Imágenes de páginas

Cowan, Asst. Clerk.. $3,000; L. W. How, Stenogra-
pher, $2,000; Attendants, Stephen Collins, T. F.
Delehanty, J. J. Coman, each $1,000; S. A. Benian,
Janitor, $900.

W. Meade, July 1, 1907; J. Poole, July 1, 1907; W.
H. Olmsted, May 1, 1907.

Second Dist.-3d av. and 158th st. J. M. Tierney,
Justice; term expires Dec. 31, 1909; Thos. A. Maher,
Clerk, $3,000; John Monaghan, Asst. Clerk, $3,000;
W. M. Browne, Stenographer, $2.000; Attendants,
T. J. Kelly, Frederick Johnson, Peter Koelble,
$1,000 each; Interpreter, Robert Volbracht, $1,200.


First District-Court st., cor. State.

J. J. Walsh, Justice, $6,000; Edward Moran, Clerk, $3,000; J. A. Dunne, Asst. Clerk, $3,000; Stenographer, D. J. Fagan, $2,000; M. J. Dowd, John J. McManus, Charles Koch, Attendant Officers, each $1,000.

Second District-794 Broadway.

G. B. Van Wart, Justice, $6.000; W. H. Allen, Clerk, $3,000; E. L. Stryker, Assistant Clerk, $3,000; C. J. Doyle, Stenographer, $2,000; Jacob Becker, Interpreter, $1,200; Nelson Magee, Samuel Ackerman, John S. Matson, Attendant Officers, each $1,000.

Third District-Lee av., cor. Clymer st. W. J. Lynch, Justice, $6,000. J. W. Carpenter, Clerk, $3,000. A. J. Higgins, Asst. Clerk, $3,000. J. W. Richards, Stenographer, $2,000. Emil Klebaur, Joseph Flash, Interpreters, each $1,200. W. P. Casey, P. Courtney and Edward Wilson, Attendants, each $1,000.

Fourth District-14 Howard av.

T. H. Williams, Justice, $6,000. Herman Gohlinghorst, Clerk, $3,000. J. P. Sinnott, Asst. Clerk, $3,000. J. F. Reilly, Stenographer, $2.000. Hyman Rayfiel, Interpreter, $1,200. Louis Ulm, W. McKee, Robert Hill, Attendants, each $1,000. Fifth District-Bath av., cor. Bay 22d st., Bath Beach.

Cornelius Furgueson, Justice. Term expires Dec. 31, 1909, $6,000. J. J. O'Leary, Clerk, $3.000. E. A. Curran, Asst. Clerk, $3,000. J. N. B. Rawle. Stenographer, $2,000. Peter C. Moore, Cornelius Snedeker, J. F. Dwyer, Attendants, each $1,000. Alfred Huttinger, Interpreter, $1,200.


First Dist.-Court Rooms, 46 Jackson av., L. I. City. Thos. C. Kadien, Justice, $5,000. Thos. F. Kennedy, Clerk, $2,000. Lewis Steinert, Stenographer, $2.000. Henry A. Smith and Thos. White, Attendants, each $1,000.

Second Dist.-Court House, Broadway and Court st., Elmhurst. William Rasquin, Jr., Justice; term expires Dec. 31, 1909. Henry Walter, Jr., Clerk; C. Herbert Burns, Stenographer, each $2,000. F. W. Bieling, Philip Peters, Attendants, each $1.000.

Third Dist.-Town Hall, Jamaica. James F. McLaughlin, Justice, $5,000; term expires Dec. 31, 1909. G. W. Damon, Court Clerk, $2,000. Joseph Kestler, Thos. Fox, Court Officers, $1,000 each. John L. Gwydir, Stenographer, $2,000.


First Dist.-Lafayette av., cor. 2d st.. New Brighton. John J. Kenney, Justice, $5,000; term expires Dec. 31, 1910. F. F. Leman, Clerk, New Brighton, $2.000. Edward Finnerty and Frank Langford, Attendant Officers, each $1,000. Frank McGoey, Stenographer, $2,000.

Second Dist.-Village Hall, Stapleton. Geo. W. Stake of Stapleton, Justice, $5,000; term expires 1910. Peter Tiernan, Clerk, $2,000. Wm. J. Browne, Asst. Clerk, $2.000. J. G. Farrel, Stenographer, $2,000. Thos. McCormack, Stapleton; Robert Goggin, Stapleton, Marshals, fees.

[blocks in formation]

Joseph M. Deuel, Pres.; Philip Bloch, Sec.. $1.000 Assistant clerks, stenographers and interpreters are transferred at intervals by the president and are not permanently located at any one court. Asst. Clerks: J. E. Doran, A. G. Wilson, Samuel Williamson, J. S. Moulton, T. A. Church, W. J. Davis, David Cocheron, Harry Merz, Nathan Klein, G. W. Cregier, C. A. Adams, M. O. Galvin, D. P. Sullivan, Arthur Erdofy, Chas. Anthes, E. J Bird, Jas. B. Dyer, Thos. W. Murray, Wm. J. Harvey, Edwin C. Cloyd, each $2.000. Stenographers: E. T. Davis, Edmund H. Cole, J. H. Andrews, W. L. Ormsby, Jr., William Chilvers, each $2,000. Interpreters: M. Moustaki, M. Swartz, Bernard Herck, F. W. Weil, Emil Kunzle, Arnold Krivulin, George Lemon, each $1.500.

