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ker's Hill and Roxbury Neck; and were defended by floating batteries in the Mystic river, and a ship of war lying between Boston and Charlestown. The respective forces being thus disposed, the siege of Boston continued until the succeeding spring.

In consequence of orders from the British ministry to destroy the sea-ports of the rebellious colonies, four ships, under the command of Captain Mowatt, were despatched to Falmouth, (now Portland,) in Maine, in the month of October; and, after offering disgraceful terms of submission to the inhabitants, which of course were rejected, he commenced a bombardment and speedily reduced the town to ashes. This unnecessary and cruel act of aggression only served still further to exasperate the colonies against the mother country.

In March, 1776, General Washington determined on forcing the British to evacuate Boston. Having opened his batteries and commenced a brisk cannonade on the opposite side of the city, he succeeded in occupying Dorchester Heights, on the evening of the 4th, and throwing up a fortification before morning. General Howe, who had succeeded General Gage in the chief command, on discovering that this position was occupied, saw the necessity of dislodging the Americans or instantly abandoning the place. He prepared for a vigorous attack on the works, but was prevented from landing his forces which had embarked in boats, by the occurrence of a tremendous storm. Nothing remained, therefore, but to evacuate the place.

The British were not annoyed in their retreat, as they might thus have been provoked to burn the town; a loss which it would have required years of profitable industry to repair. For this, and some other reasons, they were allowed to embark at their leisure, and take with them as many of the adherents to the royal cause, with their effects, as chose to accompany them. On the 17th of March their fleet sailed for Halifax. The American army, under Washington, hastened towards New York, whither they supposed the English were gone.

Where were the English forces ?-Describe the affair of Falmouth.What was determined by Washington in March, 17761-What heights did he occupy -What was done by General Howe ?-Why were the British permitted to escape without loss Whither did the Americans proceed?-Why?




Ir was justly considered by congress an important point to secure the co-operation of the Canadians in their attempts to throw off the yoke of Great Britain. After endeavouring to give them a favourable disposition by means of addresses disseminated among them, calling upon them to aid in the cause of liberty, it was determined to complete the work by siezing upon the fortresses in the hands of the British government troops, and the raising the standard of the states over the conquered province. The project was feasible and only miscarried in consequence of certain untoward events in carrying it into effect.

Two expeditions were sent off in September, 1775; one under Colonel Arnold, which was to leave the camp at Roxbury, embark at Newbury for the Kennebec river, and then proceed across the wilderness of Maine to Quebec. The other, under General Schuyler, was to reduce the other fortresses, take Montreal and join Arnold at Quebec.

After an ineffectual attack with 1000 men on Fort St. John, situated on the river Sorel, Schuyler was taken ill and returned to Albany. General Montgomery succeeded him in the command, and captured Fort St. John. Fort Chambles fell about the same time, and Montgomery received the surrender of Montreal, from which Governor Carleton succeeded in escaping down the river to Quebec.

Meantime Arnold had succeeded in penetrating through the forests of Maine, and appeared before Quebec on the 9th of November. His imprudence in entrusting a letter for General Schuyler to an Indian, whom he had captured in the woods, and his foolish display of his troops on their arrival, had put completely on their guard the garrison of a fortress which could only be taken by surprise, since it is as strong as Gibraltar.

Montgomery did not join him, till the 1st of December, and then their united forces were less numerous than the British garrison.

What province did congress endeavour to gain?-How?-What expeditions were sent out ?What forts were taken ?-When did Arnold reach Quebec ?-When did Montgomery join him?




The Americans suffered under the further disadvantage of illness, bad clothing and worse discipline, and the ill will of the inhabitants, caused by the misconduct of the soldiery. After attempting to summon the garrison to surrender, and having his flag of truce fired on, Montgomery resolved upon an assault, which was made on the morning of the 31st of December.

