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wanted to hear me since I had no hope of becoming a musician when she knew me. On account of the bad weather we took a carriage and drove through many streets until we came to her house.

8. Translate into idiomatic English:



Ernsthaft sagte der Sohn: Ihr irret, Mutter. Ein Tag ist Nicht dem anderen gleich. "Der Jüngling reifet zum Manne; Besser im stillen reift er zur Tat oft, als im Geräusche Wilden, schwankenden Lebens, das manchen Jüngling verderbt hat. Und so still ich auch bin und war, so hat in der Brust mir Doch sich gebildet ein Herz, das Unrecht hasset und Unbill, Und ich verstehe recht gut, die weltlichen Dinge zu sondern; Auch hat die Arbeit den Arm und die Füsse müchtig gestärket. Alles, fühl' ich, ist wahr; ich darf es kühnlich behaupten. Und doch tadelt Ihr mich mit Recht, o Mutter, und habt mich Auf halbwahren Worten ertappt und halber Verstellung. Denn, gesteh' ich es nur, nicht ruft die nahe Gefahr mich Aus dem Hause des Vaters, und nicht der hohe Gedanke, Meinem Vaterland hilfreich zu sein und schrecklich den Feinden. Worte waren es nur, die ich sprach; sie sollten vor Euch nur Meine Gefühle verstecken, die mir das Herz zerreissen. Und so lasst mich, o Mutter! Denn da ich vergebliche Wünsche Hege im Busen, so mag auch mein Leben vergeblich dahingehn. Denn ich weiss es recht wohl: der Einzelne schadet sich selber, Der sich hingibt, wenn sich nicht alle zum Ganzen bestreben."

Write three well known German proverbs, or quotations from some works you have read; also two short German poems.

Write a brief sketch of the life of Schiller, naming some of his prominent works. What is his place in German literature and in the world's literature?

Answer any ten.


1. Define the terms: inflection, conjugation, declension, voice, mode, tense, case. 2. Give principal parts of the following verbs: lie (recline), lay, sit, give, drink, ride, do, get, know, have.

3. How do we form the emphatic form of verbs? The progressive form? The passive voice? 4. Define the infinitive; the participle. Write five sentences illustrating different constructions of the infinitive, naming the construction in each case.

5. Write the third person, singular number, of the following forms of the verb strike: 1. Active, pluperfect, indicative.

2. Active, future, indicative (progressive form).

3. Passive, past perfect, potential.

4. Passive, past, subjunctive.

5. Active, past, indicative (emphatic form).

6. Give part of speech and grammatical construction of the following sentences: 1. See the children skating yonder.

2. My father thought skating toward the bridge rather dangerous.

3. He declared himself to be Wilfred of Ivanhoe.

What is the case of "Wilfred"? Why?

4. The darker the night became, the wilder grew the storm.

5. I was at that time in some repute among men, but fortune has played me a trick since.

7. Analyze the following:

1. "Have you good shooting?" "Shooting! why, there's no good shooting at this time of the year!"

2. The coachman showed rosy blossoms on his face deeper even than his granddaughter's his being drawn from the ale cask, Fanny's from the fountain of the dawn.

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9. Would you use any system of diagram in teaching grammar? Give reasons for your



Name three different grammar texts with which you are familiar. Can you give different names for the construction of the italicized word in the following sentence: The boys made their boats fast at night.

11. Write five sentences illustrating the use of the word that as

1. A demonstrative pronoun.

2. A relative pronoun.

3. Introducing a noun clause.

4. Introducing a clause of result.

5. Introducing a clause of purpose.

12. Analyze:

1. The king said to Absalom, "Nay, my son, let us now go." 2. And Elijah said, "It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers."

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2. Give a synopsis of the verb scribo in the third person, singular, active and passive, indicative and subjunctive.

3. In how many ways may purpose be expressed? Give three illustrations. How are negative commands expressed in Latin? Illustrate by Latin sentences. 5. Translate the following:




Huic magnis praemiis pollicitationibusque persuadet, uti ad hostes transeat, et, quid fieri velit, edocet. Qui ubi pro perfuga ad eos venit, timorem Romanorum proponit, quibus angustiis ipse Cæsar a Venetis prematur, docet, neque longius abesse, quin proxima nocte Sabinus clam ex castris exercitum educat et ad Cæsarem auxili ferendi causa proficiscatur. Quod ubi auditum est, conclamant omnes, occasionem negoti bene gerendi amittendam non esse, ad castra iri oportere. Give the construction of the italicized words. Give the principal parts of all of the verbs. Translate into Latin the following:

The Gauls, too, had letters, not only from Lentulus but also from the others, urging them to send cavalry into Italy; Lentulus, moreover, had assured them that, according to the Sibylline fates, this was the year fated for the destruction of the city.

