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delay; they are particularly referred to the resolution contained on page 66. Notices of intended resignations have heretofore, in many cases, not been given to the proper officers; the Association has amended the Constitution, and attention is drawn to Section 5, Article II., which makes it obligatory to notify the Secretary or Treasurer.

Those members, who had been prevented from sharing in the benefits of the Association by the late war, have all been notified by the Secretary of the action of the Association in their behalf; a few have answered and embraced the opportunity of renewing their membership. It is hoped that all interested will not fail to give the proper notification in time before the next annual meeting. Those who are still in arrears on the Treasurer's books are requested to pay up by that time, since the roll will be corrected then, and members who may be three years or more in arrears subject themselves to be dropped from the list.

Since 1864, the Secretary has been endeavoring to obtain from some members their signatures to the Constitution. His efforts have, in several instances, been unavailing, and he embraces this opportunity to again appeal to them to forward the same to him.

Members who are in arrears for two years or more, or whose signatures are not in the Secretary's possession, will not receive these Proceedings, but will be notified to that effect.

The list of societies, journals and individuals to whom complimentary copies of the Proceedings are forwarded, appears in the appendix for the first time. It is far from being complete, the Secretary not having been notified by several members who usually attend to the distribution of the Proceedings in the large cities. The labor of the Secretary is greatly increased by such delays in answering his inquiries, while, at the same time, he acknowledges himself under great obligations to those gentlemen who kindly assist him in the performance of his duties in distant cities. Any corrections of this list, and suggestions of further extension, will be gratefully received.

The list of publications received in exchange is very limited. Journals and Societies, having sent exchanges, will

please consider this an acknowledgment of the reception of the same, if they have not, by this time, been notified by letter from the Secretary. Other journals, not yet on our list of exchanges, will please forward copies to the Permanent Secretary, whose duty it is to transmit them to the Chairman of the Committee on the Progress of Pharmacy. It is by this means that the annual report of this Committee may be increased in interest and usefulness to the medical as well as to the Pharmaceutical profession.

The Secretary, who is charged with the preservation of papers, essays, drawings, &c., presented to the Association, has frequently urged upon members the propriety of presenting them written upon foolscap paper. This request was last year complied with in most instances, but a few members have undoubtedly overlooked this, and are, therefore, again urged, for the better preservation of such documents, to have them written in the manner indicated.

The price of the present volume is $1.20, in paper cover, or $1.50, bound; complete sets will be furnished in paper covers, except 1860, '62 and '63, which are bound for $10; the entire set of bound volumes, except the first six, which have never been bound, will be supplied for $12.25. The prices of the several issues, exclusive of postage, except the first six, are as follows:

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Several volumes being nearly out of print, members wishing to complete their sets would do well to make early application. In answer to frequent inquiries, the Secretary would herewith inform members that no annual meeting took place in 1861, and, consequently, no Proceedings were published in that year.

The undersigned, in conclusion, commend this volume to the kind criticism of all interested. While they have endeav ored to make it as perfect as was in their power, they are sensible of some shortcomings; their earnest efforts will hereafter be directed to avoid the same, and they desire and solicit the co-operation of all members to this effect.


Permanent Secretary Amer. Pharm. Assoc., 1607 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.


Chairman of Executive Committee,

Northeast cor. Sixth and Arch Sts.

The President, in accordance with the directions of the Association, has appointed the following members to serve on the Committee on Internal Revenue Laws:

Frederick Stearns, Chairman
Edward Parrish, Philadelphia,

Wm. A. Brewer, New York.

The Committee have been notified of their appointment.


Permanent Secretary.




First Session.-Wednesday, August 22d, 1866.

The American Pharmaceutical Association met at Detroit, Michigan, in the rooms of the Supreme Court, No. 85 Woodward Avenue. The President, Mr. H. W. Lincoln, of Boston, called the meeting to order at 3.15 P. M., J. M. Maisch, of Philadelphia, acting as Secretary.

The Chair appointed Messrs. S. P. Duffield, of Detroit, Wm. Wright, jun., of New York, and John Butterworth, of Boston, a Committee to examine the credentials of delegates from the different local Associations.

Pending their action, the members present registered their


The Committee reported the following gentlemen as duly accredited delegates to this Meeting.

From the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy-Henry W. Lincoln, Chas. A. Tufts, Robert R. Kent, Geo. F. H. Markoe, and John Butterworth.

From the New York College of Pharmacy.-Prof. F. F. Mayer, George C. Close, Wm. Wright, Jr., Theobald Frohwein, and Prof. P. W. Bedford. From the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.-Prof. Wm. Procter, Jr., Prof. Edward Parrish, Prof. J. M. Maisch, Jas. T. Shinn, Dr. Wilson H. Pile.

From the Chicago College of Pharmacy.-Albert E. Ebert, Henry Sweet, Stawell W. Gillespie, E. P. Tourtelot, Frank J. Tourtelot.

From the Maryland College, the Cincinnati College, and the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, no delegates have been sent.

From the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. -Evan T. Ellis, C. Lewis Diehl, Geo. W. Eldridge, and Albert E. Ebert.

On motion, the report of the Committee on Credentials was accepted.

The Chairman of the Executive Committee not being present at this meeting, Mr. John Butterworth, of and in behalf of this Committee, presented the following applications for membership, the candidates having complied with the requirements of the Constitution.

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Theodore Ronnefeld, Detroit, Mich. Alex. Garver, Navarre, Ohio.

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On motion, a ballot for these candidates was ordered, and the President appointed Messrs. A. E. Ebert, of Chicago, and George F. H. Markoe, of Boston, to act as tellers, who subsequently reported their unanimous election.

The Business Committee brought forward the following resolution, which was carried.

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