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In the laboratory carbon bisulphide is prepared as follows: A porcelain tube is luted into a furnace in an inclined position, the upper extremity of the tube being closed by a cork, and the lower end connected with a condenser. The tube contains charcoal, which is raised to a red heat, and then pieces of sulphur are placed in the upper end. The sulphur melts, and its vapour comes into contact with the red-hot charcoal, when combination takes place; the vapours condense in the condenser, carbon bisulphide being a liquid boiling at 48°. On a large scale the apparatus depicted in tig. 90 is employed. A cast-iron cylinder rests on a stand in a furnace. Wood charcoal is charged into the cylinder through the upper tube closed by a clay stopper, whilst the sulphur is introduced through a tube reaching to the bottom of the cylinder. Pieces of sulphur thrown into this tube fall on to the bottom of the cylinder, and are converted into vapour, which passes through the entire layer of charcoal in the cylinder. The vapour of carbon bisulphide thus formed passes through the exit tube first into a Woulfe's bottle (where the sulphur which has not entered into the reaction is condensed), and then into a strongly-cooled condenser or worm.71

Pure carbon bisulphide is a colourless liquid, which refracts light strongly, and has a pure ethereal smell; at 0° its specific gravity is 1.293, and at 15° 1·271. If kept for a long time it seems to undergo a change, especially when it is kept under water, in which it is insoluble. It boils at 48°, and the tension of its vapour is so great that it evaporates very easily, producing cold,72 and therefore it has to be kept in wellstoppered vessels; it is generally kept under a layer of water, which hinders its evaporation and does not dissolve it.73

71 Carbon bisulphide, as prepared on a large scale, is generally very impure, and contains not only sulphur, but, more especially, other impurities which give it a very disagreeable odour. The best method of purifying this malodorous carbon bisulphide is to shake it up with a certain amount of mercuric chloride, or even simply with mercury, until the surface of the metal ceases to turn black. After this the carbon bisulphide must be poured off and distilled over a water-bath, after mixing with some oil to retain the impurities.

72 If carbon bisulphide be evaporated under the receiver of an air-pump, or by means of a current of air, it is possible to obtain a temperature as low as - 60°, and the carbon bisulphide does not solidify at this temperature. However, if a series of air-bubbles be passed through it by means of bellows, a crystalline white substance remains which volatilises below 0: this a hydrate, H,O,2CS2; it easily decomposes into water and carbon bisulphide. It is formed in the above experiment by the moisture held in the air passed through the carbon bisulphide, and the fall of temperature.

73 Strong alcohol is miscible in all proportions with carbon bisulphide, but dilute alcohol only in a definite amount, owing to its diminished solubility from the presence of the water in it. Ether, hydrocarbons, fatty oils, and many other organic substances are soluble with great ease in carbon bisulphide. This is taken advantage of in practice for

Carbon bisulphide enters into many combinations, which are frequently closely analogous to the compounds of carbonic anhydride. In this respect it is a thio-anhydride-i.e. it has the character of the acid anhydrides,73 bis like carbonic anhydride, with the difference that the oxygen of the latter is replaced by sulphur. By thio-compounds in general are understood those compounds of sulphur which differ from the compounds of oxygen as carbon bisulphide does from carbonic anhydride that is, which correspond with the oxygen compounds, but with substitution of sulphur for oxygen. Thus thiosulphuric acid is mono-thiosulphuric acid that is, sulphuric acid in which one atom of sulphur replaces one atom of oxygen. With the sulphides of the alkalis and alkaline earths, it forms saline substances corresponding with the carbonates, and these compounds may be termed thio-carbonates. For example, the composition of the sodium salt Na,CS, is exactly like that of sodium carbonate. They are formed by the direct solution of carbon bisulphide in aqueous solutions of the sulphides; but they are difficult to obtain in a crystalline form, because they are easily decomposable. When the solutions of these salts are highly concentrated they begin to decompose, with the evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and the formation of a carbonate, water taking part in the reaction-for example, K,CS, + 3H20= K,CO3 + 3H,S.74

extracting the fatty oils from vegetable seeds, such as linseed, palm-nuts, or from bones, &c. The preparation of vegetable oils is usually done by pressing the seeds under a press, but the residue always contains a certain amount of oil. These traces of oil can, however, be removed by treatment with carbon bisulphide. In this manner a solution is obtained which when heated easily parts with all the carbon bisulphide, leaving the non-volatile fatty oil bebind, so that the same carbon bisulphide may be condensed and used over again for the same purpose. It also dissolves iodine, bromine, indiarubber, sulphur, and tars.

Carbon bisulphide, especially at high temperatures, very often acts by its elements in a manner in which carbon and sulphur alone are not able to react, which will be understood from what has been said above respecting its endothermal origin. If it be passed over red-hot metals-even over copper, for instance, not to mention sodium, & forms a sulphide of the metal and deposits charcoal, and if the vapour be passed over incandescent metallic oxides it forms metallic sulphides and carbonic anhydride (and sometimes a certain amount of sulphurous anhydride). Lime and similar oxides give under these circumstances a carbonate and a sulphide-for example, CS,+3CaO = 2CaS + CaCO3. The sulphides obtained by this means are often well crystallised, like those found in nature-for example, lead and antimony sulphides.