First Dist.-Criminal Court Bldg., Franklin and Centre sts. Harry P. Lewis, Police Clerk, $2.500. Second Dist.-Jefferson Market, 125 6th av. Eben Demarest, Police Clerk, $2,500.

Third Dist.-69 Essex st. Ludwig F. Thoma, Police Clerk, $2.500.

Fourth Dist.-157 E. 57th st. Courtney Kennelly, Police Clerk, $2,500.

Fifth Dist.-121st st., southeast cor. Sylvan pl. Philip Bloch, Police Clerk, $2.500.

Sixth Dist.-158th st. and 3d av. Moses McKee. Police Clerk, $2,500. Simon Klapper, Court Attendant, $1,200.

Seventh Dist.-314 W. 54th st. James McCabe, Police Clerk, $2,500.

The Children's Court.

11th st. and 3d av.

The establishment of this court is authorized by Section No. 1,399 of the new charter, which directs that a separate court for children under 16 years old shall be maintained, and all children brought before magistrates of the First Division shall be transferred to this court, where a regular magistrate shall hear the case.

The object of the children's court is to prevent children who are arrested for trifling offenses from coming in contact with older and more hardened criminals, whom they are likely to meet at the regular courts. The number of children under 16 who are annually brought before city courts is estimated to be more than ten thousand. This number does not include dependent children who are attended to by the Charity Department and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Police Clerk of Children's Court, Edmund E. Lee, $2,500.

Second Division.


Note-Justice Marean has given an opinion that the section of the charter under which city magistrates were elected is unconstitutional. The matter is being contested in the courts.

Magistrates at Large-Raymond V. Walter L. Durack.


2d Cong. Dist., Wm. Brennan; 3d Dist., Wm. Kramer; 4th Dist., Wm. Watson; 5th Dist., J. Lott Nostrand; 6th Dist., Chas. Devoy; 7th Dist., J. G. Tighe.

Alfred E. Steers and Albert V. B. Voorhees, Jr., hold office until the end of their term, Dec. 31, 1907, when the entire board goes out and new board elected to take office Jan. 1, 1908, at the election in 1907. 4 Magistrates will be elected at large and 6 from Congressional Districts. Salaries, $6,000 each.

President of the Board of Magistrates, Alfred E Steers. Jared J. Chambers, Secretary, $1,000. First Dist.-318 Adams st. Jared J. Chambers. Police Clerk, $2,500. M. C. Earl, Jacob Eilperin, Asst. Clerks, each $1,500. Chas. Christman, Sten.. $1,800.

Second District-Cor. Court and Butler sts. Cornelius J. Teehan, Police Clerk, $2,500; James Neeson, Geo. W. Cooney, Assistant Clerks, each $1,500; James P. Dunne, Stenographer, $1,800.

Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avs. Charles B. Coates, Police Clerk, $2,500; J. J. Norton, Stenographer, $1,800; J. J. O'Neill, $1,500, Fred C. Gross, Asst. Clerks, $1,500; John Michaels. Interpreter, $1,200.



Fourth District-Lee av., cor. of Clymer st. M. Andrews, Stenographer, $1.800. Harry Vaughn. Charles F. Franklin, Police Clerk, $2,500; Floyd Interpreter, $1,200. J. Adams, Asst. Clerk. $1,500; Wm. McGuire, Asst. Clerk, $1,500; Charles S. Findlay, Stenographer, $1,800; Fred. Kruener, German Interpreter, $1,200. Fifth District-249 Ewen st., cor. Powers. Geo. E. England, Police Clerk, $2,500; John T. Hettrick, Stenographer, $1,800: Chas. F. Wehr, T. H. Peppard, Asst. Clerks, each $1,500; Julius Schliemann, Interpreter, $1,200.

[blocks in formation]

First District-Cor. East av .and 6th st., Long
Island City.

M. J. Smith, Magistrate, term expires 1907, $5.000.
Paton Noble, Police Clerk, $2,000. J. H. Hendrick-
son, Stenographer, $1.800. Asst. Clerk, $1,500.
Michael Di Simone, Interpreter, $1,200.

Second District-Flushing (Town Hall.) L. J. Connorton, Magistrate, term expires 1907. $5,000. G. H. Hewlett, Police Clerk, $2,500. H. S. Harvey, Asst. Clerk, $1,500. W. J. McMahon, Stenographer, $1,800.

Third District-Far Rockaway.

Edmund J. Healy, Magistrate, $5,000; term expires Dec. 31, 1907. Thos. I. Conerty, Police Clerk, $2.500. John J. Healy, Asst. Clerk, $1,500.


First District-Village Hall, New Brighton. John Croak, Magistrate, $5,000, W. C. Casey, Police Clerk, $2,500. John Redmond, Asst. Clerk, $1,500, E. H. Ross, Stenographer, $1,800. Henry Brown, Interpreter for both 1st and 2d District Courts of the Borough, $1,200.

