Enter POLONIUS and REYNOLDOI PA Polonius. Give him this money, and those notes, Reynoldo. (39) (39) If the north side of the moon be placed uppermost, Reynoldo will be the long-bearded figure in light, on the right hand towards the top, and formed by the outline which bounds (Talgol's or) Laertes's figure there. This is most specially noticed in a line addressed to him hereafter by Polonius, viz. z. Observe his (Laertes's) inclination in yourself. He is situate just opposite to Polonius, and drawn in Fig. 65, her atong o? ! by comparing which figure with its prototype, his several actions of receiving money in one hand from Polonius, OD and notes in the other, will be very manifest. Rey. I will, my Lord. 1 J Pol. You shall do marvellous wisely, good Rey Pol. Marry, well said; very well said. Look you, Sir, Enquire me first what Danskers are in Paris; And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, What company, at what expence; and finding, By this encompassment and drift of question, That they do know my son, come you more near; Then your particular demands will touch it;\ Take you, as 'twere, some distant knowledge of him. As thus-I know his father and his friends, And in part him-Do you mark this Reynoldo ? Rey. Ay, very well, my Lord. Pol. And in part him-but you may say-not ✓ But if't be he I mean, he's very wild; [well; Addicted so and so-and there put on him What forgeries you please; marry, none so rank As may dishonour him; take heed of that; But Sir, such wanton, wild, and usual slips, As are companions noted and most known To youth and liberty. Rey. As gaming, my Lord 1 Pol. Ay, or drinking, fencing, swearing, Quarreling, drabbing You may go so far. in I Rey. My Lord, that would dishonour him. Pol. 'Faith no, as you may seasoncit in the That's not my meaning; but breathe his faults so quaintly, That they may seem the taints of liberty; Rey. But, my good Lord ! Pol. Wherefore should you do this? And I believe it is a fetch of wit. You, laying these slight sullies on my son, sound, 1 Having ever seen, in the prenominate crimes, Rey. Very good, my Lord. Pol. And then, Sir, does he this; He does-what was I about to say? At friend, or so, and gentleman. Pol. At closes in the consequence-Ay, marry, Or then, with such and such; and, as you say, With windlaces, and with essays of bias, By indirections find directions out: So by my former lecture and advice 1 Shall you my son; you have me, have you not? Rey. My Lord, I have. Pol. God b' w' you; fare you well. (40) A brothel. The relative position of the Trulla of Hudibras, in respect of that of Laertes, and the appear-ance of her prototype in the moon, as furnishing some evidence of her profession, should be observed with refer Pol. Farewel. How now, Ophelia, what's the matter? Oph. Alas, my Lord, I have been so affrighted ! To speak of horrors; thus he comes before me. Ôph. My Lord, I do not know, But truly I do fear it. Pol. What said he? 98 " Oph. He took me by the wrist, and held me Then goes he to the length of all his arm: [hard; (41) No hat, &c.; because that which before appeared to be his hat, is presently stated to be considered as his hand over his brow: figure 66 gives a view of Hamlet in this his |