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Where a * is marked after the Figures of Reference, it means that there is
another Page with the fame Number.



DDRESS of the chiefs of the army
of La Vendee to the King of Great
Britain, Page 113.

of Pafqual de Paoli to the Corfi-
cans, 126

of Victor Hugues to the chief of
the Charibs in St. Vincents, 165

of the executive directory to the
people of Paris, relative to the attempts of
the feditious, 209

of the executive directory to the
French armies, 218

of Victor Hugues to Mr. Her-
bert, prefident of Montferrat, 258

of the Merchants of Philadelphia
refpecting the treaty with Great Britain,

of the House of Commons to his
his Majefty, 328, 333
Alcudia, Duke of, letter to the, from the
Dutch ambaffador on the abolition of the
Stadtholderate, 223-Answer of the Duke,

Algiers, treaty with Great Britain, 32-
With the United States, 33*
Amendment moved by Mr. Fox in the House
of Commons, 330-By Mr. Sheridan to
the addrefs moved by Mr. Pitt, 333-By
Mr. Grattan in the Irith Houfe of Com-
mons, 348

America, United States of-treaty of peace
and amity with Great Britain, 1-Treaty
of peace and amity with the Dey of Al-
giers, 33-Treaty of peace and amity
with Spain, 38-Intercepted letter and
difpatches of Fauchet, 266-Letter from
the American conful at Paris refpecting
the Portuguese trade, 277-Letter from
Mr. Mifflin refpecting the fhips of the
belligerent powers, ibid.-Letter from Mr,
Randolph refpecting the fhips of the bel-
ligerent powers, 278-Inftructions to pre-
vent the crews of certain British veffels
from receiving any affiftance from the in-
habitants of Virginia, 279-Revocation
of those instructions, ibid.-Agreement
between the French general Laveaux and

the captains of American veffels, ibid.-
Addrefs of the merchants of Philadelphia
on the treaty with Great Britain, 280-
Mr. Washington's anfwer, 281--Memo-
rial of fome citizens of Botton and Charles-
ton refpecting the British depredations,
281-Speech of the Prefident to the legif-
lature of the United States, 282-Letter
from the Prefident to the houfe of repre-
fentatives refpecting the colours of France,
287-The committee of public fafety of
the national convention to congrefs, 288-
Addrefs of the French member Adet on
prefenting the French colours to Mr.
Washington, 289-The Prefident's answer,
290-Anfwer of the Prefident to the house
of reprefentatives refpecting the fecret in-
ftructions to Mr. Jay, 291-Refolutions
of the house of reprefentatives, relative to
the treaties with the Indians and Algiers,
and the treaty with Great Britain, 294–
Letter from Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Ham-
mond refpecting British prizes, 295
Answer, his Majesty's, to the addrefs of the
Commons, 33T.

Armistice between the French Republic and
the king of Sardinias, 46**

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government on entering the Genoefe terri-
tory, 305

Berntfort, Count de, his note to the com-
mitree of public fafety refpecting peace, 81
-Note relative to the acknowledgment of
M. Grouvelle, 306

Bielefield, Baron, his note to the French

chargé d'affaires in Holland refpecting the
Dutch emigrants in Othaburg, 243
Budberg, Baron de, his note to the foreign
minifters refpecting the non-admillion of
M. de Schwerin, 261

Buonaparte, general, his anfwer to general
Colli relpecting an armistice, 263-Ad-
drets to his army, 264


Caletti, M. his letter to the minister of the
interior, 309--Ordered to quit the French
territories, 310

Charette, manitello of, on renewing hostilities,

letter to, from Monfieur, 225--
Antwer of Charette, 226
Chouans, reafons for continuing the war, 86
letter to Melin the deputy re-

fpecting the Chouans, 251
Calli, general, folicits an armiftice from ge-
ncial Buonaparte, 264-Agrees to the
terms demanded by general Buonaparte,

Conde, prince of, his proclamation on the
death of the dauphin, 95-Letter to him
from Colonel Crawford, 230-From the
Emperor, ibid.

