Imágenes de páginas

the Holy See of Rome; the fifth is by Robert Ciboles, doctor of theology, and chancellor of the university of Paris; and the sixth is by William Bouielle, a doctor of theology, and deacon of the cathedral at Noyon.

These authors declare, that Jeanne was not subject to the jurisdiction of the bishop of Beauvais, and that consequently her trial was altogether illegal.

MS. Procés fait à Jeanne d'Arc de Vaucouleurs, vulgairement appelée la Pucelle d'Orleans, in 1430 and 1431, in folio.

This process is preserved in the Royal Library among the MSS. of M. de Brienne, No. 180, and those of M. de Baluze and M. Colbert, No. 1642; the latter being the original. There was another copy in the Library of the Jesuits' College at Paris, Nos. 62 and 63, which fell into the hands of M. Meerman of Rotterdam.

MS. Processus contra Joannam dictam la Puzil, (La Pucelle.)

This process is preserved in the library of Bennet's College, Cambridge.

Processus pro eadem Johanná. In the foregoing collection.

Processus et sententia justificationis Johanne d'Arc, vulgo dicta Puelle Aurelianensis, in folio.

This manuscript belonged to the treasure of the Royal Charts. It is noticed by du Tillet, at p. 364, of his Recueil des Rois de France, second part, edition of 1618.

John Hordal, at p. 205, of his Latin treatise upon La Pucelle d'Orleans, makes mention of having read it in that depôt.

MS. Processus condemnationis et absolutionis in causa fidei contra quamdam mulierem dictam Johannam, vulgariter la Pucelle, anno 1430.

These were preserved in the library of president Bouhier at Dijon, A. 22.

There is but one very recent copy of the manuscript which follows.

MS. Le Proces de la Pucelle, sur vélin, (which is the property of Harry d'Urfé) grand folio, with wooden covers, bound in green velvet, with enamelled ornaments.

This most precious manuscript, which is of the time, and one of the most beautiful as well as the most perfect, constituted an article in the library of M. Fevret de Fontette, counsellor of the parliament of Dijon. It had previously belonged to Mr. Thomas d'Issan, who procured it from Mr. de Chevannes.

It came into the possession of the celebrated Honoré d'Urfé, author of the romance of Astrea; being ornamented with his armorial bearings on a gilt brass plate.

The volume now under review contains the following documents.

I. A short treatise in form of a chronicle, briefly detailing the siege of Orleans by the English, together with the sallies, assaults, and skirmishings which were daily carried on during the siege; the arrival and valiant feats of arms performed by Jeanne la Pucelle,

and the manner in which she caused the English to depart, and raised the siege by grace divine and force of arms.

This is probably the same account as that which was in the library of Saint Victor, quoted above, and differing materially from the Diary in this volume.

II. In nomine Domini, amen. Incipit processus in causá fidei, contra quamdam mulierem Johannam, vulgariter dictam la Pucelle.

This document, which is not so perfect as the following, contains part of the documents of the process and of the interrogatories of La Pucelle, half in Latin and half in French.

III. In nomine Domini, &c., ibid. the preceding.

This document, which is nearly throughout in Latin, contains the entire proceedings of the process of Jeanne d'Arc. At the end appear these words: Finis processus condemnationis libri sancti Victoris. Hic est initium libri absolutionis.

In the first place begins the preambule of the notaries Perimitis and Fereboucq, to whom we are indebted for this collection, respecting the original documents, after which follows this title:

"Continet istud opus processum judicialem gravi maturitate digestum, juris ordine definitum mandato æquissimo sanctæ apostolicæ sedis, ac universitalis ecclesiæ summi pontificis spectabilis, indictum reverendissimis presbyteris electissimis, et dissertissimis judicibus directum infra scriptis per. justitid prævolente. Iniquus ille, detestabilis,


falsus et calumniosus processus generaliter damnatus, cassatus et revocatus est, quo mediante Johanna d'Arc, dicta Puella, subolá fictâque fidei suspicione causata, violenta manú inique damnata, igna feroce tandem consummata, in fide solida persistens post pias exclamationes sancti nominis Jesus spiritum creatoris, in conspectu populi lachrimosis suspiriis condolentis, polam reddere edita est, post latam ante hujus: Processus celebris definitivam in Archiepiscopali palatio Rotomagensi sententiam; executio publica processionibus generalibus et prædicationibus publicis solemniter et devotissime celebratis subsecuta est: ubi palam universæ plebi precedentis iniqui processus abominatio revelata est."

At the termination of this part appear these words:

"Acta fuerunt hæc in palatio archiepiscopali, anno Domini 1456, die septimâ mensis Julii, sic signatum: Peremitis et Fereboucq. Hic est finis libri absolutionis Johannæ, dicto vulgariter la Pucelle."

Then follow the six treatises in Latin before mentioned, and which were produced upon the revisal of the pro


MS. Processus in causâ Johanna de Arca Puella Aurelianensis, autoritate Calisti III., confectus cum aliis ad Puellam spectantibus.

This process is preserved in the library of the Vatican, among the manuscripts of the queen of Sweden, No. 256.

Processus justificationis Puella Aurelianensis.

There exist three copies of this work in the same

library, among the manuscripts of the celebrated Petau, Nos. 237, 744, and 836.

MS. Procés de Jeanne d'Arc, Pucelle d'Orleans, tiré d'un manuscrit donné à M. le Cardinal d'Armignac, le 25 de Mars, 1569. in quarto.

This work contains a very abridged account of the process of La Pucelle, and at the end are two consultations respecting Jeanne, together with her process. The first bears the following title:

"Aucunes allégations de Messire Paul Dupont, avocat consistorial en parlement."

The second is thus entitled:

"L'Extrait de vénérable personne M. Théodore, des auditeurs de la rote en cour de Rome."

At the commencement is inserted an abridged life of Jeanne d'Arc, and at the conclusion the sentence of justification pronounced at Rouen in 1456, by the archbishop of Rheims, the bishops of Paris and of Coutances, assisted by the bishop of Mans, and several others.

There existed also a copy of this manuscript in the library of M. Fevret de Fontette, counsellor of the parliament at Dijon.

MS. Opinio et concilium Thomæ Lexoviensis Episcopi, super processus Johanna Puella Aurelianensis.

This volume is in the library of the Vatican, No. 1832.

M. S. Procés tant de la condamnation, que de la justi

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