Americana Excerpts from The American Mercury he State university: Paul Whiteman was first and Beethoven econd in a plebiscite recently taken of the tudent body of the University of Arkansas o determine "the world's greatest musician." For third place, there was a tie between Padrewski and Henry D. Tovey, director of the ausical department of the University. CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles the magnificent holds her ground: Memorial services were held here at the xclusive Breakfast Club for Elizabeth Greis, amous eight-year-old mare owned by W. W. Mines, prominent real estate dealer and horsereeder, which died of pneumonia several days go. One hundred and fifty members of the lub, including outstanding persons in the usiness and social life of Los Angeles, stood ith bowed heads while the club's president fered prayer for the departed animal. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Progees of the Higher Learning in the ation's capital, as revealed by a noce in Printer's Ink: The National School of Bricklaying, Washgton, D. C., has placed its advertising acunt with the Tauber Advertising Agency. lans are being prepared for a magazine adrtising campaign on the school's correspond. Face course in bricklaying. ILLINOIS: From the eminent Chicago Tribune: At one of the rehearsals for Miss Marget Shaw's wedding today to Dean Stanchfield Arnold it was noticed that the stairway in the Shaw place at Lake Geneva where the ceremony is to take place, and down which the bridal party is to walk, consisted of 13 steps. In order that not the slightest omen of bad luck might attend his daughter's nuptials, Mr. Shaw immediately ordered that another step be constructed INDIANA: The luxurious finish of a Terre Haute Ptolemy: A telephone and electric lights have been stored in the mausoleum in which the body of Martin A. Sheets, stock broker, was entombed here. Sheets asked before his death that his tomb be so equipped that he might have opportunity to talk with the outside world if he should awaken in it. Associated Press dispatch from the town of Goshen: A. E. Kundred, gladiolus grower of Goshen, has been banned from the strict orthodox church he attended. The church cast out Mr. Kundred because authorities decided that in hybridizing his gladioli to produce new varieties he was interfering with the divine scheme of things. Note on the state of civilization among Indiana Men of Vision, from a Boonville dispatch: There are those who carry a rabbit's foot for good luck, but around Boonville the buckeye is preferred. At the Kiwanis club luncheon a check showed that 73 out of the 80 members present had in their pockets a buckeye. Some have been carrying them for 20 years. IOWA: Raising the level of life in Des Moines: The champion long range gum spitter of Des Moines will be crowned here. The Junior Chamber of Commerce will have its annual smoker, and the gum spitting contest will be one of the principal events. Each contestant will be given a nickel's worth of gum, and the one able to shoot the wad the farthest will be crowned champion. Patriotic outburst of the Hon. O. S. Bailey, editor of the Waukon Republican and Standard: One good Allamakee county farm girl who feeds the calves every morning, slops the hogs, and cares for the chickens, then perhaps walks a mile or two and teaches county school all day until time to repeat the farm chores in the evening, has more purity of heart, loveliness of character and real honest-to-goodness Godliness and womanliness in her make-up than the whole "royal" caboodle of Europe. KANSAS: Gala event among the solid citizens of Pleasanton: At the noon-day luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce R. S. Leavitt, who had just returned from Washington, made a report of his trip and the interesting features, among which was a visit to the White House, where he shook hands with the President. A motion was made and duly seconded that Mr. Leavibt stand at the door of the banquet room as the diners filed out and allow each to shake the hand that had grasped the hand of the President of the United States. Intellectual activities of the ladies of Cherokee, as reported by the Sentinel of that flourishing town: The Cultural Club of Monmouth met on the 16th at the home of Mattie Boore. Twenty-seven members were present and exchanged towels. MARYLAND: From the advertising columns of the Cumberland Daily News: by the State university extension division here. NEBRASKA: Scientific announce ment from the eminent State Journal of Lincoln: DR. GEORGE S. GEE, D.C., N. D Treats all kinds of diseases with electricity heat, massage and chiropractic. Free exam ination and a diet list for every patient. Free children's clinic. Special rates for college students. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps are given. 