Imágenes de páginas

But, "O," she said,


"My God! my God! I have to tread
The long way back without you; then
The court at Paris; those six men;
The gratings of the Chatelet; 3
The swift Seine on some rainy day
Like this, and people standing by,
And laughing, while my weak hands try
To recollect how strong men swim.
All this, or else a life with him,

For which I should be damned at last,
Would God that this next hour were past!"

He answer'd not, but cried his cry,
"St. George for Marny!" cheerily;
And laid his hand upon her rein.
Alas! no man of all his train
Gave back that cheery cry again;
And, while for rage his thumb beat fast
Upon his sword-hilt, some one cast

About his neck a kerchief long,

And bound him.

Then they went along

To Godmar; who said: "Now, Jehane,

Your lover's life is on the wane

So fast, that, if this very hour
You yield not as my paramour,
He will not see the rain leave off-
Nay, keep your tongue from gibe and scoff,
Sir Robert, or I slay you now."

She laid her hand upon her brow,

Then gazed upon the palm, as though

She thought her forehead bled, and-"No."

3. Chatelet. A prison of Paris.

She said, and turn'd her head away,
As there were nothing else to say,
And everything were settled: red
Grew Godmar's face from chin to head;
"Jehane, on yonder hill there stands.
My castle, guarding well my lands:
What hinders me from taking you,
And doing what I list to do
To your fair wilful body, while
Your knight lies dead?"

A wicked smile

Wrinkled her face, her lips grew thin,
A long way out she thrust her chin:
"You know that I should strangle you
While you were sleeping; or bite through
Your throat, by God's help-ah!" she said,
"Lord Jesus, pity your poor maid!
For in such wise they hem me in,
I cannot choose but sin and sin,
Whatever happens; yet I think
They could not make me eat or drink,
And so should I just reach my rest."

"Nay, if you do not my behest,
O Jehane! though I love you well,"
Said Godmar, “would I fail to tell
All that I know?" "Foul lies," she said.
"Eh? lies, my Jehane? by God's head,
At Paris folks would deem them true!
Do you know, Jehane, they cry for you,
'Jehane the brown! Jehane the brown!
Give us Jehane to burn or drown!'—
Eh-gag me, Robert!-sweet my friend,
This were indeed a piteous end


For those long fingers, and long feet,

And long neck, and smooth shoulders sweet;
An end that few men would forget

That saw it-So, an hour yet:
Consider, Jehane, which to take
Of life or death!"

So, scarce awake,

Dismounting, did she leave that place,
And totter some yards; with her face
Turn'd upward to the sky she lay,
Her head on a wet heap of hay,
And fell asleep: and while she slept,
And did not dream, the minutes crept
Round to the twelve again; but she,
Being waked at last, sigh'd quietly,
And strangely childlike came, and said:
"I will not." Straightway Godmar's head,
As though it hung on strong wires, turn'd
Most sharply round, and his face burn'd.

For Robert-both his eyes were dry,
He could not weep, but gloomily
He seem'd to watch the rain; yea, too,
His lips were firm; he tried once more
To touch her lips; she reach'd out, sore
And vain desire so tortured them,
The poor gray lips, and now the hem
Of his sleeve brush'd them.

With a start

Up Godmar rose, thrust them apart;
From Robert's throat he loosed the bands

Of silk and mail; with empty hands
Held out, she stood and gazed, and saw

The long bright blade without a flaw


Glide out from Godmar's sheath, his hand
In Robert's hair; she saw him bend
Back Robert's head; she saw him send
The thin steel down; the blow told well,
Right backward the knight Robert fell,
And moan'd as dogs do, being half dead,
Unwitting, as I deem; so then
Godmar turn'd grinning to his men,
Who ran, some five or six, and beat
His head to pieces at their feet.

Then Godmar turn'd again and said:
"So, Jehane, the first fitte is read!
Take note, my lady, that your way
Lies backward to the Chatelet !”
She shook her head and gazed awhile
At her cold hands with a rueful smile,
As though this thing had made her mad.

This was the parting that they had
Beside the haystack in the floods.

Fitte. Parts of old ballads were called fittes. He speaks as if she were reading or acting a story.




Vigil strange I kept on the field one night;

When you my son and my comrade dropt at my side that


One look I but gave which your dear eyes return'd with a look I shall never forget,

One touch of your hand to mine, O boy, reach'd up as you lay on the ground,

Then onward I sped in the battle, the even-contested battle,

Till late in the night reliev'd to the place at last again I made my way;

Found you in death so cold, dear comrade, found your body, son of responding kisses (never again on earth responding),

Bared your face in the starlight, curious the scene, cool blew the moderate night-wind;

Long there and then in vigil I stood, dimly around me the battlefield spreading,

Vigil wondrous and vigil sweet there in the fragrant silent night;

But not a tear fell, not even a long-drawn sigh; long, long I gazed,

Then on the earth partially reclining sat by your side | leaning my chin in my hands;

Passing sweet hours, immortal and mystic hours with you, dearest comrade-not a tear, not a word;

Vigil of silence, love and death, vigil for you my son and my soldier,

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