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Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Alaska, Arizona, Indian Territory, Montana, New Mexico, and Utah.

WOMEN PHYSICIANS.-Dr. Emma Boone has been added to the staff of resident physicians at the Blockley Almshouse, Philadelphia, and assigned to do duty in the female ward of the insane department. She is the first female physician who has ever held a place in that house.

A "WOMEN'S COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE" has been formed for the education of women in the science and art of medicine; for conferring the degree of doctor of medicine; for the establishment of a women's and child's hospital and dispensary for the care and treatment of the sick, and of a training school and directory for nurses. It will have no capital stock, and will be managed by seven trustees, who are the incorporators. The object is to make it possible for women to take the degree of doctor of medicine without going outside of the State. The college is to be devoted exclusively to the education of women, and will be conducted in much the same manner as those in Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York. In connection with the Baltimore institution there will be a hospital, and another of its features will be a nurses' directory, where instruction will be given to such as desire to perfect themselves in this branch. There will be given a regular course of lectures, and when the students have passed the necessary examinations they will receive a certificate of competency.

THE New York Infirmary for Women and Children, of which Dr. Emily Blackwell is Dean, and Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi one of the professors, has issued its annual report; 4,625 in-door and out-door patients, women and children, have been treated during the year. As the infirmary only charges its paying patients five dollars per week, and never turns one unable to pay away while a bed remains vacant, it follows that the hospital does not get rich, nor does it even acquire funds enough to add to its accommodation. All the physicians in charge are women, graduates of the College of the New York Infirmary, and their success in treating the diseases of women and children is widely known. Only one patient died during the year, 260 were discharged in good condition, and of the remainder 101 were cured, 49 improved and 20 still in a critical state or incapable of cure.

By the death of Ralph Waldo Emerson the women's cause has lost an early and valued friend, one who never failed to raise his voice in favour of simple justice and cordial recognition. He was a member of the first suffrage association in Massachusetts thirty years ago.

A WOMAN'S mass meeting was held in Steinway Hall, New York, lately, for the purpose of urging the appointment of police matrons in the station houses, to care for the women who are arrested and who lodge in the stations. Speeches were made by Mrs. Lillie Devereux Blake, Mrs. Dr. Clemence S. Lozier, ex-Governor E. M. Lee, Mrs. Maria C. Astor and others. Resolutions were adopted setting forth that to the police stations of New York from ten to five hundred women are every night consigned, and are in charge


of men who are their only attendants in cases of illness. They call upon the Legislature to remedy the evil.

WOMEN are coming to the front as bankers. Mrs. John Burson, of Muncie, is a director and virtually president of the First National Bank of Muncie, Ind.; Mrs. N. C. Williams is president of the State National Bank, Raleigh, N. C.; Miss Jennie Coombs is cashier of Brown & Coombs's Bank at Middleville, Mich.; Miss Sarah Dick is cashier of the First National Bank of Huntington, Ind.; Miss A. M. King is cashier of the banking house of Springer & Noyes, White Cloud, Kan.; and Mrs. M. H. Cowden carries on a banking house in her own name at Forest Hill, California.


The government of Liberia has given two hundred acres of land for the foundation of a school for the education of young girls. Miss Margaret Scott has gone from the United States to begin the work. INDIA.

Four Mary Carpenter Scholarships have been awarded for 1882 by the Bombay Branch of the National Indian Association.

THE new Hospita! for Women and Children at Calcutta is nearly completed. It contains rooms for paying patients, European and native ladies.

THE Hindu Widow Marriage Association, of Madras, appears to be making progress. A similar Association has been started in East Bengal. Journal of Indian Association.

"A sad case has occurred in Bombay, which illustrates the difficulties affecting the marriage law as regards converts from Hinduism. A Hindu girl married a European, she had been married when six years of age to a Hindu lad, but had never lived with him, and he was married to another wife, at the time of her marriage with the European. She was married to the European by the Christian rite, and lived as his acknowledged wife till she became the mother of eight children.

"At last her husband became tired of her, and the High Court of Bombay decided that the marriage was illegal and her children illegitimate."-Extract from Mission Life.-Home and Foreign Church Work. May, 1882.

WOMEN SUFFRAGE IN BOMBAY.-A correspondent of the Boston Women's Journal writes :-Now that a special effort is being made to secure Municipal Suffrage for Women in Massachusetts, it may interest you to know that women in Bombay, British India, already have a right to vote for municipal officers.