Committee of public fafety-Arret of the
committee relative to La Vendee, 89-
Addrefs to the Batavian people on the re-
volution, 244-To the congrefs, 288
Conflitution of the French republic accepted
by the people, 1 of the introduction
Crawford, Colonel, to the Prince of Conde,


De la Croix, Charles, his letter to citizen
Miot refpecting M. Carletti, 341


Dauphin, report on the death of the, 83
Declaration of the Prince of Orange, 35
of the Pruffian minifter to the

diet of Ratifbon, 71

of Sir John Vaughan and Admi-
ral Caldwell in antwer to the French com-
mifiioners in the West Indies, 165-Of
General Wurmier, refpecting the fiege of
Manheim, 201

Tel Campo, Marquis, his fpeech to the exe.
cutive directory, 258

Decrees of the committee of public fafety for
exchanging the daughter of Louis XVI. 98

Decrees of the Convention refpecting fo-
reigners, 99-refpecting privateers, 122

for incorporating the French colo-
nies as an integral part of the French re-
public, 131

for incorporating the Netherlands,
&c. with the French republic, 143.

of the Imperial court concerning the
treaty of peace between Hefle Caffel and
France, 145

of the council of 500, relative to
mandats, 203-refpecting foreigners, 205
Denmark, Count de Bernstorff's note to the
committee of public fafety, respecting
peace between France and the Empire,
81-Anfwer of the committee, 82-Of-
ficial note refpecting the acknowledgment
of M. Grouvelle, 306-Anfwer to M. de
Grouvelle's letter, 309

Drake, M. his note to the Genoefe republic,

Dundas, general David, his missive to Count
Walmoden, 229

Mr. memorial to,from the West In-
dia planters, 156


Elector of Hanover's proclamation for remov
ing the emigrants out of his territories,

Elliot, Sir Gilbert, his proclamation in Corfica,
124-His letter to Lord Hood, 220
Ellifon, Captain, his fummons to the gover-
nor of Belleifle, 230

Emperor of Germany, treaty of defenfive al-
liance with Great Britain, 18

his anfwer refpecting the daughter
of Louis XVI. 97-His refcript in an-
fwer to the letter of congratulation of the
diet on account of his Majesty's victories,
his answer to the Palatine ambaf-
fador refpecting the difarming of the troops
of the palatinate, 252.

his letter to the Prince of Conde,

Executive Directory, meffage relative to a
forced loan, 150-Relative to the marine,
153-Relative to the forced loan, 155-
Relative to the emigrants in the colonies,
180-Relative to the reports of peace,
184-Refpecting the emiflion of mandats,
201-Addrefs to the citizens of Paris on
the attempts of the feditious, 209--Ad-
drefs to the French armies, 218-Letter
to the minifter of war refpecting their de-
fire for peace, 253-Letter to General Pi-
chegru upon his refignation, 256-Reply
to the Marquis del Campo's fpeech, 258-
Refolution refpeéting M. Carletti, 310-
Letter to the Helvetic Body respecting M.


Barthelemy, 316-Declaration to the fe-
nate of Bale, 317
Explanation demanded by the Spanish envoy
at Geneva from General de Vins, 314


Faypoult, citizen, his addrefs to the doge of
Genoa, 305

Finkeftein, M. de, his letter to M. Hartfink,

Fox, Mr. his motion for an addrefs refpecting
the conduct of minifters, 339
French Republic, conflitution of, I of in-
troduction-Treaty of peace with Spain,
27-With Heffe Caffel,. 30-With the
king of Sardinia, 47*


Geneva, articles of the concordat, 322
Genoa, anfwer to general de Vins, 297-To
Mr. Drake, 301-To General de Vins,

