Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Splanchnic nerves, 695, 696

Splanchnology (σπλαγχνα, bowel ; λογος,

discourse), 779

Spleen (σπλην), 883

accessory, 884
coats of, 884

corpuscles of, 887
development of, 888
dissection of, 1074

hilus or fissure of, 883
lymphatics of, 887
nerves of, 887
position of, 824, 883
pulp of, 886

size and weight of, 884
structure of, 884

trabeculæ of, 884

vessels of, 408, 886

Splenculi (little spleens), 884

Splenic arteries, 418, 886

flexure of colon, 854

Splenius (splenium, a pad) muscle, 234

Spongy bones, ethmoidal, 43

inferior, 50, 70

sphenoidal, 39, 40, 69

cartilages, lxxxvi

structure of bone, xo

Spot, germinal, of ovum, xv, 990
Squamous (squama, a scale) suture,


Stapedius (stapes) muscle, 751
Stapes (a stirrup), 749

development of, 66

Stearin (oreap, tallow), lxvii
Stellula of Verheyen, 937
Stenson, duct of, 816

foramina of, 45
Sternal artery, 374



Sterno-clavicular articulation, 134

Sterno-hyoid muscle, 191
Sterno-mastoid artery, 351

muscle, 193

Sterno-thyroid muscle, 191

Stimuli of muscular contraction, cxv, cxxx

Stomach, 830

alveoli of, 835

changes in colour of, after death, 834
coats of, 832
connections of, 831

development of, 860

dimensions of, 831

dissection of, 1073

epithelium of, 837
follicles of, 837
glands of, 836
lymphatics of, 838

mucous membrane of, 834
muscular coat of, 832
nerves of, 838

position of, 826, 830
pylorus, 838

ruge of, 835

shape of, 831

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Substantia cinerea gelatinosa, 507, 519

spongiosa, 508

Sudoriferous glands, ccxvi

development of, ccxvii

Sulci (furrows) in brain, 531
Sulcus frontalis, 35

spiralis, 761
Superciliary ridge, 33.

Supination (supinus, lying on the back),
muscles of, 228

Supinator muscles, 220, 223
Supra-acromial artery, 373
Supracondyloid eminence, 79
Supramaxillary nerve, 615
Supraorbital artery, 360
foramen, 34, 56, 57
nerve, 598


accessory, 942

cortical part of, 939

development of, 994
function of, 942

medullary part of, 940
nerves of, 941

size and weight of, 939
stroma of, 939, 941
vessels of, 941

Suprarenal artery, 413

plexus, 699

Suprascapular artery, 366, 371

nerve, 644

Supraspinatus muscle, 209

Supraspinous fossa, 74
Supratrochlear nerve, 597

Sural (sura, the calf) artery, 442
of arteries, brachial, 1010
carotid, common, 1005
epigastric, 1023
iliac, common, 1012
external, 1014
internal, 1014

femoral, 1015
subclavian, 1007

ischio-rectal fossæ, 1043

hernia, femoral, 1031

inguinal, 1018, 1025

perinæum, 1037

peritonæum, at groin, 1022

Sustentacular (sustentaculum, a support)

connective tissue, lxxix

Sustentaculum tali (the support of the
astragalus), 107

Suture (sutura, a seam), forms of, 119

coronal, 54
frontal, 55, 67
fronto-parietal, 54
lambdoidal, 54
occipito-mastoid, 55
occipito-parietal, 54
parietal, 55

[blocks in formation]

folds or fringes, cxciv

membranes, cxciii
of ankle, 160
articular, exciii
of atlas, 125
of axis, 126
bursal, exciv

carpal, 144
costo-sternal, 130
costo-vertebral, 129
of elbow-joint, 141
of hip, 152
intervertebral, 122
of knee-joint, 156
of lower jaw, 133
metacarpal, 146
metatarsal, 166

peroneo-tibial, 158, 159
radio-carpal, 142
radio-ulnar, 139
of ribs, 129
sacro-vertebral, 147, 35
scapulo-clavicular, I
of shoulder-joint, 137
sterno-clavicular, 134
tarsal, 162, 163, 164
tarso-metatarsal, 165

vaginal, cxcv

of vertebræ, articulating, 123

vesicular, cxciv

vessels of, cxciv

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Talo-scaphoid (talus, the astragalus ;
scaphoid) ligament, 161