8. Translate the following into the best possible English:



Introduxi Volturcium sine Gallis; fidem publicam iussu senatus dedi; hortatus sum ut ea quae sciret sine timore indicaret. Tum ille dixit, cum vix se ex magno timore recreasset, a P. Lentulo se habere ad Catilinam mandata et litteras, ut servorum præsidio uteretur, ut ad urbem quam primum cum exercitu accederet; id autem eo consilio, ut, cum urbem ex omnibus partibus quem ad modum descriptum distributumque erat incendissent, caedemque infinitam civium fecissent, præsto esset ille, qui et fugientis exciperet, et se sum his urbanis ducibus coniungeret. Give the principal parts of malo, nolo, volo. Give their present tenses, indicative and subjunctive. Write a brief account of the life of Cæsar. What is his place in the history of the world?

Select any ten.


1. Why must any sound study of literature go hand in hand with the study of history? How did the entrance of Christianity into England affect the spirit and poetic power of early English literature?


State the plan of the Canterbury Tales. Name the types of character presented in the Prologue. Comment on the value of Chaucer's work as a whole.

3. What can you say of the rise and fall of the drama from 1550-1632? Name the chief dramatists and some of their plays.

4. What is a ballad? Describe the origin of the English ballads. Name some famous early ballads and characterize their style.

5. What were the changes in form and subject made in English poetry by writers of the Romantic period? Compare Pope and Wordsworth in such a way as to show main differences between classic and Romantic schools of thought and expression.

6. Who were the great prose writers of the eighteenth century? What new form of prose had its rise during this century?


Name two elements of greatness in each of the following: 1. Utopia. 2. Pilgrim's Progress. 3. Cotter's Saturday Night. 4. Rape of the Lock. 5. Ancient Mariner.

8. Give some account of the spirit of the Revolution in English literature in the nineteenth century. Contrast Shelley's conception of the significance of popular liberty with that of Burke.

9. Name the authors of the following: The Ring and the Book, Morte d'Arthur, The Task, The Deserted Village, Rasselas, Gulliver's Travels, Shepherd's Calendar, Vanity Fair, David Copperfield, Silas Marner, Pride and Prejudice, The Fall of the House of Usher.


11. 12.

State several aims you would have in view in teaching literature to children.
Discuss the development of the English novel from the time of Richardson.

Write a brief criticism on one of the following: Rape of the Lock, Lycidas, Comus, or Adonais.






Define philology and discuss its value in the study of literature.

(a) Give the meaning of the following prefixes: ad, hyper, trans, ultra, hemi.

(b) Distinguish between a proper diphthong and digraph, and give examples. (a) Define homonyms and give examples.

(b) Mark correctly the pronunciation of the following: illustrate, finance, Himalaya, revery, facade.

Give five rules that will aid in spelling.

5. (a) State briefly your method for teaching spelling.

(b) When and how do you teach the use of the dictionary?

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44. sergeant

46. exchangeable

47. fricassee

48. incandescent

49. picnicking

50. parallel


(a) Trace a ray of light through a double convex lens of crown glass. (b) Trace a ray of light through a double concave lens of flint glass.

2. Prove that the image in front of a plane mirror is as far back as object is in front.

3. Compute the length of open pipes necessary to give the tones of a major chord at a temperature of 16°C calling C-256.


Describe a dynamo in full and give theory of its action.



With an external resistance of 9 ohms a certain battery gives a current of 0.43 ampere; when the external resistance is increased to 32 ohms the current falls to 0.2 ampere. What is the resistance of the battery?

How much heat would it require to vaporize 100 g. of ice at 20°C below zero?

7. 15 litres of air at 20°C will have what volume at 10°C?

8. Prove v=y/2gs where v-velocity, g=gravity, s-space.

9. Explain how to find density of a solid soluble in water.


A uniform bar of metal 10 inches long weighs 4 pounds. A weight of 6 pounds is hung from one end of the bar. Determine the_position_of_the fulcrum upon which the loaded bar will balance.


1. Describe the structure of the eye. Illustrate with a sketch.

2. What is the germ theory of disease? Name three microbic diseases and discuss their prevention.

3. Name some common disinfectants and explain their use.





How does the body gain or lose heat? Discuss the value of different kinds of clothing. What is cause of far and near-sightedness; of astigmatism? How tested? What lenses should be used for each?

Classify foods used by man. Give composition and relative nutritive value of each. What is the effect of the different digestive juices on each?

