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cess of 0075 over the amount required to form the phosphate, and corresponding to 0134 of carbonate; the small amount of material did not permit us to determine whether a portion of the line exists as fluorid. There was also obtained 0032 of magnesia; the results from the calcined shell of Lingula ovalis are then as follows:

Phosphate of lime,
Carbonate of lime,

·0978 = 85 79 p. centum.
0134 = 11.75

·0032 = 280

1144 = 100.34

The proportion of phosphate of lime is that contained in human bones, after their organic matter has been removed.

The texture of the ancient Lingulæ was observed to be unlike that of most other fossil shells, being more or less dark brown in color, brilliant, almost opaque, and not at all crystalline. These characters are also found in the allied genus Orbicula, and we therefore examined an undescribed species of it, from the Trenton limestone, beautifully marked in a manner resembling Comularia granulata, and another large species also undescribed, from the Upper Silurian; both of these consist chiefly of phosphate of lime; and the shell of a recent species O. lamellosa from Callao, was found to be similar in composition. We have not yet been able to examine a specimen of the genus Obolus. The same dark color and brilliancy were also remarked in the genus Conularia, and the shell of C. trentonensis, proved on examination to be composed in like manner of phosphate.

The similarity of composition in these genera is in accordance with the acute observations of Mr. Hall, who finds that Conularia is almost always associated with Lingula and Orbicula, and remarks that "these shells so unlike in structure and habit, appear to have flourished under similar circumstances, and to have required the same kind of ocean bed or sediment."-Palæontology, vol. i, p. 101.

For the sake of comparison, we have examined the following fossil shells: they have a common character, distinct from those already described, being lighter colored, more translucent and granular in texture; Atrypa extans, Leptana alternata, and Orthis pectonella from the Trenton limestone; O. erratica from the Hudson River group, and Chonetes lata? from the Upper Silurian, besides Isotelus gigas, and a species of Cythere from the Trenton. All of these consist of carbonate of lime, with only such traces of phosphate as are generally found in calcareous shells.

In the Report already quoted we have given a description of some phosphatic bodies which resemble the coprolites of the Calciferous sandstone, and are found at Rivière Quelle in thin layers of a conglomerate limestone, which is interstratified with

red and green shales, and belongs to the top of the Hudson River group or the base of the Oneida Conglomerates. The phosphatic masses are very abundant, and rounded, flattened, or cylindrical in shape, and from one-eighth of an inch to an inch in diameter; they sometimes make up the larger part of the con- . glomerate. Iron pyrites in small globular masses occurs abundantly with them, often filling their interstices, but is not found elsewhere in the rock. These coprolites are finer grained and more compact than those from the Ottawa, and have a conchoidal fracture; their color is bluish or brownish black; the powder is ash-grey, becoming reddish after ignition. They have the hardness of calcite and a density of 3.15. When heated they evolve ammonia with an animal odor, and with sulphuric acid give the reactions of fluorine. The quantitative analysis of one gave

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40-34 p. c.

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The iron exists in part at least as carbonate, and its introduction in so large a quantity, giving color and density to the coprolites, is doubtless connected with the formation of iron pyrites by the de-oxydizing action of organic matters. The production of an equivalent of bisulphuret of iron, from a neutral protosulphate of iron, which alone could exist in contact with limestone, must be attended with the elimination of an equivalent of protoxyd of iron; for 2(SO3. Fe 0)-07-Fe S2+ Fe O.

It is remarkable that no traces of Lingulæ or any other shells have been detected with these coprolites. Thin sectious of them are translucent, and under the microscope are seen to consist of a fine granular base, in which are imbedded numerous grains of quartz, and small silicious spiculæ, like those of some sponges. In a bed of sandstone, associated with these conglomerates and slates at Rivière Ouelle, were found several hollow cylindrical bodies, resembling bones in appearance. The longest one is an inch and a half long, and one-fourth of an inch in diameter. It is hollow throughout, and had been entirely filled with the calcareous sandstone, in which it is imbedded, and whose disintegration has left the larger end exposed. The smaller extremity is cylindrical, and thin, but it gradually enlarges from a thickening of the walls, and at the other end becomes externally somewhat triangulariform; the cavity remains nearly cylindrical, but the exposed surfaces are rough and irregular within.

The texture of these tubes is compact, their color brownish black with a yellowish brown translucency in thin layers. Analysis shows them to consist, like the coprolites, principally of phosphate of lime. One hundred parts gave,

[blocks in formation]

The microscopic examination of a section, shows that the walls of the tube are homogeneous, unlike the coprolites, and that the silicious sand in the analysis, came from the sandstone which incrusted the rough interior of the fossil. The phosphate is finely granular and retains no vestige of organic structure. The chemical composition and the remarkable shape of the specimens however, leave little doubt of their osseous nature, unless we suppose them to be the remains of some hitherto unknown invertebrate animal, whose skeleton, like those of Lingula, Orbicula and Conularia, consisted of phosphate of lime, a composition hitherto supposed to be peculiar to vertebrate skeletons.

Montreal, Jan. 5th, 1854.

ART. XXV.-On a new Meteorite from New Mexico; by Dr. F. A. GENTH, of Philadelphia.