Four years ago, my landlord, a well-known Parsi gentleman, was a candidate for member of the municipal corporation, from the Mazagon ward. He appealed to my friends to use their influence to persuade me to vote for him, and finally sent his agent to me with the necessary papers and the blanks filled out with my name. The agent assured me that I only needed to register my name at the Mazagon police station, in order to become a legal voter.

On the day of polling, one Parsi lady presented herself at the police station to vote for this gentleman; and in the Girgaum ward one Hindoo lady voted for the Hindoo candidate of that ward.

This was noticed in the daily papers, but apparently did not attract much attention. At that time any person, male or female, paying taxes on property, whether as owner, trustee or agent, was entitled to vote for municipal officers. Since then the law has been changed, making any person who pays a municipal tax, a legal


At the last election, one year ago, several Parsi and Hindoo ladies, one Mussulman, and one European lady voted in their respective wards. Considerable attention was attracted to this by the daily papers, and a certain amount of interest manifested itself, so it is likely that when the next election comes around, two years hence, a large number of ladies will present themselves as voters. JAPAN.


Messrs. Trübner will shortly publish an English version of the Japanese romance Genji Monogatari," by Mr. Suyematz Kenchio, an attaché of the Japanese legation in London. The author of this work was a woman, as, indeed, were many of the classical authors of Japan.


ARGUMENTS FOR WOMEN SUFFRAGE.-One of the ablest advocates of woman suffrage in Colorado first became convinced of its wisdom and justice by endeavouring to write an argument against it. He was appointed Chairman of a Committee on the subject by a hostile Legislature, because he was known to be a pronounced opponent. It became his duty to prepare a report upon it. Being a fair-minded man, he sat down and endeavoured to state the arguments and objections pro and con. To his surprise, all the arguments were on one side, and all the objections vanished. Contrary to his pre-conceived opinions, and against his own wishes, he found himself compelled to report in its favour. This impossibility of making a logical argument against it without denying the theory of representative government altogether, is the crowning argument for woman suffrage.




No. CVX.-JUNE 15TH, 1882.


THE American papers this month give us most satisfactory intelligence of the progress which this movement is making "all along the line" in the United States. There are two ways by which the Suffrage may be gained for women in the United States, as we have before had occasion to point out-by Federal work, and by work in the separate States. In both directions a decided advance has been made. We will consider the Federal work first.

From time to time, ever since the Declaration of Independence, Constitutional Amendments have been added as compromises between the Federal party and the States Rights party, the centralisation of the Suffrage power in the hands of the United States Government being naturally considered a point of great importance. The Act which permitted negroes to vote was the Fifteenth of these Constitutional Amendments, and was passed soon after the war was ended. It declared that the right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be denied or abridged on account of race, colour, or previous condition of servitude. By the passing of this Fifteenth Amendment the coloured men became

United States voters, and no individual State has the right to disfranchise them. A Sixteenth Amendment is now proposed with reference to women citizens. It was first introduced by George W. Julian, of Indiana, in Congress in 1869, but without success. This session Mr. Lapham, of New York, introduced this Amendment to the Constitution of the United States in the Senate, and after being read twice it was referred to the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage. The article, which is in two sections, adopts the phraseology of the Fifteenth Amendment, and combines brevity and comprehensive


SECTION 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

SECTION 2. The Congress shall have power, by appropriate legislation, to enforce the provisions of this article. The Select Committee by a majority of three to two, reported in favour of the Amendment.

To secure the passing of this Act it is necessary for it to receive the assent of both Houses of Congress and to be ratified by three-fourths of the legislatures of the several States; a formidable ordeal, but which from the great progress made by the Women's Suffrage party in individual States, need not make us absolutely despair.

as men.

Let us turn now to the work done in the various States of the Union. In four States, Nebraska, Oregon, Iowa, and Indiana, amendments are pending which will, if adopted, secure suffrage to women on the same terms In Nebraska it has been already passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate in two succeeding sessions, and according to the law in such changes of the constitution, will be submitted to the universal (men's vote next November. From the very favourable attitude adopted by the Nebraska press, we may augur hopefully for the result. In New York a Bill was brought in by Mr. Haggerty to the Assembly or House of Representatives "to prohibit the disfranchisement of women." The Bill read as follows:

Introduced by Mr. Robb-read twice and referred to the Committee on grievances-reported favourably from said Committee and committed to the Committee of the whole.

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