Grattan, his amendment in the Irish House

of Commons, 348

Great Britain, treaty of amity and peace
with America, 1-Of defenfive alliance
with the Emperor of Germany, 18-With
Ruffia, 22-With the Dey of Algiers,
32-Order for reprisals against Dutch thips,
58-Manifefto of the Dutch national af-
fembly against Great Britain, 211-Note
tranfmitted by Mr. Wickham to M. Bar-
thelemy, 254-Obfervations of the court
of London, on the answer to Mr. Wick-
ham's note, 256

Grey, Mr. his motion for a negociation with

the French Republic, 335-His motion
relative to the public expenditure, ibid.-
Relative to the ftate of the nation, ibid.-
Grigui, General, his letter to General Hoche,
announcing the fubmiffion of the chief of
the infurgents, 260
Crouvelle, citizen, his letter to Count Bern-
storff, 307


Hardenberg, M. de, his letter to M. Barthelemy,
respecting the peace of the empire, 240
Letter from Merlin of Thionville, and Ri-
vaux, to M. de Hardenberg, in answer to
his letter to M. Barthelemy, 243
Heffe Caffel, Landgrave of, peace with the
French Republic, 30

Hoche, General, his letter to the executive di-
rectory, respecting Belleifle, 260-Letter
announcing the payment of the forced loan
in La Vendee, 262

Holland, fpeech of the prefident Haltz on the
treaty of peace and alliance concluded with
the French Republic, 33

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Helland, publication of the reprefentatives of
the people of Holland, relative to the loan
fent, 40

fpeech of Van Leyden on the plan
for calling the primary affemblies, ibid.

reception of the Dutch ambasador
by the national convention, 43

fubftance of a proclamation of the
reprefentatives of Holland, relative to the
money due to France, 47-Notification
to the court of Vienna of the treaty of al-
liance concluded with France, 48

report and refolution upon the con-
duct of the court of Berlin to the United
Provinces, 49

refolution of the States General to
organize an army, &c. 50-Refolution of
the reprefentatives of Holland to elect a na-
tional convention, 51

report refpecting the Dutch East
India Company, ibid.

communication from the governor
of Surinam to the directors refpecting the
order of the Stadtholder to receive the
fhips and troops of his Britannic Majefty,

fpeech of the prefident Pypers on
the peace between France and Spain, 53
refolution refpecting the embargo
laid on foreign veffels, ibid.

refolution of the States General
in answer to the French ambaffador Noel's
memorial, ibid.

report on the conduct of the Stadt-
holder, 54

declaration of the deputies Thibault
and Ramel relative to the letter, mention-
ing a fecret negociation with Great Bri-
tain, 57

proclamation refpecting the diftur-
bances at Amfterdam, 58

order of the British council for re-
prifals against Dutch fhips, 58

memorial of the province of Friez-
land to the States General, 182

declarations of Zealand, Friezland,
and Overyffel refpecting the calling of a
national affembly, 183

[ocr errors]

declaration of the representatives of
Holland refpecting the affembling of the
primary affemblies, 191

refolutions of Zealand and Overyffel
refpecting the convocation of a national
affembly, 192

declaration of the reprefentatives of
Holland to the States General respecting
the national affembly, ibid.

confent of Friezland to the calling of

a national affembly, 193

proclamation of the States General
refpecting the election of a national affem-
bly, ibid.


Holland, proclamation of the national affem-
bly for manning the navy, 207

manifefto against Great Britain, 211
Pinfot's letter to their high mighti-
neffes refpecting the reports of secret arti-
cles in the treaty between France and Pruf-
fia, 232-Note from the committee of
public fafety, difavowing all participation
in the establishment of clubs in Holland,

Pinfot to the States General, for-
mally difavowing the reports of the fecret
articles in the treaty between France and
Pruffia, 233

Hugues, Victor, his addrefs to the chief of
the Charibs, 165-To the prefident of
Montferrat, 258


Imperial court, circular lettet refpecting the
reports of negociations for peace, 225


