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and happily effected; and we are happy to learn, that, while Native Females are making progress in the elementary branches of education, the higher aims of the Society for their spiritual welfare have also, in several cases, been successful.

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On the gradual diminution of prejudice among the natives of India, a missionary remarks-"I spoke a few months ago to an intelligent Hindoo of the Merchant caste, who said, We are no more so prejudiced against Christianity and the customs of Europeans, as we were twenty years ago; and some few years hence we shall be still less so. I am not so superstitious as my father, and my son is not so much prejudiced as my self.' This is the sentiment of a native himself; and I can testify, from what I have daily opportunity to observe and to hear, that he spoke the truth." The Brahmins are still a strong barrier against the introduction of Christianity into this country; though their influence is rapidly declining.

The national system of education has been found productive of much benefit, so far as it has been practicable to adopt it in the Bengalee schools. The order and harmony which attend this system are every where apparent, and have excited the admiration of many intelligent Hindoos.

The Native Missionary, Abdool Messeeh, continues faithful to his profession. In a letter to the Archdeacon of Calcutta, after referring to the loss of the use of his limbs, and his extreme weakness, he adds, "The palsy has not wholly left me: but I can move about in a carriage, and God grants me the faculty of speech. Through his blessing, I trust I shall be permitted until death to declare the truths of the Gospel. When, at length, this sinful body of mine is dead, and shall have put on immortality, may I be found among the least of the blessed!"

The field of exertion among the

Syrian Christians and their neighbours required additional missionaries, especially as domestic afflictions and sickness have interposed many obstacles to the present ones, in the full discharge of the duties in which they are zealously engaged. Mr. Bailey, with the Syrian clergy and in the care of the press-Mr. Fenn, in the college- Mr. Baker, in charge of the schools—and Mr. Norton, at Allepie--have, however, with some interruptions, proceeded in their work. The Report on the state of the Syrian college mentions that the number of students was 51; and that their punctuality in attendance and application to study have borne testimony to their desire for improvement. Fresh applications have been made for parochial schoolmasters in different places; and, in two instances, the requests have been accompanied by offers, on the part of the people, to bear the charge of one half of the schoolmaster's stipend. The schools bear a good character among the people. Two new churches are being built. The translation of the Scriptures advances. Two improvements have been effected among the clergy-the abolition of celibacy, and the purifying of some of the festival solemnities from the heathenish admixtures by which they were degraded: but the Missionaries still lament the corrupt state of the Syrian Liturgy, the low condition of the females, and the want of due regard to the Sabbath.


There are now, in service at the four stations, six English missionaries, of whom five are married. They are assisted by 34 natives, and have 29 schools; of which 7 are at Cotta, 5 at Kandy, 6 at Baddagame, and 11 at Nellore. The return of scholars is as follows:-Cotta, 193 boys; Kandy, 42 boys (the number being much reduced by sickness); Baddagame, 192 boys, 77 girls; and Nellore, 411 boys, 73 girls-making a total of 838 boys and 150 girls.

Mr. Lambrick's translation of the Bible into Cingalese had proceeded to the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament, and to the middle of St. John in the New. The missionaries continue to preach, and to visit and converse with the natives. They had also introduced female schools, and had also entered on the plan of taking native children into their families. Their hopes are very high with regard to the benefits, which, by the blessing of God, may be derived from these schools.

One of the Society's missionaries gives the following general view of the mission:-" The Reports of the respective stations will make the Committee acquainted with the existing circumstances and future prospects of this mission. We consider ourselves as settlers in a wild country, thickly covered with forests and jungles: our business is as it were to bark the trees, and burn them thus preparing the way for future cultivators: a patch here and there may indeed be cleared, and a few handfuls of seed thrown in, which, by the Divine blessing, may produce a crop to encourage us amidst our labours; but we cannot expect to see a large harvest: that will be the privilege of those who come after us." Further help is required at the present stations, and there are favourable openings for new ones. The missionaries write;-"Here is a useful field for ten additional missionaries; and if it should please God to put it into the hearts of his servants to provide as many more, they will all find employment among the heathen here."


In reporting the state of the Australasia Mission, the Committee express their gratification in the unremitted favour which Sir Thomas Brisbane has shewn, not only to the Society's proceedings and designs, but to the native population within the influence of his authority. The Society has felt, from the commencement of its efforts in

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these seas, greatly interested in the protection of the natives from insult and injury, by unprincipled Europeans; and they congratulate the friends of humanity on the passing of an Act which enables the colonial authorities to try individuals for crimes against these unoffending natives. Colonel Arthur, the lieutenant-governor ofVan Dieman's Land, affords every practicable assistance to the Society's exertions in these seas. An archdeaconry has been established in the colony, and the present archdeacon, the Ven. T. H. Scott, who is well acquainted with the circumstances of the mission, has assured the Committee that he will render it every assistance in his power.


