d made on her mind. When she awaked out of r sleep, she heard an uncommon noise, and when e saw through the window what a crowd was gaered before the house, she was seized with a dread1 apprehension that her dream would prove tog e. Upon this, she instantly dispatched a person her husband, who was sitting on the judgmentat, to conjure him not to have any hand in the trial; Iding, that the prisoner was an innocent just man, ad that if he should be prevailed on to consent to his secution, he would be guilty of a most heinous -ime. This dream has been viewed in various lights by Le learned. Some look on it as a work of satan, ho imposed on Pilate's wife, in order to prevent ur Saviour's death, and consequently the redemp.. on of mankind. If this had been the case, satan ould have acted inconsistently with himself, by en. eavouring, at one and the same time, to hinder the Condemnation of Christ, and to instigate the chief riests, the elders, and all the people, with tumultuus clamours to insist on the execution of the senence. From all the circumstances of this transacon, it may reasonably be concluded that the evil pirit was perplexed within himself, to find out hat Jesus of Nazareth could be; and that he was ot quite certain that he was the seed of the woman hich was to bruise his head, thinking Christ's apearance much too mean and despicable for any such tempt. It is therefore probable, that satan had no oncern in this dream; but that it was rather a vision ent from God or some good spirit, in order to adcupied the mind in the course of the day, ently are the effect of a wakeful and busy There are likewise dreams infused by ag, even in sleep, evil desires, by the n of sinful objects. Lastly, there are ns, when God, by the means of a good - something known to a man in his sleep, monition, either of some misfortune, or g that may tend to the good of himself But, since it is not always very easy to Detween these different kinds of dreams, the natural and divine, it behoves us not sty and credulous, so as to be driven to every airy representation of fancy; nor reject such admonitions, since they vehicle of some secret intimation from idence. This consideration, at least, e us careful and circumspect, and in orand walk in, this middle way, proper aswisdom must be implored from above s cases. admonitions which God permits to hap.. n, in order to restrain him from the persin, will be imputed to him, if disregard. reater condemnation. This intimation. 5. rise from the images he course of the day, fa wakeful and busy se dreams infused by evil desires, by the Lastly, there are the means of a good to a man in his sleep, some misfortune, or the good of himself t always very easy to erent kinds of dreams, ivine, it behoves us not 5, so as to be driven to sentation of fancy; nor monitions, since they secret intimation from consideration, at least, circumspect, and in ormiddle way, proper ase implored from above ch God permits to hapStrain him from the perted to him, if disregardation. This intimation sal m Priests and on t First, As for urged the people released, and tha Probably, the m desired him to wi upon this Pilate w to say. The chie. this interval to min kinds of persuasion perhaps, the messag ed to him in an aud of judgment; so th with it, and the peop few minutes to consul portunity the doctors hold of, to infuse into t titude a determined rag and, like abandoned in the flames of envy and h they may be supposed to to compass their inhuma cut off from the synagog Jesus and promised their declare for Barrabbas. A der conscience, and scruple a muurderer; they made the ed member. minds of the people, the chief Priests a loss. For such remonstrances to On the common people, who were other affected to Christ than the chief Priests these misrepresentations produced this ct, that the whole multitude cried aloud, - this man, and release unto us Barabbas,' . 18.) Thus satan, by a wonderful artiLv moments made such a vast multitude - cry out, Away with him! O what a tacle was this, that the prince of life ejected, and a murderer released! How as the wise appointment of God, that the ve should be the object of universal hae might regain for us the love of God, ad unhappily forfeited! We shall cononsideration with the following observa g the persecutions of Christ and his he thoughts and inclinations of many d open. ublic competition between Christ and ere discovered the latent corruptions of cart. Pilate, the chief Priests, and the from the Jewish church such remonstrances to ople, the chief Priests people, who were other than the chief Priests entations produced this multitude cried aloud, Lease unto us Barabbas,' an, by a wonderful artie such a vast multitude y with him! O what a that the prince of life urderer released! How intment of God, that the e object of universal haor us the love of God, orfeited! We shall conthe following observa ions of Christ and his d inclinations of many on between Christ and the latent corruptions of he chief Priests, and the ter end, or oppress goa ular tumults. By the likewise see what an ur how easily shaken ; h and applauses are to b their approbation, how variable their inclination titude. Here we may I in general is, since it co derer to the prince of lif 2. As good Ministe lead men to Christ, so men from him. Of this the doctors manifest proof, by poiso ple with many prejudice against the innocent Jesu duced them publicly to to demand the release of him. It must have tor herds to the quick, that J robbers, and murderers, they made good the wor betrayed the inveterate m they secretly harboured the great pains they too tude to favour Barabbas VOL. IN |