The photogravure of Mrs. Meynell is made from a studio portrait taken shortly before her death by Sherril Schell, and reproduced by his very kind permission THE SCHOOL OF POETRY AN ANTHOLOGY Chosen for Young Readers by M LONDON: 48 PALL MALL GLASGOW MELBOURNE AUCKLAND THE ages suggested for the Scholars of this little School were ten to fourteen. These are long, long years of youth, equal to ten of the older, twenty of the aged: not only in effectiveness, but also in the sensation of time. Therefore it was not easy to choose the all-appropriate from our great and various literature. Something there might always be for fourteen to tolerate and yet for ten to hope to achieve. I have taken some poems for their happy, courageous, and honourable thought, some for the very poetry of poetry. At the head of most of the pieces is a little fingerpost pointing to the quality. The size of the book was, of course, limited; there would have been matter, from the stores of past and present, for fifty such books. Α. Μ. September, 1922. 5 535272 |