Second District-Village Hall, Edgewater. Nathaniel Marsh, Magistrate, $5,000; terms expires Dec. 31, 1905. Michael Brennan, Police Clerk, $2.500. Hugh W. O'Reilly, Stenographer, $1,800. John M. Kelly, Asst. Clerk, $1,500.



C. W. N. Ackberg, Swedish Interpreter, $1,200.
B. Martella, Italian Interpreter, $1,200. Frank
Chas. Ber-
Ciancimino, Italian Interpreter, $1,200.
ger, Polish and Slavonic Interpreter, $1,500. Anton
Braun, German Interpreter, $1,500. H. B. Rosen-
son, Lithuanian Interpreter, $1,200. Myron E.
Golubuck, Hebrew and Russian Interpreter, $1,500.
Jas. Divisich, Italian Interpreter, $1,200. H. W
Langschmidt, German Interpreter, $1,200. Thos.
O Conti, Italian Interpreter, $1,200. Alex. Lipitz.
Rus. and Heb. Interpreter, $1,500.

Following are the employes of the old Board of Public Improvement, which the present Charter abolished. The employes are to be assigned to other departments after Jan. 1:

Secretary, John H. Mooney.


[blocks in formation]


Census statistics on industrial combinations show a total authorized capitalization of $3,607,539,200 for the 183 corporations reported May 31, 1900. The capital stock issued was $3,085,200,868. Of this total the authorized capital includes $270,127,250 in bonds, $1,259,540,900 in preferred stock, and $2,077.871,050 in common stock. The capital stock comprises $216,412,759 in bonds. $1,066,525,963 in preferred stock, and $1,802,262,146 common stock.

The total value of all the products of the combinations is $1,661,295,364, and after subtracting the value of the products of the hand trades, or mechanical and neighborhood industries, which amount to $1,216,165.160, the products of the industrial combinations in 1900 is found equivalent to more than 20 per cent. of the total gross products of the manufacturing industries of the country as they existed in 1890. The 183 corporations reported employed an average of 399,192 wage earners, receiving $194.534,515 in wages. Employment also was given to 24,585 salaried officials, receiving a total of $32,653,628 in salaries.

Miscellaneous expenses of the combinations aggregated $151,851,077, and the total cost of material used was $1,085,083,828. The gross value of products, less the value of material purchased in partly manufactured form, gives the net or true value of products of these combinations as $1,051.981,586. This represents the increase in the value of the raw materials resulting from the various processes of manufacture.

Control of 2,029 plants that were active during the census year and 174 that were idle during that period was reported. The returns show an average of li active plants to each corporation. The statistics exclude all corporations manufacturing and distributing gas and electric light and power, as it is impossible to trace all of the latter, and they do not generally possess the same economic significance. The returns show that the iron and steel industry is at the head of the list, with a gross product of $508,626,482, which is


more than double the value of the product of any
other group, except food and kindred products,
and represents nearly one-third of the total gross
value of products of all the industrial combina-
The capital invested and the value of products
in the various classes of industrial combinations
Iron and steel and their products, $341,779,954
and $508,626; food and allied products, $346,623.633
and $282,408,081; chemicals and allied products,
$182,391,744; metals and metal
products other than iron and steel, $118,519,401
and $180,154,703; liquors and beverages, $118,489,158
and $93.432,274; vehicles for land transportation,
$85,965,683 and $85,985,533.

468,606 and $71,888,202; leather and its finished pro-
Tobacco, $16,191,878 and $74,063,029; textiles, $92,-
ducts, $62,744,011 and $45,084.829; paper and print-
ing, $59,271,691 and $44,418,417; clay, glass and stone
products, $46.877,288 and $23,258, 182; lumber and its
manufactures, $24,470,281 and $20,378,815; miscel-

laneous industries, $45,408,869 and $48,605,073.

Six Day Bicycle Race, 1901. This annual event took place in Madison Square Garden, Manhattan, Dec. 9-14. Of the 17 teams advertised to compete in the event but 9 lived through the first five days and but 6 survived until the closing hours of the race. Name.

Walthour and McEachern..

Maya and Wilson..

Newkirk and Munroe..
Babcock and Turville..
Buller and McLean.
King and Samuelson.
Fredericks and Jaak..
Hall and McLaren..

Lawson and Julius.

Miles. Laps.











[blocks in formation]



Kings County and the Borough of Brooklyn are coterminous in their boundaries. The borough and County has 6 Congressional, 7 Senatorial, 21 Assembly districts and 526 election districts.

Executive Officers.

The principal executive officers of the county are: Register, County Clerk, Commissioner of Jurors, Public Administrator, Sheriff and District Attorney. County Clerk's Office.

Hall of Records.


