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there was reason to believe that, as a provisional arrangement, a house for the accommodation of ten women students, each of whom would be provided with a room to herself, fitted up to serve as sitting-room and bedroom, would be opened next October.

UNIVERSITY EDUCATION FOR WOMEN. - The ViceChancellor's certificate of the University of Cambridge has just been gained by five lady students in the Crystal Palace School of Art, Science and Literature, viz., Miss Edith Banbury, Mrs. Alice Howse, Miss M. A. Lyle, Miss Alice Lisle Manly, and Miss Mary Sheffield. These certificates testify not only to success in examination, but to three years' study under the Professors appointed by the University at the Palace School, and that the students have passed through a course of study approved by the Syndicate. This is we are informed, the only University-teaching centre near London where the Vice-Chancellor's certificate can be worked for.

At a

OWENS COLLEGE AND WOMEN STUDENTS. special meeting of the Court of Governors of Owens College, held June 27th, the Council presented a report with reference to the admission of women students, in which the Court was invited to reconsider its decision upon this important matter arrived at in April, 1877. The Court authorised the Council to enter into negotiations with the managing committe of the Manchester and Salford College for Women, in Brunswick Street, with a view to the transfer of that institution to Owens College, and, if thought fit, to submit a scheme for such transfer and for the future management of the Women's College for the consideration of the Court in April, 1883. In the meantime, the Council will, with the assistance of the Senate, prepare a scheme of instruction for women students. Pending these further reports, the Council will make arrangements with the Committee of the Women's College for giving, in Brunswick Street, in 1882-3, under College authority, courses of study in such subjects and on such terms and conditions as may be thought desirable.


The Council it may be remembered resolved last year, by the advice of the principal and the staff, to signalize the fiftieth anniversary of the College by extending its work so as to embrace the "higher education of women," or rather by establishing on a permanent footing the work in this direction, which has for three or four years past been done by its lecturers at Kensington. A public meeting, held at Willis's Rooms in June, 1881, inaugurated the enterprise, and we under stand that this first effort has produced a subscription of about £6,000. But to buy a site and erect such a building as is required-there being no room for the additional work at the College itself-requires at least as much again. On June 13th, a public meeting was held at the Mansion House. The LORD MAYOR presided, Canon BARRY, Principal of King's College, being called upon by the Lord Mayor to give an explanation of the scheme, said King's College had now reached the first half century of its existence, and just about the time of the completion of its fiftieth year it was enabled to take a step for the promotion of the higher education of women. At King's College itself they had no room, and they had therefore opened a branch at Kensington. They were aware that there were already Colleges for women at Girton and at Newnham, but they thought there was room in London for the education of ladies who were not prepared to give up residence at their own homes and domestie duty, but who nevertheless were desirous of pursuing as well as their brothers some branch of study. They knew also that excellent work had been done in this direction by University College in London, but they believed, with all respect to that institution, that the education should be on a religious basis, which had always, he need not say, been recognised by King's College as the basis. When the Council undertook the work they thought they might get fifty or sixty students, but there were 600 entries the first term, and at this time there were 350 students. The BISHOP OF MANCHESTER then moved: "That regarding education as the right cultivation of the in

dividual nature, and the right preparation for the performance of all duties to human society, the promotion of the higher education of women is a work deserving the strongest and most cordial support." Mr. J. G. HUBBARD, M.P., seconded it, and Sir REGINALD HANSON, of London said the time had passed for apologising for letting women have as much education as they could get. If men opposed them now, it would be a confession that they owed their superiority to their education, and were afraid of being supplanted. Far from unfitting women for the duties of life, a woman with a knowledge of classics and mathematics would make a better wife and mother.

The BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH then moved: "That the principles on which King's College was founded, and the educational work which it has done during the last fifty years, entitle it to general confidence and support in the extension of its operations to the education of women." It was seconded by Canon FARRAK.

