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He died Aug. 4, 1818.

Cabell, JAMES LAURENCE, sanitarian; of the proposed national Constitution.
born in Nelson county, Va., Aug. 26,
1813; graduated at the University of Vir- Cabell, WILLIAM, statesman; born in
ginia in 1833; studied medicine in Balti Licking Hole, Va., March 13, 1730; was a
more, Philadelphia, and Paris; and became commissioner to arrange military claims
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the in 1758. During the trouble between the
University of Virginia. He was in charge American colonies and Great Britain,
of the Confederate military hospitals dur- prior to the Revolutionary War, he was
ing the Civil War. When yellow fever a delegate to all the conventions for secur-
broke out at Memphis he was appointed ing independence; was also a member of
chairman of the National Sanitary Con- the committee which drew up the famous
ference, and devised the plan which "declaration of rights." On Jan. 7, 1789,
checked the spread of the epidemic. From he was one of the Presidential electors
1879 till the time of his death, which oc-
curred in Overton, Va., Aug. 13, 1889,
he was president of the National Board of

who voted for Washington as the first
President of the United States. He died
in Union Hill, March 23, 1798.

Cabet, ETIENNE, communist; born in
Dijon, France, in 1788; studied law, but
applied himself to literature and politics.
In 1840 he attracted much attention
through his social romance, Voyage en
Icarie, in which he described a communis-
tie Utopia. In 1848 he sent an Icarian
colony to the Red River in Texas, but the
colony did not thrive; and in 1850, as the
leader of another colony, he settled in
Nauvoo, Ill., whence the Mormons had
been expelled. This colony likewise failed
to prosper, and was abandoned in 1857.

Cabell, SAMUEL JORDAN, military offi-
cer; born in Amherst county, Va., Dec.
15, 1756; was educated at William and
Mary College. In 1775 he recruited a com-
pany of riflemen for the American service,
which is said to have opened the action
at Saratoga. During the siege of Charles-
ton he was captured, and not being able
to procure an exchange remained inactive
till peace was concluded. He was a Repre-
sentative in Congress in 1785-1803, and
in 1788, as a member of the constitutional
convention, voted against the adoption He died in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 9, 1856.


Cabeza de Vaca, ALVAR NUÑEZ, Span-
ish official and author; born in Jerez de
la Frontera, Spain, probably in 1490. In



1528 he accompanied the expedition of Nar-
vaez to Florida in the capacity of comp-
troller and royal treasurer, and he and

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