County Clerk, Chas. T. Hartzheim.... Term expires Dec. 31, 1903. Counsel, Jacob Neu. $3,500. Deputy County Clerk, Henry Weisman, $5,000; Asst. Dep. Co. Clerk, J. McGrath, $2,500; Expert Clerk, J. Harrington, $3,000; Equity Clerks, Chas. Morris, $1,500, and J. Feirabend, $1,500; Entry Clerk, Jos. Obman, $1.500; Asst. Entry Clerk, Jonas Litt, $900; Requisition Clerk. J. Gaffney, $1,000; Asst. Requisition Clerk, Chas. Falkenburg, $900; Copyists, Joseph Abel and Abram Sinsheimer, 5c. per folio; Lis Pendens Clerk, Wm. Ferris, $900; Messenger, Albert Meyer, $300; Comparer, J. A. Kuhn, $600; Document Clerks, Norbert Cohn, $2,500; Martin Murphy, Paul Kreuder, $1,500 each; Sec., Miss Adele Anirath, $1,500; Bookkeeper. Geo. Loeder, $2.000; Docket Searchers, J. H. Baker, Henry Hageman, each $1.200; Index Clerks, J. G. Roth, G. Brusch, Joseph Laux, each $1,200; Comparing Clerks, W. J. Burke, Z. Trimble, each $1,000; Messengers, B. Firmbach, Edward Looney, each $800; Old Records, Chas. Colne, $1,100; Assistants, Old Records Clerks, interchangeable as, Paul Kock, Chas. R. Phillips, each $1,000; Copy Clerks, J. Truemann, A. Lindheimer, C. Maurer, each $1,000; Custodians, S. E. Burr, Jas. McMahon, H. G. May, each $1,000; Notarial Clerk, William Ferris, $1,500.

The Commissioner of Records.
Rooms 7 and 9, Hall of Records.

The office of Commissioner of Records was created by an act of Legislature, Chap. 591, Laws of 1899. The present Commissioner was appointed May 25, 1899, for five years.

The duties of his office are as follows: 1st-The ordering, supervision and comparing of the recopying of old and mutilated records, indexes and maps by the Register, County Clerk and Surrogate.

2d-Re-indexing on the Block system in the Register's and County Clerk's office.

3d-Collating, indexing, arranging, copying and certifying of books, maps and records of the old Towns of New Lots, Flatbush, New Utrecht, Gravesend and Flatlands.

.$5,000 3,500

Commissioner, George E. Waldo... Deputy Commissioner, J. H. Grenelle.. Superintendent, T. D. Mosscrop. $4,000; Chief Clerk, R. S. Steves, $1.800; Stenographers, Cornelia S. Reybert and Marie E. Van Tassell, each $800; Messenger, Wm. Johnson, $720; Chief First Div., F. W. Beers, $2.000; Asst. Chief First Div., S. H. Stebbins, $1,500; Chief Second Div., J. M. Farrington. $1.800; Asst. Chief Second Div., J. H. Campbell, $1,500; Chief Third Div., S. O. Mosscrop. $1.800; Asst. Chief Third Div., Louis Miller, $1,500; Chief Fourth Div., David McQueen, $1.800; Asst. Chief Fifth Div., E. T. Salisbury, $1,500; Chief Sixth Div., W. J. Beattie, $1,800; Asst. Chief Sixth Div., A. E. Hamilton, $1,500; Chief Eighth Div., T. C. Mayher, $1,800, and 64 comparers, abstractors, locaters, searchers, indexers and map clerks from $720 to $1,500 per year.

[blocks in formation]

Clerk, Chas. Durling, $1,500. Asst. Chattel Mortgage Clerk, A. Schoenberg, $1,200. Satisfaction Clerk, E. F. Page, $1,200. Chief Block Index Clerk. W. M. Winans, $1,800. Chief Current Index Clerk, P. M. Dow, $1,800. Chief Clerk of Copyists, Hee tor McNeal, $1,800. Copyists, I. P. Quinn, W. R. Lawton, H. Austin, A. Amelia, R. Daly, Henry Luchesi, each, $1,200. Abstract Index Clerks, J. B. Fisher, C. E. Buckley, each $1,200. Abstract Clerks, J. R. Smith, W. G. Morgan, each $1,206. Comparers, F. A. Bessert, L. J. Kennedy, Jos. McKenna, J. W. Glenister, each $1,200. Custodians, Frank Cain, Jos. Damels, each $1,000. Secretary, Wm. Burgess, $1,500. Keeper of Coat Room, P. Zeno, $750. Messengers, Geo. Hulin. Gustav Nathan, Douglass Norris, Jos. Daly, each $800. Also, copyists and recording clerks, each to receive 5c. for each folio recorded or copy made.

Court House.

Court House Keeper, Jas. C. Doner..... $1,500 Asst. Keepers, James Mahn, $1,200, and A. H Marquis, $900; Watchmen, Geo. Gallagher and John Reiper, each $750; Engineer, Michael Claney, $2,000; Asst. Engineers, John Brady, J. F. Bacon. Rob. O'Donnell, each $3.50 per day; Cleaners, W J. Nowlan, L. J. Cunningham, each $730.

Department of Jurors.

Room 5, Court House.