Mr. Marsden was confirmed, by what he observed in his fourth visit to New Zealand, in his views of the importance of a seminary in New South-Wales for the instruction of young natives of New Zealand : and determined, therefore, on his return, to renew the attempt to form such an establishment; and with the further view of providing education therein for the European children of the mission, now fast increasing in number. "I purpose," he says, "to have the New-Zealand youths taught shoemaking, tailoring, weaving, flax-dressing, and spinning. with gardening and farming. the chief's sons are educated with the children of the missionaries, they will become attached one to another, and the work of the mission will be promoted thereby. I have six New Zealanders with me now, all young men of chief's families they rejoice to see the foundation of our institution laid." The missionaries in New Zealand are stationed as follows:-Mr. Hall and Mr. King, at Rangheehoo; Mr. Kemp and Mr. Clarke, at Kiddeekiddee; Rev. H.Williams, at Pyhea; and Mr. Davis and Mr. C. Davis, whose place of settlement had not been determined: all of these are married except Mr. C. Davis. Several others have been

attached to the mission from New South-Wales. Meetings are statedly held, for conducting the business of the mission, for united prayer, and for studying the native languages.

On a general view of the mission, it appears, in reference to the natives, that with a few exceptions their behaviour has been generally less peaceable and friendly than in former years. It ought, however, to be considered, that their violent conduct has usually been connected with their notions of retaliation for some imagined injury or insult. The resort of shipping to the bay leads to consequences not a little injurious. Within the year, not less, it is supposed, than a hundred men had fixed themselves among the natives. In the present state of the natives, great firmness is required on the part of the missionaries.

The warlike spirit is still cherished, to the great injury of the people and of the attempts to benefit them. Wherever the missionaries go among them, it is observable that those who abstain from war live in comparative comfort, while those who make a practice of accompanying the warexpeditions live in penury aud wretchedness. The state of the natives, however, under various alleviating circumstances, does not deter the missionaries from contemplating the formation of other settlements among them. Shunghee, though avowedly hostile to Christianity, is generally on friendly terms with the missionaries, and will frequently stand up in their defence. The difficulties attending the support of schools are very great, and food must be provided for the scholars. Cultivation has been on the increase in all places. In reference to this mission, Mr. Marsden writes-"I observed, with much pleasure, that the natives, in every place, were much improved in their appearance and manners, since I last visited them; and that,

notwithstanding the misconduct of some of the Europeans, the work was gradually going on, and the way preparing for the blessings of the Gospel to be imparted to this people."

Sir Thomas Brisbane also says, "I have already expressed my favourable opinion in regard to the progress of the mission in New Zealand: and I am happy to say, that length of time tends only to fortify me more strongly in this sentiment."


The Society has in the island of Antigua fifteen schools, connected with sixty-three estates, and containing about 2,000 Black and Coloured men, women, and children. They are Sunday-schools; but instruction is given on other days also, as there is opportunity. The schools continue under vigilant inspection, and their general progress is very encouraging. Mrs. Thwaites writes,-"The prayers of the converted Negroes are peculiarly strik ing and affecting. The schools are never forgotten: they express their gratitude to God that they were instituted; as, by that means, the poorest slaves may be taught to read God's word."

NORTH-WEST AMERICAN MISSION. The Rev. David T. Jones, the Society's missionary at Red River Settlement, has met with countenance and support. He gives the following view of the progress of religion:-"The church has been crowded all the winter by Europeans, half-bred natives, and native Indians. Two half-breeds have, I trust, been added to the number of those that shall be saved. The influence of religion has shewn itself in the observation of the Sabbath by many who had been accustomed to pay no regard to it. I could particularize many very pleasing instances of what I hope is the beginning of the work of Divine grace." The increased attention to religion among the settlers has rendered a second church necessary. A num>

ber of the half-breeds attend the Sunday-school in the afternoon; and the Indian boys come in the evening to say their catechism and to sing. The average attendance in the Sunday School for the year was 102.

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respective countries, chiefly, where they are employed. The number of scholars under the Society is 14,090; of whom 10,457 are boys, 2,957 girls, and 676 youths and adults. In connexion with the principal missions, printing presses are established; and are coming, in some places, into very active and beneficial operation.