73 bis And just as COCL, corresponds to CO2, so also the chloranhydride, CSCl2, or thiophosgene, corresponds to CS2.

74 If instead of a sulphide we take an alkali hydroxide, a thiocarbonate is also formed, together with a carbonate-thus, 3BaH ̧O2+3CS ̧ = 2BaCS; + BaCO3 + 3H2O. From the instability of the thiocarbonates of the alkaline metals we can clearly see the reason of the difficulty with which the salts of the heavier metals are formed, whose basic properties are incomparably weaker than those of the alkali metals. However, these salts may be obtained by double decomposition. Ammonia in reacting on carbon bisulphide gives, besides products like those formed by other alkalis, a whole


A remarkable example 74 bis of the thio-compounds is found in thiocyanic acid-i.e. cyanic acid in which the oxygen is replaced by sulphur, HCNS. We know (Chapter IX.) that with oxygen cyanides of the alkaline metals RCN give cyanates RCNO; but they series of products of as complex a structure as those substances which are produced by the action of carbonic anhydride on ammonia. In the ninth chapter we examined the formation of the ammonium carbonates, and saw the transition from them into the cyanides. It is not surprising after this that the action of carbon bisulphide on ammonia not only produces the above-mentioned salts, but also amidic compounds corresponding with them, in which the oxygen is wholly or partially replaced by sulphur. Thus ammonium dithiocarbamate is very easily obtained if carbon bisulphide be added to an alcoholic solution of ammonia, and the mixture cooled in a closed vessel. The salt then separates out in minute yellow crystals, CN2H6S2.

Carbon bisulphide not only forms compounds with the metallic sulphides, but also with sulphuretted hydrogen-that is, it forms thiocarbonic acid, HCS. This is obtained by carefully mixing solutions of thiocarbonates with dilute hydrochloric acid. It then separates in an oily layer, which easily decomposes in the presence of water into sulphuretted hydrogen and carbon bisulphide, just as the corresponding carbonic acid (hydrate) decomposes into water and carbonic anhydride. Carbon bisulphide combines not only with sodium sulphide, but also with the bisulphide, Na2S, not, however, with the trisulphide, Na S.

The relation of carbon bisulphide to the other carbon compounds presents many most interesting features which are considered in organic chemistry. We will here only turn our attention to one of the compounds of this class. Ethyl sulphide, (C2H5)2S, combines with ethyl iodide, CHI, forming a new molecule, S(C2H5)I. If we designate the hydrocarbon group, for instance ethyl, CH5, by Et, the reaction would be expressed by the following equation: Et,S+EtI= SEt3I. This compound is of a saline character, corresponds with salts of the alkalis, and is closely analogous to ammonium chloride. It is soluble in water; when heated it again splits up into its components EtI and Et S, and with silver hydroxide gives a hydroxide, Et-SOH, having the property of a distinct and energetic alkali, resembling caustic ammonia. Thus the compound group SEt, combines, like potassium or ammonium, with iodine, hydroxyl, chlorine, &c. The hydroxide SEt, OH is soluble in water, precipitates metallic salts, saturates acids, &c. Hence sulphur here enters into a relation towards other elements similar to that of nitrogen in ammonia and ammonium salts, with only this difference, that nitrogen retains, besides iodine, hydroxyl, and other groups, also H1 or Et, (for example, NH,Cl, NEtzHI, NEt,I), whilst sulphur only retains Ets. Compounds of the formula SH3X are however unknown, only the products of substitution SEtzX, &c. are known. The distinctly alkaline properties of the hydroxide, triethylsulphine hydroxide, SEtOH, and also the sharply-defined properties of the corresponding hydroxide, tetraethylammonium hydroxide, NEt,OH, depend naturally not only on the properties of the nitrogen and sulphur entering into their composition, but also on the large proportion of hydrocarbon groups they contain. Judging from the existence of the ethylsulphine compounds, it might be imagined that sulphur forms a compound, SH,, with hydrogen; but no such compound is known, just as NH, is unknown, although NH Cl exists.