I AM indebted to Prof. Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, for a small piece of an interesting meteorite from New Mexico. It was labelled "Native Iron," and is said to occur there in large quantities. Fortunately it was just sufficient for an examination, the results of which I here give. There is no doubt that the mineral is of meteoric and not of telluric origin. It is very crystalline and shows a distinct octahedral cleavage. Its color is iron-gray, its lustre metallic. Quite ductile. Sp. gr. (at 18° Cels.) = 8.130.

Dissolves readily in diluted nitric acid, leaving a small quantity of insoluble residue-which, however, was also slowly dissolved. by strong nitric acid or aqua regia, but still more easily by fusion with bisulphate of potash.

The methods used for its analysis were the following: In analysis I, the meteorite was dissolved in strong nitric acid; nickel and cobalt were separated from iron by carbonate of baryta ; nickel and cobalt were separated by hydrocyanic acid, potash and oxyd of mercury.

In analysis II, the meteorite was dissolved in diluted nitric acid, and the residue filtered off on a weighed filter. In the filtrate iron was separated from cobalt and nickel, by addition of a sufficient quantity of acetate of potash, in order to convert the nitrates into acetates, and evaporation to dryness in a water-bath. The dry mass was boiled with water and filtered. From the filtrate, which contained the whole quantity of oxyds of cobalt and nickel, these were precipitated by caustic potash. The precipitate of sesquioxyd of iron was re-dissolved in hydrochlorid acid, and precipitated by ammonia. This method gives excellent results, if used with care. The only objection might be, that the sesquioxyd of iron, thus separated, is difficult to filter.

The insoluble residue was ignited and fused with bisulphate of potash. On treating the fused mass with water, a white substance of the appearance of tartaric acid remained, which hydrochloric acid slowly dissolved. This substance and sesquioxyd of iron were precipitated by ammonia, and from the filtrate, oxyd of nickel separated as usual. The precipitate was weighed, dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the iron precipitated by sulphid of ammonium, after the addition of tartaric acid and ammonia. From the sulphid of iron, the iron was determined as usual. From the filtrate, the other substance remained after the tartaric acid was destroyed by heat. It was, however, a very small quantity, and only sufficient for one blowpipe reaction. The borax bead gave in the inner flame an enamel of a bluish color. I therefore believe that it is tartaric acid, though the reactions somewhat differ.

The insoluble residue seems to be a combination of Iron, Nickel and Titanium. It contains no cobalt. Neither part of the meteorite contained carbon, sulphur, phosphorus or tin.

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The insoluble part consisted of a steel-colored powder in microscopic crystals, which showed three-sided planes. Its composition is:

[blocks in formation]

It is remarkable that the elements in the insoluble part are in

the following ratio:

Fe: Ni: ? Ti = 6:3: 2.

ART. XXVI.—Introductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand: Vol. I.*

DR. J. D. HOOKER, the Botanist of the Antarctic Expedition under Capt. Sir James C. Ross, on his return to England-combining with his own extensive collections and observations all the accessible materials which have been accumulating in herbaria ever since the first voyage of Capt Cook-courageously assumed the task of preparing general floras of the three principal masses of southern land, in which his researches were made; viz., Antarctic America, New Zealand, and Tasmania. The first of these undertakings was accomplished several years since, in the publication of the Flora Antarctica; including Antarctic America with the Falkland Islands, the Campbell and Auckland Islands (properly pertaining to the New Zealand region), and the remote Kerguelen's Land. Some abstracts were given in this Journal at the time, from parts of the work possessing a general interest.

The recent completion of the fourth fasciculus, and first volume, of the second work, viz.: the Flora Nova Zelandia, comprising all the Flowering plants of that group of islands, affords our author an opportunity to discuss, in an introductory essay, some topics of high interest to the philosophical naturalist; topics upon which his aptitude for such investigations, and the unparalleled opportunities of observation which he has enjoyed, and improved to the utmost, in almost every clime, must needs give no small weight to his opinions. Deeming as we do this essay to be an important and timely one, we propose to make a somewhat extended analysis of it, leaving out of view for the present the body of the work, as interesting to the systematic botanist alone.

In the Essay in question (occupying 39 quarto pages), Dr. Hooker gives, 1. The History of New Zealand Botany, and the probable limits of its flora. 2. An exposition of the views adopted in the descriptive part of the work, as to the affinities, limits, origin, variation, distribution, and dispersion of plants generally. 3. The illustration and development of these points by an analysis of the New Zealand Flora, and its relation to that of other countries.

The history of the Botany of New Zealand, from the visit of Sir Joseph Banks and Dr. Solander, during Capt. Cook's first voyage, in 1790, down to the present time, need not arrest our attention. The actual number of species inhabiting these islands is a matter which it would be interesting to know, even approximately. Dr. Hooker has brought together about 2,000 species in

*The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-1843, under the command of Capt. Sir James Clark Ross; by Joseph Dalton Hooker, M.D., etc. etc. II. Flora Nova-Zelandiæ, Part I. Flowering Plants. London. Lovell Reeve, 1852-1853. pp. 312, 4to, tab. 70.

SECOND SERIES, Vol. XVII, No. 50.-March, 1854.


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