In giving a summary view of the Society's proceedings, its efforts for the diffusion of Divine truth among the heathen may be thus stated :In the nine missions of the Society, there are forty-five stations, with which are connected 296 schools. These stations and schools are occupied by 440 labourers: of these, 119 are Europeans, including a few females born of British parents in India; and 321 were born in the UNITED STATES DOMESTIC MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THIS institution is formed, we presume, on the plan of the "Home Missionary Society" in England; but with this radical difference, that in the United States of North America, there is no Established Church which extends its ministra tions to every village and hamlet in the kingdom, and only needs to be quickened in every quarter into full activity of zeal and exertion, to supply with no scanty stream, the religious wants of the whole population. We have before us the Third Report of this Society, from which we copy the following passages, which place in an affecting light the religious necessities of many parts of the Union, as well as the active zeal of the friends of religion in every quarter to supply them. No allusion is made in this Report to the labours of the members of the Episcopal Church; but we are happy in believing that, in proportion to their numbers and opportunities of doing good, they are by no means behind other bodies of their fellow-Christians in home missionary exertions.

We have not space at present to notice the Appendix, &c. to the Report, which contain several interesting documents, particularly the Rev. Bird Sumner's sermon before the Society, and the address of Mr. Pearson, the principal of the institution at Islington, on opening that important establishment.

"The whole number of missionaries employed the last year is 123 -the number of churches aided, 130. This Society has thus, upon little more than 11,000 dollars,

preached the Gospel to 80,000 persons. Our field of labour is greatly enlarged during the past year. Many of the best friends of the missionary cause looked with deep solicitude upon the great experiment, unexampled, we believe in any country, of a society which should in its first year employ fiftyseven missionaries-in its second, seventy-eight. They scarcely dared to desire more than that we should hold fast what we have so speedily acquired. But we have gone beyond the hopes of many, and feel that efforts need only be made, under the blessing of God, with steadiness and judgment, to find a ready and efficient co-operation in the members of the one household of faith. Except in peculiar cases, our missionaries are supported for one whole year; some upon fifty dollars, many upon seventy-five dollars, few upon more than one hundred dollars. This is performed by leaving to the towns and congregations helped, the selection of their own ministers, and by adding our gift to what their utmost efforts can effect for his temporal maintenance. Abandoning the system of itineracy, which is comparatively very expensive, and obviously little effectual, this So

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ciety seeks to build up permanent churches.

The Committee would earnestly press upon the friends to education, and all who favour our theological seminaries, considerations suggested by the experience of this year. The need of ministers, spirited, able, enlightened, is greater than most will believe who have taken only a cursory survey of the country. From intimate knowledge, we can name counties and towns on every hand which open stations of vast importance. In our growing country, such young men are needed by hundreds. Along the line of the State Canal new towns are rising, on our lakes new ports opening, on the banks of our rivers new edifices of worship erected, the steeples of which shew to the traveller the signals of want, not of supply. In some of our old counties, half the population is without the Gospel; the whole line of division between the States of New York and Pennsylvania is one vast waste the State of Vermont even, is scarcely more than onehalf supplied. Indeed, we have but to run through the old States on the seaboard, from this city to St. Mary's, to say the same of them all. Ohio ought to have a hundred ministers to settle at once. Michigan is opening a field for domestic missions, fertile as its own fallow ground. That territory contains, probably, 14,000 inhabitants, and but one Presbyterian minister, who is our missionary. The State of Indiana contains 170,000, and but 79 preachers of all kinds. The St. Louis Presbytery has but five -ordained clergymen and one licentiate, with eighteen churches under its care, and extends over a country almost 300 miles square, and embraces a population of 160,000. Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, with the States which are clustering fast upon our Union, by which a mass of human beings are to be consolidated from -the Mississippi, to the Pacific, into

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one scene of life, and duty, and responsibility-all call loudly for the embassage of peace. At our present ratio of increase, we are to be in 1850, twenty-two millions of people; and in 1875, forty-four millions. Let any man calculate what ought to be the ratio in the increase of the ministers which the church should train for this teeming population."

Many of our readers feeling greatly interested in the valuable plans of Bishop Chase, for the spiritual benefit of the State of Ohio, we copy the following passage from the Report illustrative of the pressing necessity for such exertions. A correspondent writes: "Infidelity, universalism, and irreligion of every kind have exerted and still exert a powerful influence in this country, and especially in this county, and can only be counteracted by learned, pious, and able defenders of the faith once delivered to the saints.' Respecting the counties around, I would say, that they are all in need of assistance; though probably there is no one in a worse condition, nor even so bad as this. I have no doubt that twenty and even more ministers might be immediately settled on the Connecticut Western Reserve alone, if they could have a little assistance at first from your Society. Throughout this state there is one vast field for missionary labours. One summer I spent riding over the state in various directions, and preaching the Gospel at my own expense; and often my heart was pained by witnessing the moral desolation that every where abounded. But most of the inhabitants are too poor, or too wicked, or too indifferent about religion, to make much effort to obtain the preaching of the Gospel. The few pious, in connexion with some others, who feel the worth of the Gospel, make such sacrifices and pay such heavy subscriptions for the support of preaching as would make some in New England give over in one year.

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