Imágenes de páginas

No. 27.


Washington, August 3, 1901.

By direction of the Secretary of War, the following is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned:

Officers and enlisted men discharged from the Army and civilian exemployees not in the insular service who have remained in the Philippine Islands with a view to entering into private pursuits there and who apply for permits for their families to travel on Government transports from San Francisco, must forward their applications through the commanding general, Division of the Philippines, for transmission to the War Department, with his recommendations.

Officers, soldiers and civilian employees who were discharged from the service in the United States and who apply for permits to travel on Government transports from San Francisco to the Philippine Islands, should send their applica-* tions to the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.

In all cases the applicant should set forth in detail his record of service and the reasons for desiring to go to the Philippines, and whether or not he has a definite object in view or merely hopes to find employment after arrival.

Persons availing themselves of permission to travel on Government transports will pay the fixed charges in advance before the sailing of the ship, and those who accept transportation for themselves or their families will do so with the expressed understanding that no obligation rests with the Government to furnish return transportation and that return transportation will not be requested or expected by them in any event.

Applications will receive favorable consideration only when they conform to the foregoing requirements, including the waiver of return transportation, and persons who do not pay the fixed charges as stated above will not be permitted to sail. BY COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL MILES:

GEO. ANDREWS, Acting Adjutant General.


No. 28.



Washington, August 14, 1901.

By direction of the Acting Secretary of War, Circular, No. 14. May 24, 1900, from this office, prescribing the kinds and models of typewriting machines authorized for purchase for the use of the Army during the fiscal year 1901, is hereby revoked.

It is not the intention of the Department to purchase typewriting machines singly. When the Department is satisfied as to the desirability and merits of any typewriting machine the necessary steps will be taken to secure such machines from the manufacturers at the most favorable prices.

Machines should not be purchased singly unless such action is made necessary by the needs of the service. In such cases authority should be obtained for the purchase from the chief of the military department in which such machine is required.

All purchasing officers will report monthly to the chiefs of bureaus for the information of the Secretary of War the numbers and kinds of typewiting machines purchased and the prices paid therefor.


THOMAS WARD, Acting Adjutant General.

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