, used the former edition, containing the FIRST PART, in our Blue Lodges, under this jurisdiction, and it has met the general approbation of the Brethren.

The addition of the SECOND PART makes the work as perfect as such a work can well be made; and while I give you my personal thanks for taking upon yourself the trouble and risk of publishing it, I also add my earnest recommendation to the Masonic Fraternity of the whole Union to adopt it as their TEXT-BOOK in performing the w in their several Lodges, Chapters, and Encampments.

Truly and Fraternally yours, B. B. FREN, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, and G. G. Sec. and G. G. Recorder of the G G. Chapter and Enc. of the United States

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FREEMASONRY.-A LODGE.-ITS ORGANIZATION. "FREEMASONRY," says a learned foreign author, "is a MORAL ORDER, instituted by virtuous men, with the praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most sublime TRUTHS, in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures, founded on LIBERALITY, BROTHERLYLOVE, and CHARITY." It is a beautiful SYSTEM OF MORALTTY, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. TRUTH is its centre- the point whence its radii diverge — pointing out to its disciples a correct knowledge of the Great Architect of the Universe, and the moral laws which he has ordained for their government.

A LODGE of MASONS consists of a certain number of Brethren, who are assembled together to expatiate on the mysteries of the Craft; having the HOLY BIBLE open on the Altar, to teach them the sacred principles of religion and justice, the SQUARE and COMPASS, to remind them of the duties they owe to society and to themselves, the Book OF CONSTITUTIONS, where they may study the general statutes of Masonry, the BY-LAWS, to point out their duty as members of an individual Lodge,- and the WARRANT, or CHARTER, by virtue of which, having been issued by the Grand Lodge, they meet to transact the business of Ma


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