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The growth of our membership roll reflects the confidence that the public at large has in the quality of the service rendered by the institution to the world. In spite of the abnormal financial conditions of the year, a greater number of new Members has been enrolled than in any preceding year. In all, 904 new names appear on our records and the total membership now exceeds 5,000. This means that there are more than 5,000 friends who are actively interested in the development of the Museum and the extension of its educational work, and the influence of these Members in interesting others is one of the Museum's greatest assets.

Members receive current copies of the magazine Natural History, tickets to the various courses of lectures and the privileges of the Members' Room. The name of The American Museum Journal has been changed to Natural History, partly to avoid confusion with other publications known as "Museum Journals" and partly because the magazine for two years had not been restricted to a consideration of the American Museum's work and interests, but aimed to be a medium of expression between authoritative science in America and the people, a place for publication of readable articles on the results of the scientific research and thought of the nation for people who are not technically trained.

Owing to conditions in the printing trade and the difficulties of securing suitable material, there has been an extraordinary delay in the regular issuing of the magazine during the latter part of the year. To relieve the congestion, it was decided to issue one large number of the magazine which would be the equivalent of the October, November and December numbers and would close the 1919 volume. Unfortunately, however, delays prevented the issuing of this number before the close of the year. Owing mainly to the increased cost of produc

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