Imágenes de páginas


Object of pavements-The qualities essential to a good pavement-The

interests affected in the selection of pavements-Selection of suitable

pavements-Cost of wagon transportation-Cost of railroad transpor-

tation-Effect of reducing the cost of wagon transportation-Problem

involved in the selection of the most suitable pavement-Adaptability

-Desirability-Economic desirability of pavements-Tractive force

required on different pavements-Number of horses required to move

a given load on different pavements-Economy of smoothness-Ser-

viceability-Comparative safety-Observations of Capt. Greene-Ob-

servations of Col. Haywood-Deductions from the observations-Con-

dition of the weather and slipperiness-Cause of the difference in the

observations of Capt. Greene and Col. Haywood-Slipperiness, cure

for-Durability-Causes affecting durability-Durability of different

pavements-Cost of pavements-Cheapest pavement-What a good

pavement should cost-Economy and public bodies-First cost-

Relative economies-Maintenance-Prevailing opinion regarding

pavements—Cleansing-Comparison of pavements with regard to

facility of cleaning-Annual cost for service-Consequential damages

-Disadvantages of dirty and noisy pavements-Gross cost-Traffic

census-Traffic census in the United States-Weights of vehicles-

Form of traffic census-Tonnage-Guaranteeing pavements-Deferred

payments-Justification of contracts for maintenance-Destruction of

pavements-Amount of money wasted in continually opening streets

-European methods



Materials employed for paving-Physical and chemical qualities-Break-
ing and crushing tests-Methods of testing durability-Absorptive

power-Description of materials-Granite-Syenite-Amount and
value of granite used for street purposes in the United States-Price
of paving-blocks-Various uses of granite-Specific gravity, weight,
and resistance to crushing of various granites-Manufacture of granite
blocks-Sandstone—“ Bluestone"-Commercial names of sandstone
-Analysis of sandstone-Specific gravity, weight, and resistance to
crushing-Amount and value of sandstone used for street purposes in
the United States-Amount and value of bluestone used in 1889-
Limestone-Uses of limestone-Experience with limestone-Specific
gravity, weight, and resistance to crushing-Amount and value of

limestone used in 1889-Trap-rock--Specific gravity, weight, and

resistance to crushing-Asphalt-Bituminous limestone-Manner of

using bituminous limestone-Analysis of European bituminous rocks

-Bituminous sandstones-Manner of using the sandstone in America

-Analyses of California bituminous sandstone-Composition of

American rock asphaltum-Asphaltum-Composition of asphaltum-

Preparation of artificial asphalts-Trinidad asphaltum-Analysis of

Trinidad asphaltum-Properties of Trinidad asphaltum-Prices of

asphaltum-Production of in the United States-Imports of in the

United States-Percentage of the uses of asphaltum-Paving-pitch-

Gas-tar-Brick-Clay-Composition of clay-Quality of clay required

for paving-brick-Manufacture of paving-brick-Analysis of clay-

Characteristics of good paving-brick-Tests of brick-Specific gravity,

weight, and resistance to crushing-Absorptive power of brick-

Wood-Quality of wood-Creosoting-Specific gravity, weight, and

resistance to crushing—Absorptive power of wood-Sand-Use, price,

and weight of-Gravel-Shingle.

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Introduction of broken-stone pavements-Methods of Tresaguet. Telford,

and Macadam-Modern Telford and Macadam pavements-Defects of

Telford system-Defects of Macadam system—Advantages of broken-

stone pavements-Defects common to all broken-stone pavements—

Essentials requisite to successful construction-Erroneous methods of

construction-Quality of the stone-Size of the stones-Shape of the

stones-Breaking of the stone-Hand-breaking-Cost of breaking by

hand-Amount broken by hand-Stone-crushers-Cost of operating

crushers-Amount of stone broken by crushers-Dimensions, capacity,

etc., of stone-crushers-Cost of quarrying and crushing stone-Voids

in broken stone-Weight of broken stone-Area covered by a cubic

yard of broken stone-Thickness of the broken stone-The New

Jersey and Bridgeport roads-Number of cubic yards of broken

stone required per mile-Spreading the stone-Thickness of the

layers—Binding, necessity of, qualities of—Injurious effects of large

amounts-Practice of the French engineers-Watering-Compacting

the broken stone, by traffic, by horse rollers, by steam rollers-Defects

of traffic consolidation-Advantages of rolling-Defects of horse

rollers-Introduction of steam rollers-Advantages of steam rolling-

Pressure exerted by rollers and by loaded vehicles-Defects of wide

rollers-Objections to picks on steam rollers-Steepest grade on which

a steam roller can be operated-Cost of maintaining steam rollers-

Amount of rolling-Manner of applying the roller-Cost of rolling-

Cost of broken-stone pavements-Difference in cost of broken-stone

pavements in Europe and America-Wear of broken-stone pavements

-Cost of maintaining broken-stone pavements - Specifications of

modern broken-stone roads in England-Methods of construction

adopted in Chicago, in Bridgeport, in St. Louis-Heads of specifica-

tions for broken-stone pavements

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Considerations governing location-Principles governing location-Econ-
omy of motive power-Selection of best route-Reconnaissance, object

of Points to be attended to in making

of the country-Ridges and passes-Water-courses and valleys-


the high ground

Streams give the direction of
survey-Data to be obtained on preliminary surveys-Topogra-
phy-Map-Memoir-Levels-Cross-levels-Profile - Bridge sites-


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