Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Volumen72New York Public Library., 1968 Vol. 67, no. 6 (June 1963) includes article introducing Esther Elisabeth Larson's Swedish commentators on America, 1638-1865. |
APRIL 1968 NUMBER | 4 |
Letters from Lady Gregory A Record of Her Friendship | 123 |
Kup Karl 427 | 139 |
Conroy Mrs Thomas F 567 | 261 |
Annual Report of The New York Public Library 19671968 668 | 288 |
The Poetic Style of Stephen Crane | 328 |
Bennett Paul A | 357 |
Drydens John Ape of the French Eloquence and Richard Flecknoe | 499 |
Pollin Burton R Southeys Battle of Blenheim Parodied in the Morning | 507 |
Blakes Transcript of Bissets Lines Written on hearing | 518 |
Publications 2 70 71 138 285 357 427 442 567 | 528 |
Eliot T S | 567 |
title pages 1673 of a panegyric ff 70 opp 71 | 570 |
Exhibitions 67 135 211 281 353 423 495 562 632 700 | 579 |
Campbell Richard Memorial of John Quinn 1925 | 584 |
Desai Rupin W William Cowper and the Visual Arts | 359 |
Illustrations continued | 372 |
An Exhibition in the Vincent | 426 |
engraving Morning 358 | 430 |
The Jew in Western Drama Rosenberg | 442 |
pencil drawing of Arnold Bennett early 1900s? 69 | 486 |
Front Matter 71 opp 215 285 357 427 567 | 611 |
MARILAN LUND Second class postage paid at New York N Y April 1968 Volume 72 Num | 636 |
Gallup Donald The Lost Manuscripts of T S Eliot | 641 |
Gordan John D | 662 |
Derechos de autor | |