305 Brownell Bldg. NEW YORK: From the want col umns of the celebrated Graphic: *MOTION PICTURE studio job wanted ambitious 17-year-old boy, half lower jav missing, comical appearance, desires to be come comedian. Box G. 482 Graphic. *Star indicates that advertiser has bee examined by the Graphic Vocational Exper and is especially indorsed as well qualifie for the work indicated. OKLAHOMA: Aesthetic note from the Daily Oklahoman of Oklahom City: The State Fair will give a prize of $25 t the boy whose red hair comes nearest t matching the hair of a Duroc-Jersey hog. OREGON: Report of an extraord nary biological phenomenon in th Burns Times-Herald: We wish to thank the many kind friend for their flowers and kind expressions sympathy at the death of our little son. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith New world champion discovered in intellectu Philadelphia: CHAMPION COOK OF THE WORLD In Famous Demonstration Catch, kill, pick, wash, drip, dip in e batter and cracker dust and cook and e a two pound and a quarter chicken in le than five minutes AT LIBERTY HALL UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION An Exhibition Seen Only Once in a Lifeti WISCONSIN: News item from t Daily Cardinal, the journal of the Sta University: The co-eds of Bradley Polytechnic holding a suppressed desire dance for eds only. hinks of him as Mt. Washington ather than as Mr. Washington. Evenually one begins to doubt whether here ever was any Mr. Washington. The first important step toward the Bcovery of the whole truth about Washington was the publication of 'ord's The Writings of George Washngton in 14 volumes. Another imortant step was the publication in 925 of The Diaries of George Washgton. We have had also the realistic tudies of Washington by Lodge, Ford, lapgood, Wister, Haworth, Henderon, Thayer, Prussing and others. The obvious result of this historical dy has been to convert Washington om a rather chilly heroic myth into red-blooded, eating, drinking, sixot-three Virginian with abundance of common humanity and with many traits of character and temperament which had dropped out of the legend. In his own lifetime he was idolized by the officers of his army. If he had lifted his finger, he might have been king. He frowned heavily on the project. English republicans, scorning their own sovereign, drank to George Washington as the incarnation of Plutarchian virtues. Washington's formal schooling was brief. But a big Southern plantation employing several hundred slaves gave a very liberal "laboratory" training in the practical arts and crafts: agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, the breeding of stock, commercial fishing, brewing, distilling, the meat business, road building, masonry, lumbering, dam building, surveying, architecture, spinning, weaving, dyeing, bookkeeping, commerce, law and all the elements of administration and government. His education was enriched and his outlook broadened by contact with cultivated neighbors, by his appointment as public surveyor at the age of 17, by his various military and diplomatic missions among the French and Indians, by his appointment at 23 as commander in chief of the Virginian forces, and by his entrance at 27 into the House of Burgesses. He Washington was neither a prude nor a prig at any time in his life. Truthfulness, square dealing and valor were indeed bred in his bones. They were part of his inheritance as a Virginian gentleman. He disapproved of slavery on economic grounds and hoped for the eventual enfranchisement of all slaves, but he was a large slaveholder and the most profitable crop on his plantation was tobacco. His amusements were those of a cavalier. was fond of shooting and fishing, and when he was at Mount Vernon he was a passionate fox hunter. Sometimes he played cards all day and lost a couple of pounds. Sometimes he danced all night. He attended the theater. He went to the horse races. He was fond of Madeira, and he served fine imported wines to his distinguished guests. He was very particular about dress, and for his own garments ordered from London the best quality of broadcloth, silk, linen and cambric. At his own wedding he was attired "in blue and silver with scarlet trimmings, and gold buckles at his knees." The records indicate that from his youth up he was devoted to "the fair." Some halting amorous verses of his youth have been preserved. Preserved also is the tradition that he made offers of his heart and hand on several occasions before they were accepted by the vivacious and wealthy young widow Martha Custis. There is a tradition that, in the earlier stages of his courtship, the girls were disposed to find his nose of unromantically formidable proportions. We have a letter addressed to him on his return from soldiering with General Braddock and signed by no less than three fair ladies, "thanking Heaven" for his safe return and assuring him that if he "will not come to us tomorrow morning very early we shall be at Mount Vernon." In 1798, a year before his death, Washington, 66 years old, wrote once again to Sally Fairfax-a letter full of tranquil satisfaction in being retired at last under his "own vine and fig tree," but with one passage which is tender with the passion of his youth: During this period so many important events have occurred.. as the compass of a letter would give you but an in adequate idea of. None of which events however, nor all of them