Commissioner of Jurors, Wm. E. Melody....$5,000 Chief Clerk, vacant, $3,000. Clerks, R. H. Furey. $2,500; J. P. W. Cawthorne, D. F. M. Furguson each $1,800; J. Bookman, J. R. Carroll, each $1.50. Jury Notice Servers, J. A. McKenna, Henry Jones, Conrad Bechtoldt, Wm. McGuinness, Wm. Elbert, J. E. Farren, J. C. Buckley, John Kelly M. J. Hayes, each $1,200.

Hall of Records.

Keeper, Geo. N. Buchanan, $1,500; Engineers, Matthew McKenny, Patrick Shevlin, E. J. Thomas each $1,000; Watchmen, W. A. Fields, Chas Heyne, each $720.

Public Administrator.

William B. Davenport, Real Estate Exchange Building, 189 Montague st.; appointed by Treasurer and Surrogate; term expires April 28, 1904. Attorneys, F. H. Chase, R. M. Cahoone. Cashier. L. A. Ferrier, $1,800; Clerks, J. F. Regan, $600; Wm. J. Delatour, $260.

Sheriff's Office. Court House.

Sheriff, Chas. Guden

Term 2 years; expires Dec. 31, 1903. Under Sheriff, W. L. Sandford.. Sheriff's Counsel, Levi P. Naylor.. Chief Clerk, J. J. Johnson






Sec. to Sheriff, J. S. Cohen..........................................
Equity Clerk, W. J. McPhilliamy, $2,000. Clerk.
L. M. Swasey, $2,000. Asst. Equity Clerk, W. H
Brown, $1,800. Accountant, J. M. Harding, $1,500.

Deputy Sheriffs, M. J. Wheeler, T. J. Dady, G. E. England, R. Mulcahy, Frank Partridge, H. J. Maquillard, J. McAvoy, each $2,000.

Asst. Deputy Sheriffs, J. S. Armstrong, C. D. Kendall, Alex. Neil, J. Chickering, E. Black, G. Bedell, C. Maikrauz, C. Ryer, each $800. Jail, 149 Raymond st. Warden, J. F. Roach Bookkeeper, Alex, Quinn Deputy Warden, John Wilson

[blocks in formation]

Jail Keepers M. J. Sims, Harry Jostin, Wm. Boyd, Chas. Weller, John Buek, Jr., Chas. Watson, David Brooks, Wm. J. Haubert, $1,200 each. Matrons, L. Cantwell, Mary Carew, Ellen O'Grady, $1,000 each.

Van Drivers, Jno. Brennan, Jos. Evans, Fred. Williams, Wm. Wells, Chas. Osgood, $1,000 each. Cleaners, Margaret Cloonan, Fanny J. Handy, Mary E. Buckley, $750 each.

Laundress. Kate Malone, $250.

Cook, Richard Durgnan, $300.

Dept. Sheriff, appointed by Supreme Court, Robt. Arnold, paid by State.

District Attorney's Office.

Court House.


District Attorney, John F. Clarke.
Term, 4 years; expires Dec. 31, 1903.
First Asst. Dist. Attorney, R. H. Elder.... 7,000
Assist. Dist. Attorneys, W. C. Courtney, M. W.
Littleton, each $6.000; R. H. Roy, F. X. McCaffrey,
Chief Clerk, A. H.
W. Van Wyck, each $5,000.
Assistant Clerks, F. B. Bailey,
Walkley, $5,000.
Thos. McNeely, each $1,800; Fredk. Rummel, W.
M. Byrnes, each $1,500; E. B. Bristol, $1,400. Sten-
ographers, F. A. Driscole, David F. Hogan, each
$1.500; Katherine J. Boyle, Julia A. Brady, each
$1,200; Msgr., C. J. Dougherty, $1.200; Doorkeeper,
County Detectives, Jeremiah
Joseph Hays, $1,200.
Mahoney, Joseph Irwin, J. F. Mulcahy, Geo. Cor-
coran, P. J. Cantlon, Chas. Doyle, John Dee, C.
V. Bowerhan, Henry Hasenflug, Dennis Winter, M.
F. Reilly, John Worth, each $1,200.

[blocks in formation]

The courts having jurisdiction are the Supreme Court, County Court and the Surrogate's Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court of original jurisdiction in all actions in law and equity and in criminal cases. The County of Kings forms a part of the Second Judicial District and of the Second Appellate Department of the State.


The County Court has jurisdiction of all actions for partition of real property; for dower, foreclosure of a mortgage, etc.; for specific performance of a contract relating to real property where the real property is situated in the county; in action to foreclose a lien not exceeding $1,000 on a chattel when the chattel is found in the county, in favor of the executor, administrator or assignee of a judgment creditor, etc.; for any other where the defendant or all the defendants are residents of the county at the time of beginning the action, when judgment is demanded for money only, not exceeding $2,000, or to recover chattel or chattels not exceeding in value $1,000; to the custody of the person and care of the property concurrently with the Supreme Court, if the person is a resident of the county, etc..

The court has jurisdiction cases.


over all criminal Its jurisdiction is coextensive with that of the criminal branch of the Supreme Court.

