Imágenes de páginas

Nor Anlaff the more,

With the left (remainder) of the army,

To laugh not throve it,*

That they battles work
Better wrought

In camp-stead.

At assembly the nighest,

The great meeting

Of the men of the motes, t

Weep the ransoms

Of those that they on wail-field

Guarded by an oath,

Aforen pledged.

Quit them the Northmen

With tackled gear, (with sails repaired)
Dreary those the left. (the remainder)
On the dingy sea,

Over deep waters,

Dublin they seek,

that passage of the Evangelist, "what shall a man give in exchange for his soul." Math. xvi. 26. Mark viii. 37.

42 Ead and eath, an oath.

43 This word pronounced, sounds as quitten.

*To laugh to boast, availed not.

+ Ward-motes is still in constant use to express a meeting

of the principal inhabitants of the ward.

Eft yra land,

Æwi scamode.

Swylce tha gebrothor, 4

Bege ætrunne, 45

Cyning and Etheling,
Cyththe sohton;
West-Seaxna land.

Wiges hremige

Lætan him behindan.

Hra Bryttinga,

Salowig padan,

Thone sweartan hræfan

Hyrnet nebban,

And thone hasu-wadan earn,

Eftan hwit æses brucan;

Grædigne cuth haofoc,

And that grege deor, *Wulfon wealde.

Ne wearth wæl mare

On thisne iglande,

44 Gedecan is to deck, thatch, cover.

45 Gibson reads atsunne, but Tiberius A vi. œtrunne, toge


Afterwards their land,

Each where shamed.

So also the brothers,

Both together,

The King and Atheling,
Their country sought;
West-Saxon land.

The war screamers,

Left they behind.

The hoarse bittern,
The sallow paddock,

The swarth raven

With horned nib,

And the house-wooding * heron,

Eating white fish of the brooks;
The greedy gos-hawk,

The grey deer,

And wolf wild.

Never was there wail more,

In this island,

* That builds his house in the loftiest woods.

(Æfre gita

* Folces gefylled)

Beforan thyssum

Swordes ecgum.

(Thas the us secgath 46 bec

Ealde uth witan.)

Siththan eastan hider,

Engle and Seaxe,

Up becomon.

* Ofer brade briniu,

Britene sohton.

Wlance wig smithas,

Weales ofer comon

Eorlas arhwæte,.

Eard begeaton.

46 This rendering is confirmed by the Heptateuch of

Thwaites, p. 162.

(Ever since

By folkes filled)

Before this

By sword's edge.

(Thus they that seek books,

Elders of the witens,)*

Since that the easterns hither,

Angles and Saxons,

Up became. (arrived)

O'er the broad brine (sea)

Britain they sought.

Smiting with lances,

The Welch they conquered,

The earls harrowed,

The earth gotten. (the land obtained.)

* Thus it is related by the Clerks, the learned.

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