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Committee on State paper, reported asking for further time for consideration of the Subject.

Voted, That the Pastors and Laymen of the Congregational Churches, are earnestly requestsd to canvass the parishes under their care, or in which they reside, and report within two months to the Chairman of the Committee, Rev. Silas Ketchum, Bristol, what they can do for the encouragement of a State Congregational Paper.

Committee of Inquiry reported as follows:

Essay The future everlasting punishment of the wicked; its position in the Christian system of doctrines.

Essayist-Rev. S. P. Leeds, D. D. Rich, D. D.

Substitute-Rev. A. B.

Question---How shall we secure "the essential object of the Association, to promote brotherly intercourse and co-operation with other similar institutions."

Disputants---Rev. J. G. Davis, D. D., Rev. E. H. Greeley. [For this question another was afterwards substituted, by permission of the Association. See page 3.]

Discussion of question---How shall the church and congregation be induced to consecrate their wealth to the service of the Lord?

Disputants---Rev. Silas Ketchum, Rev. Cyrus Richardson.


10 A. M.

Addresses by delegates from foreign bodies: Rev. G. J. Abbott, from N. H. Yearly Meeting of the Free Will Baptists.

Rev. Newall Culver, from Methodist Annual Conference; Rev. C. A. Towle, of Illinois, being present, gave a report from the Congregational Churches of Ill.

Rev. C. Cushing, D. D., Addressed the Association in behalf of the Congregational Union.

Rev. W. R. Jewett, Secretary of the Ministers' and Widows' Charitable Fund, read his report. The report was accepted. 11 A. M. Discussion of question-Duty of the stronger to the feebler churches.

Opened by W. A. Rand and F. H. Bartlett.

Remarks were made by Dea. C. W. Harvey, Rev. C. A. Towle, W. S. Child, Rev. W. J. Tucker, Rev. Dr. Davis, Geo. E. Jenks, Rev. A. B. Peabody, Rev. C. Cushing, D. D., Rev. Silas Ketchum.

Voted to lay the subject on the table until 3 o'clock.
Committee of Arrangements reported in part.
Adjourned to 11 P. M.

1 P. M. Business meeting.

The following resolution, introduced by Rev. Geo. Dustan, was adopted:

Resolved, That the office of Sabbath School Secretary be abolished; and that the Committee of Inquiry be instructed to report a question pertaining to Sabbath School interests for discussion, and appoint disputants on the question.

Rev. H. S. Huntington was re-elected Statistical Secretary. He declined, and was excused. A vote of thanks for the ability and fidelity of his services was passed.

Voted, That a Committee of three be chosen, to consider the matter of systematic benevolence in our churches, and report what methods may be used in promoting the same.

Committee of Inquiry reported a question for discussion--What means can be employed to bring our congregations generally into the Sabbath School? Disputants---Dea. W. G. Brown, Rev. S. L. Gerould.

2 P. M. Anniversary of N. H. Education Society.

Dr. Tobey in the chair.

Rev. S. H. Riddel offered prayer. Rev. S. P. Leeds, D. D., Secretary, made his report.

Addresses were made by Rev. C. A. Towle of Illinois, and Rev. H. Q. Butterfleld, Secretary of Western Coll. Society. The present officers of the Society were re-elected.

3 P. M.

Renewed discussion of the question of the morning. The following resolution was discussed and adopted: Resolved, That we recommend to the stronger churches, that they organize their lay forces under direction of their pastors, for labor among destitute places, and with pastorless churches, with a view of awaking such interest in the hearts of such peo

ple, as to put them within reach of the N. H. Missionary Society, or other religious influences.

Rev. H. S. Huntington, Rev. W. J. Tucker, and Dea. A. McFarland, were nominated and chosen Committee to report on systematic benevolence.

4 P. M. Children's meeting was held.

Prayer was offered by Rev. H. Q. Butterfield.

Addresses were made by Rev. John Bragdon, Dea. Geo. S. Dean, Rev. H. M. Stone.

Singing was interspersed.

Foted, That the Association, when it adjourns, adjourn to

7 P. M.

Voted to omit the praise meeting Thursday morning, and have a business meeting at that hour, that the meeting may close before 2 o'clock.


7 P. M. Business meeting.


Committee of Arrangements reported, and the following change in the Constitution was adopted:

Business, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 8 to 9.

