Imágenes de páginas

Sect. XVI. Abraham's covenant with Abimelech. Abraham
removes to Mamre



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Sect. XX. The Lord appears to Abraham, and makes an
everlasting covenant with him, including all the na
tions of the earth. Circumcision ordained. A son pro-
mised to Abraham and Sarai. Their names changed
Sect. XXI. The Lord appears to Abraham at Mamre, ac-
companied by two angels. Renews his promise of a
son to Abraham and Sarah


Sect. XXII. The Lord reveals to Abraham that he would
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham intercedes

for them

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Sect. XXIV. The birth of Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael dis-




Sect. XXXI. The Lord renews his promise to Isaac. Blesses
him with prosperity. The Lord appears to Isaac again
at Beersheba

Sect. XXXII. Esau sells his birth-right to Jacob

Seet. XXXIII. Jacob-deceives his father.

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Sect. XXXV. The Lord appears to Jacob in a vision; and
gives him the blessing of Abraham


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Sect. XXXVIII, Jacob by the command of the Lord departs
from Mesopotamia. Laban pursues him. A covenant
made between Laban and Jacob


Sect. XXXIX. Jacob met by angels. He sends a present to

his brother Esau


Sect. XLII. The Lord appears to Jacob. He puts away all.
the idols that were found among his household, He
sets up a pillar at Bethel

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Sect. XLIII. The death of Rachel. Jacob returns to his fa-
ther. The death of Isaac. The names of Jacob's

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Sect. XLVIII. A famine in Canaan. Jacob sends to Egypt
to buy corn. Joseph treats his brethren as spies. He
detains Simeon



page 233

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