TABLE 1.-Total number of employees in 16 industries for whom certain information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race, and by industry-Continued. COMMUNITIES STUDIED. Six industrial communities in the Middle and New England States were also studied. In order to avoid the publicity of data received in confidence, each of these communities is designated by a letter. The general location of each community is given in the detailed treatment. The industrial significance of each may be seen from the following summary statement: Community A, Community B, Community C, Community D, Community E, Community F. The community studies include a considerable amount of historical and descriptive data bearing upon racial displacements, working and living conditions, and the industrial and other effects of recent immigration. The statistical basis of the community studies, however, consist of the data obtained from the households the heads of which were engaged in the various industries. HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. As above stated, 3,439 households were studied in connection with the investigation of immigrants in diversified industries. These households represent 18,595 persons of whom 9,825 were males and 8,770 females. THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT. In preparing the data for publication two general divisions have been made. Part I consists of a statistical presentation of the racial make-up of the operating forces of 16 specified industries, together with a statistical exhibit of the racial displacements which have occurred in each industry. Part II includes the results of a detailed study of 6 representative communities engaged in various branches of manufacturing enterprise. CHAPTER II. RACIAL COMPOSITION OF THE OPERATING FORCES AT THE PRESENT TIME. Carpet manufacture-Car building and repairing Cutlery and tools-Electrical supplies-Electric railways-Firearms-Foundry and machine-shop productsKnit goods and hosiery-Locomotive building and repairing-Paper and wood pulp-Paper products-Rope, twine, and hemp Sewing machines-Steam railways Typewriters-Zinc smelting and refining [Text Tables 2 to 24 and General Tables 2 to 28]. In the present chapter an exhibit is made of the racial composition of the operating forces of the 16 industries under discussion. The showing is made upon the basis of information secured for individual employees, which in the case of each industry is believed to be sufficiently extensive to be representative. The tabulations which immediately follow are arranged alphabetically according to industries. CARPET MANUFACTURE. The table first presented shows, by sex, the number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured engaged in the manufacture of carpets: TABLE 2.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race-Carpet manufacture. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) |