together, have been able to eradicate from my mind the recollection of those happy moments, the happiest of my life, which I enjoyed i your company. For 40 years the flame still burne -unextinquished by Martha Washing ton, or by Valley Forge, or by th long watches on the bridge of the ne "Ship of State." We begin to surmis that our father was even more of cavalier than we had suspected. Washington confessed to finding charm in the whistling of bullet Then and always he was a sensitiv man-highly sensitive in the point honor. To be charged, or even to t suspected, of any act unbecoming gentleman kindled his rage. One othe thing invariably kindled his rage; th was cowardice in battle. About once a year some after-dinne speaker gets half a column in the new papers for announcing that Washing ton swore. There is no evidence thi Washington was habitually a profai man. Habitually he was an extreme dignified and decorous man. He use profanity where another man mig have used the point of a pistol, as the battle of Monmouth. His word addressed to the retreating Gener Lee, are said to have been: "What the hell is the meaning of this i treat? You God-damned poltroon, w you now lead these troops against t enemy or shall I?” In 1759, at the age of 26, Washir ton settled down at Mount Vernon f tending to be a country gentleman f the rest of his life. He then thoug the life of a gentleman farmer t most "delectable" form of existence the world. As he felt at 26 he f also at 67. There was no year betwe 1759 and 1799 when, if he had co sulted his own inclination, he wou not gladly have resigned his pow and his honor for the sweet refu, of his own vine and fig tree. Τ diaries which cover his years Mount Vernon betoken a deep da (Continued on Page 206) Tolerance Condensed from The American Magazine (July '26) Dr. Henry Van Dyke THE fact is often overlooked that there are really two kinds of tolerance, almost as contrary to each >ther as cold and warmth. The first kind, the easy, worthless, sometimes langerous kind of tolerance, is based on indifference. It is easy for those who believe nothing, to be forbearing in regard to the beliefs or misbeliefs of others. The motto of this sort of indifference should be the familiar line of the profane song: "What the h-ll do we care?" Sometimes, however, the indifferent attitude does not come from the absence of convictions, but from the pride and self-sufficiency with which certain opinions are held. The least admirable American trait is self-complacency based on imperfect information. The man whose tolernce flows from an unreasonable sense of innate superiority to his fellow men often bears on his face an outvard sign: a smile, a cool, lofty, supercilious, tolerant, intolerable smile. With it he meets all objections, mocks at all reasons, and dismisses the case. The trouble with this kind of tolrance is that it is cold all the way hrough-cold as an iceberg. There is lo pulse of life in it. It never leads o a better understanding. It never makes friendships between men of diferent creeds and parties. A firm and red believer, even a zealot, is easier get along with than a cold tolerator. Real tolerance is based not on inifference but on sympathy. There pre, it is not cold, but warm. It is recognition of something in the ther man which you cannot help likag and respecting. The root of it is kind of good will, love, sense of atural fellowship, mutual comprehenlon. This is the meaning of the rench proverb: "To comprehend all to pardon all." This is the meaning of Charles Lamb's retort when someone asked him if he did not hate a certain person. "Why, no," he said. "I know him, don't I? I never can hate anyone that I know." A good motto for life is this: Don't expect too much of anybody, not even yourself. But expect something of everybody, including yourself. I recall an intimate conversation with Theodore Roosevelt. I had asked him how in the world he managed to get along with two men-X and Y. "I'll tell you how it is," said he. "Those men seldom agree with me; yet in each of them I have discovered something, a trait not generally known to the public, which I can't help admiring. Take old X. He is a dyed-in-thewool reactionary and a clever schemer. But one thing about him is fine. When he does make you a promise-which isn't often-he will keep that promise if it costs him a leg. I can't help liking that. "Then take old Y. People call him a ruthless, hard-boiled Boss of the ancient type. But he had a very tender place in his heart for the welfare of the Indians. He brought some of the chiefs of one tribe to Washington, cared for them, pleaded and worked for their cause in his last days. I think his latest request to me, almost from his deathbed, was that I would take care of his redskin friends after he was gone. That was something to honor in the old man. It made you feel warm to him." Undoubtedly, the warm kind of tolerance is in harmony with the spirit of our Master. He hated none of the real people with whom He came into contact in His human life. His only scorn was for the unreal people, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, whited se |