Devotional exercises from 9 to 10 A. M.

Committee on Nominations reported Rev. H. A. Hazen, of Pittsfield, for Statistical Secretary, and he was elected for three years.

7 P. M. Public meeting. Prayer offered by Rev. W. T. Savage, D. D.

Rev. J. P. Langworthy addressed the Association in behalf of the Congregational House.

Discussion of question-What is the best method of securing special religious interest in the churches?

Opened by Rev. N. F. Carter and Rev. V. J. Hartshorne. Remarks were made Hon. Milan Harris, E. Jenkins, Dea. John L. Fitts, Dea. J. D. Hills, Rev. S. Bowker, Rev. S. L. Gerould, Rev. S. L. Blake, Rev. Geo. Dustan, Dea. C. W. Harvey.

Voted to spend 15 minutes in prayer.

Voted to meet at 7 o'clock Thursday morning for a praise meeting of one half hour.

Singing. Benediction.

Adjourned till 8 A. M., Thursday.


7 A. M. Praise meeting of one half hour. Led by Rev. W. Rand.

8 A. M. Meeting called to order by the Moderator. Singing.

Prayer offered by Rev. E. Buxton.

Reading of the Minutes.

The following resolution was offered and passed:

Resolved, That the Association has heard with pleasure the report of its Delegates to the National Council; that we regard with satisfaction the permanent organization of this body, and look with hope to its influence in the future in promoting the fellowship of our churches, and in stimulating and shaping our labors for Christ and the world.

Rev. H. M. Stone, Primary, Rev. A. B. Peabody, Substitute, were chosen delegates to the Yearly Meeting, Free Will Baptist.

Rev. G. R. W. Scott, Primary, Rev. Geo. Dustan, Substitute, chosen delegates to Methodist Annual Conference.

Voted to recommend the churches to raise $275 for yearly expenses.

Rev. M. T. Runnels was chosen Delegate to the Baptist General Conference, and Rev. S. S. Morrill, Substitute.

Voted, That 1500 copies of the Minutes be printed as last year.

Voted to leave the matter of the contributions to the Ministers' and Widows' Charitable Fund to the same persons as last


A communication was received from Rev. J. B. Miles, Secretary of American Peace Society, and referred to next year. Voted to leave the assignment of the place for next meeting of the Association with the Secretary, Rev. F. D. Ayer.

Rev. John Dudley, of Wisconsin, brought the congratulations of the churches of Wisconsin.

The following resolution was passed by a unanimous vote: Resolved, That this Association tender their hearty thanks to the people of Bristol for their kind and generous hospitality, in entertaining this body and its friends at this meeting; and to the choir of this church for their valuable services; that the Secretary be instructed to express to the following Railroad Companies-Boston, Concord & Montreal, Concord with its branches, and Northern Road and its branches and connections -the sincere thanks of this Association for reduction of fares to persons attending this meeting; also to the Committee of Arrangements for their services.

Voted, That at the close of the communion service the Association stand adjourned to meet on the Tuesday after the second Sabbath in September, 1873.

Voted to adjourn to 12 o'clock.

9 A. M. Anniversary of the N. II. Missionary Society. Hon. Milan Harris in the chair.

Prayer offered by Rev. Dr. W. Warren.

A committee of three, as follows, was appointed to nominate officers: Rev. J. G. Davis, D. D., Rev. J. K. Young, D. D., Dea. J. R. Hills.

The report of the Treasurer, L. D. Stevens, was read and accepted.

Rev. Wm. Clark, D. D., Secretary, read his report. Accepted and adopted. Voted that the report be printed under the direction of the Trustees.

Remarks were made by Rev. Isaac Willey, Dea. Geo. S. Dean, Rev. H. M. Stone, Rev. A. Tobey, D. D., Rev. C. E. Milliken, Rev. Charles Seccombe, Rev. Geo. Dustan, Hon. L. D. Stevens, Rev. S. L. Blake, Rev. W. R. Jewett.

Recommendations, as follows, were accepted and adopted: Voted, That we recommend to the Trustees of the New-Hampshire Missionary Society to adopt, so far as practicable, the plan of enlisting the aid of the stronger churches in behalf of specific feeble churches; and that, when it is impossible for the time to procure the permanent services of ministers to labor in

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