The Executive Committee of the Lectures announce that the classes held at 5, Observatory Avenue, Kensington have been eminently successful during the past year, the entries having averaged about 548 in each term-the total number during the year being 1640. The large classes in Scripture and Church History, and also in English Literature, have made it necessary for the Committee to hire the Vestry Hall, their own rooms not being large enough; and even in other cases the accommodation in the present building, although excellent as far as it goes, has been found insufficient.

The Committee are therefore most anxious to urge upon the public the necessity of the provision of a larger building in which the classes can be held.


The annual distribution of prizes to the students took place, on June 13th, at the school, 80, Henrietta Street, Brunswick Square, Professor HUXLEY presiding. From the report, which was read by the Dean, Mr. A. T. NORTON, it appeared that there were 39 students in the school, 14 of whom were preparing for degrees at the University of London, and that since the foundation of

the institution 100 students had been admitted, 18 of whom were on the register as qualified practitioners. Prior to the distribution, Professor HUXLEY briefly addressed those present, saying:-"It is a great many years since I first made known my opinion on the subject, and I am not sure that it would be considered orthodox in this room. I have not altered my opinions, and I am therefore all the more glad that I am not called upon to express them here. It is the less necessary to do so, because I do not exacctly see what we in this institution have to do with the question. It may be that we are to look to women hereafter as the intellectual and moral leaders of the universe. It may be, on the other hand, that men will retain the lead, which the order of things has hitherto given them; but should they do so I cannot understand that it should make the slightest difference to the importance, the necessity, and the duty on the part of women, that they should do all they can to render themselves useful members of the community. Nor should it prevent those who have any influence in this world from endeavouring to enable women to take up any career for which they may find themselves fitted. I do not understand why free trade in these matters should not apply everywhere, why free access to every calling should not be thrown open to every human being. The future will show whether the experiment now being made is wise or unwise. I have always taken great interest in the experiment, which has now been working ten years, and I congratulate you upon the report which has just been read, as it shows clearly that this has not been a mere flash in the pan of basty enthusiasm, but that the institution is doing its work thoroughly. It is at the present time in a more flourishing condition than ever before, and I must confess that I was gratified to hear of the distinguished honours which some of the students have obtained from the University of London. This is a practical test of the highest importance. I venture to say so, because I was twelve or thirteen years examiner of the University of London, and therefore know that there is no better test of capacity than is there afforded. The experiment has shown that there

are hundreds of women who have the capacity and power to do the work of medical practitioners just as well as it has been done by the great majority of their brothers. Why under these circumstances they should not be allowed and encouraged to take up the profession I cannot understand. It may interest you, as I happened for the past twelve months to be a member of the Medical Acts Commission, if I say a word or two as to the results so far as they affect you. I am obliged to speak guardedly, because it was only this morning that I signed the report of the committee, which has not yet been laid before Her Majesty. But I think I may, without impropriety, go so far as to say that the Commissioners were deeply impressed with the importance of the question of medical education for women. And if I may be allowed to say so, I think they were all extremely struck with the power and moderation of a statement made by Mrs. Garrett Anderson. I think you are all very much her debtors for what she has done for you. If the recommendations of that Commission be carried out, whether there be one porthole or many for the admission to the Medical Register, the way will not be closed against women. I rejoice to hear of the success which has attended the educational efforts of the institution." At the conclusion of the chairman's remarks, the prizes were presented.

The following were the Prizes and Certificates of Honour:


Practical Chemistry.-Prize: Miss Russell. Certificates : Miss Bernard, Miss Toms, Miss Royce, Miss Stacy, Miss Graham, Miss Webb.

Forensic Medicine.-Prize: Miss Cock. Certificates: Miss Cradock, Mrs. Longheed, Miss Jacob.

Pathology.-Prize: Miss Cock. Certificates : Miss Cradock, Miss Jacob, Miss Body, Miss Morice.

Hospital Tutorial Class.-Prize: Miss Marston. Certificate: Miss Cradock.


Anatomy, 1st year.-Prize: Miss Pailthorpe. Certifi cates: Miss Royce, Miss Webb.

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