Sect. IV. The death of Abel. Cain banished. Seth born Sect. VIII. Mankind and all other living creatures destroyed Sect. X. The Lord makes an everlasting covenant with Noah. Sect. XI. Noah pronounces a prophetic curse upon Canaan, - 65 Sect. XIII. The genealogy of, Shem to Abrabam Sect. XVI. Abraham's covenant with Abimelech. Abraham - 79 Sect. XX. The Lord appears to Abraham, and makes an - Sect. XXII. The Lord reveals to Abraham that he would for them Sect. XXIV. The birth of Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael dis- T Sect. CONTENTS. Sect. XXXI. The Lord renews his promise to Isaac. Blesses Sect. XXXV. The Lord appears to Jacob in a vision; and 1.167 Sect. XXXVIII, Jacob by the command of the Lord departs : Sect. XXXIX. Jacob met by angels. He sends a present to his brother Esau 1.1.1487 Sect. XLII. The Lord appears to Jacob. He puts away all. Sect. XLIII. The death of Rachel. Jacob returns to his fa- Sect. XLVIII. A famine in Canaan. Jacob sends to Egypt 227 Sect Seet. XLIX. Joseph makes further trial of his brethren's Sect. L. The distress of Joseph's brethren. The pathetic page 233 Sect. LIII. Jacob blesses the two sons of Joseph, Manasseh Sect. LVI. The wonderful increase of the children of Israel. They are oppressed by the Egyptians. The birth of Moses. He is preserved by Pharaoh's daughter Sect. LVIII. The Lord appears to Moses in a burning bush 280 Sect, LIX. Moses and Aaron sent by the Lord with a mes- sage of comfort to the Israelites Sect. LX. Moses and Aaron sent by the Lord with a message Sect. LXI. The Lord causes Aaron's rod to become a ser- pent, and the river to turn into blood, to prove the Sect. LXII. The plagues of frogs, lice, and flies, sent upon the Egyptians, and removed at the prayer of Moses 306 Sect. LXIII. The plagues of murrain, boils, and blains, and Sect. |