The Surrogate's Court has jurisdiction in all matters appertaining to the estates of deceased persons who were at demise residents of Kings County; or where the deceased, not being a resident of State, died within the county, leaving perSonal property within the State; or where the deceased, not being a resident of the state, died without the State, leaving personal property within this county and no other; or where the deceased was not, at the time of his death, a resident of the State, but died possessed of real estate in this County, and no other.

County Court.

Court House.

County Judge, Joseph Aspinall..
County Judge, Frederick E. Crane..


Deputy and Chief Clerk, Julius Wieman, $3,500;
Dep. Clerk, J. D. Acker, $2,500; Confidential Clerks,
WV. F. Aspinall and R. J. Kent, each $2.000; Stens.,
V. Hemstreet, C. J. Joyce, each $3,000. Asst. Clks.,
J. F. Moore. C. H. Foley, M. H. Keely, G. H.
Murphy, each $2,500; T. F. Buttling, J. G. Fitz-
gerald, J. H. Meehan, T. J. Carey, J. G. Pyburn.
J. J. Gartland, E. S. Pendergast, John McNamara,
each $1,800; Interpreters, J. G. Giambalvo, Henry
Meyer, Jr.; Bernard Wolff, each $1.800; County
Detectives, Jos. Bagnarello, E. P. Backus, each
$2,000; Officers Acting Clerks, P. F. Hagan, B. F.
McCloskey, T. P.
Childs, each $2,500; G. W.
Crowne, each $1,800; Chief Officer. T. F. Dono-
van. $1.800; Warden Grand Jury, Geo. C. Shevlin.
$1,800; Officers, John Graham. John Campbell, P.
A. Bird, J. T. O'Brien. Wm. Ten Eyck, Bernard
McGuinness, Wm. T. Noonan, J. P. Hayes, Jas.
Scanlon, S. B. Crane. J. H. Westervelt. Truman
Hanks. P. A. Marryatt. Henry Mittag. Wm. H.
Sharkey, Geo. Jaquillard, Thos. Stapleton, Wm.

H. Catherwood, G. F. Hyde, B. C. Belknap, F.
J. Pearn, J. F. Davis, each $1,200.

The terms of the County Court of Kings County for 1902 are as follows:

First Monday of Jan.....
First Monday of Feb.....
First Monday of March..
First Monday of April.
First Monday of May.
First Monday of June.
First Monday of July.
First Monday of Aug..
Second Monday of Sept...
First Monday of Oct......
Second Monday of Nov...
First Monday of Dec.....












A Grand Jury and a Trial Jury will be summoned for each of said terms, except August.

Supreme Court, Second District.
Justices Wm. J. Gaynor, S. T. Maddox, Josiah T.
Marean, Martin J. Keogh, Wilmot M. Smith, Wm.
D. Dickey, Garret J. Garretson, each $17,500, and
See next page.
Justices of the Appellate Division.
$10.300 from
as follows:
Note-Salary divided
County and $7.200 from State, which includes $1,200
for mileage and other expenses.
General Clerk, Gerard M. Stevens, $4.500. Special
Term Clerk, James F. McGee, $3,500.
Relief Clerk.
Clerk. John P. Hudson, $3.500. Special Term Clerk,
Wm. P. Leggatt, $3,000.
Chas. H. Farrell, $2,500. Clerks, Trial Term, Part
I, Andrew McDonald; Part II, Wm. H. Riley; Part
each $2.500.
E. Stillman
III, L. J. Farrell; Part IV, Robert Merchant;
Part V,
Stenographers, W. L. Ormsby, S. H. Ormsby, J.
B. Carey, C. H. Requa, Timothy Bigelow, J. E.
Norcross, G. L. Betts, W. P. Cherry, H. A. Briggs,
each $3.000: Attendants, Special Service. Thos.
Shevlin, $2,400; A. A. Cabre, W. P. Dillon and Jas.
Shannon, each $1.800; Attendants, Wm. Fullum.
John Furman. H. B. O'Connor, Edward Bell, Joel
Grant, Nicholas Doyle, Jas. Donovan, Jas. Flaher-
Skidmore, Fredk. Brink, John Spalding. E. W.
ty, Patrick Nolan, Andrew Beck, Jas. Shannon.
J. J. O'Connell, A. E. Cabble, Thos. Moran, E. M.
Parker, T. S. Casey, G. C. Manning, F. H. Barre,
Jas. McMullen. F M. Rooney, R. E. Jackson,
F. L. Chadwick, J. J. McQuade, D. N. Quick, J.
G. Sodden, J. J. Wilbur, A. J. Buttling, each $1,500.
The times and places for holding Special and
Trial Terms of the Supreme Court, 2d Dist., Kings
as follows: All to
County, during year 1902 are
be held at Kings County Court House:

Trial terms, Kings-Part I-First Mondays of
Jan., Garretson; Feb., Smith; Mar., Dickey; Apr..
Gaynor; May, Keogh; June. Maddox: Oct., Smith:
second Monday of Nov., Dickey; first Monday of
Dec.. Marean.