Kellerman, General, his letter to General de
Vins, 234

Kray, General, to the French commandant,
giving notice of the termination of the
armistice, 265


Lanfdowne, Marquis of, his motion refpect-
ing reform, 338

Lauderdale, Earl of, his motion refpecting
finances, 343

Louis XVIII. his manifefto, 104-Letter to
the archbishop of Paris,226-To the Pope,
227-To the Prince of Conde, 228-To
the elector of Triers, 229

anfwer to the notification to
quit the Venetian territories, 262
Letter, Sir Gilbert Elliot to Lord Hood, 220-
-From Monfieur to Mounier, 221-
Dutch Ambaffador to the Duke of Alcu-
dia, 223-Anfwer of the duke, ibid.-
From the king of Pruffia to Colonel
Tcherfky, 224-Circular letter from the
Imperial court, 225-From Monfieur to
Charette, ibid.--Anfwer of Charette, 226
-Letter from Louis XVIII. to the archbi-
fhop of Paris, ibid. To the Pope, 227-
Anfwer of the Pope, ibid.-Louis XVIII.
to the Prince of Conde, 228-To the elec-
tor of Triers, 229--From the emperor to
the Prince of Conde, 230-From General
Kellerman to General de Vins, 234-
General de Vin's anfwer, 235-Letter from
Sombreuil to Sir John Warren, 237-
To Mr. Windham, 239, 240-From M.
Hardenberg to M. Barthelemy, 240-
Letter of Rivaux and Merlin to M. Har-

denberg, 243-From General Pichegru to
General Clairfayt, 247-From M. Finken
ftein to M. Hartunk, 248-Letter from
the king of Sardinia to his army, 250-
From the executive directory to the mini-
fter at war, 253-Letter from the French
conful at Tunis to the minifter of marine,
257-Letter refpecting Sir Sydney Smith,
ibid.-From General Hoche, 266-From
General Colli to General Buonaparte 262
Anfwer of Buonaparte, 263-Second let-
ter from General Colli, ibid.-Letter from
General Kray, 265-From Mr. Jeffer-
fon to Mr. Hammond, 296-From
de General Vins to the Genoese govern-
ment, 297-Answer of the Genoefe govern-
ment, ibid.-From General de Vins to the
Genoefe government, 302-Anfwer of the
Genoefe government, 303-From General
Beaulieau to the Genoefe government, 305
-From M. Grouvelle to Count de Bern-
ftorff, 307-Anfwer of Count Bernstorff,
309-From M. Carletti to the minifter of
the interior, 309-Anfwer of the mini-
fter, 310-From Charles de la Croix to
citizen Miot, 311-From M. Barthelemy
to the Swiss Cantons, 316-From the
executive directory to the Swifs Cantons,
ibid.-Letter from the council of Bafle to
M. Barthelemy, 318-From M. Barthe-
lemy to the Canton of Bafle, 320-An-
fwer of the Canton, 321


Manifefto of General Charette, 89
of Louis XVIII. 104

of the Dutch national affembly
against Great Britain, 211
Memorial, Pruffian, to the diet of Ratisbon,
75-Of the Weft India planters to Mr.
Dundas, 156-Of fome citizens of Bofton
and Charleston to congrefs refpecting the
British depredations, 281

Meffage from the executive directory re-
fpecting a forced loan, 150

from the executive directory rela
tive to the marine, 153

from the executive directory, re-
fpecting the forced loan, 155

from the executive directory refpec-
ting the emigrants in the colonies, 180

from the executive directory rela-
tive to the reports of peace, 184

from the executive directory refpec-
ting the emiffion of mandats, 201

from his Majefty relative to Dutch
prizes, 332-From his Majefty respecting
the fituation of things in France, ibid.-
From his Majefty refpecting the difem-
barkation of foreign troops, 334
Merlin of Douai, his report on the conquer
ed countries, 138

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