About four o'clock in the morning, in the midst of a violent storm of snow, two feints and two real attacks were simultaneously made. The real attacks were conducted by Montgomery and Arnold. Montgomery advancing at the head of about two hundred men, fell by the first discharge of grape shot from the works. Several of his best officers being killed, his division retreated. Arnold at the head of about three hundred men, in a different quarter, maintained a fierce and obstinate conflict for some time; but was at last wounded and repulsed, leaving many of his men in the hands of the enemy. The death of Montgomery was the subject of much regret, as he had been universally loved and esteemed. On assembling, after the assault, so large a number had been killed or taken prisoners, that the provincials could not muster many more than four hundred effective men, who chose Arnold for their commander; and in the hope of receiving reinforcements, resolved to remain in the vicinity of Quebec.

Sir Guy Carleton acquired much honour, not only by his gallant defence of the city, but also, by the humanity with which he treated all his prisoners. The sick and wounded, he caused to be taken care of, and permitted them, when recovered, to return to their homes unmolested. The Americans were not ignorant of their own inferiority in point of numbers to the garrison, and were not without apprehensions of being attacked; but although the garrison was three times more numerous than the besieging army, it was of such a mixed and precarious character, that Carleton did not deem it prudent to march out against his enemy.

Arnold continued the siege till May, when General Thomas arriving took the command. The river soon after opened and the arrival of a fleet with reinforcements from England compelled the Americans to raise the siege

When was an assault made on Quebec ?-What was the result?— Who fell ?-What is said of Governor Carleton ?-How long was the siege continued ?-How was the city relieved?



and abandon the province. This expedition cost much suffering and many valuable lives, and produced no advantage to the American cause.



This spring of 1776 opened with very little prospect of reconciliation between Great Britain and her colonies. No answer was returned to the petition of congress to the king but intelligence was received that the British had made treaties with the landgrave of Hesse Cassel, and other petty German sovereignties, and hired from them about 17,000 mercenary troops, for the service of the crown in America. These troops, known among the colonists by the general name of Hessians, were much dreaded, until after a few thousand of them had been killed or made prisoners. It was also understood, that, in addition to these men, 25,000 British soldiers would be sent over. A part of this force was said to be destined for Charleston, in South Carolina.

Active preparations were made by the Carolinians for their reception; and when, early in June, the armament, consisting of between 40 and 50 vessels, under the command of Sir Peter Parker and Earl Cornwallis, made its appearance off Charleston, the place was in a tolerable state of defence.

The main dependance of the Americans was on a fort on Sullivan's island, which was defended by Colonel Moultrie with 344 regular troops and some militia. Some of the British troops were landed on a neighbouring island, and on the 28th of June 10 of the ships of war commenced an attack on the fort, which lasted with unabated fury from 11 o'clock in the forenoon till 7 in the evening, and finally terminated in the complete repulse of the British. In a few days the whole fleet, with the troops on board, sailed for New York.

What was the state of affairs in the spring of 1776?-What sort of troops were obtained by the English government for the service in America -For what place were a part of these troops destined?-With what force did the British appear off Charleston?-What was the point of attack?-What was the result?




In this obstinate engagement the Americans fought with great gallantry, and the loss of the British was very severe. In the course of the engagement, the flag-staff of the fort was shot away; but Sergeant Jasper leaped down upon the beach, snatched up the flag, fastened it to a sponge-staff, and while the ships were incessantly directing their broadsides upon the fort, he mounted the merlon and deliberately replaced the flag. Next day, President Rutledge presented him with a sword, as a testimony of respect for his distinguished valour. Colonel Moultrie and the officers and troops on Sullivan's island, received the thanks of their country for their bravery; and in honour of the gallant commander the fort was named Fort Moultrie.

The failure of the attack on Charleston was of great importance to the American cause, and contributed much to the establishment of the popular government. The friends of congress triumphed; the diffident became bold; and many of the tories abandoned their party and attached themselves to the cause of American liberty. The brave defence of Fort Moultrie saved the southern states from the horrors of war for several years.

Intelligence of the rejection of their second petition. and of the cold indifference observed towards Mr. Penn, the provincial agent, by the British government, had reached congress in November, 1775, and awakened a

What is related of Sergeant Jasper ?-How was he rewarded ?-What name was given to the fort?-What were the effects of this victory?What news was received from England ?-What was the effect of this intelligence?

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