Part II-First Mondays of Jan., Marean: Feb..
Keogh Mar.. Keogh; Apr., Dickey: May, Maddox;
Kenefick first Monday of Oct., Marean; second
June, Marean and Chester; third Monday of June.
Monday of Nov., Smith; first Monday of Dec.,

Part III-First Mondays of Jan., Gaynor: Feb.. Rich; Mar., Maddox; Apr.. Chester; May. Gaynor; June, Herrick; Oct.. White; second Monday of Nov., Garretson and Mattice; third Monday of Nov.. Stover; first Monday of Dec., Smith,

Part IV-First Mondays of Jan., Nash; Feb..
Chester; Feb., Garretson; Mar., Betts; Mar., Gar-
retson; Apr., Kenefick; May, Russell; June, White;
Oct., Hooker: second Monday of Nov., Betts; first
Monday of Dec., Houghton.

Part V-First Mondays of Jan.,


Mar.. Rich; third Monday of Mar., ; first Monday Stover; first Monday of Apr., of May. -; fourth Monday of May. Herrick; first Monday of June. Mattice; third Monday of June, Stover; first Monday of Oct., Nash; second Monday of Nov., Chester; second Monday of Nov.. Rich; third Monday of Nov., Herrick; first Monday of Dec.,

Special terms for the hearing of motions-First Mondays of Jan, Maddox; Feb., Dickey; Mar.. Gaynor; Apr.. Marean; May, Smith; June, Gaynor: July, Maddox; third Monday of July, Gaynor; first Monday of Aug.. Dickey; third Monday of Aug., Marean; first Monday of Sept., Garretson;

KINGS, NEW YORK, QUEENS AND RICHMOND COUNTY GOVERNMENTS—Continued. third Monday of Sept., Herrick; first Mondays of Oct., Dickey; Nov., Marean; Dec., Maddox. Motions may be noticed for any day during the year, except Sundays and holidays, and except Saturdays in July, Aug. and Sept.

must in note of issue state claim for preference.
or if, in an order giving cause, preference has been
made, the note of issue must be accompanied with
copy of such order. (9) Appeals in criminal causes
brought after making calendar or too late to put
on calendar may be put on calendar at any time
and brought on for hearing as preferred causes

Special terms, for the trial of issues-First Mon-
day of Jan.. Herrick; third Monday of Jan.,
Keogh; first Mondays of Feb., Gaynor; Mar., Rus-upon 10 days' notice to the adverse party.
sell; Apr., Smith; May, Marean; June, Garretson;
Oct., Maddox; third Monday of Oct., Herrick; sec-
ond Monday of Nov., Gaynor; first Monday of Dec.,

Trial terms, Nassau-Third Monday of Feb.,
Garretson; third Monday of Sept., Gaynor.


note of issue must be filed 5 days before cause is heard. (10) In order to facilitate the work of the reporter the counsel who argues the cause orally shall indorse his name on upper right hand corner of first page of brief. (11) Motions for re-argument will be heard only on notice to the adverse party, stating briefly the ground upon which a re-argu

Trial terms, Queens-First Mondays of Jan.. Dickey; Apr., Garretson; June, Keogh; Oct., Gay-ment is asked, and such motions must be submitted nor; Dec., Garretson. Grand Juries will be called for the Jan., Apr., June and Oct. terms. For the hearing of motions only, on the first and third Sats. each month during year, except July, Aug. and Sept., Justice G, J. Garretson. Third Mondays of Feb., Marean; June, Keogh; Sept., Smith.

Trial terms, Suffolk-First Monday of Mar., Smith; third Monday of Sept., Maddox.

Suffolk-Justice Wilmot M. Smith, at Riverhead. First Sats. of Jan., Apr., June and Nov. Special terms for the hearing of motions will be held by Justice Wilmot M. Smith at his chambers in Patchogue on the third Saturday of each month, except August.

Trial terms, Richmond-First Mondays of Mar., Marean; Oct., Keogh,

Richmond-Special terms for the hearing of motions and trial of issues will be held as follows: Third Mondays of May, Garretson; Sept., Marean. These terms will be held at such place in the County of Richmond as the Board of Supervisors of such County may designate.

Appellate Division.

Wm. W. Goodrich, Presiding Justice; Willard Bartlett, John Woodward, Michael H. Hirschberg, Almet F. Jenks, Justices. Salary, $17,500 each. Clerk, John B. Byrne, $5,000; Deputy Clerk, Clarence G. Barrow, $3,500. Session of the court from 1 to 5 P. M.

upon printed briefs, stating the points supposed to have been overlooked or misapprehended by the court, with proper reference to the particular portion of the case and the authorities relied on; and a copy of the opinion delivered by the court in deciding the cause; and counsel will not be heard orally. (12) When statute is cited so much thereof as may be deemed necessary to the decision of the case should be printed at length on the brief.

Rule governing admission of attorneys in 2d Dept.-Notice of time of application for admission as attorneys will be published in the "Law Journal," when applicant must file with clerk papers enumerated under Rule 1 of General Rules of Practice, appear personally before committee on character.

Naturalization-Application of aliens to become citizens must be heard at Special Term of Supreme Court. Such hearings are had Mondays of each week (except holidays).

