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months or over. Of the foreign-born races the Hebrew shows the largest proportion and the Polish the smallest working twelve months. All of the Germans and Hebrews and over 90 per cent of each other race, except the Slovak, worked six months or over.

The table next submitted shows, by general nativity and race of individual, the months worked during the past year by females 16 years of age or over in the households studied who were employed away from home..

TABLE 71.-Months worked during the past year by females 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only races with 20 or more females reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.}

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The preceding table shows that of 366 females 16 years of age or over employed away from home 34.7 per cent worked twelve months, 85.2 per cent nine months or over, 96.2 per cent six months or over, and 98.9 per cent three months or over during the past year. Of the different nativity groups the foreign-born shows the smallest proportion working each specified number of months-all of the native-born of native father, 96.4 per cent of the native-born of foreign father, and 95.3 per cent of the foreign-born worked six months or over; and over 50 per cent of the native-born of native father, over 35 per cent of the native-born of foreign father, and 29.8 per cent of the foreignborn worked the entire year. A certain proportion of the French Canadians and Slovaks worked less than three months, the French Canadians, however, showing the largest and the Slovaks the smallest proportion who worked twelve months.


The extent to which the wage-earners of the community were members of labor organizations is exhibited by the table following, which shows, by general nativity and race of individual, affiliation with trade unions of males in the households studied who were 21 years of age or over and who were working for wages.

TABLE 72.—Affiliation with trade unions of males 21 years of age or over who are working for wages, by general nativity and race of individual.

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Of 855 male employees who are 21 years of age reported in the above table 9.7 per cent are affiliated with trade unions. The employees who are native-born of foreign father show 15.8 per cent as contrasted with 10.3 per cent of the employees who are native-born whites of native father, and 8.3 per cent of those who are of foreign birth who are affiliated with trade unions.

Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father those of German parentage show 17.1 per cent and those of Irish parentage 16.9 per cent who are affiliated with trade unions.

Of the foreign-born male employees the English report 14.8 per cent affiliated with trade unions, followed, in the order named, by the French Canadian, German, Irish, and Hebrew employees in smaller proportions. The Polish employees show but slightly over 1 per cent, while no Slovak employees are affiliated with trade unions.



Rent in its relation to standard of living-Boarders and lodgers-Size of apartments occupied-Size of households-Congestion-[Text Tables 73 to 84 and General Tables 71 to 82].


The monthly rent payments of the households whose heads are employed in Čommunity A are chiefly significant in their bearing upon the standard of living, because of congestion within the households arising from the practice of crowding the apartments in order to reduce the per capita rent outlay. The first table presented in this connection, which immediately follows, shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the average rent per month paid per apartment, per room, and per person.

TABLE 73.—Average rent per month, by general nativity and race of head of household.

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For 627 households paying rent and reporting its amount, the average rent per apartment is $10.56; per room $2.27, and per person $1.98 per month. Considering the households the heads of which are of each nativity group, it is seen that those the heads of which are native-born of native father pay a higher average rent per month, per apartment, per room, and per person, than do those the heads of which are native-born of foreign father: while households the

heads of which are foreign born show the lowest average rent in each instance.

Considering the households the heads of which are foreign-born, by race, it is seen that those the heads of which are English, Hebrew, or Irish, are the only ones showing an average rent per month per apartment as high as $10, while households the heads of which are Poles or Slovaks show the lowest average rent. The households of every race except North Italian, Polish, and Slovak, pay an average rent per room above $2. Households whose heads are Polish or Slovak are the only ones paying an average rent per person below $1. Households the heads of which are of each other race except French Canadian, pay over $2 monthly rent per person.

The range in monthly rents for apartments is set forth in the following table, which shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the percentage of households paying each specified rent per month per apartment:

TABLE 74.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per apartment, by general nativity and race of head of household.


[This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.)

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Of the 627 households paying rent and reporting amount 1.4 per cent pay under $5; 47.4 per cent pay under $10; 82.8 per cent pay under $15, and 97.1 per cent pay under $20 per month-the average rent being $10.56. A larger proportion of the households the heads of which are foreign-born than of those the heads of which are nativeborn, of either native or foreign father, pay each specified rent per month, consequently show a lower average rent-the households the heads of which are native-born of native father showing the smallest proportion paying each specified rent per month, consequently the highest average rent. All of the households the heads of which are Poles or Slovaks pay under $12.50 rent per month per apartment

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