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The Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Permanent Secretary herewith present to the members of the American Pharmaceutical Association the volume of Proceedings of the Association at its last meeting, held at Detroit, in the month of August, 1866. They had hoped that the book would be in the hands of the members some weeks before this time; several unexpected delays, however, interfered with its early completion. Notwithstanding these, it is gratifying that the work has been accomplished several months earlier than during several years past, and it is expected that hereafter it may be done in less time, if all papers are finished before they are presented to the Association.

The interesting feature of last year's Proceedings-namely, the copious extracts from the phonographic report of the scientific discussions, by Mr. Slade, of Boston-has been continued this year, and will be particularly acceptable to those members who have been prevented from being present at the last meeting.

The paper of Mr. E. C. Jones, on Commercial Extract of Quassia, had to be left out, because it has not been received for publication. The same is the case with the description of Mr. Spencer's Still for distillation under reduced pressure, which was directed to be published in the Proceedings.

The roll of members has been corrected as far as possible. Members whose names are not spelled correctly, or who have changed their address, will please notify the Secretary without

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