History of the Dogma of the Deity of Jesus Christ

British & Foreign Unitarian Association, 1878 - 245 páginas

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Página 145 - And the Catholic Faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity ; Neither confounding the Persons nor dividing the Substance.
Página 147 - Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God Almighty, from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
Página 146 - So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they are not three Gods but one God...
Página 146 - For the right faith is that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man: God, of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the substance of his mother, born in the world...
Página 147 - Who although he be God and Man; yet he is not two, but one Christ; One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh: but by taking of the Manhood into God; One altogether, not by confusion of Substance: but by unity of Person.
Página 146 - So there is one Father, not three Fathers ; one Son, not three Sons ; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts...
Página 145 - But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is all One. the Glory Equal, the Majesty Co-Eternal. Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost.
Página 145 - And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal. As also there are not three incomprehensibles, nor three uncreated, but one uncreated, and one incomprehensible.
Página 147 - Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead and inferior to the Father as touching his manhood...
Página 146 - For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord; so are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say there be three Gods or three Lords.

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