Appeals from Municipal Court-A special calendar is made up for second Friday of each term. Surrogate's Office.

Hall of Records.


Surrogate, James C. Church
Term, 6 years; expires Dec. 31, 1907.
Chief Clerk, W. P. Pickett, $7,000. Clerk to
Surrogate, F. A. Crowe, $1,000. Asst. Clerk,

Stenographers, G. L. Betts, Herbert A. Briggs, J. W. Duffy, $3.000. Stenographer, E. B. Dickinson, each $3,000, and 5 attendants, $1,800 each.


Beginning with January tem, sixteen copies of the cases and points must be delivered to the clerk before commencement of argument.

When an appellant is in default the appeal may, without previous notice, be dismissed on motion when the case is reached for argument, and when a respondent is in default he will not be heard except by leave of the court. This rule does not apply to appeals from Municipal Courts.

(1) Appeals from orders, heard as non-enumerated motions, will be placed upon a separate calendar and called upon the first day of the term. (2) A new calendar will be made for January term and calendars for subsequent terms are made up by adding to the calendar of the previous term all new appeals. (3) Appeals for orders will also be heard on the third Monday of each term, in which the terms of the court are appointed to be held and notices of argument may be given for such day, and the calendar for such day will consist of causes not called on the first Monday, and other causes in which the appeal papers and affidavit of service thereof have been filed with the clerk. (4) The day calendar for the first and third Mondays of the term will consist of non-enumerated causes only. For other days it will consist of twelve causes, which will be placed thereon from the general calendar in their numerical order. (5) Causes can be reserved by consent for a day subsequent to the time when they would be reached in their order only when stipulation to that effect is filed with the clerk before the day calendar is made up (1 o'clock P. M.). (6) Motions, other than appeals from orders, will be heard on the first and third Mondays of the term, and notice of issue therefor must be filed with the clerk at least two days before the time for which they are noticed. (7) Notes of issue in appeals from orders must be placed on non-enumerated calendar. The party intending to move such an appeal shall, at least eight days before the making of the calendar, file with the clerk a note of issue specifying date of service of notice of appeal. Papers required by General Rule 41 must be filed with the clerk before cause put on either calendar. (8) Preferred causes

$3,000. Administration Clerk, E. J. Bergen, $3,000.
Accounting Clerk, H. W. Osborn, $3,000. Interpre-
ter and Clerk, Peter Beilman, $2,300. Calendar
Clerk, Lorenzo O'Connor, $2.300. Index Clerk, H.
J. Wall, $1.800. Asst. Clerk, M. R. Kays, $1,600.
Asst. Clerk, J. F. Kidd, $1,300. Recording Clerks.
E. F. Duffy, Luke O'Reilly, N. A. O'Connor, each
$1.300; Peter Flanagan, $1.000. Court Officer and
Clerk, Hugh O'Brien, $1,500. Court Officers, J. R.
McDonald, $1,300; Hugh Gallagher, $1.200.
todian, W. J. Doherty, $1.000. Copyist-Typewriter.
F. S. Reeve, $1,000. Stenographer's Amanuensis,
Mary L. Murphy, $600. Asst. Clerk, T. J. McGinn.
$1,000. Recording Clerks, J. J. Bridges, $1,100; J.
J. Heffernan, P. L. Dunne, Jas. A. Rooney, J. J.
Fitzpatrick, G. B. Keenan, Louis People, each

County Clerk.




8, 9, 10 and 11 New County Court House. County Clerk, Thomas L. Hamilton... Term (4 years) expires Dec. 31, 1905. Deputy County Clerk, Henry Birrell, $6,000. Cashier. John A. Wrede, $2,600. Secretary, P. H. Dunn, $2,000. Asst. Law and Judgment Roll Docket Clerk, S. E. Nolan, $2,450. Assist. Equity Clerk, John M. Willis, $1,800. Assist. Cashier, Wm. H. Kehoe, $1.400. Certificate Clerk, Thos. F. Penny, $2.250. Chief Docket Clerk, E. C. Wilson, $1,500. chanics' Lien Clerk, H. M. Jennings, $1,300. Comparing Clerks, M. J. Deery, $1.000; A. W. Stump, $1.300. Docket Comparing Clerk, M. S. DeVries. Recording and Index Clerk, T. J. Blessing, General Assignment Clerk, F. C. Klinker, Limited Partnership Clerk, E. Kenny. Clerks of Old Records, M. J. Deviney. $1.500; J. E. Rooney, $1,100. Asst. Clerk of Old Records, Michael Whalen, $1.100. Subpeona duces tecum Clerk, Jacob Blumenthal, $1.200. General Clerks, J. A. Fogarty, $1,400; T. R. Fanning, $1,200. Recording Clerks, T. J. McNiece, J. F. Carroll, each $1.300; J. F Roon, C. B. O'Neill, Henry Metzler, each $1,200. Recording Clerks, E. T. Dalton. $1,000; Thos. Loughlin, $1,025; F. J. Hunt, $1,000. Custodian of Old Records, L. G. Hassett, $1.100. Custodian of Lis Pendens Room, J. W. Mott.



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