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Chemistry and Physics.--On the Siliciuret of Hydrogen, 123.-On protoxyd of iron with

caustic potash as a reducing agent, 124.-On the lodid of Methylen: On the action of

Ammonia upon Glyoxal : On the constitution of Tantalite, 125-On Niobium, 126.-

On the constitution of titaniferous iron ores, 127.-On a new acid obtained by the oxyd-

ation of malic acid: Remarks on Chemical Science, by Sir JOHN HERSCHEL, 128.—

An account of some experiments on Radiant Heat, etc., by Mr. B. STEWART, 132—

On the Phosphorescent appearance of Electrical Discharges in a Vacuum made in

Flint and Potash Glass, by Mr. J. P. GASSIOT, 133-On Induced Electric Discharges

when taken in Aqueous Vapor, by Mr. J. P. GASSIOT, 134.

Geology-On Marcou's "Geology of North America," by Prof. AGASSız, 131.—Reply to

Prof. Agassiz on Marcou's Geology of North America, by JAMES D. DANA, 137.-On

some points in American Geological History, by Prof. JAMES SAFFORD, 140.—l'ost pleio-

cene of Lewiston, Maine: Untersuchungen über die Entwichelungs-Gesetze der or-

ganischen Welt, etc., by Dr. H. G. BRONN: Further Contributions to the Paleontology

of the Tilestones or Silurio-Devonian Strata of Scotland, by Mr. D. PAGE, 141.

Botany and Zoology-Nereis Boreali-Americana; or Contributions to the History of the

Marine Alga of North America, by Prof. WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, MD, MR.I.A.,

F.L.S., 142-Species Filicum; being descriptions of all known Ferns, by Sir WILLIAM

JACKSON HOOKER, K.H., &c., 146.--Catalogue of North American Birds, by Prof.

SPENCER F. BAIRD, 147.--Odontology, by Prof OWEN, 148.

Astronomy --Donati's Comet, or the Great Comet of 1859, 148.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.-Tables, Meteorological and Physical, prepared for

the Smithsonian Institution by ARNOLD GUYOT, 149.-On the Heating of the At-

mosphere by Contact with the Earth's Surface, by Prof. HENNESSY: On the De-

crease of Temperature over Elevated Ground, by Prof. HENNESSY, 151.-Denth of

Gen. Sir William Reid, R. E., 153.—Journal of the Royal Dublin Society: Chimie ap-

pliqué à la Viticulture et à' l'Enologie, 155.—Post-pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina,

by FRANCIS S. HOLMES, A.M.: The Medical Application of Electricity, by WILLIAM

F. CHANNING, M.D.: New Publications, 156.

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ART. XVII. The Atlantic Cable; by GEORGE MATHIOT.-(In a
letter to Prof. A. D. BACHE, Supt. U. S. Coast Survey.)

XVIII. On the Variation of the Magnetic Needle at Hudson,

Ohio; by Prof. ELIAS LOOMIS,

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Chemistry and Physics.-On intermitting fluorescence: On the increase in the resistance

to electrical conduction which depends on temperature, 260.-On the expansion of

liquids heated above their boiling points: On the chemical effects of electrical dis-

cliarges, 261.-On a new Law of Binocular Vision, by the Rev. J. DINGLE, 262.

Geology. A record of Earthquakes, kept at Hilo, Hawaii, by S. C. LYMAN, 264.-Hadro-

saurus Foulkii, a new Saurian from the Cretaceous of New Jersey, 266.-Ichnology of

New England, by Prof. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, 270.—Geological Survey of Canada, by

Sir W. E. LOGAN: The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 272.—

Report of the State House Artesian Well at Columbus, Ohio, by W. W. MATHER :

Synopsis des Echinides Fossiles, par E. DESOR, 276.

Botany and Zoology.-British National Museums of Natural History: On the Coiling of

Tendrils, by Prof. GRAY, 277.-An Essay on the Tapeworms of Man, by D F. WEIN.

LAND, 279.-Depth of Molluscs of Peconic and Gardiner's Bays, Long Island, N. Y.,


Astronomy-Fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth Asteroids: Another Asteroid: Review of Gilliss's

Astronomical Observations in Chili, 284.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.-Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee, by

S. B. BUCKLEY, 286.-On some Modified Results attending the Decomposition of Bitu-

minous Coals by Heat, by Dr. A. A. HAYES, 294.-Museum of Comparative Zoology in

Harvard University, 295.-Observations on the Genus Unio, etc., by ISAAC LEA, LL.D.,

299.-On the Stratification of Vesicular Ice by Pressure, by Prof. WILLIAM THOMSON,

F.R.S., 300.-Thoughts on Matter and Force, or Marvels that encompass us, etc., by

THOMAS EWBANK, 301.-Shower of Mud at Corfu : Notes on American Land Shells,

No. 4, by W. G. BINNEY: Memoirs of the Geological Society of Great Britain, and of

the Museum of Practical Geology, by J. BEALE JUKES: Smithsonian Report for 1857,

302.-Straw Lightning Rods: Tschudi, 303.-Obituary.-Death of William C. Bond,

303.-New Publications, 304.



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Physics and Chemistry.-Researches on the Thermic action of the Solar Spectrum, 416.—

On the Preparation of Chromate of Lead, for use in Elementary Analyses, by Dr.

H. VOHL: On the Solubility of Sulphate of Strontia in Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, and

Acetic Acid, by R. FRESENIUS, 419.—Ammoniacal Solution of Protoxyd of Nickel, a

means of distinguishing Silk and Cotton, by Prof. SCHLOSSBERGER, 420.-The Discov.

ery of the Composition of Water, 421.-On the Electric Conducting Power of the

Metals, by Augustus MatthiESSEN, Ph.D., 422.

Mineralogy and Geology.-Note on Rammelsberg's results with regard to the Composition

of the Titanic Iron Ores, by JAMES D. DANA, 423.—Kaba-Delreczin Meteorite: Ohaba

Meteorite: Geological Explorations in Kansas Territory, by F. B. MEEK and F. V.

HAYDEN, 424.-On the Tertiary Flora of the vicinity of Vienna, by Dr, C. von ET-

TINGSHAUSEN, 432.-On the Tertiary Flora of Haring in the Tyrol, by Dr. C. von ET-

TINGSHAUSEN, 433.-Fossil Flora of Köflach, near Gratz, in Styria: On some deposits

in Tuscany containing fossil leaves, by C. T. GAUDIN and C. STROZZI: Post-tertiary

of the St. Lawrence Valley; by J. W. Dawson, 434.-Second Biennial Report on the

Geology of Alabama, by Prof. M. TUOMEY, A.M.-edited by Prof. J. W. MALLET, Ph.D.,

436.-The Earthquake Catalogue of the British Association, by ROBERT MALLET, C.E.,

F.R.S., and Prof. JOHN WILLIAM MALLET, Ph.D.: Dr. Krantz's Catalogue of Mine-

ralogical, Geological and Palæontological Specimens, Collections, Models, etc., 437.

Botany and Zoology.-American Weeds and Useful Plants, by WM. DARLINGTON, M.D.,
revised, &c. by Prof. GEORGE THURBER, 437.—Journal of the Proceedings of the Lin-
nean Society, 438.-WALPERS, Annales Bot. Systematice, 439.-On Parthenogenesis,
by E. REGEL: Notices sur l'Amelioration des Plantes par le Semis, et Considerations

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