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(John iii. 30.)

heinous sin for a man of great authority, ce over the people, to impose upon their and to make them the instruments for a wicked design.

stance before us, the chief Priests incurmilt of this heinous sin. And the antiersecutors of the church of Rome tread in eps, and like them keep the people in the norance, that they may turn and wind them their interest may require. How unhappeople of whom it may be said, 'They thee cause thee to err!" (Isaiah iii. 12.) those designing hypocrites, who take adthe ignorance and simplicity of the people, em to err! 'Cursed is he that maketh the › out of the way: And all the people shall ,' (Deut. xxii. 18.)

is Christ is still daily rejected among

our ears no longer hear those dreadful ay with Jesus, yet many thousands prefer o him; for as often as we prefer our sinthe commands of our Saviour, and fulfil , while we postpone the latter, we hold bbas, and reject the blessed Jesus. The


must increase, bl

a man of great authority, ble, to impose upon their hem the instruments for


5, the chief Priests incurous sin. And the antie church of Rome tread in em keep the people in the y may turn and wind them ay require. How unhapit may be said, 'They e to err!" (Isaiah iii. 12.) hypocrites, who take adnd simplicity of the people, arsed is he that maketh the And all the people shall 8.)

I daily rejected among

onger hear those dreadful et many thousands prefer often as we prefer our sinof our Saviour, and fulfil stpone the latter, we hold the blessed Jesus. The

tion; the former ad Christ enjoins, satan temptation, we side w murderer from the be Jesus. Alas! this wic one, who will not sub and obey his precepts, of Barabbas. Every tenances vice, and on religion and virtue; • godly, and connives a pecially when they ar by men in power, reje If we are guilty of this of it will be, that we sh turn, when he cometh the last day.

5. The disciples o ter treatment from th and master met with. out, Away with him, they cried out agains (Acts xxi. 36.) and numberless times aft Christians; Away, sa Atheists! And this acknowledge the idols

ink it strange, when we see every thing dark and mpestuous about us, and when the world cries out, at we are not worthy to live. Happy are we when is comes upon us for Christ's sake! for it is infi-tely better to be rejected by the world in fellow, ip with Christ than to enjoy the esteem, love, and plause of the world for a season, and afterwards to ear these dreadful words proceed from the mouth of ar Redeemer and Judge, 'Depart from me, ye that ork iniquity,' (Matth. vii. 23.)


We also thank thee, O gracious Saviour, for this art of thy sufferings which we have now considered. rant that our hearts may be mollified and changed

such considerations; may be filled with hatred gainst sin, and excited to a cordial love of thee. reserve us from impiously rejecting thee, and from referring the service of satan to the fellowship of y sufferings. Give us we beseech thee, henceforth thy spirit, the will and ability constantly to reject e evil and choose the good, to bear thy reproach, take upon us thy cross, and willingly to submit to e rejected with thee by the world, that we may be knowledged by thee before the Father and his holy gels. Grant this for the sake of thy meritorious fferings. Amen,



* PILATE therefore, willing to release Jesus, ith again unto them, What will ye then that I shall

oceed from the mouth of Depart from me, ye that 23.)


racious Saviour, for this we have now considered. De mollified and changed ay be filled with hatred a cordial love of thee. rejecting thee, and from tan to the fellowship of beseech thee, henceforth bility constantly to reject d, to bear thy reproach, and willingly to submit to e world, that we may be e the Father and his holy sake of thy meritorious

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that for sedition and r son, whom they had d unto their will.' (M 12-15. Luke xxiii. In the last Consider the Lord Jesus was pla Barabbas, a rebel and choice of people; who Priests, rejected Jesus tuous clamour that the In these words we hav fruitless endeavours to is mentioned, First, Pilate's inten Secondly, His fruit design in execution. I. Pilate's intention these words: 'Pilate sus,' (Luke xxiii. 22. agreeable to Pilate, if 1 had declared for Jesus mind convinced of our wise had been warned do with that just man, person. But when, c all probability, the rep tude was, 'Away with


ping in win the accusers of this innocent might not draw their resentment on him. his mind fluctuated, without immedimining any thing; so that he himself, as od in the way, and obstructed the execuwn purpose. For he tranferred the ju-r, which he had to acquit Jesus, into the people; and so far betrayed the cause of nd justice, as to leave it to the option of ous populace, whether they would have Jesus released, or Barabbas, who was a urderer. Thus Pilate himself in a manown hands, and curtailed his power of g justice.

this behaviour, is a true representative n, who have abundance of good intenTheir wills are so ensnared by the allure, that they never can resolve to put them . They design to leave off this and the they promise that for the future they will those mean vices of cursing, swearing, they will no longer talk obscenely; they from intemperate drinking; they will mpany, and endeavour to amend in every it alas! these good resolutions are never ce. For they will not make use of the s to effect their designs. They will not

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