74 bis Thorpe and Rodger (1889), by heating a mixture of lead fluoride and phosphorus pentasulphide to 250 in an atmosphere of dry nitrogen, obtained gaseous phosphorus fuosulphide, or thiophosphoryl fluoride, PSFs, corresponding with POC13. colourless gas is converted into a colourless liquid by a pressure of eleven atmospheres ; it does not act on dry mercury, and takes fire spontaneously in air or oxygen, forming phosphorus pentafluoride, phosphoric anhydride, and sulphurous anhydride. It is soluble in ether, but is decomposed by water: PSF3+4H2O - H2S+H2PO1+3HF (Note 20).

also combine with sulphur, and therefore if yellow prussiate of potash be treated as in the preparation of potassium cyanide, and sulphur be added to the mass, potassium thiocyanate, KNCS, is obtained in solution. This salt is much more stable than potassium cyanate; it dissolves without change in water and alcohol, forming colourless solutions from which it easily crystallises on evaporation. It may be kept exposed to air even when in solution; in dissolving in water it absorbs a considerable amount of heat, and forms a starting-point for the preparation of all the thiocyanates, RCNS, and organic compounds in which the metals are replaced by hydrocarbon groups. Such, for example, is volatile mustard oil, C,H,CSN (allyl thiocyanate), which gives to mustard its caustic properties. With ferric salts the thiocyanates give an exceedingly brilliant red coloration, which serves for detecting the smallest traces of ferric salts in solution. Thiocyanic acid, HCNS, may be obtained by a method of double decomposition, by distilling potassium thiocyanate with dilute sulphuric acid. It is a volatile colourless liquid, having a smell recalling that of vinegar, is soluble in water, and may be kept in solution without change.75 bis


The sulphur compounds of chlorine Cl, S and Cl2S, may be regarded on the one hand as products of the metalepsis of the sulphides of hydrogen, H2S and H,S,; and on the other hand of the oxygen compounds of chlorine, because chloride of sulphur, Cl,S, resembles chlorine oxide, Cl2O, whilst Cl2S, corresponds with the higher oxide of chlorine; or thirdly, we may see in these compounds the type of the acid chloranhydrides, because they are all decomposed by water, forming hydrochloric

75 Although mustard oil may be obtained from the thiocyanates, it is only an isomer of allyl thiocyanate proper, as is explained in Organic Chemistry.

75 bis Sulphur can only replace half the oxygen in CO2, as is seen in carbon oxysulphide, or monothiocarbonic anhydride COS. This substance was obtained by Than, and is formed in many reactions. A certain amount is obtained if a mixture of carbonic oxide and the vapour of sulphur be passed through a red-hot tube. When carbon tetrachloride is heated with sulphurous anhydride, this substance is also formed; but it is best obtained in a pure form by decomposing potassium thiocyanate with a mixture of equal volumes of water and sulphuric acid. A gas is then evolved containing a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid, from which it may be freed by passing it over wool containing moistened mercuric oxide, which retains the hydrocyanic acid. The reaction is expressed by the equation: 2KCNS+2H ̧SO4+2H ̧O - K2SO4 + (NH4)2SO4+2COS. It is also formed by passing the vapour of carbon bisulphide over alumina or clay heated to redness (Gautier; silicon sulphide is then formed). COS is also formed by passing phosgene over a long layer of asbestos mixed with sodium sulphide at 270; CdS +COCI; = CdCl2+COS (Nuricsán, 1892). The pure gas has an aromatic odour, is soluble in an equal volume of water, which, however, acts on it, so that it must be collected over mercury. When slightly heated, carbon oxysulphide decomposes into sulphur and carbonic oxide. It burns in air with a pale blue flame, explodes with oxygen, and yields potassium sulphide and carbonate with potassium hydroxide: COS+ 4KHO = K2CO + K2S+2H2O.

acid, and sulphur tetrachloride, SC1,, is decomposed with the formation. of sulphurous anhydride.76

The compounds of sulphur with chlorine are prepared in the apparatus depicted in fig. 91. As sulphur chloride is decomposed by water, the chlorine evolved in the flask C must be dried before coming into contact with the sulphur. It is therefore first passed through a Woulfe's bottle, B, containing sulphuric acid, and then through the cylinder D containing pumice stone moistened with sulphuric acid, and then led into the retort E, in which the sulphur is heated. pound which is formed distils over into the receiver R. A certain amount of sulphur passes over with the sulphur chloride, but if the resultant distillate be re-saturated with chlorine and distilled no free

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FIG. 91.-Apparatus for the preparation of sulphur chloride, and similar volatile compounds prepared by combustion in a stream of chlorine.

sulphur remains, the boiling-point rises to 144°, and pure sulphur chloride, S2Cl2, is obtained. It has this formula because its vapour density referred to hydrogen is 68. It is also obtained by heating certain metallic chlorides (stannous, mercuric) with sulphur; both the

76 There is no reason for seeing any contradiction or mutual incompatibility in these three views, because every analogy is more or less modified by a change of elements. Thus, for instance, it cannot be expected that the product of the metalepsis of hydrogen sulphide would resemble the corresponding products of water in all respects, because water has not the acid properties of hydrogen sulphide. In the days of dualism and electrical polarity it was supposed that the sulphur varied in its nature: in hydrogen sulphide or potassium sulphide it was considered to be negative, and in sulphurous anhydride or sulphur dichloride positive. It then appeared evident that sulphur dichloride would have no point of analogy with potassium sulphide. But metalepsis, or its expression in the law of substitution, necessitates such opinions being laid aside. If we can compare CO2, CH4, CCI, CHCI, CH3(OH) with each other, we cannot recognise any difference in the sulphur in SH2, SC12, SK2, or in general SX, for otherwise we

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