Name parts of respiratory apparatus. Describe structure of lung and explain the mechanics of breathing.

8. What is ventilation? Discuss some practical means of ventilating rooms.



Draw a diagram to illustrate circulation. Describe the mechanics of the heart beat. What is the effect of the difference in pressure of arteries and veins?

Describe the structure of the elements of the nervous system. Explain reflex action and illustrate with a diagram.


1. Give reasons why you think the paragraph may be made the basis of instruction in composition in the secondary schools.


(a) What is the relation of grammar and rhetoric?

(b) What styles of composition are used most commonly in school work? Why? 3. Name and define the kinds of rhetorical sentences. What purposes do they serve in


4. Of what value are figures of speech in composition? Which are most commonly employed in ordinary written work?

5. Give the essential form for a business letter, a formal letter of introduction, a letter of application.



Discuss the argumentative essay, its purpose, form, etc.

(a) In assigning a subject to a class, what suggestions would you make as to the way or ways in which they should write a composition.

(b) What directions would you give for preparing the manuscript?

8-9-10. Choose a subject from any of the following suggestions and write a composition of not less than 200 words, not more than 400. Give particular attention to choice of words, sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation.

(a) Description of a picture or a scene with which you are familiar.

(b) Story of some experience which you or a friend has had.

(c) A simple setting forth of some subject of recent interest in our state or national history which has appealed to you.


1. Give the provisions of the Township unit law that differ from those of the general school law.

What are the penalties for violation of the compulsory school law? Give procedure. Discuss the free text-book law.



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(b) In what particular case or cases cannot a voter on all questions legally hold a school office?

5. How can mill-tax money be used? Answer in full.

6. What powers and duties has the Superintendent of Public Instruction with relation to the following:

(a) teachers' examinations,

(b) indorsement of certificates,

(c) supervision of schools,

(d) State Board of Education?


1. Give a list of the best professional books you have read. Give a brief review of one of the strongest.


Why is the study of psychology necessary for the properly equipped teacher? What work have you done in psychology?

3. What should be the relation of teacher and parent? What do you do to establish this relationship?

4. Discuss the problem of arithmetic in the grades giving something of present conditions and tendencies.

5. Name and estimate the various agencies for the professional advancement of teachers. 6. Describe a rural school building, surroundings and interior. What should be included in a reasonable equipment?

7. Show how the method of object teaching in lower grades and the laboratory in the high school may be used in grades seven and eight.




Speak of school government and make application to any grade or department with which you are familiar.

Give the complete history of a recitation both from pupils' and teacher's standpoint in any grade or subject you may prefer.

Show how history, geography, and literature may be correlated.


1. What work may be done in United States history before the formal text work is begun?



Speak of the work of Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Brigham Young, Lewis Clark, DeWitt Clinton.

Characterize the types of civilization illustrated by the colonies of Massachusetts and Virginia.

4. Discuss the slavery question from the southern point of view.

5. Give the history of the Democratic party from Jefferson to the present.


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Give the character of the 15 amendments to the Constitution and the circumstances of their adoption.

7. Speak of the life and public services of James G. Blaine, Wm. H. Seward, Thos. H. Benton.

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Give a brief account of territorial expansion of the United States.
Give the history of the American occupation of Cuba.

10. Describe the battle of Gettysburg and the events that led up to it and that followed.


1. Describe the structure of some Protozoan and its method of reproduction.

What are the characteristics of the class Reptilia? Name and distinguish four orders of this class with examples of each.

Describe the respiratory apparatus and process of respiration of a grasshopper; of a fish; of a bird.




Distinguish between arachnids and insects. Give three representatives of each. Trace the development of one example of each class.

5. Distinguish the different orders of birds. Two examples of each.

6. Describe the heart of a fish, of a frog, of a bird. Trace circulation in each.

7. Describe the water vascular system of a star fish.

8. Name and locate parts of nervous system in crayfish, mussel and frog.


What is symbiosis, parasitism? Discuss two examples of each.

10. Characterize echinoderms. Describe briefly some representative of branch.

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(x2 + 6x+9) 2

13 ax + 14 a and

10 abx - 42 ab.

(x2 + 5x + 6) 2.

2. The soldiers of a regiment can be so arranged that there will be twice as many men in line as there are lines; but 16 men must be added to the regiment in order that the men be arranged in a hollow square six deep, having the same number of men in each outer side of the square as there were in the lines before. Find the number of men in the regiment.

3. A and B have each to walk 27 miles; A starts at 24 miles an hour, and increases his pace by mile each hour; B starts at 5 miles an hour, but falls off at the rate of mile each hour. Which will finish the distance first, and by what length of

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