Talus (a die), 107. See Astragalus
Tapetum (a carpet), 718

Tarsal (tarsus, the cartilage supporting
the eye) cartilages, 706
Tarso-metatarsal articulations, 164
Tarsus (rapoos, the upper surface of the
foot), 106

compared with carpus, 115
ligaments of, 164

ossification of, III, 115

Tauro-cholic (taurin [Taupos, a bull];
xoλn, bile) acid, 879

Taxis (Tais, an arranging) in femoral
hernia, 1036

inguinal hernia, 1030

TEETH, 780

arrangement in jaws, 783
bicuspid, 782
canine, 781
cavity of, 785
cement of, 791
formation of, 799

changes in jaw during growth of,

characters of, general, 780
classification of, 780
crusta petrosa of, 791
cuspidate, 781

dentine of, 785

formation of, 797
tubules of, 786

dentine, secondary of, 792
development of, 792

enamel of, 789

formation of, 798

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Tesselated (tessella, dim. of tessera, a small
quadrangular stone in a pavement)
epithelium, liii

TESTES (testicles), 963, 967

capsule of, 968

coni vasculosi of, 970

coverings of, 963

vessels and nerves of, 967

descent of, 1000

development of, 995

epididymis of, 967
excretory duct of, 971

glandular substance of, 969
gubernaculum of, 1000
lobes of, 969
mediastinum of, 969

rete vasculosum of, 970

secretion of, 975

septum of, 968

structure of, 969
tubuli of, 969

recti of, 970

tunica albuginea of, 968

vaginalis of, 966
vasculosa of, 969

vas deferens of, 971
vasa efferentia of, 970

recta of, 970

vessels and nerves of, 975


(in cerebrum), 554
muliebres, 988
TEXTURES in general, iii

chemical composition of, v
development of, ix
enumeration of, iii


nutrition and regeneration of, xxiv
particular. See TISSUE, &c.
permeability of, iv

physical properties of, iv
vital properties of, vii

Thalami optici (optic couches), 550, 558,
development of, 579

grey matter of, 561

Thebesius, foramina of, 309
valve of, 310

Theca vertebralis (vertebral sheath), 502,

Thenar (evap, the palm of the hand)
prominence, 225

Thigh, bone of, 100

dissection of, 1080

muscles of, 266

Thoracic (thorax) arteries. See ARTERY
duct, 487

Thorax (@wpat, a breast-plate), 27
bones of, 23

dissection of, 1066
muscles of, 240

Thumb, muscles of, 225

action of, 229

Thymic (thymus gland) artery, 374

central stem of, 924

chemical composition of, 924
development of, 925
fluid of, 924

lobes of, 923

lymphatics of, 925

structure of, 924

vessels and nerves of, 925

Thyro-arytenoid ligament, 910
muscle, 916

Thyro-hyoid ligaments, 909

muscle, 192

Thyroid artery, 346

axis, 371

THYROID (OupEos, a shield; eidos, shape)

BODY or GLAND, 920
development of, 922

fluid of, 922

isthmus of, 920, 921

levator muscle of, 921

lobes of, 920

structure of, 921

vessels and nerves of, 922

weight of, 921

Thyroid cartilage, 906

Thyro-pharyngeus muscle, 188

Tibia (a pipe or flute, from its supposed

resemblance), 103

compared with ulna and radius, 115
ligaments of, 158

ossification of, III, 112

[blocks in formation]


situation of, 888
structure of, 890

vessels and nerves of, 892
Trachelo-mastoid (7paxnλos, the neck;
mastoid) muscle, 235

Tract, optic, 536, 554

Tractus intermedio-lateralis, 510
foraminosus spiralis, 756

Tragus (Tpayos, a goat), 741
muscles of, 743

Transitional epithelium, lviii

Trapezium (τραπεζιον, dim. οι τράπεζα, α
table), 85

Trapezoid bone, 85

ligament, 135

Trapezius muscle, 200

Trefoil tendon of diaphragm, 245

Triangle, cervical, anterior, 1053
posterior, 1052

of Hesselbach, 1027, 1029
Scarpa's, 434

Triangular ligament of urethra, 260
Tricuspid (tres, three; cuspis, the point
of a
a weapon) valve, 310

Trigone (triangle, from Tpes, three;
yovia, an angle) of bladder, 948
Trigonum vesicæ, 948

Triquetral (triquetrus, three- cornered)
bones, 55

Trochanter (τροχαντηρ, τροχαίνω, τροχος,
words implying turning) major,

[blocks in formation]
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